Unconditional Love Ch. 03

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After 6 years, will Jack be able to forgive his family?
20.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/05/2020
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Big thanks to WA001 for editing this story


6 Years Later:

Jack was sitting in his pool relaxing and listening to music on his Amazon Alexa device. Watching the city go by in the late afternoon was always a wonderful thing. Thinking about the last time Helen had come to see him and how she squirmed in delight as he brought her to eight orgasms that night brought a smile to his face. He did wonder why he hadn't heard from her lately, but sometimes it was hard for her to call him.

After leaving to move to California, Jack was pleased to learn that his leaving and being forced into sex with his mother and sister did have something good come out of it.

About two months after he had left, his grandmother had told him that his mother had come over to belittle her again, blaming her for him leaving and also still the death of his grandfather. How she giggled on the phone as she had snapped and finally told his mother off and that the death of his grandfather wasn't her fault at all and she did try to stop him. She also told her that she was in love with Jack and he was in love with her as well and that it wasn't just about sex. She also blamed Janet and Blair for forcing him, stating that he would have willingly slept with them had they asked him.

How his mother broke down crying, telling Helen that she was right and how horrible of a mother she was. She begged Helen for forgiveness and that if she was still in contact with Jack to please give her the information, but Helen held steadfast and didn't divulge anything stating that she hadn't heard from him and lost her love.

Since then, their mother-daughter relationship had returned to a somewhat normal means. Helen told him how glad she was to have her daughter back and to see her granddaughter on a regular basis again without getting in trouble.

Jack then found out that a while later, Blair had given birth. She had told his grandmother it was a guy she started dating after losing her brother and he brought her out of the grief, but Helen told Jack she could still see in Blair's heart that it was broken from losing him.

He didn't ask much about Blair's daughter though he probably should've, given it was his niece and wasn't her fault what happened to him. He knew in his heart, he would be seeing them again as he just couldn't stay away from his family forever. His plans were almost fully completed and he just needed a little more time before he could put them into action.

'DING DONG' Jack heard the bell ring for his front door. Jumping out of the pool and drying himself off quickly, he went to answer the door. His roommate was gone for the weekend to his girlfriend's house and had been talking about all the sex he was going to get that weekend. Jack liked his roommate but the one time he saw his dick accidently come out, he only hoped that his oral skills were pristine as that tiny thing would not keep a woman satisfied. Perhaps his father's bank account would if she was a gold-digger, but who knew.

"Hello," Jack answered the door as a platinum blonde stood in the doorway. She had large breasts that were straining to be held back by the blouse and suit jacket she was wearing. Her tanned skin looked opposite her hair and he could easily tell her tan was most likely fake as were her breasts and hair color. Still, she did look hot enough to give her a once over.

"Yes, are you Mr. Jack McKalister?" she asked, while holding a folder against her chest.

Jack had been dreading this day that his family would find him. He needed to have his plans in place first before he confronted them. Trying to think of a way out and a million things running through his head, she broke the awkward silence, "If you aren't Mr. McKalister and he does live here, please give him my card and have him call me as quickly as possible."

Looking down at the card, he saw she was an attorney, though this could be a ploy so he would have to be careful, "And what kind of an attorney are you Ms. Applegate?"

"Forgive me for not explaining but it is a private matter. I help with death benefits and settling the affairs of those that have passed on," she answered him.

As she went to turn and walk away, Jack grabbed her arm, "Please wait! I am Mr. McKalister. Can you let me know who passed on?"

"Yes of course, but would you not want to do this in a more private manner?" she asked noting that she was still standing in the hallway of his apartment.

"My sincerest apologizes. Please come in. I had a crazy ex-girlfriend that was stalking me and didn't know if you had anything to do with her at first," Jack said gesturing her inside.

"Of course, I can understand. Though if I was with you, I could see why she would stalk you," she replied, smiling, looking at his bare chest down to the bulge that was starting to show in his towel.

