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The next day, he saw Margie coming to his desk just before quitting time. There was a bounce in her step and a broad smile on her face. She leaned over and gave him a good display of her breasts under her loose top.

"I'm really looking forward to writing my first report about you on Monday," she said.

"So help me, Margie," he growled, trying to keep his voice low but making a couple of heads near him turn, "if you dare—"

"Hush," she said softly as she put a finger on his lips. "They're going to be great reports. And soon I'll be congratulating you on a promotion. Winnie just called me."

She bounced away from his desk.

He sat there stunned. Winnie had given in to Margie. He felt terrible for Winnie and he felt ashamed that he couldn't think of anything to stop Margie. He felt even more ashamed at the stirring in his pants as he thought about Winnie and Margie.


It took place the following Friday night, and Winnie and Bert both tried but failed to pretend everything was normal in the week leading up to it. Each day, Winnie seemed more distant and Bert grew more concerned about her.

When they arrived at Margie's apartment, she was the gracious hostess, welcoming them and offering them drinks.

Winnie downed a couple of cocktails quickly, stood up and spoke in a cold voice.

"Show me your setup."

Margie led them to her bedroom and began talking about the placement of the lights and the four video cameras mounted on tripods behind each corner of the bed. She demonstrated the sensitive microphones near the bed and even the tiny ones on the bed. They would capture every sigh and whisper, every soft squishy sound of bodies and tongues and fingers interacting. Margie would amplify them for the final video.

She showed how all the cameras would start at the same time when she threw a master switch. Afterward, she would take the videos from all the cameras and edit them into a professionally finished product. She'd add some music, but it would be soft, so it wouldn't cover up the loud animal sounds of sweaty bodies abandoning themselves to hot sex.

"What about the close-up cameras?" Winnie asked.

"I didn't know you were a video aficionado, too," Margie said. "They're all around the bed but hidden so they aren't caught by the other cameras. There are three of them. Every facial expression we make will be larger than life size and in full high definition. It will be the same with every follicle of hair and every ripple of flesh on our bodies."

Winnie asked Margie to show her the hidden cameras. Margie showed her and then explained how she would move Winnie around so the cameras would capture everything in bright illumination.

"You'll be amazed when you see the finished video. It will drive Bert crazy, and I hope it excites you, too."

Bert had no idea Winnie was interested in the technical details of videography, but the mention of him watching the video got him hard.

Once Winnie checked everything out, she started to take off her clothes mechanically.

She wants to get this over with, Bert thought, but he couldn't help getting more excited as Margie started to undress, too. There were two amazingly beautiful women disrobing in front of him. One was his beautiful petite wife, and the other was a voluptuous Amazon. He was nearly out of his mind with lust.

"You have to take your clothes off, too, Bert," Margie said as she pulled an easy chair close to the bed. "No, you're not getting in on the action, but when I look over and see you sitting here whacking off while we make love, it will take this to the next level. You'll get to watch Winnie and me in a frenzy."

The look Winnie gave him told him he better not make a move.

"Our deal is that he would be naked," Margie said to Winnie. "What he does with his cock is up to him. Tell him to take his clothes off."

Winnie said nothing, but she nodded to him, and then she crawled onto the bed and lay down with her head on a pillow and her knees up and spread apart.

Margie looked at her and sighed before she spoke.

"I'm so glad you're natural. Your bush is almost as big as mine. I'm going to explore every inch of that jungle."

Bert undressed and sat in the chair. He watched as Margie crawled on the bed and moved between Winnie's legs. Winnie didn't tell him anything about her deal with Margie, but he could tell that she wasn't required to act as if she was enjoying this, because when Margie began stroking Winnie's legs and running her tongue up and down Winnie's thighs, Winnie lay there like a log, breathing normally and showing no signs of arousal.

For a while, it was silent in the room. He thought he could hear Margie's tongue sometimes, but he wasn't sure. She had moved it to Winnie's pubic hair. He could see it because Margie moved Winnie around so that his view was unobstructed. Then he heard a noise.

He looked up to see a horrible expression on Winnie's face. She was holding her breath and clenching her teeth. It looked like she was in terrible pain, but Bert knew better. He realized that she hated what Margie was doing to her, but she couldn't stop her body from responding.

