Unexpected Threesome Ch. 13


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"Ned I need you; need you badly and soon."

I would have like to have added; "I need you to go the animal on me" so I really could get what Amy got, but that was too much to demand if I was somehow to sneak a quickie.

He contemplated the words momentarily, eyes still closed absorbing the stimulation of my now rapidly moving hand.

"I'll see what I can do, but we better clear up this gear."

Reluctantly I let go of his shaft and grabbed the top of the dive gear, lifting it clear of the tender and swinging it into the wash bucket, swivelling my mons on Ned's hip for as long as possible until the last moment when I had to put my spare hand on his back to help me stand up and turn around to deposit it in the bucket. Then I went down for the second one; but would much preferred to have gone down for something quite different.

As I stood over the gear holding the hose nozzle I noticed Amy had taken the opportunity of me helping Ned to disappear below. Issie having finished with the securing of the board was sitting forward contemplating the bay.

I pushed the button on the nozzle, releasing a squirt of water over the gear. Ned was easing himself up from his prone position when I 'accidently' put a big splash of water onto him with a second squirt.

"Did you just splash me?"

"Who me?"

"I don't think you can be trusted with that hose."

"No, I'm fine." But with those words I gave him a full frontal squirt; sending a stream of water onto him from his face down to his projecting cock and causing the latter to be plastered to his swimwear.

Ned moved in against me, reaching for the tap.

"I'll take that."

I swung my hand out of his easy reach, turning the tap and giving him another squirt in the face as his body pushed against me.

"No, no, I'm under control."

But Ned was faster than me. He had the hose out of my grip before I could react. But there was more than one way to skin a cat. Before he knew what was happening, I'd dropped my hand down to his crotch and cupped his balls firmly in my fingers.

"Hand over the hose and nothing gets hurt."

His erection had started to soften, but now it exploded again. Reluctantly, he handed the hose back to me again. As soon as I got control of it, I let his balls go and gave Ned's face a long squirt.

Released from my dangerous grip, Ned moved around behind me and effortlessly picked me up clear off the ground, initially with one hand around my chest, the other through my crotch.

"Ah, no, stop, rape."

I directed the hose down between my legs and give Ned's balls a good squirt.

"That'll cool you off."

But of course, cooling him off was the last thing I wanted.

To let him struggle for the hose, he unwrapped the arm around my breasts and let that through my crotch slip upward to become a single grip encircling my waist. His now free hand was inching out along my own outstretched one, looking to grab the hose from it. As I bent my torso at the point his arm was around my waist and leaned forward to move the hose further from him, his single armed lift of me was having trouble stopping me from sliding down his body.

The tip of his erection, held out from his torso by the swimwear sheathing it, speared into my crotch and slid forward until it projected out from the front of my body. The upward pressure on it had pushed a fold of my bikini pants into my crease and I could feel the warmth of his shaft radiating through to where its girth was pushed firmly against my clit with my swollen lips wrapped around it.

With my toes now just touching the deck, I pretended to struggle to keep control of the tap as I rubbed my clit almost manically against his shaft, one nipple brushing up and down on his bicep. For a moment Ned played the game; appearing to fight for the tap while offering up the closeness of his body for me to work against.

But we were on an open platform, exposed to everyone in the harbour. I felt the tap pried out of my hands and the next thing I knew I was tumbling backwards into the harbour waters; our intertwined bodies disappearing momentarily under the surface before re-emerging, his shaft still between my legs.

"You were getting a bit too obvious."

Ned wrapped an arm around the painter of the tender, hooking his elbow over it to support our weight. His free hand, still around my waist, turned my body around, his shaft withdrawing from between my legs as I turned side on to him

As I came back face to face with him I felt him lift me slightly until my crease was momentarily speared back against the tip of his shaft before it slid between my legs again but this time from the front. His hand slipped down between our bodies, pulled down the waist band of my bikini until it rested on the top of his shaft and then withdrew and striped his own swimwear back to expose the length of his erection. A moment later his hard, naked manhood was pushed back through my crease, naked flesh against naked flesh.

