Understanding The Penis Size Issue

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No matter your size, you can make it work for you.
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It is often men who are concerned about cock size. I will admit that cock size can be an issue for women, as well, but more often it is men who are the most concerned.

Men's penises can be seen in gym locker rooms by other men, at nude beaches, and at nude resorts by both men and women. When penises are seen in these places, the penises are flaccid. Most men are not comparing their erect penises to other men's erect penises in real life. When this occurs, it is usually while looking at or watching porn.

Since most penises are seen when they are flaccid, it is safe to assume that flaccid size is just as important as erect size.

Let's say that two men are together, one man's penis glans (head) is bigger than the other man's entire penis. Could this be an issue? I believe so. Let's now say that a woman is looking at these two men. Is she going to see both men as being equal, sexually or otherwise? Possibly not.

A person's reaction to a man's penis size can have lasting effects. And too often statements made about a smaller penis are rarely complimentary.

Imagine that you are a man, and more than once you have been told that your penis is "cute." Does this foster a feeling of command, confidence, and masculinity? No. Conversely, if you are told that you are hung, or hung like a horse, does this foster a different feeling for the "hung" man? I believe so.

The size of a man's penis often has a lot to do with how a man sees himself. How well he measures up will attribute to the man's feelings of self-worth, and himself as a man.

It is said that flaccid size often has nothing to do with what the same penis will look like when erect. I agree, to a point. I believe that a man who has a flaccid penis that is 2.5 inches in length isn't going to be as big when he is erect as a man who is 6.5 inches in length when he is flaccid.

A larger cock, when flaccid, may not grow much more when it is erect, but it may get thicker. So, let's say that one man has a 4.5-inch erect penis that is 4.0 inches in circumference, and the other man has a 6.5-inch penis that is 5.0 inches in circumference when it is flaccid. I believe it is safe to assume that the larger flaccid penis is going to be the bigger penis when it is erect.

Many men fear being alone or rejected because of the size of their penis. This fear usually exists because of past ridicule of the man's penis or the fear of that happening.

Although most women care much less about men's penis sizes, it has been noted that women who can, do, and enjoy vaginal orgasm prefer larger cock men. For women who don't prefer vaginal orgasms, penis size is a far less pressing matter.

Studies have shown that fewer women can and do orgasm vaginally than those who orgasm through clitoral stimulation. Yet, it has also recently been proven that the clitoris is much larger than previously thought. Essentially, all women who experience orgasm, either through clitoral or vaginal stimulation, experience clitoral orgasms.

Why is this important? The reason many women can and do experience "vaginal" orgasm is that the penis rubs the clitoris on all sides. When looked at, the clitoris is not just the nub that most people think that it is. It actually covers much more ground. The "nub" is just the tip of the clitoris.

To put it crudely, the entire clitoris looks like a large wishbone that has incredibly large testicles. (Side note, the G-spot is actually the back of the clitoris.) A thicker cock can stimulate the clitoris in various areas. This is why girth is often more important to women than length is.

If girth is more important to women, why are men so worried about the length of their penis? The reason is that men's penises are their advertisement, their forecast of what's to come. Yet, I will admit, this, too, is situational.

My husband and I go to swing clubs, and we are also members of a nudist resort. My husband and I have both noticed that there is a big difference between the men who go to swing clubs and those who go to nudist resorts. The men we see at the swing clubs usually have penises that hang and swing when they walk. Whereas, most of the men at the nudist resort have small, or barely visible, penises.

Of course, swing clubs are sexual atmospheres. Whereas, nudist resorts are family-friendly. At the swing clubs, it's rare to see men who have a small penis. Conversely, at the nudist resort, it's rare to see men who are well hung. My husband has a small penis. At the swing club, my husband often feels inferior. Whereas, at the nudist resort, he's larger than a majority of men.

We have become friends with another couple who also attend the same swing clubs we do, and they are also members of the same nudist resort. And we have talked about this with them. The wife of the couple has said that she feels more attractive at the swing club because men want to have sex with her. The husband says he likes the nudist resort most because he is around men who are more sized like he is.

