Undressing Disha

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University professor examines a female Indian student.
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This story is a sequel to the Undressing Anne stories, but this time told more from the perspective of the Professor's new subject of humiliation: a pretty Indian student who is about to be dropped from her degree course unless she can find a way to please him.

It was the end of another academic year and the Professor was going through his usual roster of private interviews with the students to understand their ambitions and concerns for the next year. Disha was a first year student, nineteen years old, very bright with an attractive face, but slightly overweight.

After some polite chit chat, she said:

"I need to talk to you about my grades for this year Professor."

"They're not good Disha."

"I know, I've just had a letter from the Vice Chancellor to say I can't come back next year and they won't even give me the chance to re-sit the exams."

"I'm really sorry about that. It's because your aggregate grade overall didn't meet the necessary threshold."

"But I really need to carry on. My parents will be devastated! They think I've been doing really well."

"Because that's what you've been telling them?"

"Well yes. I wasn't exactly honest about everything."

"I'm not sure there's anything I can do sorry."

"I thought you'd say that. But I did have an idea actually..."

"Oh yes, and what's that?"

"Well my friend Anne told me you had once helped her out."

"Ah." A pause. "You know Anne?" Alarm bells started to sound.

"Yes we used to hang out together and she would tell me stuff."

"Oh, I see, what kind of stuff exactly?"

"Private things."


"Since she went over to the States, you know, we still keep in touch on WhatsApp. I called her the other night and told her about my situation -- after a little hesitation she suggested I come and have a private talk with you."

"Hesitation eh. Did she say how I helped her exactly? It was a very personal matter you know."

"A little. It took a lot of persuading - she's very loyal to you. She told me you used to pay her quite a bit of money for just half an hours work each day."

"Really!" he exclaimed. She heard the tone in his voice.

"Don't worry Professor, I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Well, er, I'm pleased to hear that. So what did she say she did for me precisely?"

"Please don't take this misunderstand me, I don't mean any offence, but she told me you're are a bit a pervert and that you paid her to see her naked."

There was a long pause as the Professor turned away to consider how best he should respond. Turning around again he met her gaze straight on. "I'm surprised and very disappointed that she told you about that. I trusted her. It was just between us. Has she told other people do you think?"

"Definitely not. She only told me because we were besties and I needed some help. She doesn't want anyone to know what she let you do either. It's very embarrassing for her - for both of you I imagine?"

"Er yes, very" he nodded. "This isn't some kind of blackmail thing is it?"

"No, not at all."

"Well what do you want from me Disha?

She took a deep breath, looked straight back at him, and blurted out "Have you ever seen an Indian girl naked Professor?"

He stared at her and then looked her up and down as if to trying to see through her clothes.

"Er no," he replied, quite startled by the question.

She was brown skinned with a big round face and a platted pony tail of long black hair. It looked coarse and slightly frizzy in texture. Her face was very striking but not drop dead gorgeous.

Her eyes were big and brown and overshadowed by very thick, slightly arched eyebrows that looked like two furry black caterpillars crawling across her face nose-to-tail. They were very sexy he thought.

Taking centre-stage was her bulbous Indian nose, with quite large nostrils that flared when she was expressing herself. By contrast, her lips were small and thin, but when she smiled -- and she smiled a lot - she presented the most perfect looking, brilliant white teeth

Today she was wearing an unflattering combination of black pullover and leggings which only served to exaggerate her dumpy proportions. She was short, plumpish and quite wide with thick legs that barely changed diameter as they reached her ankles. Her breasts looked saggy and her waist seemed almost non-existent. From the side view, her bottom jutted out quite away and even her girlfriends had once joked they could use it is a shelf for their drinks.

"I know I'm no oil painting but..."

She could feel his eyes boring into her.

"I will take my clothes off for you if you promise to help me out."

He slowly looked her up and down and said: "Are you serious?"

"I think so."

"Well, erm, I'm not sure..."

A few moments of embarrassing silence passed and then she added: "Do I not interest you?"

He thought she was ugly, that was it. She felt tears welling up and started to turn for the door.