"My apologies again. I was having an afternoon swim. Please take a seat and let me get changed real quick, then we can talk. Can I get you anything on my way back?" Jack asked embarrassed that his mild erection was starting to show and that he answered the door in that state, though he didn't think someone like her would be there, more a delivery person or someone looking for his roommate.

After Jack was dressed and got Ms. Applegate a bottle of water, she informed him of his grandmother's passing. His heart shattered almost immediately. Losing the one person he loved; it hit him like a ton of bricks.

"But how? She was healthy the last time I saw her," he said through his tears as damn broke on his eyes.

"I don't know the full details, but from what I was told, she had a rare disease that she got a long time ago and it took her within a few days," Ms. Applegate said plainly. She didn't want to sugarcoat this at all as she had seen in the past how it would hurt her clients even more. Pulling out her laptop, she played a video file that his grandmother had made for him, "She made a video just for you."

"Okay Mrs. Jerico, the video is playing now," Jack heard Ms. Applegate say in the background as she left the room and shut the door.

The camera turned so that he could see his grandmother's face and the multitude of tubing that was helping to heal her, "Hello my sweet grandson. I know this is abrupt but wanted to record this for you so you could hear it directly from my mouth. A long time ago, before I was with your grandfather, I was a nurse in the military and had traveled to Africa to provide relief with the British Royal Army. While I was over there I contracted a rare disease from an infection I got. While this disease is treatable for a time, it is a death sentence. For years I took medicine to keep it at bay but was told by the doctors that eventually the disease would no longer be affected by the medicine and it would take me quick. Unfortunately this disease only has a chance of infecting one in a billion people and only has some scientific name so no cure has ever been made for it. Please know that I didn't want to tell you and have you see me like this in a weakened state and you having to deal with the rest of your family. Know that I love you and Ms. Applegate will also give you a personal recording that I will make that will be for your eyes only. I have to go now but know that I love you my sweet, sweet grandson and hope you are living a happy life."

When the video ended, Jack felt anger, sadness, pain and his stomach turning all at once. He didn't know what to do, but knew the one thing he would need to do is fly back for her funeral if he hadn't already missed it. Looking to the attorney, he asked, "Did I miss the funeral?"

Ms. Applegate replied, "Luckily no. It is set for this Monday as Mrs. Jerico set all of it up prior to her passing."

With that they stood up and Ms. Applegate gave him a disc that had the other message on it. "My condolences for your loss as I had been talking with her the last couple months just to be ready for when this happened. I will say that she was planning to move out here to surprise you, but sometimes life throws in an unexpected curve ball."

"Thank you Ms. Applegate and I'm glad you came by to let me know so I can prepare," Jack replied back as he shook her hand and walked her to the door.

The second she was gone, his mind went into planning mode. He called his boss, who happened to be his roommate's dad, and asked if he could come by and that it was urgent. Mr. Jackson agreed but said he had some guests over. Jack let him know it was urgent and needed to be handled right away.

Next he pulled up his computer and booked a flight that would leave in four hours back to Atlanta. He also setup a hotel and a rental car as well. Next he called his friend who was into all sorts of weird things as there was a specific item he needed to get from him.

Jack pulled up into Mr. Jackson's home and rang the doorbell. Mr. Jackson answered and he was guided into his study.

"Sorry for the intrusion but this is really urgent," Jack said trying to get straight to the point knowing he had two more stops before hitting the airport.

"Not a problem son. You know, when my son first brought you to see me telling me that you were new to town and needed a job, I thought to myself 'This kid will be stuck in the mail room and waste his whole damn life.' However here we sit and you being one of my best and most profitable employees. I spoke to the higher ups and they have agreed that if you want to work remotely, you don't ever need to come into the office. You could also hand pick your clients if you wanted seeing how a couple won't do business with us unless you are managing their money."