Then there was a huge explosion of breath, and Winnie began to gasp and cry and moan, all at the same time. Her body began twitching, and Bert looked down between her legs and saw that her vagina was wide open and bright red, Her juices were flowing and dripping onto the bed as Margie's tongue was flicking so fast he could barely see it move.

He heard the sound Winnie made when she came, and he saw her body bounce.

He peered between Winnie's legs and tried to see what Margie was doing. It was hard, because Margie moved quickly from one thing to another. Some of it was slower, like when she was lapping up Winnie's sap as if she was licking an ice cream cone. But most of it was frenetic, moving all around the area between her legs.

Then it all stopped for a second. Margie lifted her face up and looked at Bert. She looked as if she had just come out of the shower, because her face was gleaming from forehead to chin with Winnie's juices. She was smiling broadly.

"Here comes the earthquake," she announced and then ducked back down between Winnie's legs.

He couldn't see anything she was doing except for her finger in Winnie's ass. Winnie took some deep breaths and then started panting like a dog. Her whole body began moving from side to side, and then it began lifting off the bed and dropping back down. He heard a small high-pitched sound that got gradually louder and turned into a blood-curdling scream. With a final tremendous slam of her body into the bed, the scream stopped a second and then burst out one more time. Then, all he heard was panting and crying.

Winnie lay on the bed for a while crying quietly, and there was a strange expression on her face that Bert had never seen before. He forgot that Margie was even in the room until he heard her voice. She sounded overjoyed.

"Winnie, you are the most amazing woman I've ever fucked. Your whole body is fine-tuned for lesbian sex. I wish I could respond as totally as you just did, but at least I came just from watching your ecstasy and knowing I was the one responsible.

"Your brain is fighting with your emotions. But it will soon understand that your feelings are authentic and allow you to accept that you were born a lesbian and you've finally come home.

"You are one in a million, and I'm selfish. I'm not going to let any other woman near you. I'm going to mark you as mine and no one else's.

"You will love bending to my will because your reward will be more of what you experienced just now. I've put you in touch with your true nature, and this kind of loving will be like a drug you're addicted to.

"I know you love Bert, but he doesn't need to go away. I'll let him watch us sometimes, and I'll let you take care of him, too, when I'm not around. I work late a lot, so he'll get as much as he wants."

There was no response from Winnie other than the crying. After a while, the crying stopped, and Winnie quietly sat up and moved to the side of the bed. Margie took her place in the center and spread her legs the same way as Winnie had.

"I don't expect you to be as good as I was, because I haven't taught you anything yet," Margie said. "You agreed to give me as many orgasms as I gave you, but I won't hold you to that because it would be impossible. You only have to satisfy me a few times, and then we'll change positions for the last part."

Margie's ravings made Bert nervous, especially the part about marking Winnie. What did that mean? Did Margie intend to brand his wife or pierce her? He had seen both on the Internet. That was going too far. He couldn't believe Winnie had agreed to that?

Winnie had a strange look on her face. Was she hypnotized by Margie? Would she let Margie do whatever she wanted? He watched as Winnie went to work, and in a matter of minutes, he forgot his concerns as pure lust washed over him again.

Margie was silent at first, but then she began talking and never stopped, except when she was out of breath and gulping for air.

"Are you sure you've never done this before, Winnie? I know you're imitating what I did, but that tic-tac-toe thing you just did with your tongue on my clitoris was brilliant."

Bert started to count Margie's orgasms. After the third one, Margie babbled in a baby's voice.

"Mommy, mommy, you are the best mommy!"

After a couple more, she stopped Winnie because she had to catch her breath.

"Winnie, you can forget the sex slave training," she proclaimed. "You already know more by intuition than I've learned my whole life. How in the world did you do that thing with your finger and tongue so I couldn't tell which was which?"

Bert saw Winnie lift her head and begin moving it back and forth so her hair was whipping between Margie's legs. Margie had spread her legs wider than Bert thought possible, and she looked grotesque, because her position pushed out her bright red vagina in the middle of her damp bush and made it seem huge. Her juices were flowing out of her like a river as Winnie's hair lashed her thighs and mound.