"Don't go!" He pleaded. "Please come back. YES, most definitely I would like to see you naked if that's really what you're offering?"

She nodded. "I suppose it is, yes. I know I'm not hugely pretty, not in the same league as Anne. That's what you think isn't it?"

The Professor just stared back at her, nodding back ever so slightly, as if searching for the right answer that would not be completely offensive to her.

"Tell me exactly what you're thinking Professor, otherwise I shall go away right now and we both forget this conversation ever happened."

"No! Please don't. You've really taken me by surprise. I never thought I might get this kind of opportunity again...I mean after Anne...she'd been so amazing...I, we took such risks...I just thought we'd been so lucky not to get found out. And now you come along..."

"Yes it is awkward," she replied, "awkward right now for both of us, but I'm in a bit of jam - desperate almost."

"OK," he paused for a moment. "I completely understand and I would like to help. But you were quite right when you said I'm a bit of a pervert. I am. I have some unusual fetishes -- all completely safe and legal harmless though."

"I know that much."

"Actually I don't mind that you are not conventionally pretty like Anne, you know, quite a different shape. In fact it makes you all the more intriguing. I would be fascinated to see what you look like without your clothes on."

"Because I'm a bit ugly, dumpy and Indian? A curiosity?"

He stared back at her again.

"It's alright, I know what I am Professor."

"You're a pretty girl Disha, that's for sure, and it would be an absolute privilege to see you naked. Especially at my time of life!" was his tacit confirmation of this. "And you would do this is in return for me keeping you on the course I assume?"

"Exactly. You could write a letter to the Vice Chancellor - you know a personal recommendation to give me a second chance? I know I'm not drop-dead gorgeous and I'm really not very thrilled about the idea, but if you'd like me to, I think maybe I could do what Anne did for you. I'm prepared to give it a try anyway."

"Just how much detail do you know about what she did for me?"

"Well she told me she would undress in front of you so you could look at her."

He nodded. "Did she say anything else?"

"Well -- I know it wasn't quite like being a life drawing model! She said you made her pose in quite explicit positions, sometimes for ages, while you stared at her private parts and er, you know, tossed off."

The Professor nodded again. He was now getting very uncomfortable hearing her say all this out loud. It was a situation he had hoped would never happen.

"There was something else too, when she needed some help getting to America - but she couldn't bring herself to tell me exactly what went on. I hope she didn't mean having sex because that's definitely not on offer. I'm not a prostitute."

"No, it wasn't that."

"What she did say though, despite you wanting to perv her, was that you were very considerate and gentle and at no time did you try to force her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with."

"That's all true."

"I wouldn't even be here if I didn't believe that."

There was another awkward silence for a few moments.

"So...er...do you think we might work something out Professor?"

"Mm, I'm absolutely sure we can." He was already trying to imagine what her Indian cunt might look like. "Let me think on it overnight and maybe you could call in to see me tomorrow, at the end of the day, and we can discuss it further?"

"Sure. Thank you Professor. I'll be off then."

That night, Disha lay in bed trying to replay the exact conversation she'd just had with her Professor, wondering whether she could really go through with it. In fact Anne had only given a very sketchy idea of what she had actually done for him and even less detail about his specific likes and 'perversions'. All she had really said was that he was very curious about nearly every aspect of her body and really just like to look. There had been no actual sex but she had apparently agreed to some physical touching as part of the later deal to fund her flight to America. She went to sleep thinking that maybe this was all a bit too much for her to go through with, but by the morning she had resolved to at least see what deal he might propose. She really did need to try and get back on the degree course somehow.

It was 5pm when Disha knocked on the Professor's door and put her head around with questioning look on her face. She was half hoping he was simply going to pass on the whole thing and that would save her a huge moral dilemma.

"Ah, do come in Disha. I have given what you said a great deal of thought and I think I might be able to help you with the Vice Chancellor."

"Fantastic that's great -- I think - thank you. My parents will be so happy."

"I don't think your parents should really know anything about this arrangement!"

"No, of course not!" She laughed. "But before we actually, properly agree to all this, I do need to understand exactly what's expected of me?"

