Unconventional Theft Ch. 03

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Ashley and Alex agree to help Corvac and meet another demon.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/20/2018
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Alex pulled up in front of a small house on the edge of town. It was moderate in size and blended in with its surroundings. It would have once been a nice house but age had taken its toll. The three stepped out of the car and they followed Corvac up to the door.

He knocked once and waited. After a few moments there's was movement inside before the door opened. Standing there was a small woman, Alex guessed she was five feet tall but no more. She was slim with silver hair, a petite frame and wearing jeans and a t-shirt that hung loosely. She looked at Corvac and then at Alex and Ashley before motioning to come inside without saying a word.

They went inside and she closed the door before silently walking into another room. Corvac followed leaving Alex and Ashley standing there confused before they quickly followed too.

"This is Kono," he informed them.

"Nice to meet you," Ashley replied, smiling at Kono who simply nodded in response.

"She isn't much of a talker. Anyway now you're here we can talk strategy. Kono has agreed to help, she doesn't want Lucifer getting free any more than we do. We think we know the who and why but we don't know the when or where or how," Corvac grumble.

"Isn't there a particular spot? Where is his prison?" Alex asked.

"There's no physical location. I'm not sure I can explain it in a way you would understand frankly. The point is it can be opened from anywhere in the world," Corvac answered.

"Great, so how do we start?" Alex complained.

"That's the thing, we need information. The only problem is, all my usual sources know nothing. There is one place I haven't tried but that is where you come in and you're not going to like it," Corvac admitted.

"What do you need us to do?" Ashley asked confidently. Alex always was impressed by her confidence but he feared she might be signing them up for something out of his depth.

"There's a club right here in town, a demon club. It's where some of the worst who reside in the mortal realm go. We need to go there and see what information we can find. Maybe someone has seen or heard something that could point us in the right direction," Corvac began.

"And you need us for?" Alex pushed.

"Servants," Corvac replied after a moment. He quickly continued as he saw the look on their faces. "Look it's not as bad as it sounds. Well it won't be for you at least. Most demons who go there take humans under their control, if we take you two it'll make getting people to talk much easier."

"Why? And what would need to do?" Alex asked.

It took a bit of convincing but eventually Ashley managed to persuade him to help. Alex wasn't thrilled about the idea but if it meant stopping Lucifer being released he couldn't bring himself to say no. The plan was simple, they would go to the club with Ashley and Alex acting as the demons servants, they'd play the part and hang out for the night casually talking with other demons and see if anyone let things slip.

"Now there may be things that you have to do tonight that you might not be happy about," Corvac warned.

"If it gets what we need then we have to do it," Ashley replied. She seemed very confident and on board with the whole idea.

"Good. Alex you'll be with Kono. Ashley, you'll be with me but I will bind you both to my power," Corvac told them.

"What does that mean?" Alex asked.

"It means you will be protected by me against other demons magic. Just in case things don't go to plan," He replied.

They spent the afternoon going over what to expect, how they should behave and what to do if things went wrong. Alex felt very apprehensive about the whole idea but Ashley actually seemed quite excited. She noticed Alex looking at her and seemed to know why.

"Come on, I've spent the last three years with a whole other life. While it was fun when I couldn't remember my actual life or that magic existed, now that I'm back thinking about it it's been a very boring three years. Sure it's dangerous but at least it's something exciting," she smiled. It did little to put Alex at ease but he understood what she meant. He was just happy to have her back.

"We need to get going," Corvac commented looking at the time. "You two need to get changed."

"Get changed?" Alex asked.

"Here," Kono replied from behind him making him jump. It was the first time he had heard her speak all day and was surprised by how soft spoken she sounded. He turned to look at her and his eyes went wide when he saw what she was holding.

"Wait what? I have to wear that?" He asked.

"Yes," Kono replied, handing the items to him. It was a ball gag and a chastity device along with a pair of crotchless latex shorts and a matching latex hood.

"The demons who will be there tonight are not the nice type. They see humans as servants and entertainment only. We have to appear to be like them if we want to fit in which unfortunately means a bit of humiliation for you I'm afraid," Corvac consoled him.