"Stop!" shouted Margie. "If we don't do the sixty-nine right now, I won't have any energy left."

The women got into the position and began tonguing each other. Margie lifted her head as she had another orgasm and saw Bert's face. She called to Winnie.

"Look at your husband, Winnie. He's in tremendous pain. Tell him it's okay to whack off or you're going to have to take him to a doctor. He looks like he's about to have a heart attack."

Bert saw Winnie's face turn to him. Covered with Margie's secretions, she, too, now gleamed. Her eyes had a dazed look as she stared at him a moment and then nodded. He put his hands to work.

"Ooooooh!" Margie screamed. "Watching Bert is getting me near to exploding again. Let's see what this does for him."

She raised her body up and slid back a few inches. Then she reached behind her, grabbed her butt cheeks, pulled them apart and lowered herself onto Winnie's body again. Bert saw that Margie's asshole was pushed right onto Winnie's mouth. Winnie twisted her body and tried to move Maggie with her hands, but the larger woman pushed down hard and prevented her.

"Can she hear me?" Margie asked Bert.

Bert looked at Winnie's face. Not much of it was visible because it was pushed deep into the crack of Margie's ass. But her ears weren't completely covered.

"Yes," he said and the sound of his voice startled him. He was horrified by what Margie was doing to his wife, but his voice showed how excited he was to be watching it. He hoped Winnie didn't notice.

"Winnie, you need to explore my asshole with your tongue," Margie said. "You're not going to like this part, but I need to do it to mark you. It's the beginning of your submission to me.

"Don't make it hard on yourself. As soon as you start, I'll raise up enough so you can breathe through my ass hair. Otherwise you're going to pass out. If you do that, it won't be for long, because I have some smelling salts."

Margie stopped talking. Winnie continued to struggle in vain to get free. Her struggles began to slow down. She was running out of breath. Then Margie gave out a little shriek.

"Yesssss! Oh that feels so great. I'm marking you as mine in your mind. You'll always remember the taste and smell of me the first time you ate my ass out."

Margie lifted her ass, and Bert heard Winnie gasping for air. After a minute, Margie lowered herself again. This time Bert could see Winnie's nose in Margie's crack. Everything below that, down to her chin, was still embedded inside Margie's butt.

As Winnie tongued Margie's ass, Margie began squirming. She reached down and got two of her fingers working on her clitoris.

"As soon as I come, I'll let you up," she said to Margie. "You should see Bert. He's going crazy watching us."

Bert was in a zone now and had no idea what he was doing with his hand. All he knew was that he couldn't stop. Then he exploded and his come flew high and wide.

"Oh, wow!" Margie yelled. "That wasn't me, Margie. Your husband just blew his top and sprayed us both. I think the sight of that is bringing me over the edge. There, there, there, there. Oh, I can't stop. Do you feel me spasming around your tongue? I feel like I'm grabbing it with my ass and twisting it. I think that was the last one. No, here's one more."

When Margie stopped coming, she collapsed on top of Winnie, who was so lifeless that Bert thought she had passed out.

After a couple of minutes, Margie took some deep breaths and then slid forward on Winnie. When Winnie's mouth came free of Margie's ass, Bert saw she was blowing little bubbles as she breathed through the puddle of saliva covering her mouth. That was the only sign of life.

Margie sat up and kept sliding forward until she was sitting on Winnie's stomach, facing her feet. She leaned forward, stuck a finger into Winnie's vagina and began moving it in and out. Then she added a second finger and a third. She raised her head and looked at Bert and laughed. He lay back in his chair exhausted, but he was getting hard again.

When she stuck a fourth finger in, Winnie's eyes popped open and she looked around frantically. When she realized what was happening, she began twisting her body and trying to throw Margie off.

Margie bounced on her like a rider on a bucking horse. She was too heavy for Winnie to throw off. The four fingers kept moving in and out of the Winnie's vagina as she spoke.

"Take it easy, Winnie. We're almost done. This is second part of marking you so you'll belong to me alone."

She pulled out her fingers, tucked her thumb in the middle of them and began slowly pushing her whole hand into Winnie."

"This won't be hard," she said, "because you're a gusher. There's so much pussy juice greasing my way that I don't need to push hard. You should see your husband's face. It's as red as a fire engine."