"Thank you sir that is very kind of you," Jack said feeling a little embarrassed knowing now that he was truly doing that good. "I need to leave tonight as I had a death in the family. I don't know how long I will be gone, but I'm taking my work computer with me so I can stay in contact with my clients. Especially Ms. Avery," Jack finished with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah, I can see why you would keep her. Having a porn star as a client is always fun if you get my drift and you were the one that kept her coming back to us. Especially after we had to fire the last guy for trying to get her to get naked on camera for him and blackmail her. Fortunately for us, all our systems are monitored by IT and recorded so we had the proof we needed to have that asshat fired and arrested."

"What is really funny Mr. Jackson is that she gives me private shows for helping her out so much. She even flew in from LA and gave me a private lap dance at her hotel," Jack replied back with a huge smile.

"Hot damn! Please tell me you slept with her?" Mr. Jackson asked him.

"No," Jack replied hanging his head and hearing the 'Uggh' coming from his boss, "I have a girlfriend and only got permission for the lap dance."

"So how did you pull all that off in the first place?"

"Simple. I saw her as a normal client and treated her as such. I had found some good stocks for her to invest in and quadrupled her accounts in six months. That is what started the strip shows as she was extremely happy that I not only treated her like a person but also helped to increase her bank account. Apparently, she is starting her own porn company where the stars will get better pay and have retirement and needed to increase her revenue to get the business off the ground. Though after two years, she has some of the hotter girls and guys working for her and is making a killing and all her stars are happy now that they get paid something better than the low end they got from before."

"WOW!" was all that Mr. Jackson had to say. "Well I do hope you come back out here and don't stay on the east coast but if you do, please give your family my thanks and of course, you will be taken care of here as well."

Jack shook his hand and headed out. He stopped by a Walgreens first to get black hair dye and a few other items to add to his suitcase as well. After that he visited his friend and dyed his hair while picking up the contacts that he needed. His friend helped to show him how to clean them and how they worked. Looking in the mirror, he barely recognized himself with his shoulder length black hair and blue eyes.

The airport and flight were boring to Jack as it gave him way too much time to think about what had happened and what he would do if he saw his sister and mother. Once his plane landed and he got his bags, he picked up his car. It was a white sedan that was bigger than his two door hatchback he had in San Francisco. He had only purchased the small car as it was easier to park downtown.

Once he was settled at the hotel, he got something to eat and settled in so he could get some things prepared for the funeral Monday. Emailing clients to let them know he wouldn't be available and who they could contact if they wanted to sell or buy any stocks or move any other monies right away without him being there. Funny enough but he got a reply back from Ms. Avery that had a picture of her in an all black dress sending her condolences, however the dress was open in her crotch and breast area where she had nipple clamps on that attached to her clitoris and a sinful smile on her face. Jack couldn't help but to laugh hard at the picture, though it was hot as well.

He slept in most of Saturday and stayed busy on Sunday just to pass the time, even scouting out the funeral home and where she would be buried. He knew he couldn't be there at the wake, but would be watching from afar the service at the grave site itself.

Monday morning he was up, showered and dressed quickly. Generally he was up early as California is three hours behind the stock market in New York so he was naturally up by 4am in Cali to be ready for the 5am Cali time when the stock market opened.

The wake was at 10am and the grave service was two hours later. Jack hung around the grave site starting around 11:45am sitting in his car. For some reason, he kept listening to Killswitch Engage's song Rose of Saryn and Mudvayne's Song Death Blooms thinking of her.

Jumping to the sound of cars coming in the cemetery gates, Jack got out of his car and walked over to the spot he picked out underneath a tree. He acted as though he was visiting a grave. Having gotten her favorite flowers, he left them in the car just in case anyone noticed him, so he could leave them on her grave afterwards.

Hearing the priest give his speech, he could only think of how wonderful she felt in his arms. How soft and supple her lips were when they kissed and how her tongue would roll around his mouth exploring every inch. He could even still hear her heavenly cries as she orgasmed both on his tongue and on his cock. Knowing he could have easily found a skinnier and younger woman, it wasn't about her age, breast size or anything else physical, it was her that he fell in love with.

A light voice brought him out of his day-dream as a child walked up to him, "Hello," the little girl said to him.

"Hello little one," he said back, trying to fight back the tears that wanted to erupt down his face.