Seeing the difference between the penis sizes of swingers and nudist men has made us think. In a sexually charged atmosphere, the larger penis men are seen as most valuable. Whereas, at the nudist resort, personality is what matters most. If you go online and look at nudists, you will see a lot of small penis men. Why is that?

At nudist venues, public sex or public displays of affection is forbidden. Whereas, at swing clubs, public sex is encouraged. So, what would attract one man to one place and another man to the other? Comfort and acceptance. You pretty much go to places where you feel you fit in most. So, if you have a small penis, you would feel more comfortable at a nudist venue.

We've gotten to know the one man, at the nudist resort, who is exceptionally well sized. To put this in perspective, he used to be a porn star, and he is bigger soft than almost all of the men I have seen (hard) at the swing clubs. He says he feels like a circus freak, sometimes, at the nudist resort. Yet, he also says that a lot of women, at the nudist resort, want sex with him. Although public sex is frowned upon at nudist venues, this big dick guy says that sex does happen, a lot, at least for him.

Neither my husband nor the husband of the other couple we've gotten to know, have been able to get sex at the swing club. Yet, a larger penis man, at a nudist resort, gets sex, often. At the swing clubs, you get to see men both flaccid and erect. Whereas, at the nudist resort, you only see men flaccid. At the nudist resort, it doesn't matter if you are a grower or not.

We've been to several swing clubs and several nudist resorts, and our findings have been the same. Nudists believe that baring it all has physical and mental health benefits, including stress relief and improved self-esteem. Which makes sense, even sexually.

As a man, when you are around a lot of other men, who also have small penises, you see yourself as normal. At a swing club, if you have a small penis, you see yourself as that guy who doesn't get to have sex. And that has no physical or mental health benefits, stress relief, or improved self-esteem.

Nudism is about creating situations where there is psychological and emotional equality between people. This is not the case at swing clubs. A nudist environment is a safe, NON-sexual space. Whereas, swing/sex clubs are sexually charged. Having an erection, and not hiding it, in a nudist environment reinforces rape culture and works against everything the nudist movement stands for. Whereas, at a swing club, especially if you have a large penis, you are more than likely going to get to make new friends.

In nudist environments, sexually suggestive language, dancing, dress, or displays of affection are never appropriate. So, why is it that in swing clubs sexually suggestive language, dancing, dress, or displays of affection are permissible and even encouraged? Because nudist environments are considered wholesome and non-sexual. Whereas, swing clubs are sexual by nature. This being the case, why are there more larger penis men who go to swing clubs and smaller penis men who go to nudist resorts?

In a nudist environment, no one cares how big or small your penis is. And no one pays much attention. Whereas, at a swing club, your penis size is important. And everyone notices if you are big or small. Although nudist environments aren't sexual, a larger penis is going to be noticed, just as a small penis is going to be noticed at a swing club, but not in a good way.

To add some balance, at a swing club, a larger woman is not going to be seen as attractive as a fit woman. And she will not be seen as sexually valuable. This is something that we have come to see. If you are a larger woman or a small penis man at a swing club, you are not seen as sexually valuable. In a nudist environment, your size, whether you are a man or a woman, isn't important. Why? Because nudist environments are non-sexual. So, in sexual situations, your size does matter, whether you like it or not.

I believe this is something many people don't understand. To most people, sex is important. And in our findings, if you are a fit woman or a man with a large penis, you are seen as sexually valuable. I think we all want sex, but because of how people are, what you look like, and what you have, matters. The biggest difference between a larger woman and a small penis man is . . . a larger woman is more likely to be hit on than a small penis man is.

As far as confidence goes, nudist men don't care who sees them nude, in a nudist environment. Even if they have a very small penis. Yet, at swing clubs, the larger penis men seem to be the most confident. It seems to us that confidence, where penis size is a part of it, is largely dependent on the situation and the environment. If overt sexuality is looked down upon, small penis men are the most confident. And, in sexually charged atmospheres, larger penis men are usually the most confident.