"Come on, it's not like you've not worn a cage or gag before," Ashley giggled at Alex before turning to Corvac. "What about me?"

"This is yours," Corvac replied handing her a bag. Ashley took it and pulled out it's contents. For her to wear they had chosen an again crotchless latex leotard that would leave her breasts completely exposed through holes in the material. Like Alex she also had a hood and gag. Unlike Alex, she seemed quite happy about her outfit.

"We'll leave you to get changed," Corvac suggested, ushering Kono out of the room. Alex looked at Ashley with a scowl and she just giggled in response as she began to undress. Reluctantly he followed suit and stripped before pulling on the latex shorts and hood. He hesitated when it came to the chastity cage, he remembered prior experiences with them where Ashley teased him relentlessly while he wore it. With a sigh he began to put it on, being careful not to look at Ashley as she dressed or he would be to erect for it to fit.

With a final moments hesitation he clicked the lock of the cage shut. He could feel its weight tugging at him. Ashley had finished changing and he looked at her, she looked extremely sexy in her outfit, especially with her large breasts expanding proudly from the gaps in material, and he felt his cock twitch in its cage. Already he knew this wasn't going to be a fun experience. She smiled at him and handed him his gag which he took but didn't put on. He wasn't going to wear that until the last moment.

"Why did you agree to this so easily?" Alex asked before they left the room. Ashley paused and thought for a moment before replying.

"I guess because of what's at stake. Think about it, if stopping the devil himself from being released requires a bit of humiliation for one night then isn't that worth it? Besides it's not like we've not weirder things before and after three years of the same day to day routine, a bit of adventure seems like fun," Ashley replied.

"You're getting excited by this aren't you? I'm glad you remember how much of an exhibitionist you were," Alex replied dryly. Ashley just grinned, even in her new life she had still been one, it was one quite a few of her sexual traits that had carried over.

"That's besides the point. Are you really telling me you would say no and let the devil go free just so you didn't have to wear that?" Ashley chided him while gesturing to his outfit. Alex didn't reply and just walked to the door, he stepped through to find Corvac and Kono waiting on the other side.

"Ready to do?" Corvac asked as if they were all simply going out to the movies.

"Let's just get this over with. How are we getting there?" Alex asked. He wasn't about to go wandering the streets in his current attire.

"I will transport us to nearby and we will walk from there. Don't worry, no-one will see how you're dressed," Corvac added quickly as he saw the look on Alex's face. He reached out with both hands and waved them in front of Ashley and Alex.

"What was that?" Ashley asked.

"A concealment spell. As far as anyone is concerned, you'll be dressed normally. Only demons or people with magic will be able to see through the disguise. It's the same way Kono and I keep our clothes through transforming between human and demon form," Corvac explained. Alex eyed them both carefully, not quite believing the clothes they were wearing weren't really there.

Corvac crouched down and waved his hand in a circle on the floor. A strange circle with what looked like various runes appeared as he moved his hand. He stepped into the center and Kono followed. Ashley looked at Alex and smiled before they both stepped in together. Before they had a chance to react the world flashed before them and suddenly they found themselves stood on the corner of a street neither of them recognized.

It was a run down area of town. Old factories and warehouses loomed over them as they walked down the street. The faint sound of loud music grew louder as they approached the only building in the area that didn't look like it was about to collapse. Two large men stood in front of the doors and eyed the group but made no effort to stop them. Corvac pulled open a heavy door and music filled their ears. They walked inside and found themselves inside a busy night club.

Lights flashed and flickered as people danced to extremely loud music that made Alex's lungs vibrate in his chest. He felt exposed, hoping that Corvac was telling the truth about his outfit being hidden from normal people. A few people looked over at the group but paid them no attention and no-one gave him any strange looks. He breathed a sigh of relief as Corvac lead them through the crowd to a door marked staff only. Another large man stood guarding it but again made no move to stop them entering.