His arm embraced me and he brought his lips to mine, stealing a kiss while the hand of the arm over the painter cradled the back of my head.

"Now you can enjoy yourself."

Oh, how I would have liked to slip his hardness inside me. To fill that void that yearned for him to fill; first with the swollen length of his manhood and then with his precious cum. But I was probably ovulating and unprotected in every sense and nary a condom in reach. And rules were rules.

I closed my eyes and started working his shaft back and forwards against my clit. Slowly and deliberately at first, then with increasing speed. I felt Ned pull both bikini triangles off my breasts, exposing my jutting nipples, playing with one with his fingers before his lips wrapped around the other.

I couldn't help it; letting out a sigh of pure bliss even though I was trying to be quiet so as not to alert the others that we were engaged in sexual play.

It didn't take ten minutes, even five. In my sexualised state I was tensed up in the throes of a beautiful orgasm in little less than three. I floated there, supported in his arms, my head over his shoulder and my body pushed against his, letting the bliss of my orgasm and the joy of having him next to me infuse my whole body.

It was his turn. That's how these things work, isn't it? Reluctant to let go of my hold of him, even more reluctant to pull my already reswollen clit away from its contact with his shaft, but wanting to pleasure him, I took a deep breath, grabbed the base of his shaft where it emerged from between my legs and pulled myself down; having the top third of his cock in my mouth before he even knew what was going to happen.

I barely started sucking it before I felt his hands tug me back to the surface. As I broke into the tepid tropical air, Ned pulled me tightly against his body and wrapped me in his arms as he whispered in my ear...

"That's was beautiful, but you don't need to do it."

He hesitated for a moment.

"Maybe it would be better if I helped you go again?"

OK, now I knew it. Somewhere in the last 24 hours I'd died in my sleep and gone to heaven. I was with a man who'd knocked back an underwater blow job to give me a second climax; even if I was bemused by his clumsy expression of 'go again'.

Even as he'd asked, his hand had slid down my stomach, between my legs, inside my pants and his fingers had felt out my engorged bud and was stroking it between two fingers. I really hadn't thought much about the implications of having a somewhat more pronounced clit than normal, but discovering what Ned could do with its extra length and surface area made me feel doubly privileged.

I lay back in his arms, head in the water, letting my body half float to the surface, legs spread wide apart as his head came over my chest and he once again sucked on my nipple. As he continued to play with my clit between his thumb and forefinger, other digits slipped through my crease and sought out the entry to my sex, felt around its rim to discover it open and ready for them and pushed gently inside.

Ned knew where my g spot was and the effect it could have on me. Quickly he was firmly raking two fingers over its sensitive surface.

I'm not a screamer, not even a moaner. I've spent too long trying not to let others sharing my living space know I'm having sex; even if it was often alone. But OMG it was difficult not to vocally express the rising ecstasy I felt as he fingered and sucked every erogenous zone in my body.

I had no control over my legs as they started quivering almost violently to the rising tide of my impending climax; having just enough muscle control to keep them spread wide apart so as not to impede Ned's glorious fingering.

Ned could sense I was about to cum; pressing harder on my g spot and working my clit more vigorously as he twirled my nipple around with his tongue.

As I climaxed every muscle in my body tensed, before my back involuntarily arched, throwing my head back in the water as I jerkily spasmed against the pressure of Ned's hand. Then I lay back there quietly moaning until my heartbeat returned to a resemblance of normal.

At last the heat had been drained from my loins. I wouldn't have said I was completely sated, but the desperate need I'd felt, one so strong it had caused me to take the unprecedented for me step of asking Ned to satisfy it, was something more controllable. I let my legs sink back into the depths until I could hold myself tightly against his body; savouring the contact between us.

He still had a boner pushing against my stomach and creating a yearning inside me to have it fill the waiting hole that, even now after two orgasms, his mere presence had created within me. I pushed my lips to his ear.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like me to fix that boner?"

"It's a tempting offer Ellen, but I think it would be better to let this one settle and join the others."