"Oh!" Margie exclaimed as her whole hand went into Winnie's vagina up to the wrist.

Bert couldn't believe his eyes. Winnie was moaning, but Margie ignored her.

"Now I just need to mark your asshole, and then we're done and our new life can begin," Margie said. Winnie began bucking again, and Margie rode her until she tired. Then Margie reached under the bed with her other long arm and pulled something onto the bed. Bert saw it was an open can of Crisco.

Margie scooped out some of the white shortening with a finger and began pushing it into Winnie's ass. She added more scoops and pushed them until they disappeared.

"You're all lubed up, Winnie, so just relax and it won't be too hard."

As she had done with her fingers in the vagina, she began inserting them into Winnie's ass, but much more slowly.

"I'm almost there," she said when she was pushing her bunched up thumb and fingers in. "Try to relax your muscles and don't fight me. Your body is still fighting my hand, and that will make it hurt a lot longer after we're done."

Margie pushed and twisted her hand around until it finally burst into Winnie's ass. Winnie screamed as it went in. Her body began jerking in all directions as if she was trying to shake loose the hands in her vagina and anus.

Margie's face glowed as she watched Winnie. She had a tired but satisfied smile on her face as she looked over at Bert. What she saw energized her to speak.

"Bert just came again," she said in a triumphant voice. "It's his way of marking his future role in our relationship. Now the three of us are joined forever."

After a few minutes, Winnie's body stopped shaking, but it was still twitching as Margie carefully pulled her hands out of Winnie, one at a time.

She instructed Bert to go to the bathroom and bring back a wet washcloth, some soap and a towel. Winnie lay quietly as Margie cleaned her up. The only sounds in the room were Winnie's chest heaving and her occasional sobs. When she was finished, Margie leaned over, kissed her, got off of her and stood up.

Once Margie stood up, Winnie took a deep breath and scrambled out of the bed. As she landed on the floor, she screamed in pain and put one hand between her legs. But she only stopped a second before running to the chair where she had put her purse. She reached into it.

When she turned around, Bert saw a large hunting knife in her hand. He had never seen it before.

"Winnie!" he yelled. "No, Winnie, she's not worth it."

Winnie ignored him and started walking toward Margie. Margie jumped off the bed and ran to the far end of the room and stared at Winnie in fright. She shifted her weight on her feet and prepared to run again, but Winnie didn't go after her.

"That's it, you bitch!" Winnie spat at her. "Stay right where you are. I warned you I wouldn't go for any rough stuff. You marked me? Ha! What a bunch of garbage! I should mark you by cutting you into little pieces. Bert!"

He was still sitting in the chair looking at Margie and Winnie in a daze. Winnie was facing Margie, so he didn't realize she was talking to him until she yelled "Bert!" again.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm going to move over there," Winnie said, taking a few steps, "so I can see Margie and you at the same time. You're going to go to each tripod and remove the camera and place it on the bed. Come on, let's go!"

Bert had no idea what was going on, but with that knife and that wild look in her eyes, Winnie didn't seem ready for any discussion. He got the cameras and put them side by side on the bed.

"Now, I'm going to tell you where each of the hidden cameras are," she said, "and I want you to put them on the bed, too. If I find out that Margie didn't tell me about one, I'm going to visit her with this knife, no matter where she runs to.

"You like excitement, Margie? Well, you'll be running and looking behind you for the rest of your life waiting for me to find you. Or else you can tell me right now whether there are any cameras you didn't tell me about."

"No, I showed them all to you," said a meek voice in the corner.

"Good!" Winnie snapped.

When all the cameras were on the bed, Winnie walked over to them, put down her knife and began picking them up one by one and examining them until she found where the recording drive was. Then she removed it.

"No!" screamed the voice from the corner, and Margie began walking toward the bed.

Winnie stopped and turned around. She picked up her knife from the bed.

"Get back in that corner, Margie," she said quietly. "You're bigger and stronger than me, so maybe you can get the videos away from me. The only question is whether you can do that before I cut off one of your breasts and grind it up in the garbage disposal."

There was a shocked gasp from Margie as she moved back to the corner. Winnie finished removing all the recordings and stuck them into her purse.