They made their way through the door which lead to a large flight of stairs that went at least two stories down underground. They donned their gags as they made their way down. At the bottom they went through another door with more music on the other side but a very different crowd. Alex and Ashley both froze in shock as they took in the room. The room itself looked like a normal, although small, night club but the occupants did not. There were at least thirty demons all sat around the edges while more danced on the floor in the middle. Some wore very revealing outfits while most were nude. Mixed in with the demons were normal humans in various states of dress. Some were naked, others wore similar clothes to Alex and Ashley while some were in severe bondage gear.

"Just follow our lead and go with things, I can't promise how things will work out," Corvac whispered before turning to the room and beginning to change. Kono began to change two and Alex watched in shock and fascination as they took their demon forms. He had already seen Corvac as a demon so Kono got his attention. He told himself the fact she was a petite woman certainly had nothing to do with it.

Alex watched as her clothes melted away and her skin changed. A tail formed above her pert ass and swayed gently. Alex watched for more changes but was surprised when none came. She looked much like her human form, except for the red skin and tail, nothing else had changed. She didn't have horns or grow muscles like Corvac did. She turned towards him and he looked at her petite frame. Her slim legs led up to a smooth pussy, followed by a flat stomach and small breasts. They barely pushed out from her chest, little more than small mounds with pink nipples right in the center. Her hair was the same silver too. Alex was confused by how little she changed.

"Come," she said simply, ordering Alex to follow her. He did so as Corvac ordered Ashley to do the same and lead them all to a nearby table. Corvac and Kono sat but ordered Alex and Ashley to stay stood at their sides. A human quickly approached, she was wearing a very skimpy maids uniform and had a tray hanging from her neck and clipped to her waste, which made sense since her arms were bound behind her back. She walked precisely on a pair of stiletto heels.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" She said cheerfully. Corvac looked at her coldly before ordering a drink. Kono ordered the same and the woman tottered off towards the bar. Corvac looked over the crowd before seeming to catch the eye of another demon. He was large, even larger than Corvac as he stood up and walked over, followed by two smaller but equally muscular demons. They pushed past Alex and took seats at the table opposite Corvac and Kono.

"Who are you? Never seen you here before," the large demon sneered.

"We're new to town, thought we'd come check out the local scenery," Corvac replied dismissively as if he didn't care about talking to the larger demon. The large demon seemed to be annoyed by his disrespectful attitude.

"Yeah well I'm Grova and this is my club, you want to stay you have to keep me happy," The large demon replied just as the woman replied with their drinks. She stood there quietly and obediently as Corvac took the drinks off her tray before she scurried away as quickly as her stiletto heels would let her. Alex could tell she was fearful of Grova.

"I'll be sure to remember that. Tell me are you well connected in this city?" Corvac asked as he drained half his drink in one go.

"Of course, there's nothing that happens in this city without me knowing," Grova boasted.

"So you would know why my latest servant here seems to have had her memories altered," Corvac stated, grabbing Ashley's ass to emphasize his point. She didn't react and Alex felt a pang of annoyance but he knew better than to say anything. Grova hesitated before replying but Corvac had been clever, he had made it a statement rather than a question.

"Well of course I do, but why should I tell you?" Grova replied.

"It would show that you really do know everything that's going on or was that just a boastful lie?" Corvac asked. Grova looked annoyed but he couldn't be shown to be outwitted in front of his own guys.

"What do I get out of telling you? I didn't get where I am just by giving out information for free," Grova replied, trying to save his pride.

"What do you want?" Corvac asked casually. Grova thought for a moment before looking at Ashley and smiling.

"Tell you what, let me use that slaves mouth while we talk and I'll tell you what you want to know," Grova offered. Corvac smiled, he knew exactly the type of demon Grova was. All ego and libido and not a brain cell in sight. He looked at Alex who he could tell was not liking the idea one bit.

"Sorry, she's for my personal use only. Don't want her being soiled by someone else now do I?" Corvac grinned, taunting Grova.

"Well she's not doing anything now so what's the harm?" Grova countered.

