Unexpected Threesome Ch. 08


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Even though Ned's erection remained half mast, Issie was soon mewling to her own arousal until with a stiffening of her thighs and a prolonged moan she brought herself to a climax which left her panting against the bulkhead supporting her weight.

Ned's manhood had certainly had some reaction to Issie's increasing excitement and her rubbing of it, but by the time she'd finished was still far from being a picture of rampant hardness.

But Issie was not to be denied or put off any longer. Folding herself more deeply into another forward standing bend, Ned suddenly found Issie twerking her bottom against his front.

The sheer eroticism of what he suddenly guessed Issie was up to overwhelmed the previous half-hearted performance of his cock. In an instant he had a full hard on which Issie was rubbing up and down on the already wet gusset of her bikini pants.

As Ned looked down, the sight before him was bizarre. All he could really see was Issie's butt, the bikini pants pulled in tight against it. At the strange angle, it was difficult to judge just what part of her anatomy was being presented to him. But the way his erection was buried into a fold that ran the full length of it suggested to him that the top was slipping through the base of her bum crack while down near his balls a large damp stain that showed out each side told him his shaft was slipping through her crease; perhaps against her clit.

For the first time he noted it was a new bikini; perhaps even bought in town that morning. Blood red -- like Amy's underwear Ned thought -- and of a minimalist Brazilian cut. She'd tied it tightly on herself, the material strongly resisting the push of his hardness against it. What's more it had string tie pants; unlike all but one of her other bikinis.

"Fuck me Ned, but do it quickly. There's a lot of blood rushing to my head. Cum as fast as you can but hold my hips so you don't push me over."

Ned pulled the string ties of her bikini pants and tossed them aside. Under it he found the whole area of her crotch and buttocks was stretched open by her posture. Almost looking up at him was Issie's tightly puckered butt hole. Beneath it, but closer to him and also angled up to face him, was her sex; already, as far as Ned could visually tell, opened by her arousal, a glistening moisture reflecting the sunlight shining directly on and even into it.

Ned found his hardness surging at the prospect of what was before him; wondering just how it all would work. From this angle it looked as though his manhood would simply spear out Issie's back at his first thrust; not because of any extraordinary dimensions of his manhood but simply the slimness of the torso he was about the penetrate. But clearly, that wasn't the answer.

He bent his already anxious erection down and brought it against Issie's sex. The tip slipped readily inside; almost as though it was being suck in. As he penetrated her, it became quickly evident that to follow the angle of her sex, his hardness was being bent further downward. Momentarily he stood on his toes until his full penetration of her allowed him once again to stand on the flat of his feet and even bend his knees to achieve maximum penetration.

Whatever Issie was feeling as his did this was hardly revelled by any noises she was making. Part giggles, maybe even a laugh which seemed to pummel his manhood with ripples of contractions, part ooh's and aar's which he thought conveyed more pleasure rather than pain. Cognisant of the discomfort of her posture and her urging him to go fast, he tested with a first slow thrust; straightening his knees and even lifting himself slightly onto his toes to pull his shaft upwards and partly out of her before dropping back into her.

He was rewarded with a surge of pleasure through his cock. It was gripped tightly in her body; tighter even than when Issie deliberately gripped him. He could feel the tip raking hard against the back of her sex as his unyielding shaft fought the unnatural angle of its presentation. As he'd slowly dropped back in, Issie had rocked herself momentarily as if the pressure had found something exciting to her. Strangest of all was the feeling that his shaft was being bent into a reverse curve as he penetrated her; as if it was being forced to conform to the curvature of her own body.

Satisfied that he wasn't going to injure Issie or himself, Ned held her hips as he started going at her with a will. Completely unable to know or judge what might pleasure Issie, he simply thrust at her in a way that most pleasured him. Sometimes that meant fast. Sometimes he took a moment to stop and drop as much weight down on it as he dared, letting himself enjoy the maximum possible penetration of her as Issie twerked herself against him; seemingly rubbing the tip on some internal part of her anatomy in a way that pleasured her and him.

