Unconditional Love Ch. 02

Story Info
Jack and Helen's love continues; Tragedy strikes.
18.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/05/2020
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Thank you for all your comments on the first chapter. Please keep them coming.

Big thanks to WA001for editing this chapter



Helen was the first to wake up around 1pm. She could hear Jack softly snoring as he was still in the same position. She ran her fingers through his hair and started to sing Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You by Frankie Valli.

After a few moments, Jack started to come out of dreamland and heard what sounded like an angel singing. His eyes began to tear up and as he sniffled as he heard the wonderful melody stop.

He sat up quickly and looked at her, "Why did you stop? You sounded like an angel that came down."

She smiled at him lovingly and caressed his cheek, "I never sing when anyone is around. I wasn't very good when I was much younger and it made me self-conscious of singing around others"

Jack pulled her into a passionate kiss before pulling back and looking directly into her eyes, "Whenever you want to sing to me, I would gladly listen. I think you have a lovely voice and you would put many singers to shame."

She slapped him playfully, "Ass kissing may not get you very far with me mister."

He shook his head, "No ass kissing involved. I truthfully meant it 100%." He then looked at her with a mischievous grin, "Though I do enjoy hearing you scream as well."

Helen's eyes went wide at what he meant, "Well ... it is too bad we will have to wait." He cocked his head to the right wondering what she meant by that. She smiled at him and explained, "Sweetie, after many years of not having sex, it can be painful for a woman to start back up again like we have and right now, I need a little break so that I'm not sore or you may break your poor old grandmother."

Jack nodded, "I understand, but that doesn't mean we can't do other things."

She looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Helen," he stated using her first name again, "Do you think that all relationships are just having sex all the time and that is it? Yes we have had more sex in the last 24 hours than most married couples do in a month, but I do want to do other things with you. Spending time with you talking, watching movies playing a board game or something else. I don't want you for your body and tons of sex. I want you because .." his words trailed off as he didn't know if he should tell her yet but hoped she understood.

And understand she did. She nodded to him, "Please don't say it yet baby. It is too soon even for us. But I do know how you feel as ... as I have the same feelings but it scares me to think about it."

"Don't worry grandma," he said taking her hands and kissing them, "I'm here for you. No matter what, I want you by my side."

They kissed again before Jack left to the kitchen to retrieve his discarded clothing and Helen went to pick out something to wear. She knew she at least needed a new pair of panties and a bra, since she didn't wear one before, but didn't know the state of her current dress so she decided to wear a different one instead. She picked out a white dress that had red flowers on it that came down to just below her knees. It wasn't a sexy dress but had a more summer feel and always made her feel a little happy. One thing most of her dresses did do was make her breasts look that much larger. It could have been the bras as well but she always thought her chest was more predominant in the dresses she would wear, but then again, she also thought it was her best feature and wanted to bring attention as well.

Jack quickly made his way to the kitchen and got dressed. He stopped at the guest bath to run some water over his face and clean up his nappy hair. His shirt and jeans were still in good shape and didn't smell much but he would have to get some body spray if he was going anywhere special as the smell of the soap from his earlier shower was gone and now just a lingering scent of sex sat upon his skin.

Helen came into the living room calling for her grandson, "Jack?"

"Yeah grandma, in here. Just cleaning up a bit," he answered back.

She strode up to him admiring his slim features and broad shoulders. She couldn't wait to get him back inside of her, but that would have to be later and not right now. She watched him dry off his face before he turned to her and kissed her, taking her into his arms. She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Once they broke their kiss, she looked into his eyes lovingly, "I know you had talked about wanting to get a job and there are a couple restaurants close by that are hiring if you are interested?"

Jack thought for a second and smiled, "That sounds wonderful. I will need to stop by the store on the way but will go fill out some applications and be back here after a bit."

She looked at his clothes and without getting new ones, he was dressed as good as he could be for the moment. At least he wasn't wearing one of those anime or concert t-shirts like he usually did. Instead he had a button down long sleeved shirt that he wore from his graduation the day before.