"Good point, slave!" Corvac called and gestured for Ashley to kneel in front of him. He reached round and removed her gag as she kneeled between his knees. Corvacs cock began to harden and she knew what he wanted. Alex could only watch as Ashley grabbed the monstrous cock and began to stroke it before licking and teasing the head. Alex knew he couldn't do anything without putting them all in danger so he suppressed his annoyance. He watched as Ashley began to suck on the head of Corvacs cock and was surprised to find himself getting turned on. He felt his cock stir as his cage suppressed his erection, for once he was grateful as it hid his arousal.

"How about you darling, fancy a ride while the men talk?" Grova asked, turning to Kono.

"No," she replied simply before taking a sip of her drink and staring off into the distance. Grova was visibly growing annoyed and Alex wondered how long Corvac would keep pushing him. He looked back at Ashley who was doing her best to deepthroat the giant cock. He was surprised to see her with almost it's entire length down her throat which was bulging obscenely. She pulled back and took a deep breath of air before trying again. Alex could just hear the wet slurps over the music.

"Tell you what, you tell me what I want to know and I'll let you borrow my slave after I'm done," Corvac offered. He had no intentions of keeping his agreement but he knew Grova wouldn't take much more taunting and making him think he was getting what he want would make him much more talkative.

"Alright, sounds fair. There's been reports of a new demon in town, they arrived a few months ago. Secretive and quiet, they've made no contact with any other demons, at least none that live here but they have been reported to have been seen with humans that have had their memories altered. From what I hear it sounds like they're checking up on them rather than being the one altering them," Grova replied.

"Do you know any more about the demon itself? Any idea on who or what it is?" Corvac pushed. He looked distracted and was focusing intently on Grova as Ashley continued to work his cock. She had all fourteen inches of his thick meat in her throat now and her nose was pressed against his stomach each time she rocked back and forth.

"No, it's just some low level demon which is why no-one is really concerned. Whatever they're up to is there business, as long as it doesn't effect me or mine I don't care," Grova finished. Corvac went to reply before suddenly going quiet and tensing up as Ashley brought him to orgasm. He grabbed her head and pushed her firmly into his crotch, shoving as much of his cock into her as he could as it began to empty its load. She struggled slightly but was no match for his strength as he deposited load after load directly into her stomach. Alex almost shouted at him to let go as Ashley began to go limp before Corvac pulled her off. His cock slid from her mouth leaving a trail of fluid that ran down her chin and across her exposed breast as she gasped for air.

"She must be good," Grova grinned. "Now it's my turn."

"No," Came a quiet voice. It was Kono and she was looking at Grova with a passive face.

"What did you say?" Grova grunted.

"No, now you're going to leave us," Kono replied. It was the most Alex had heard her say. Grova looked at her, his face twisting with rage as he stood up. His two minions quickly followed suit and the three were towering over Kono who sat there looking wholly unimpressed by the display.

"HOW DARE YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO! You'll pay for that you puny girl," Grova threatened as he grabbed the table and threw it toward Alex who only just managed to jump out of the way. Kono continued to sit there as Grova approached. He raised his hand and went to slap her with the back of it. Kono barely moved as she reached up and caught his hand just before it made contact with her face.

Grova looked confused and momentarily scared as Kono stood up and punched him square in the gut. He went flying backwards, crashing into a railing behind him. His two friends looked at each other before moving towards Kono as the music suddenly stopped playing. She span and kicked the first, catching him solidly on the shoulder and a sickening crunch could be heard throughout the room. The demon yelled in pain and fell off to one side as his friend tried to tackle Kono.

She waited until he made contact before picking him up and throwing him like a ragdoll into a wall. The brick and mortar cracked and caved under the force as the demon fell to the floor unconscious. Grova had recovered and was making his way back toward Kono, his face contorted with pure rage. Alex and Ashley watched in amazement as Corvac just sat there smiling, sipping on his drink which he had wisely picked up before Grova threw the table.

Kono walked towards Grova as casually as if she was crossing the street. He didn't hesitate to throw a punch as soon as he was close enough but Kono simply blocked it as if it was nothing. She grabbed his arm and twisted it, making a loud crack as Grova screamed in agony. She kicked his legs from under him and threw him to the floor before turning to the group.