Under Sufferance


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"What are you trying to suggest Brenda?"

"Well now lets see? What guy do I know who warned every little toe rag to watch his manners around Gretchen. Hey, he went further at a party one evening when she happened to turn up there with her date. He spent all evening watching her date's every move, just in case he tried to get Min pissed."

"I was only doing what I thought was the right thing under the circumstances!"

"Oh yeah, I knew you were Barry; remember, I've seen the way you've always looked at her."

"Are you trying to suggest that I'm a pedo or something?"

"Of course I'm not. What I'm saying is that you've always been attracted to Min, right from when we were all kids together. You always favoured her even when Bill thought she was a brat and a pain in the arse. Who taught her how to swim for instance? Not Bill, he was too busy having a rare old time groping me."

"I thought it took you a long time to get the hang of it."

"Bugger Barry, my dad taught me to swim when I was three years old. I just made sure that Bill stayed close, whilst you taught Min to swim."

"Crafty bitch, I wonder why I ever trusted you?"

"Because you're my bestest friend in the whole world Barry, and you know that you can always trust your best friend."

"Can I, you never let on about what was going to happen at the wedding."

"I didn't know Barry, I swear! Min just insisted that I should be there, and kind of insinuated that Bill was going to need me in the near future. She also told me that she intended to claim you for her own as well."

"Well she didn't. She stayed a few nights in the spare room whilst I poured oil on troubled waters as far as her parents were concerned, and then she went back to Uni. She's calls about once a week, supposedly to ask me if I'm okay now you're not there any more, but that's all."

Bill caught up with us at this time and made a little joke about me stealing his wife back. That brought me to an abrupt halt.

"Oh shit! Don't tell anyone please." He blurted out. "We are not even sure it's legal under British law. We are going to pretend to be living together for a while, then give the family a chance to have a proper wedding, when the smoke's cleared from the last bugger."

"Congratulations, what did she do twist your arm?"

"No she told me that if I didn't make the grade then she knew someone who could. I had to marry her so she couldn't go running off back to you."

I looked at the now blushing Brenda.

"It was only a threat Barry, honestly. You know that I thought Min would have pinned you down by now. Bill offered, so I said yes. So we got hitched straight away under the local law out there."


Things settled down to a kind of routine after that. Bill and Brenda would drag me out on the town a couple of nights a week, and Min would call me every Sunday morning bright and early while I was still in bed, for a chat about ... Well sweet FA really.

Brenda told me later that Min was listening with bated breath for the sound of someone else breathing in the room.

That's how things remained until just before Christmas. Bill hadn't said anything about Gretchen coming home for the holidays, so to be honest I was taken by surprise.

I arrived home off shift a little on the late side that evening. I'd stopped for a pint with a couple of the lads. Anyway as I got out of my car, I had noticed a light on in my flat and just assumed that, running a little behind, I'd left the bugger on that morning.

When I opened the front door however, I knew something wasn't as it should be; the wrong program was playing on the radio.

Putting my uniform bag down as quietly as possible, I crept towards the lounge where the sound of music was coming from. Hiding in the shadows, I gently pushed the door open.

"Oh for Christ sake get in here Barry, I can't hold this pose all bloody night?" Min's voice suddenly said.

Sticking my head around the door, I saw that Min was draped on the sofa, wearing a rather familiar looking low waisted, very short skirt, and a cut off t-shirt.

"What are you doing here Gretchen?" I asked.

"Well I'm told, that you'll take one look at me in this get-up and completely loose all control of your senses. Then you'll ravish me to within an inch of my life."

"Is that a fact?"

"Sure is! And look, no knickers and a shaved pussy, just how my informant tells me you like things!"

"Aren't you being just a little bit forward young lady?"

"I hope so. But if you think I'm over doing things, perhaps you'd better tan my bottom for me?"

With those words Min turned over and pushed her naked backside into the air, displaying all of her wares whilst she was at it.

"Lets take things a little slowly shall we Min. There's plenty of time for that kind of thing after we've talked about this."

"Oh shit no, Brenda and Me have got you sussed. You'll prevaricate and procrastinate for-bloody-ever. Now if I've got this off pat, which I hope I have, its about time I got down to some serious work."

To be honest Min caught me right off guard, she came off the sofa so fast that I hadn't realised she'd moved until she had me lying half on and half off the armchair opposite. As I got over the surprise I discovered that Min was frantically attacking my belt, at the same time as she was trying to locate my tonsils with her tongue. I kinda lost track of things after that!

To be honest the next thing I really realised was that there was a nice tasty, sweet smelling pussy hovering and inch or two above my face, whilst my rampant member was in a really nice warm wet place.

I tell you fella's, when a woman on a mission gets her lips around your ... Well your favourite course of action is to simply raise the white flag.


Gretchen and I were married right after she graduated a year later. She teaches several classes part time at the local tech college, god alone knows what. All I know for sure is, they end in -ology.

I quit the job, and now work for her father's company along with Bill. The Plan is that when the old boy retires, I get the honour of being the boss. Their father says that Bill and Gretchen will argue too much to run things properly. I'm to be charged with listening to both of them and then doing what I think fit.

I'm not sure where she heard it, but Min says that Stephanie didn't marry the guy with the Mini. She has however become a quite well known actress in the type of media that you don't usually talk about in front of the children. I have no idea where Min gets all her information but she'd make a better detective than I would ever have been.

Oh yeah, three! Bill and Brenda have two and another on the way.

Where was I? Oh yeah, it's a shame that, with her looks and figure, Stephanie finished up in the porn industry. I'm sure she could have made it as a straight actress. Well look how she convinced everyone that she loved Bill.

Ah the other question that I'm betting you are asking yourself why was she so on edge around me all the time. Well, I didn't tell you that at that time I was a police officer, did I? And would you believe that one evening we'd pulled up a little shit driving a souped up Mini for speeding. And well when we'd searched the guy's motor we'd discovered that he was transporting illegal substances. He'd been nicked of course and probably got his hand slapped by the courts. But just guess who had been sitting in the passenger seat that evening. I suppose she was always wondering when the penny would drop.

Funny how I had never put two and two together on that one, until the day we pulled the bugger over for speeding again. Yeah we sent him back to the courts because he had another little stash in the car with him.

Life goes on.

This Denham Forrest, The Wanderer story, is posted on this site with the authors knowledge and consent. RG

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arizjim2arizjim2almost 2 years ago

I'm surprised this was listed as "Non-erotic".

ibuguseribuguserover 2 years ago

Definitely a 5*. Good story and a good sense of humor. What more do you want?

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 3 years ago

I agree, 100% with SomeOneTwoThree's 2 year old comment. This was a nice story. but pretty formulaic. Definitely 3⭐s.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 4 years ago
So and so.

We see romance stories like this one once in a while.

Hollywood dumps on us movies with same theme

all the time.

The theme being: Women plan, men are dumb.

Me, I think it's sexist.

So for the thought behind the plot,

I rate it as a zero.

But the plot itself was well crafted, if a bit predictable.

3 out of 5 from me.

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