It didn't seem to matter to Issie. Already at a sexual peek from her masturbation of her clit with his cock, Issie soon came again.

As he looked down, what he could see was as exciting as what he could feel. Never before had he had such a vista of his own penetration of a woman. The circle of his shaft simply disappeared into Issie's upended body, a little miniscus of her flesh rising up to meet it, especially as he withdrew. A ring of cream quickly formed around the join of their bodies. And with each thrust he saw the length of his shaft reappear from Issie's sex before plunging back into it.

With Issie looking straight back up at the junction of their bodies from between her own legs, it seemed Ned was not alone in enjoying the view.

"Hey Ned, you ought to see things from this angle. I'm getting splashed with my own cream as I watch your balls collide with my clit."

Yet the simplicity of her words hid the sexual excitement they conveyed; spoken through heavy breathing and with poignant pauses at a time Ned's own arousal let him do little more than grunt.

Ned felt he was reaching a climax with almost indecent haste, even if it accorded with Issie's request. It just felt so good, so powerfully arousing even as all his other senses were accosted by the experience. Already he had the sense that whatever he now did his climax was imminent and unstoppable. Little tentacles of sensitivity started running down is shaft. Finally able to restrain himself any longer, he dropped his shaft fully down into Issie as he released, his thighs tightening as his squirts of cum filled her like a cup and he could see his seed ooze from around his shaft with every additional plunge.

As Ned's climax came to its end, he would have been quite happy to just hold himself deep inside her and let the last shudders of his orgasm have their way. But Issie was having none of that. As Ned stood there she bounced repeatedly up against him; pushing until the press of her body against his balls stopped any further progress and then each time twerked herself there in a way that suggested she was rubbing her clit on them while somehow twisting the still hard tip of his erection against a sensitive spot inside her.

With each bounce, Ned could see his own seed being splashed from her body; staining her thighs and disappearing down to where Ned knew her upturned face lay.

Clearly looking for another orgasm, Issie found it; the ripples of her contractions on Ned's cock being even more exciting with the already firm press of her sex and the unfamiliar angle of his penetration of her.

"Now what?" Ned wondered to himself. His cock was still hard, the quality of his climax and the shear eroticism of the sex seeing to that. He was still pleasurably bound into Issie's contorted torso. Does he withdraw? Does he wait for Issie to make some move?

He was about to stand on his toes to pull his hardness from her when Issie made the first move; extending her hands onto the bulkhead in front of her to walk them up it and bring herself into a more conventional bent over, doggy style, posture. Instinctively Ned slid his hands up her slender waist and cupped the breasts now hanging down in the small triangles of her top; finding the nipples within and slipping his hands over them to make them hard again.

Issie must have decided she hadn't finished playing with Ned's persistent erection. Ned felt her squeeze it tight, pull forward to partly withdraw, release her grip to plunge him back in and repeat the action; like she was somehow trying to suck or pull his erection out to maintain it. She did it slowly at first, as if testing its effect, them more rapidly as she realised Ned's erection wasn't going anywhere yet.

Being a bit slow to realise that as far as Issie was concerned this particular sexual encounter wasn't finished yet, it took Ned a moment to adjust and slip a hand back down to let his fingers play with Issie's firm bud. With a prolonged moan, that simply sent Issie into a spasm of sexual energy; pounding herself up and down on Ned's shaft.

Ned was surprised that the moment of exquisite, unbearable sensitivity that usually followed his climax and presaged the softening of his manhood had either passed unnoticed or hadn't yet arrived. He was even more surprised when he realised that far from his manhood being spent, Issie was driving him to another climax.

By the time Issie tensed and climaxed in response to her own actions and those of Ned's fingers between her legs, Ned found his own blood and balls boiling. As Issie's body went limp and spent in her initial post orgasmic collapse, Ned uncontrollable instincts took over until he found himself powerfully pounding her; rag dolling her unresisting body as he nearly drove her against the bulkhead she was supporting herself on.

Ned was less predictable in the way his orgasm vocalised itself than Amy, but she must have had some influence on him. As the pressure in his shaft rose, as he felt himself ready to explode, he found himself groaning...