Take this outside of swing clubs and nudist environments, and penis size is often important, to both men and women. And, sadly, if you are a small penis man, even clothed and no one knows you have a small penis, the small penis man still often feels inferior. I joked once to my husband that maybe all men should be nudists. And he didn't laugh. He told me that would not be a good thing, because then you'd know who really did and did not have a small penis, and everyone would know. Not what most small penis men would wish for.

It's sad, considering that most things in life are not sexual, that penis size is such an issue. Big penis men complain that they can't find underwear that fits them right, or that they can't get their penis in a woman because their penis is too big. But that doesn't seem to affect their day-to-day lives. Whereas, small penis men deal with small penis problems in all aspects of their lives.

I started this post to state that the importance of penis size is situational. But I have to admit that it isn't. If the opportunity for sex doesn't exist, then penis size isn't an issue. Whereas, if sex is what people are there to have, or are looking for, then penis size is going to matter, a lot.

We are a society that sees our physical appearance as important. If you type "sexy nude women" in Google, what do you see? You see younger, fit women, with larger breasts. What happens when you type in "sexy nude men" in Google? You see pictures of men who are well hung, or you see pictures of men having sex with other men. What does that tell you? Sadly, our naked bodies tell others of our sexual market value. And this is why many men fear their penis isn't big enough, or want theirs to be bigger.

Often people see sex as a private matter, but, in reality, it is more a socio-economical matter. Men's and women's bodies are like sexual currency, and each body has its own sexual and socio-economic value. As stated above, when sex is not wanted or looked for, a small penis isn't an issue. When sex is the goal, that is when penis size matters.

A man and his penis may be likened to a property owner looking to sell. It makes sense for him to advertise, market, and position his property to create increased demand and end up with the best deal. Consider actual marketing, the business that has the most money can attract the most customers. Now, look at men and penises. The man who has the most to advertise is going to attract the most sexual partners.

A recent study revealed that women see a man's height and penis size as equally important. And in this study, it was proven that women can approve of or reject a man's penis in three seconds, by simply looking at it, and the majority of women in the study stated that they did not find a small penis attractive.

One thing that all men have to realize is that women can and do have sex more often than men, and usually understate their number of sexual partners. What this means is that no matter who you are, as a man, chances are good that the woman you're having sex with has probably had sex with more men than you will with other women.

What does a woman's number of sexual partners have to do with penis size?

If you are a man who has an erect penis that measures 3.75 inches long and 3 inches in circumference, and all the other men that your present sexual partner has been with have been at least 6.5 inches long and 5.75 inches in circumference, You'll have a challenge before you. The other men were all almost twice your size in both length and girth.

Keep in mind, though, if a woman is into anal sex, many women prefer a thinner penis. And if you are on the smaller side, a woman can get your entire cock in her mouth, she can deep throat you. Then, she can relax and just have fun with your cock.

Some might say that a woman's vagina feels different if she has recently had sex with a man who had a much larger cock. If it has been a while, the same woman may feel tighter. If you enter a woman just after another man pulled out of her, and his cock is larger than yours is, the woman may feel loose to you. And if you have a large cock yourself, you may never meet a woman that you'd consider to be loose.

There are benefits no matter what side of the scale you're on. If you have a smaller cock, you may get to do more than a man who has a much larger cock. If you are a man who has a larger cock, you might get sex more often. Yet, if your cock is the size a woman can have fun with, then you win, no matter what.

Although any man with any size penis can please a woman, and enjoy himself, men still concern themselves with something they can't change. Your penis can't be any bigger than it is, you can't change how tall you are, but you can lose weight and work out to improve your market value. Instead of focusing on what you can't change, focus on what you can change.

I'm not saying that there is ever going to be a time when a smaller penis is seen as superior to a larger penis. What I am saying is that larger and smaller penis men can and do get sex. And you can, too, no matter the size of your penis.