"Well firstly, I would expect you call in here to my office every weekday until the end of term"

"But term is finished," she said.

"Only for the people who have already reached their grades. I will set you some extra work to do for the next six weeks which should help me convince the VP that you're serious about working harder in future. We will then schedule a legitimate, half-hour tutorial at the end of each day -- say at 5pm like tonight?"


"Of course you will be completely naked during the tutorial."

Her eyes widened. What else had she expected? "Of course," she repeated sarcastically.

"Well that's my proposal. Do you agree?"

She nodded. "I suppose that's OK. What exactly do you have in mind for the half hour?" she asked.

"Well, just posing for me."

"Yes, I understand that much, but I need to know what I'm signing up for don't I?" She needed to hear him explain his perversions before she was prepared to agree to anything. Anne has been very suggestive but not very definitive.

"Yes of course -- but please don't freak out straight away."

"I promise I won't. I know it's going to pretty demeaning. I mean it's fairly obvious what you want to look at isn't it; but how will it actually work?"

"Well, as I'm sure you already know, Anne used to come round to my house on her way to college. She would undress and pose for me on my dining room table, while had my coffee."

"I know. And you would look at her..."

He nodded.

"With her legs wide open?"

He nodded again. "But you can't come to my house, I don't want to risk that again. Besides, I have someone staying with me at the moment. No, I want you to pose right here, up on this desk, or maybe in one of the chairs or even on the coffee table."

"OK. So that's all I have to do -- sit on your desk here and let you look at me?"

"Well, I will ask you to pose in all kind of positions - so I can get a really full appreciation of your, you know, your naked body from all different viewpoints."

"Mm," she muttered. "And how do I occupy myself while you're perving me?"

"Good point. You do have to do some actual work along the way so I can prove to the VC that you are putting in the extra effort. So I will give you some reading assignments - to take your mind off things - and then set a test to take home after each session. You can also ask me questions at any time during your, er, tutorial, although I may not be that focussed, ha,ha!"

"Ha, ha. No I imagine you probably won't be." She said wryly. She didn't think it was much of a joke.

"By the way, I hope you don't mind if I use some non-pc language during our sessions? It was OK with Anne."

"What kind of language?"

"When I get excited, I sometimes get a little crude and maybe a bit derogatory. But I don't want you to be offended, or think I'm being racist in any way -- it's just part of the role play."

"I hadn't thought of it as role play. But as long as you're just looking and talking, not anything else like touching me, then I'll try and be cool about it. You can call me what you like and say what you like - just for that half hour."

"Excellent. One other thing."

"There's more?"

"Just that I'd like you to be a little subservient to me, like the old days in university when you might call me 'Sir' all the time and I would call you Miss Ramesh?"

"Actually I quite like that idea Professor -- I mean Sir! Keeps these two awkward relationships were about to have well separated."

"I agree wholeheartedly Miss Ramesh. How about we have a practice run just talking together for a few minutes?"

"OK Sir. Good idea. Then tell me what is it exactly that you want to look at when I'm naked?" She decided that taking the upper hand in the conversation right from the start might set a useful precedent. "You want to see my vagina don't you?"

The Professor look startled for a moment. He hadn't been expecting her to be quite so forward. This was going to be fun, he thought!

"You know I do. In fact I want to look at everything Miss Ramesh, all your private parts -- even the most unpleasant ones."

"Unpleasant? Like give me some examples."

"Well, er, you know, perhaps your armpits, the soles of your feet, your bum?"

"You mean the places that smell a bit?"

"If you put it like that, then yes, exactly those places."

"That's a bit freaky Sir."

"I know. I told you I'm a bit of a pervert. I like all the smells."

That was something she hadn't been told to expect. She looked away, as if studying one of the paintings on the wall behind him, to regroup her thoughts.

"You want to SMELL me, have I got right?"

"Yes, anywhere you might be a bit sweaty and naturally smelly."

"Between my legs obviously?"

"Definitely in there."

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed. "That really is quite gross isn't it."

The Professor nodded.