It wasn't going to settle with me pushed against it and, I'll admit, using the gentle swell, to rub it subtly on my stomach. With a kiss, Ned separated our bodies and made for the ladder onto the swim platform; loitering there to let me go up first.

I was learning the art of this game. Before I climbed up I pulled my bikini pants up tightly so that they folded into my bum crack and moulded onto my mound, then loitered with my butt in his face just clear of the water before I sashayed up the rest of the ladder. It reminded me I needed to go shopping for some "fuck me" bikinis when I was in town this afternoon.

Ned followed up, his boner still pushing out the material of his swimmers as we dried ourselves. The others were below; up to no good if the giggles emanating from the cabin were any guide. By the time we were dry enough to go and investigate the full boner had subsided to a prominent bulge; clearly I hadn't done enough wobbling of my tits as I dried them, although the truth might well have been I just didn't have enough tits.

As we went below, the reason for the giggles quickly became obvious. They were watching the video of Ned and Amy's dive. Excited by what Amy had shown her, Issie quickly replayed the highlights for us.

The intended Facebook footage of Amy diving amongst the coral was pretty interesting. Let me rephrase that. It was compelling. You could see why the site was so popular. She oozed sexuality as she moved through the ocean; left it trailing like an oily film behind her almost.

Her breasts and nipples were magnified by the water, the former bulging out of her top while the latter pushed out mountainous peeks in the material, her butt wiggled and swayed seductively while any shot even slightly from below displayed a seductive mound with a noticeable crease running through it.

It might have been presented as some sort of nature documentary but it was going to attract an audience that David Attenborough never came close to capturing.

When she started circling around Ned in the clearing it was like a sexual predator moving in for the kill. Even through her facemask her eyes had a look of sexual hunger. And then, as the footage progressed, it suddenly became clear that the hunger was real.

It never occurred to me you could have underwater sex. Here I thought they were off on an innocent dive. No wonder Ned didn't need any relief from me. I didn't really get the whole bikini bottoms forced up your snatch thing, but apart from that it was pretty hot to watch. It left me randy and insanely jealous all at the same time. Maybe even a little bit, and very unreasonably, annoyed with Ned; like somehow he should have disclosed it to me before he'd fingered me.

It certainly created a noticeable sexual frission in the cabin. Ned was seriously at risk of a gang bang, especially from Issie and me. That whole fear of missing out thing was running rampant. At the very least you just knew something was going to happen once Issie and I got our diving certificates.

Somehow Ned survived the day without a gang bang. Issie and Amy spent much of it separating the sexualised David Attenborough stuff for the Facebook page from the straight out porn and posted the former. In town later on I got my "fuck me" bikinis and looked forward to putting them to the test; just hoping my judgment of what a fuck me bikini was would be the same as Ned's.

I took Amy with me to help me chose because she seems to have it down to a fine art. I'd fuck her in a couple of hers; mind you that might be the body as much as how she drapes it. Still in the end I had to go with what I thought worked best for me in both style and colour. And in part that was because of this sense that the fuck me bikinis aren't just a tool to make Ned randy; they are as much a competitive game between the girls, intended to hold his attention on the individual and stir up his passions towards her. So you can't really let a competitor have the final say over your competitive weapons, whatever goodwill she might be displaying.

That night was the first of the new sleeping arrangements. Amy and I got to share Ned for the night (and more importantly the morning) and Issie got the promise of a private bang the next day. Or at least as private as you can get on a small yacht.

From where did Issie and Amy get the idea that the best time for the threesome with Ned was in the morning? Who goes to bed with their lover every night, wanting sex but thinking, 'Nah, let's wait till the morning'?

I know that originally it all came from an overuse of Ned's body during the day in the first flush of their sexual relationship. But can't we renegotiate that? Of course, as the newbie, I knew it wasn't my place to upset long standing arrangements.

But as I knew it would, my night passed in a randy half sleep. Part of that was just the fact I was cuddled up against him; his erection pushing into my stomach during the time we were sleeping face to face. But an equal part was knowing the morning would bring my first threesome and I hoped -- and more importantly - my first real chance to ask Ned for a "go the animal" sex session. I understood Ned's concerns about trying it this early in our relationship, and indeed about the whole concept. The very idea is for the guy to immerse himself in his own sexual passions and arousal. By definition he's not specifically trying to satisfy the girl. That means the girl has to be no less into it; throwing her sexual organs around in a way that gets them stimulated, not lying back and letting him do the work.