In conclusion, men will probably always worry or be discontent when it comes to their penis, but keep in mind that women also worry about their bodies and parts. The fact that women have sex with more men than men do women should tell you that you're still in the running, no matter your size.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Mine is about 6 erect and maybe 5 or so circumference. I was told in the past by girlfriends that I was "big", and it made me feel good. Porn showed me a different story but I wrote it off to camera angles, huge guys with smaller girls, etc. Then my current GF and I went to a swingers resort on a whim, wanted to see what it was about. And BOY did I leave feeling inadequate. Sure there were plenty of guys with small ones, ones that barely poked out soft, etc, but the guys with the big ones got LOTS of attention. I saw my girls' eyes wander to more than a few very large cocks, soft or erect. It's left me with quite a complex, I feel like I've been lied to all my life. I know what "statistics" say about average size but I feel after seeing what I saw that it's a bunch of bullshit designed to make us smaller or average guys feel better. It's total shit. My current GF I love to pieces but I know shes been with (admittedly) 50+ men before me (probably closer to triple digits honestly...), and I'm sure a good number if not most of those men were a lot bigger. She told me about one guy she was with who she liked a lot who was 11" or so long and thick, he had her get on top and she told me she took him no problem and enjoyed it a lot. She told me once when drunk that he's the one guy she regrets letting get away. I put her to the test a few times by buying her larger dildos to play with (it turns me on I admit to watch her use large toys). She's taking 12" long 3" WIDE toys no problem at all, and cums hard. I was fisting her and she shook so hard I thought she was going to pass out. It's all bullshit, women can and DO want larger cocks and only say otherwise to appease us men they want to "be with" (for various reasons), that have small to average ones.

The whole thing is bullshit and for the last week I've been unable to get hard at all or stay hard more than a few minutes because I can't get this shit out of my head. This will probably cost me this relationship because I can no longer get past it. Being at that resort really fucked me in the head hard... My therapist even told me afterwards we never should have gone because only men with above average confidence (or size I guess) should visit those types of places. For those curious it was Hedonism 2 in Jamaica. I will never go back or do anything similar. I had been getting turned on by the idea of swinging with my GF and she has pulled a 180 and confessed many truths to me in the last month that have left me shaken. For instance she always swore she had zero interest in black men, she wasn't attracted to them. I got her to watch interracial porn and saw her get turned on more than I'd ever seen. She told me the other night (again while drunk) that she is frequently fantasizing about being gangbanged/in orgies with black/latino men. What the fuck, where do I go from here???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

My cock is 5 inches hard. I have been told it is cute 3 times and small once. Not a very good feeling. I had been married 7 years and knew I wasn't pleasing my wife like she should be. I ask her if she would like to have sex with another guy. At first, she was hesitant but then agreed. We found an older well-endowed married man that's wife had unfortunately let herself go. He has been pleasing my wife and himself a couple times a week for a little over 3 years now. I really enjoy watching them and having sloppy seconds. I know the lifestyle is not for everyone, but for the 3 of us it is great.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Im happy with my penis im about inch anda quarter soft and about four erect. Iv had comments from females like your good especially with your hands or tongue and had im used to bigger ones. I was engaged to a girl who still is now a friend with benefits as we both love public sex and having other guys join in. She is quite open that sex is good between us but she likes the fact that i take her outdoors to get her fucked by other men. She loves big cocks and tells me openly about who has them and that although i fit in the smaller catagory i always make her orgasm. I love when we are having sex and the sparkle in her eye when i expose her to others and they pull out a bigger cock than mine. We have an agreement that i take my cock out and it is replaced by the bigger cock and she will suck on mine. If the guy has similar or smaller she will suck him off while still riding my cock. I am the only guy she feels good and safe doing this with and she loves when i tell her i cant wait to taste her after another guy has came in her cunt or mouth as no other guy does this. She knows i am bisexual and she has played with girls as well and love watching each other with same sex partners. She married the guy with her dream penis but he dosnt give her the excitement i share with her good uninhibited outdoor sex even with my smaller cock.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Small penis? Read this!

I feel sad after reading this. I knew men were overly concerned, (I think),`with penis size sexually. I didn't realize how much they have taken this to heart. It seems so ridiculous that in non-sexual, or non-nudist situations men, are mentally comparing themselves to larger or smaller endowed men, and actually basing their self-worth on it.