"So you want to look and smell just about anywhere that takes your fancy. And will I be completely naked the whole time like Anne?"

"Yes, precisely that. Just like little Miss Anne."

She pondered for a moment. "Anne seemed to trust you Sir; she said you were always a gentlemen to her - which is weird considering she thought you were a dirty pervert - but she did say you were a harmless pervert."

"I am. Wouldn't look good on my CV would it?"

"No Sir, but then it's my CV I'm really concerned about, so I'll do my best try to please you. But does it have to be every day?"

"Well, I want my desk job to be literally more interesting!"

"By putting me on display on your desk and looking between my legs Sir?"

"I'm a very curious person."

"Huh!" She laughed. "In more ways than one! And presumably you'll be jerking off the whole time while I'm letting you do this?"

"I'm afraid so -- discreetly of course. I should say that's it's in your interest to give me a good show. I mean I will have to send periodic reports up to the VP about how you're doing and advise him if we're making the right decision keeping you on."

"Yes Sir, I'm beginning to understand." She looked thoughtful for a moment and then added: "Really I don't mind you doing it openly, wanking I mean. At least then I'll know if I'm turning you on. I don't want to get fired do I?" She did a forced laugh.

"That's good thinking Miss Ramesh, I like it. Of course you will need to be careful that no one sees you coming in here. I might rig up a discreet CCTV camera so we can check the corridor is clear before you leave each night."

That was certainly something that worried her -- being found out by another student and reported.

"You've thought of everything."

"I was up most of the night thinking about it - especially trying to imagine you naked."

"Well I hope you won't be disappointed when you finally get to see me for real."

"I'm sure I won't be. I've never seen a brown girl naked before, other than on porn."

"So I'm a novelty am I, something on your list?"

"I admit, partly yes; I like doing research! But YOU came to me don't forget."

"Yes I did, didn't I? I'm sorry. Miss Anne said she only had to do one pose a day. Will it be the same for me?"

"Yes. That way I get to really enjoy the view and study whichever of your private parts most interest me, at my leisure."

"I see. One pose per day then."

"Just like in a life-drawing class, except I won't be drawing you."

"You'll just be staring and wanking the whole time?"

"Very precisely put Miss Ramesh. So you agree to the proposal?"

"I guess so. I don't have much choice really do I? My parents will kill me if they know I've failed the year. I'll do my best to please you in my posing."

"Perfect. That's our arrangements concluded then."


"Good. Shall I see you back here at 5pm the day after tomorrow? That will give me time to speak to the VP, and hopefully we can make a start. Would that be OK?"

'Yep, fine, I'll be here. I'll need to see proof that I've been reaccepted, at least on a probationary basis, for next year though."

"Of course. That's only fair."

"Right then." She started to make for the door and grasping the door handle, she turned and asked: 'What do you want me to wear by the way?'

"Something business like, as if you're coming for interview."

"OK Professor."

"Except I'll be interviewing you naked of course!"

Disha left the room quickly without a backward glance. She had done a good job so far in keeping her composure and she didn't want him to see the wetness that was now welling up in her eyes. She was about to debase herself in front of a fifty something year old man and let his eyes gaze all over her young body. Then she would have to spread her legs wide open for him, so he could stare at everything that was most private to her, and then let him smell those places. What on earth had she just agreed to?


On the dot of five on Thursday evening, Disha was back inside the Professor's office. Once again he was seated behind his big mahogany desk. She assumed it gave him a feeling of power and authority.

She had already told her parents that all was going well at Uni and so they had renewed the lease on her flat, just outside the campus. Despite all her misgivings about completely shaming herself in front of her professor, she had no option now but to go through with the arrangement. Part of her was still hoping that he might have changed his mind though - there was a huge risk to his own reputation if he was ever found out.

She dressed as smartly as she could in an effort to feel strong, confident and more in control while she sat opposite him at his desk. He could be quite intimidating. She had taken care in choosing a nice green flowery dress and black suit jacket along with a gold neckless and matching bracelet. She imagined a further sit-down discussion about being allowed back into college, before getting down to business.