Jack gave her another quick kiss and she wished him luck. He hopped in his truck and headed out, stopping to pick up some AXE spray on his way so he smelled much better. The three restaurants he found that were hiring were a burger joint, a locally owned BBQ place and a chain American diner. Out of the three, the burger joint payed the least and the American diner the most but it wasn't more than a dollar in difference.

When he was done with his job hunting for the time being, he headed back to Helen's house. She was excited to see him but had a look of concern in her face. "What's wrong?" Jack asked as he pulled her close to him.

Helen looked up at him with tears starting to form in her eyes, "Your sister stopped by not ten minutes after you left. I was so excited, I nearly did something I would have regretted before I noticed it was her. Luckily I was able to compose myself but if you had stayed longer or she had come while we were sleeping in the bed naked ..." Her tears formed into a river as dam was unleashed. "Oh Jack, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have you near me, even if it means no more of the naughty stuff."

"Ssh Grandma. It's okay. She didn't catch us doing anything. We just have to be more careful, that is all."

She nodded in agreement as she wiped her tears away before kissing him. "So what did Blair want exactly? She doesn't come over very often that I know of."

"Oh yes, that is right. You need to go home quickly. Your mother and she are worried sick about you when you didn't call or come home last night. She said they have been trying to call you but you aren't answering your cell."

"Shit!" Jack cursed himself, "Yeah, my phone kind of died early this morning and I meant to contact Mom and let her know I was at a friend's house." He hung his head knowing he would have to deal with their crap now.

"Why not just tell them the truth then?" Helen asked with a sinful smirk on her face.

"Yeah, like that would go over well. I can see it now, 'Hey Mom and Blair. I fucked grandma last night and twice this morning and she is my woman now.'" Jack rolled his eyes knowing how that wouldn't go over well with them, "Then I would be either locked up in jail for raping my poor grandmother or in a crazy house for committing incest. Nah, I can come up with something else."

Helen just giggled at him, "Well eventually you could tell them you have a girlfriend. And if they catch you over here, just not with your pants down, you could just say you had been keeping me company as I'm a girl and am your friend as well."

Jack let out a laugh as Helen joined him. They moved over to the couch and sat there cuddling for another half-hour before Jack said his goodbye and left. He made sure to get one more tongue filled kiss before he left his lover to head home.

When Jack pulled up to his home, he made sure to park on the street so that he wouldn't block his mother or father in. He so didn't want them yelling at him to move his car early in the morning when they were heading to work.

While both his parents worked for the same construction company, his mother was an Administrative Assistant/Secretary and always worked from the main office while his dad was a Project Manager and would constantly be on site more than half of the time he was working and would not be in the office as long. Because of this, they drove separate vehicles to ensure Mom could get home if something was needed. Dad would also work longer hours on certain days to ensure a project was completed on time.

He walked into the house and it was silent at the time. It being Monday night, they would usually be getting dinner ready while his dad was watching TV or checking his work emails to get ready for the next day.

Jack sighed as he stopped into the kitchen to get something to eat and then head upstairs to get some gaming done before going to bed. He didn't realize it but he was physically exhausted from all the sex and his mind was still going over his grandmother's and everything that transpired and that made it hard to concentrate on his games. Frustrated he turned off his PS3 and proceeded to play on his phone while it charged.

After about thirty minutes of playing on his phone, he heard his door open up. "And where the hell have you been mister?" his mother asked with an angry look on her face as she had her arms crossed just under her breasts.

Jack couldn't help but notice how her breasts looked so much similar to that of his grandmother's and wondered if she loved to have her nipples sucked the same way and could orgasm ... "CRAP", he thought in his head. Why was he thinking about her like that? He loved his grandmother in a way that had nothing to do with her body.

"I'm waiting?" his mother said noticing the blank look on his head. She followed his eyes and noticed he was looking directly at her large breasts and fought to not smile at that. "Maybe just maybe", she thought to herself.