Guys, I just don't get it. Shift your focus as a lover away from your penis as your only erogenous zone to include your entire body. Or shift your focus, no matter what your size, to interacting with her more. For example, I've seen porn where the guy is getting sucked off. He just stands there, sometimes thrusting, but it's as if the rest of his body is frozen. Touch her hair, or face. Tell her how much you enjoy it. Say her name. Play with your nipples, and run your hands over your own body.

In terms of actual fucking yes some women like a bigger penis. So what? If she's into size, get a hollow dildo. I don't know what they are called. You put it over your cock and fuck your partner with it on.

I can't speak about swinger or nudists bc I've never been to any of those events. However, most women won't see your dick until She Has Already Decided To Have Sex With You. Get it? Your penis size wasn't a factor.

I heard a saying years ago. "If women don't find you handsome, they better find you handy." So technique-wise, set yourself up for success. Don't try to hit her cervix, (which is fucking painful, btw), in the missionionary position. If she's on top, the penetration feels deeper bc of gravity.

Focus elsewhere. Learn how to give her good head.

Tamp down your impatience. While a lot of guys can cum in minutes, a lot of women can't. Assume a sex session will take at least an hour. It may not, but that expectation reduces her worry about taking too long to orgasm. You want to be with her, right? What's the rush? You're no longer 14, jerking off in the bathroom, trying to cum before anyone notices how long you've been gone.

Be a considerate person in bed. Check in with her. In the moment is probaly better bc no one has been raised to talk about what gets them off, even in bed. READ her body. If she's not moving, and trying to shift your hand elsewhere, follow her lead, and change it up. Think of every touch as a question. Does this feel ok, ho hum, or really good?

If either of you want to be on the receptive end of anal, then like the author noted, a smaller, or thinner penis is better. If you want it, shop for dildos, and tell her what you like. If she wants it, go slow, as in multiple stretching before anything penis-like; use globs and globs of lube; enema and careful eating before; and touch other parts of her body even while focusing on the anus.

Oh, yeah...have a real talk before you even think of putting your dick in her mouth after it's been in her ass. I don't know who decided that was a thing, but it is seriously unsanitary, and may pose health risks. You need to ask if she's into it. The same with anything, penis, toys, fingers. If it's been in the ass, it does not go into the vagina until it's been washed. Why? Vag infections and bacterial transfer.

And for heaven's sake connect with her verbally. Swingers notwithstanding, most, a lot of women want to know that you are in bed with her, and want to be with Her specifically. An attitude of gratitude and appreciation will get you lots of blow jobs and butt sex, (fingers work too), in comparison acting like she's a talking fleshlight.

What else? Alt sex environments can be more adventurous, and less penis focused than others. So if you have a Dominant streak and a small penis, they are not mutally exclusive. If you can understand what a particular submissive woman wants, you can have her almost cumming before the clothes come off. Or they never come off.

If going that route, please do your homework. Being a Dominant is not an excuse to be an asshole. Learn, and build your skills. Practice. Be respectful to submissive women. Until she has agreed to play with you she is A submissive woman, not Your submissive woman. Say hello like a normal person. She hasn't agreed, and you have no right to greet her with "Hey Slut," "Babygirl," etc within 2 minutes of meeting.

I'm assuming that submissive men with small penises already know how to swim in those waters

Well that's all folks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Concerning the last section, women have more sex than men because men will fuck anything with a pulse, which in turn doesn't really prove the idea that men would "still be in the running" just because women tend to have more sex, more often. We as men will literally let our standards plunge into the Earth's core if it means we'll get to have sex. Women don't have to settle as hard, they just need to bide their time until they find someone satisfactory enough.

The rest of the writing could've been condensed into a small portion that said "Size does matter depending on the situation but you'll more often than not be in situations where it matters. The situations where it matters will be the ones you wish you were in and got to experience and enjoy, tough luck if you can't live up to the task at hand". Seems like much of this post was just beating around the bush in order to avoid explicitly saying what everyone already knows to be true.

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