"Oh god...oh god...oh god..."

It started loud and grew to almost a bellow. Their yachting neighbours already had a judgemental view of what was happening on his yacht with his two young female crew. Goodness only knows what they'd think after this performance which Amy could probably hear all the way to the shore.

But pound as he might, the release just wouldn't come. It seemed he was almost lifting Issie off her feet with every powerful thrust. His cock inside her felt like a rampant tower, like it would split its skin if he didn't discharge its load soon. Until, with an even louder...

"Oh god...OOOOH...OOOH...AAARR"

Ned finally found his climax, pulling Issie's waist hard against him to bury himself deep for every squirt of cum he implanted in her body; only vaguely aware from her moans and the mid-discharge pummelling of his cock by her sex that he'd driven Issie to another orgasm in the process.

At first they were still, exhausted even; Issie bent over, Ned pushed hard against her as he held his erection inside her. It was Issie who started it. A giggle to start with, morphing into a full body laugh which Ned could feel all the way down to the shaft which still lay in her body. A contagious laugh that spread to Ned until the two of them were in spasms of it, Ned bent over Issie's already folded body enjoying the play of her sex on his manhood.

For a moment -- one foolishly optimistic moment -- Ned even thought the provocation of it might let his erection stay hard and ready for more action.

But as the laughter subsided, his cock shrunk, and Issie's now double shotted sex leaked his seed out and spilled it on the cockpit floor, he simply found himself kissing Issie affectionately on her back as his arms surrounded and cuddled her.

Issie put into words what they had both being laughing at.

"That was some performance Ned. Keep it up and every woman in the anchorage is going to want to be visiting the boat."

A new passion washed over them. Not to ejaculate, pound or cum but simply to embrace; to share the love the release of endorphins made them feel for each other. As Issie stood up and turned around, they almost threw themselves at each other. Her bikini top was the only piece of clothing between them and, seeming indecently intrusive, was quickly discarded as their limbs intertwined and the lips locked.

There'd been enough semi-public displays. Their desire was for the privacy, intimacy and comfort of their cabin. Issie took Ned's hand and led him there and they were soon cuddled up together on the bunk; Ned on his back and Issie half over him, pashing him furiously. Naively, Ned assumed the intense pashing would settle down to a quiet embrace while he recovered his performance. But Issie, being Issie, had other ideas.

As she kissed him passionately, Ned could feel her start gently rubbing her crotch on his thigh before one of her hands slipped down and started fondling his determinedly flaccid cock. As Issie became more excited, she lifted her legs a bit higher so that her thigh was stroking his manhood with each up and down movement of her clit along the side of his leg.

Ned's initial thought was that Issie was simply insatiable that day; that being offered the rare opportunity of private time with him she wanted to make the most of it. But deep in his mind a feeling lurked that there was more to it than that. If it was an orgasm count she wanted, he knew from past experience with her that a long session of more conventional love making would have provided that to her. She wasn't hard to get to cum and Ned knew he was capable of giving her many orgasms for every one of his. And given Ned's age and the refractory period that went with it, that was important.

Ned had an uncomfortable feeling that what Issie really seemed to want was to maximise his own ejaculation count. She'd puled three climaxes out of him in little more than half an hour and was already trying to tease him up for another. By right he'd shouldn't have been able to deliver that at his age; yet by a mixture of extreme and unrelenting sexual provocations, she'd done it.

Did she sense that Amy might have impregnated him with her copulins? Did she think that she might have been somehow able to have him ejaculate it back out? If the latter, Ned's recollection was that it was already too late. Whatever Amy implanted was already in his brain; probably competing with Issie's own earlier implant.

Or was he just overthinking the whole thing, giving too much meaning to some hocus-pocus reading from the past and Issie was just in a randy mood?