"Are you here for Great Grandma Helen too?" she asked looking all cute in her dress.

Jack just smiled as he crouched down, "If you can keep a secret," he started seeing her nod, "Actually I am."

The little girl looked back at her family and then to the man, "Why are you hiding over here then?" she whispered to him.

"Your family doesn't know me so I didn't want to get in the way. It is okay. Your Great Grandma Helen was a wonderful person and I don't mind staying out of the way."

She scrunched up her face as like she was judging him and then with the cutest little smile, she said, "I'm Olivia. What's your name?"

Jack thought for a minute. He couldn't give his real name out or else this little girl may give him away, "Nice to meet you Olivia. I'm Glenn," he said with a smile holding out his hand to shake hers. Her little hand and fingers were so cute to Jack as he had thought about one day having children but knew it was not possible with his grandmother. However, he was never going to bring it up to her as it could have caused a rift in their relationship.

"You have really pretty eyes Mr. Glenn," she said getting a better look at his pretty blue eyes, "They look kind of like mine."

"That they do. But I will say they look better on you than on me," he replied smiling at her. "What a cute kid. I wonder whose daughter she is?" Jack thought to himself. He knew of his cousins and wondered which one Olivia's parent was.

"My mommy likes my eyes too and says I got them from my grandma. But they are not as cool as my daddy's eyes."

"Oh and what color eyes does your daddy have?" Jack asked knowing that was a curious statement.

"Mommy says my daddy had two different color eyes. One green and one ... umm umm happy," she replied.

"I think you mean hazel," Jack said to which Olivia smiled big and nodded her head. Then it hit him. He was the only one that he knew of in the area that had two different color eyes. What were the odds that another person's eyes would look the same as his in their family?

"So where is your mommy anyway Olivia?" Jack asked only to hear someone calling for her.

Looking up, he saw his sister Blair calling for her, "Olivia. Come here sweetie. You went too far."

Jack quickly got to his feet and inched back, letting the tree hide his presence. Olivia tugged on his pant leg, "Mommy is calling me but you can come too if you want?"

"No thank you Olivia. You go run along now before you get in trouble," he said letting her know to go. "Ohh and I forgot. Your Great Grandma Helen wanted me to give this to you, but don't tell your mother just yet okay?" Olivia nodded as Jack pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to her as she ran along.

Jack moved further back behind the tree wondering if it was even remotely possible that she was his kid. If so, he had missed so much of her life and would have to face his mother and sister to be able to spend time with her.

Olivia ran up to her mother, "And just where were you little missy? A cemetery is not a place to play around in."

"Mommy, mommy!" Olivia yelled trying to get her undivided attention, "I met this man that knew Great Grandma Helen and he gave me this saying it was from her." She held up the twenty dollar bill to her mother showing it off.

"Man? What man?" she asked her daughter, frightened that he could have taken her or hurt her.

"He was a nice man with dark hair and blue eyes like mine," she said but then got a little sad, "I thought it was my daddy but I guess not. It is because of me he isn't here isn't it?" she asked her mother with tears in her little eyes.

Blair's heart broke having her daughter feel that way, "No, baby no! You didn't do anything. And let me say that your daddy loves you very much and he will be seeing you soon okay?" Blair hated lying to her daughter but she couldn't tell her the truth, at least not yet. She knew her little mind wouldn't be able to comprehend it just yet. She just hoped she got to see him before that day came, but she was running out of hope seeing as it had been too long.

As Blair left her daughter with Janet, she walked over to the tree but no one was there. She did see a car driving off but couldn't make out who was in the car or if it had multiple people. She had hoped to find out who this mysterious man was that was talking to her daughter, even to know that he was in no way or shape going to harm her precious angel.

Once Jack was back at his hotel he thought about what had transpired long and hard. Was it truly possible Olivia was his daughter? If so, why did his grandmother hide her from him or did she not know as well? "SHIT!" he thought to himself as he knew he had to do something. Grabbing his keys, he left the hotel and headed to his rental car.