"Sorry Mom. My phone died last night and I forgot to check it."

"Okay but where were you exactly? Do you have any idea how worried your sister and I were about you?" she asked him.

Jack looked at her confused, "I umm ... I went to a friend's house and we stayed up playing some games. I didn't realize I stayed over until I woke up and it was today. Sorry. I should have contacted you and let you know. I didn't mean to make you worry."

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her son, pulling him into her chest. She felt his head resting against her soft pillows and wondered if he liked how they felt. She knew what was going through her daughter's mind as Blair had told her, but she wasn't about to let a secret like that be known, especially if she didn't know how her son felt about it.

Janet heard a muffle and eased up as she realized she was pulling his face into her chest a little too hard.

"Mom? What did you mean by Blair was worried too? Why would she be worried?" Jack asked as that part of their conversation went over in his head on replay over and over again.

Janet got worried before responding, "Um ... Oh just because your sister loves you and wants to make sure you are okay. When she saw I was worried, she got worried as well. Don't read into it too much sweetheart." Though Janet knew that Blair was more worried about him than she was. It took everything she had to stop Blair from chewing off her fingernails and ransacking his room to look for a clue.

"Oh," Jack responded blatantly. Though he could feel she was hiding something, however he didn't think it was that important so he wouldn't care to dwell on it too much.

Janet got up and walked over to his doorway before turning around to look at him, "I'm making dinner in twenty minutes if you are hungry." She tried to get a glimpse of him to see if he was hard and to try and judge his size, but she couldn't see his crotch well enough from this angle as he had turned to lay back down on his bed.

"Nah I'm good Mom. I had a sandwich when I got home. I will probably just play on my phone and go to bed early. We didn't get much sleep last night," Jack responded.

Janet thought for a minute about what he had said and something didn't add up. If he was at his friend's house and passed out late, even into the morning and slept until a little bit before he got home, then why is he so tired? And why did he happen to show up about twenty minutes after Blair got back if she didn't find him. She would need to check with her daughter to see where she checked to see if she could put any of the clues together, but for now, she didn't want to raise any suspicion to her son.

"Okay sweetheart. Let me know if you need anything."

With that, his mother was gone. Jack laid back on his bed for a few minutes before jumping up. He checked the hallway and no one was there. Heading to the bathroom, he took a leak, brushed his hair and brushed his teeth before heading back to his bedroom.

He stripped down to his boxers and laid in his bed. He wondered what she was doing right now. If she was thinking about him or if she didn't have a care that he wasn't near her. Shaking his head from that thought, he knew she cared for him. He could see it in her eyes and just being away for a little while wouldn't change that fact. While he was in deep thought about how she felt close to him, he fell asleep at some point.

Jack always slept with two pillows. One under his head like most normal people and one under his arms that he would spoon and cover with his body. In his dreams, his horny mind would believe it was a woman and he would sometimes wake up dry humping the pillow, which he found odd.

This time however, it did feel like he had a woman under him. He smiled in his half dream state thinking it was his grandmother, but quickly realized the body was much smaller.

Opening his eyes quickly, he realized he was in his bedroom but there was a body next to him. He moved his hand just a bit and felt a nipple pressing against his hand through what seemed to be a shirt or sheet. He looked down to see the woman but from this angle, he couldn't tell who she was.

Sitting up on his elbow, he looked at her and noticed this was his sister. She was wearing a pair of thong panties where most of her ass was showing and only a thin strip of material was covering her mound and backdoor. She also had a short shirt on that came up to just under her breasts.

"FUCK BLAIR! What are you doing in my room?" Jack yelled.

Blair woke up like nothing was wrong. When in fact, she had been awake for an hour or so and was enjoying how her brother was tweaking her nipples while he slept. Had she known this sooner, she would have slept in his bed prior to today. "What?"

"Why are you in my bed?" he growled at her.