But the whole subject was moot; a mere mental distraction to where Ned's focus belonged -- in the bunk with Issie. And Issie's focus was clearly on one thing. As she became more excited, she lifted herself bodily onto Ned. Now instead of rubbing herself on his thigh, she was rubbing on his cock; his flaccid cock which simply flopped back and forwards with every movement. Issie tried to keep it centred on her crease -- rubbing over her clit. She was wet and slippery and it certainly felt nice to Ned, even if ineffective in giving him a rise. But every time it reversed direction it threatened, despite her best efforts to centre it, to go sideways, escaping her crease and its movement against her clit.

So Issie changed her approach, almost pinning his cock against her clit and grinding it there. Ned found it a bit hard on his balls and was certainly glad she was lazered clean down there. Any hair, let alone sharp regrowth, would have caused significant abrasion to something very sensitive. But still, it was working for Issie and that's really all that mattered to him. As her heavy breathing presaged, she soon came. But, instead of collapsing down on Ned for a cuddle, she kept grinding.

What happened next caught Ned a little by surprise. With minimal warning, he ejaculated. He hadn't achieved an erection and while it felt sort of nice in a mild sort of way, it was no mind blowing climax. Just a few squirts of cum onto his stomach which was quickly spread by Issie's actions into a sticky mess.

It wasn't the first time in his life he'd cum with a flaccid cock. But it was more often after he'd worn an erection out doing everything he could unsuccessfully trying to give a mature age woman an orgasm and had only started focusing on his desires with the last vestiges of some sort of rigidity; usually ending up squirting into her crease or bum crack because he couldn't maintain any penetration. He couldn't remember previously doing it without an erection proceeding it.

Whatever, it pleased Issie, who willingly and very playfully licked up the mess from his stomach. But once again it left Ned feeling that giving him a high cum count, whether they were good ones or not, was part of Issie's agenda.

But still Issie wasn't satisfied. After licking up his stomach, she moved down to Ned's cock where again she started vacuum sucking it; as far as Ned could see, trying to get another rise out of it. The whole thing sort of reminded him of a scene out of an Austin Powers movie with Elizabeth Hurley and an erection pump and he actually had trouble supressing a giggle at his own expense about it. He was also moving deeper into unknown territory. Did his last ejaculation restart the count as far as his refractory period was concerned, or do you need to have an erection first? Not that it really mattered; what would be would be.

Ned in effect became a passive victim -- maybe 'subject' is a more appropriate word, since 'victim' carries negative connotations -- of Issie's desires. She was too busy to engage in much in the way of conversation, merely throwing him a wicked grin from time to time as she came up for air on her sucking efforts, and he simply found himself lying on his back letting her do her best to prod some life into his worn out manhood, stroking so much of her long hair laying across his stomach as he could reach.

It unambiguously felt nice to Ned. Her lips were right down near his ball sack and brushing against it delightfully. Her tongue was licking up and down against the underside of his penis as she sucked. If she'd done it at any other time his body would have thrown up a boner so fast it would have jammed down the back of her throat before she could have moved her head away.

Ned found it best to Zen out on the issue of whether she could succeed just yet. He knew the slightest anxiety on his part would kill stone dead any prospect of a reaction and could console himself with the knowledge he'd done alright so far in meeting her needs. Since the object of her focus was getting a rise out of him instead of pleasuring herself, it was pointless trying to divert her to something more within the realm of what was possible at the moment. He decided to just enjoy the stimulation for what it was.

To his surprise, she started to succeed. Ned always enjoyed the feeling of that first rush of blood into a growing erection and Issie suddenly found herself sucking on something with enough rigidity to do something with. Not the sort of rampant erection that might have a girl quivering in anticipation (in Ned's dreams anyway), more the sort of partial inflation that would have caused him embarrassment at the beach in his youth.

That encouraged Issie to redouble her efforts. Instead of thrusting it in and out of her mouth and down her throat like she might have if she was just giving him held, she head only so much of it in her mouth as was comfortable and sucked. Hard. Really, really hard. Like she was trying to suck the thickest thickshake through a narrow straw. Ned felt it swell further as Issie physical drew blood from out of his body and into his manhood, whatever his body thought about the idea.

The moment came when Issie decided she had achieved enough. Rising up between Ned's legs she mounted him; lying along his body as she brought Ned's manhood into the delight of her sex.