It takes two uncontrollably passionate and turned on people to make it work. It's exhausting. And it has every potential to be disappointing.

And yet I knew beyond doubt I was ovulating. I wanted it. I wanted Ned. I needed Ned. I was as randy as hell and I wasn't sure I'd ever feel this way once I was on the pill. This was my first and best chance.

The very fact of my disturbed sleep made me miss the start of proceedings. First thing I knew is that I started having a sexualised dream about my breasts being played with; drifting in to a semi wakefulness to realise it's not a dream at all and Amy's tweaking my nipple as she rides Ned cowgirl style alongside me; his face buried in her breast and fingers tweaking her other nipple.

As soon as Amy knew I was awake she traced her fingers down my torso, virtually demanding I roll onto my back and spread my legs for her access. This BOB thing was new to me and something I was still getting comfortable with. I have to admit that it was only with some uncertainty that I complied.

At first she just played her fingers across my mons, tracing up and down between the start of my crease and my navel; letting my physical arousal get a head start. Then her fingers went further, gently touching my labia to see if they're unfolding for her, dipping her finger in to see if I'm lubricating up to her touch.

Her reaction when she first touched up my clit was precious. You could see her do a double take as she realised it was bigger than normal; feeling it with her fingers to give herself a sense of what was there before momentarily pulling her head back to try and look at it. I'm used to it by now, so the reaction doesn't bother me; especially when I know the benefits of a bigger one.

But it was only a minor delay to her slipping her fingers inside me; rubbing my clit with her thumb while her fingers pushed hard into the front wall of my vagina touching up where she correctly guessed my g spot lay.

In a way Amy only just finished those preliminaries in time. Moments later she was starting to cry out her own rising arousal; engrossed in an exaggerated and noisier Meg Ryan like build up with her stimulation of me completely governed by the way in which she was riding Ned towards her climax. Her orgasm went off like an explosion; a scream that nearly deafened me followed by a series of moans and groans that left her collapsed like a lump of jelly over Ned's chest. I had to supress a giggle because even though it was all real and very arousing to watch, the total performance reminded somewhat of an overacted death scene; those ones where the actor refuses to just lay down and die and instead keeps popping up for a bit more of a performance.

But as with the last time I watched Ned and Amy together, it also left me jealous of someone who could be so completely and uninhabitably into the sex and clearly enjoying it so much. The depth of the pleasure that drove those 'pop up's', as I so crudely put it, was so palpable that I felt a cross legged desire to be the one to feel it.

And whether it was Amy's fingering of me or watching her perform on Ned it all left me quite aroused and ready to receive Ned's swollen member. But I'm new to this threesome thing. As I lay there on my back with my legs apart and Amy's fingers still pushed up my snatch and lying against my clit, but now still in her la petite mort, I was wondering what the hell I do. Do I just lay here and wait to be taken? Do I rise up and aggressively push Amy off for my turn to play the cow girl? What?

Amy was not making it any easier as she savioured her post cotise rest on Ned's chest, his manhood still laying deep inside her. Ned, caught between not hurrying Amy off him and making me feel involved, moved the arm that lay between our bodies to slide it over my thigh. I felt his hand gently wrap itself over that of Amy's resting in my crotch and pull it away before returning to finger me. I turned my head towards him and found his smiling countenance looking straight at me; giving me a wink as soon as he caught my attention.

I bent in to kiss him, enjoying the feeling of his acceptance on my tongue into his mouth and wrestling gently with his.

That seemed to spur Amy to move. She kissed the cheek turned towards her as she rose on all fours; his hardness falling against his stomach with an audible thump as it first bent upwards to accommodate her rise, then slipped from the wet juicy confines of her body. She reached over both of us to grab a condom off the shelf, one of her nipples crashing into the side of my eye in the process.