Blair moved so she was on her back and resting on her elbows, making sure to push out her breasts so he would see how round and perky they were and how her nipples were pressing against the thin material of the shirt showing her current state of arousal. "What's wrong with me sleeping in your bed?"

"Umm how about you have your own damn bed to sleep in instead of mine?" Jack said like it wasn't obvious enough to him.

"Well," she said with a sly smirk, "I had a bad dream and needed a man to comfort me. Since this was the only free space, I didn't think you would have a problem with it." She then lowered her head as she was hurt he would not want her to be close to him at all.

"Hey. Sorry for yelling. You surprised the crap out of me. Next time just wake me so I know you are here, alright?" Jack said, feeling his anger calm down a bit. Though he really wasn't as angry that she was there but more in the state of dress she was in.

Just then, Janet opened the door, "What are you two doing?" she asked with a knowing smirk.

"I had a bad dream last night Mom so I slept in here with Jacky," Blair responded with a mischievous grin on her face.

Janet gave her daughter a look and then looked back to her son and noticed that something had poked out of his boxers. Though only an inch or so was poking out, she was able to see that his girth was about the same as his father's. She would need a much, much closer look but right now was not the time.

"Well, I don't see a problem as long as somebody covers up," Janet replied pointing to Jack's cock that was showing itself.

Both Jack and Blair looked down at his crotch and Jack cursed himself for letting him get exposed in front of his mother and sister. What he didn't see was his sister's eyes go wide while she licked her lips in lust staring down at his cock.

Once Jack was covered again, Janet spoke up again, "Now that you both are awake, I think you should leave your brother be."

"Yes Mommy," Blair answered in the cutest way.

"Oh and Jack, do you know who's truck that is parked out front? I was gonna have it towed but wanted to check with you first just in case the neighbors had said something to you," Janet added.

Jack thought for a second and then remembered she might be talking about his, "If you are talking about the Silverado, that is mine," he responded falling back into his bed, though this time he made sure his covers were over his crotch. Showing his mother his morning wood twice in a row was not something he wanted to do.

"Okay ... Wait what? What do you mean it is yours?" she asked perplexed as her voice carried enough so that Blair heard her.

Blair came back to his doorway in time for him to say, "Yeah, I bought it from my friend's dad that owns a used car dealership. I setup payments with him since I need something to get to school in the fall."

"Mom, what is Jack talking about paying?" Blair asked wondering what she missed but only got a hand telling her to stop talking by her mother.

"And just how do you plan on paying for this truck?" She heard her daughter gasp knowing now her younger brother had his own vehicle and wouldn't need her to drive him, though he rarely did ask her and even turned her down when she offered most of the time, "You don't have a job. You hardly do anything around here for the allowance we give you. I don't want this friend's dad of yours to come here looking for money when you don't pay."

Jack's eyes narrowed in anger as he looked back at his mother. To him, she was saying she would need to support him but how was he going to get to UGA without a car. Just as he was going to say something and maybe let his anger get the best of him, his phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID and saw it was from the BBQ place he put the application in. His anger curved into a smile as he looked back at his mother. "Speak of the devil," he said as he shook his phone at her.

"This is Jack," he answered into the phone as he stood up and closed the door, allowing himself some privacy from the prying ears of his sister and mother.

Jack spoke to Howie, the owner of the BBQ restaurant, about the position. Everything from when he was going to start, to the pay, what his schedule was going to be, to the attire he needed. After twenty minutes of speaking, he thanked Howie for giving him the job and that he wouldn't regret it.

He ended the call and jumped up, being so excited that he had the job. Though he wasn't making a ton of money, he could now pay for his own gas and other things he wanted as well as getting things for his new love.

Grabbing a change of clothes, he needed to go shopping to get what he needed for work. Deciding to wait until he left the house to call his grandmother and tell her the good news, he headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower so he could get on with his day.

Once he was done, he made sure to get dressed quickly, just in case his sister decided to make a surprise entrance. To his surprise, she didn't try anything at least not that he heard. He unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom.