Unconditional Love


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Instead it was a halter top that was kind of loose and baggy legged shorts. A goodly portion of her tits were showing and if she turned the right way you could see right up her pants legs.

One glance told me she had been teasing the hell out of the two guys, which was clear when their reactions were unhappy to see me.

I got them out of there in record time.

"What in the hell?" I demanded as soon as they were gone.

"Oh, I was just having some fun, I wasn't going to buy the thing." Patty told me.

"I don't like you being dressed like that around men when I am not here." I told her.

"You are turning into a damn prude, aren't you? Sexy stuff is fun, so why not have some?" She gave me a huge innocent smile.

"You are supposed to be with me now!" I blurted out.

"I am! I am here whenever you want but it's still my fucking body, not your private property. I will do whatever I fucking well want to!" She yelled.

I sighed and went into the living room. Things were on the cool side around our place for several days.


"You should have been with Sara and me today." Patty told me a few days later when I got home.

"Why, what happened?"

"We were down at Chuck's apartment, she jacked Chuck off right in front of me. That was hilarious, he was so bashful. I had to help her pants him, he put up a struggle. Then his dick, it's real long but no bigger around than my little finger." She held up her pinkie finger to demonstrate.

I knew that Chuck was Sara's current boyfriend, she changed boyfriends like some people changed sheets.

"I suppose you helped with that?" I accused her.

"No. Of course not." She said that with some hesitation.

I didn't quite believe her.

"Is that what you two girls do while I am at work?" I asked her, pissed off at what she had just told me.

"Oh, don't be silly. We were just having fun." Patty said.

"Well, that kind of fun has got to stop!" I told her.

"Christ! There you go again!" She stormed off to the bedroom, slammed the door.

"At least I told you, it's not like I am keeping fucking secrets from you!" She yelled through the door.

I went and sat down in the living room, there was no point in arguing with her.

Again, things were cool for several days.


The big blowup came when Patty, Sara and another girl I didn't know other than to see in the car with them at our gas station headed off to a concert.

It was country-western stuff which I really didn't care for all that much, so I begged off.

Sitting on grass listening to some guys singing through their noses does nothing for me.

The concert got over at 10 PM, 11 came and then 12, no Patty. I called Sara's apartment, no answer.

By 2 AM I was about to get into my car and go looking, I was worried because I knew that they would be smoking weed and probably be drinking, so maybe an accident or something?

Then I heard Sara's rattling Volkswagon drive up. I looked out in time to see Patty climb out of the back seat, she leaned back in and kissed some guy wearing a cowboy hat.

Sara was driving, and another guy also wearing a cowboy hat was in the passenger side.

Sara waved and took off, Patty walked up the driveway.

"What in the fuck is up with that? Where in the hell have you been?" I demanded.

"Oh, don't start on me. We were at the concert, Sara gave those guys a ride home."

"You just kissed the son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"So what? He had some killer weed and shared it with us."

"I don't believe this shit."

"I felt sorry for him, he is blind in one eye. Besides, he is a nice guy."

"He just wants to get into your pants, I bet."

"Yea, probably. So what?" Patty stormed by me, went into our bathroom. I heard the shower start, that was something new, also. Patty normally showered every day but not at after 2 in the morning.

I went to bed. It took her a very long time to come to bed, I don't remember that part because I fell asleep.

The next morning Patty woke up late, I was sitting at the kitchen table when she came out.

I asked her point blank if anything had happened between her and that guy, she denied it. I tried several times to worm some information out of her, all I got was more denials.

She did tell me that since it bothered me, nothing like that would happen again. For about three weeks, nothing did.


"Sara bought a mobile home, she has a lot just a few miles down the road she inherited from her Granddad. It's cool, right on the creek." Patty told me one morning.

"That's nice." I answered, not paying a lot of attention. My brother Martin and I were having some struggles at our Station, there was an oil embargo and supplies were short, plus prices were going up.

I was worried, and also very involved with all of that. We had already laid off our helpers, and gone to each of us working 12 hour shifts.

"I am going to help her move over the next few weeks, so some nights when we are unpacking I might be late getting home, OK?" She told me.

"OK. I will be late myself anyway." I replied.

I guess I should have paid more attention to that.


Patty should have known I would find out, maybe she thought that since I was working until nearly midnight every single night I would be too busy.

Our station was one of those 24/7 operations, Martin took the midnight to noon shift and I was on noon to midnight. No help, it was a period where we could not afford any help and keep things running.

Patty was home before I got home every night for over a week, I didn't think anything of it since my mind was elsewhere.

Then came the day the pumps stopped, out of supplies. With rationing, it was going to be a week before we could get another truck.

For the first time in several years, I shut the operation down.

I was home at 9:30.

No Patty.

Then it registered on me, Patty was over at Sara's new place helping her to move in. I got in my car and drove over there, it was only about four miles.

There sat Patty's car, and Sara's, plus two others.

I parked out on the street, walked up and prepared to knock on the door. There was a window by the front door, I glanced in.

A cowboy hat sat on a table by a chair!

I stepped over and peered in through the gap in the curtains, there was Sara on her back on the couch, a naked man on top of her.

That sure as hell was not her boyfriend Chuck.

There was no sign of Patty.

I walked back down the steps and made my way to the other end of the trailer home. This had to be the back bedroom but the window was too high to see in and besides, the curtains were drawn.

There was a small gap at the bottom, but too high for me to reach.

I put my ear to the side of the building, listened.

I heard her. The sounds were familiar, I had heard that many times before when Patty and I were making love.

Not a single doubt in my mind.

I went and got into my car and drove up to a local small park, my mind was strangely completely blank. I waited until 12:30, then I drove home.

Patty was there.

I didn't let on what I now knew, keeping everything as normal as possible. We didn't make love, actually we hadn't very much for weeks anyway since I was always exhausted.

The next day before noon I left, like I did every day. I parked where I could see down the street.

I barely got my own car shut off, then Patty came out, got in her car and drove over to Sara's house, me behind her far enough she didn't notice.

Again I parked and waited. That took a long time, it was just beginning to get dark when a car pulled up. A guy wearing a cowboy hat got out, went to the door.

Patty answered his knock, they kissed and it wasn't a peck on the cheek. I saw the guy's hands come up and fondle her breasts.

Five minutes later another cowboy type arrived, he had a 3rd guy with him that was wearing a bill cap.

My woman, the woman I loved was having one hell of a good time with at least three guys, and knowing Sara there was unlikely to be any jealousy in passing them around.

All while I was working 12 hour days, trying to keep our lives afloat.

I drove home, went out to my garage. I got a five gallon can of gasoline I kept there for my lawnmower, drove back down to Sara's trailer.

I walked up again and peeked in the side window, saw no one. Walking to the other end of the trailer, I heard lots of laughing, Sara's voice, then Patty's.

But I couldn't see in and from the voices I couldn't really tell what was going on.

I walked back to the other end, there by the side of the trailer was a wooden ladder. I carried it back down and set it up, being as quiet and possible. There was perhaps a half inch of window below the curtain.

Patty sat on the bed, she was naked. Sara was on her elbows and knees, sucking on one of the guys who was also naked. I saw the one man that I had seen before, he was still wearing that stupid cowboy hat. He had something wrong with his left eye, that I could see.

Then the ladder shifted, made a small scraping noise.

"What was that?" I heard him say, he slid off the bed and came to the window as I ducked down.

But it was now dark outside and the lights were on inside, I knew he could see nothing.

"Come back here, Len. My old man is down at that stupid gas station, he won't get home until after midnight. It's just a fucking Raccoon or something." Patty said that loudly enough for me to hear. The man turned away from the window and went back to the bed.

Patty reached out and tugged his red underwear down, began to mouth the guy.

Yes, red fucking underpants.

Hell, he was nowhere near as large as me, I saw that.

"Hey save some of that for me!" The guy that Sara was sucking on said with a snort. Just then the 3rd guy came through the door, he had apparently been in the bathroom of something.

Naked also, kind of pot bellied. His stubby little dick pointing straight out.

He hopped onto the bed and began playing with Patty's bare breasts as she had her mouth on the one eyed guy.


I was there that night. I was outside, in the dark, the can of gasoline in my hand.


[That did it. Actually, it should have done it long before, but that familiar act between them just tore it, I saw red.

More than that, I wasn't thinking at all, all I knew for a few minutes was hate!

I think I had planned part of what I was going to do anyway, in fact, I know I did. But my thought had been to set the guy's cars on fire, some stupid act of revenge?

I got the can of gasoline, poured a circle all the way around the trailer, using a goodly portion on the wooden porch. When I got to the two big propane tanks in the front, I made sure both valves were open.

I wanted the break the lines but I didn't want to make any noise. Those type of tanks have what looks like a tire valve in them for refilling, so I found a little stick and jammed one of them open, getting a satisfying hiss. I tried to jam the other one but the stick I had was rotten and kept breaking.

Then I heard Patty's loud cry as she orgasmed, clear from the other end of the trailer.

I poured all of the rest of the gasoline around the two tanks, setting the plastic can down beside them.

Back at my car, I found a piece of newspaper, lit it with a lighter. Then I tossed it at the pool of gasoline from what I thought was a safe distance.

A buring piece of paper is hard to throw, I missed. It flared up quickly, then went out. I heard someone inside yell, "What was that?" A face appeared at the bedroom window, holding the curtain back.

I lit another one, balling it up some first. I moved closer, knowing very well the guy saw that. That time it went up.

The size of the explosion surprised even me, I had to jump back quickly to avoid being a part of it.

I started to my car, already the flames had moved to the vehicles parked in the driveway. The huge flames lit up everything, licking high up the sides of the mobile home.

Someone screamed. I ran, thinking they would have time to get out but it would teach them a lesson.

I heard the first propane tank go when I was about a half mile away, the next one went just seconds later.


I got off work at midnight, after sitting in my gas station all the rest of the evening. The knock on my door came very early, around 5 AM.

Two police officers stood there. They told me about the tragedy, I broke down in tears, hysterical.

The tears were real, I loved that woman.

Apparently what happened is there was a party, someone had stored a can of gasoline near the propane tanks and it had a leak.

That's what they told me, anyway.

Stupid, of course, but people do stupid things.

A spark from somewhere, lord knows? They told me that, all the while looking at me closely to see my reaction.

There was one surprise, it wasn't five people, it was six. I didn't know that Chuck was there, he was found in the spare room. Sleeping, maybe?

I was sad about that too, I liked Chuck. But then it hit me that if he was there, then he was fucking Patty also.


I think I got away with it.

I think.

I really didn't plan on what happened, it just happened. I was in a blind rage.

This one detective keeps coming around, about 3-4 times each week. He asks the same questions, over and over.

He acts like he doesn't believe me.

He told me about how they found one man in the hallway, the remains of one of those small fire extinguishers by his side.

I knew that was probably the one eyed guy.

Nearly five gallons of gasoline going off at once?

No chance in hell.

The rest? All in the bedroom.

The detective kept telling me about it, in great detail, watching me closely for a reaction.

No end to that. He did ask me what I was doing at our gas station since we had no supplies to sell, I told him I was cleaning up and getting things ready, we had a tanker wagon due in the following Monday.

The man looked at me, just nodded.

He asked me the same question again another day, I gave him the same answer.

He also asked about insurance policies, I had one but it was on me and Patty was the beneficiary.

Like I said, I loved her.

Martin told me how sorry he was, but that was it.

He looked at me funny, too.

"She was cheating on you, wasn't she?" He asked me pointedly just once.

"Yea." I answered.

Martin just went back to work and never said another word about it.

I looked up, saw that detective drive up again.

More questions.

No end to it.]


{Like I said, this is a work of fiction. Lots of truth mixed in here, too. I happen to know that a certain woman will read this story, she reads all of my stories since she knows I write and some of them are about her.

I never did tell her that I was there that night. I even had that can of gasoline in my hand.

The truth?

I went home that night, to the beginning of the end. The lies? Those kept right on up until the end, and continue to this day.

Unconditional love. It saved her life. But now she knows just how close she came.

I was there that night.

Why did I write this?

Those emails.

It would pay her to not send those any more.}

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TwopullTwopullalmost 3 years ago

Sick mind. Sick story

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Again in Random

This is one of the darkest and best stories in LW. Probably a bit of truth in some of these revenge stories. Don't want to think too much about that.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 5 years ago
No question...

...a man can be a fool for love and a bad woman can break him.

tazz317tazz317almost 5 years ago

and you should have listened to your brother, TK U MLJ LV NV

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