Unexpected Threesome Ch. 18


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The trip may have been complex, but it wasn't that long; only about 7km in all - around 4 nautical miles.

To say the girls were excited is an understatement. They are all keen, mad, passionate surfers in the way that only those who know a surfer can even imagine. But their opportunities had been a bit sparse recently and now they had this perfect rolling break all to themselves; surfers heaven.

With only two boards between the three girls (OK, four of us in total - I was going to have a go too, but was willing to sit back and acknowledge my lesser skills), it was decided that Tash and Ellen should get first go, leaving Amy and myself to set up camp in a shady spot in amongst the low hanging branches of the tropical vegetation.

Amy spread out a towel and lay herself down; trying to get the right balance between sun and shade that let her dry herself out from the wet trip and enjoy the tropical warmth, while not cooking her skin or overheating. I followed suit alongside her, building myself a little sand pillow and backrest under my towel to let me watch the girls surfing (and to be honest, perve at Amy's body sprawled out alongside me).

We chatted for a short while - discussing the bucket list for the next few days on the island - as I took advantage of my elevated position to stare down along the length of her body. Amy's breasts might not have the same humungous quality as Tash's, but they were large for her slim body size in a way that was incredibly sexy; all the more so when the golden flesh of their perfectly shaped orbs was only partly covered by a bikini top that was a little too small for its job. Then there was that stomach of hers; taut and plank flat in a way that continued in a straight line down to where her delectable mound turned down under her crotch with only her gorgeous navel breaking the surface of sculptured excellence. To top it off, the pants she had on today showed a bikini bridge that offered teasing views down alongside her mound; leaving little to the imagination.

Mid-sentence she fell quiet and rolled over on top of me, resting her head on my chest as her legs straddled mine and she wrapped her arms around my upper body. Amy's a contemplative young lady and I searched for what it was had suddenly made her feel the need for solace.

I ran my hand through her hair...

"Are you missing Issie?"

"A little bit. We'd known each other long enough to feel a close bond. I like the others, but there's not been time for the same closeness to develop."

"How are you getting on with Tash?"

"Good. She's fun to be around and certainly makes the yacht more lively."

Her answers had seemed genuine, but none of her answers had offered conversation starters to explore anything that might be bothering her.

I started to give it one more try...

"Are you..."

When she cut me off...



"I'm fine. You don't need to analysis me. I just wanted some time to feel close to you."

She lifted her head up towards mine, closing her eyes and puckering her lips in an unmistakable request for me to kiss her. I bent my head down to find her lips; pecking them and kissing around her cheek as I embraced her. But I could see the arch of my body was denying her any real comfort. I squirmed off to the side of the sand pillow I'd created, laying diagonally across her and my towels so I could lay flat.

She crawled up my body so that her head was over mine, playing her lips against mine and offering her tongue to lightly wrestle externally with my own. Then she lifted her hips, worked the erection that had grown in my swimmers into its vertical position along my stomach and brought herself down straddling it; squirming on it until I could feel its length settle into the fold of her crease.

"Ned, I don't want this to finish. I don't want to give up your love or the love I feel for you. Yes, I know I have to. I don't need a lecture. But that doesn't mean I want to. But for now, for the next short time, I just want you."

"OK, no lectures. I'm not looking forward to the day either. But I don't think the 75 year old me is going to be that attractive to the 45 you old you."

I immediately regretted adding the last sentence. I'd said no lectures.

"I'd prefer to make that judgment. But I understand."

She lifted her hips up, slipped her hand under, pulled her swimmer's gusset to the side, undid my swimmer's drawstring, exposed me and brought herself down to penetrate my shaft into her; squirming down to bring her mound firmly against my pubis.

"Let me lie here and cuddle you."

As she slipped her arms under mine and lay sprawled across the top of me like a blanket, I put one arm around her and stroked her long hair with the other; letting her lie there in silence. Issie's departure had changed what Amy sought from me. Far more often now she wanted sex, or even just contact, which was intimate, rather than the wild, screaming, bouncing, multi-orgasmic sex she'd chased before. It was almost back to the earliest days of our relationship. The screaming stuff still happened, but the balance had changed.

It was certainly no burden to me to indulge her. I loved the feel of my shaft just lying inside the warm wetness of her sex; revelled in it even. I got enough wild sex to satisfy any man half my age, so some slower stuff was no frustration inducing tease. The grip her sex had on it sensitised my shaft in a way that sent little shivers of pleasure through my body without threatening a release.

But I couldn't help myself. Instinctively as I ran my hand down the length of her long hair to where it cascaded over her shoulder and down onto the towel, I extended my thumb out and brushed it against the nipple sitting inside her bikini top and against my chest. I felt it instantly harden; which encouraged me to leave it there, playing against the jutting projection as even through the thin, unlined material my sensitive finger registered the swelling of the plinth on which her nipple stood and the cute little dimples that dotted its surface.

My brain had just caught up with my instinct and was starting to challenge whether nipple play came within "just cuddling" when I felt her reposition herself to give me clearer access to the nipple as she brought her lips back up to mine and kissed me before planting kisses across the surface of both of my cheeks. I took that as a message that she'd like me to continue.

Emboldened, I slipped my forefinger and thumb into the side of her top and rolled the naked flesh of the nipple between them.

Amy's head returned to rest on my shoulder, leaving me to feel the rise and fall of her chest and the soft sound of her breathing as I continued to fondle her nipple. Lying motionless on top of me, she was clearly enjoying me play with it. Like so much of Amy, her nipples were in the goldilocks zone. A bit bigger and maybe a bit darker than normal, but not anywhere near so big as to have that stretched all over the end of her breast look and feel that I personally find unattractive. There was an immense tactile pleasure in just rolling its hardened cylindrical perfection between two fingers.

Her whole being communicated contentment to me as she lay there; just occasionally shuffling a bit on top of me; pushing her mound ever firmer down onto my pubis and seemingly trying to merge our bodies into one single entity. But always she left me with easy access to her nipple.

It wasn't that long before I noticed her breathing becoming faster and heavier; occasional almost heaving, accompanied by a little spasm through her sex that squeezed against my shaft. Amy is the only one of the three girls - four counting Issie - perfectly able to have an orgasm on nipple play alone; and fairly easily at that. My playing with it had been for my pleasure; but the knowledge it had such a profound effect on her increased that pleasure.

When she climaxed, it wasn't accompanied by one of her screams or any pounding of her body down on mine. It was just a sudden holding of her breath proceeding a deep, satisfying, prolonged groan while I could feel her sex contracting against my shaft. But still she just lay there.

Maybe five minutes later, a second orgasm followed; much as the first.

I was happy to give her nipple orgasms all day. There was clearly something in what was happening that fulfilled some deep need she felt. Amy's no selfish lover, but what she was seeking now was something other than sex in its rawest sense.

But I was also aware the others would be coming back soon. I'd been lifting my head to keep an eye on them and when I saw them coming into the shallows, I patted Amy on her but and told her it was time to get up and do some surfing.

Her instinctive reaction was to squeeze her sex onto my shaft and start moving up and down on me; trying to bring me to a climax. But there was no time for that. Girl on top is my endurance position; I don't cum that fast. And for various reasons I didn't want to finish a performance in full view of the others. I clamped my hand on her bum to slow her movement.

"There's no time for that and no need. We can catch up another time. Let's go surfing."

I half turned to encourage her to get off me. She lifted her hips to slip me out of her and climbed off, kneeling next to me. I quickly covered my erection with my swimmers and picked up the back pack to ferret out my boardshorts; positioning the bag on my lap to hide the erection while I let it settle back down.

By the time the girls reached us I had my boardshorts on and I think I managed to avoid displaying any obvious sign of sexual activity. All they'd seen from the beach was Amy lying still on top of me; cuddling yes, but ambiguous for anything else.

Amy and I took the boards from them and headed off to the water. I'm not going to pretend I'm either a skilled or passionate surfer. Amy shares the passion of the other girls, but being from England, for her it's a newly acquired skill; so she's not up to the standard that their lifetime of surfing has generated. My; well, I've done some over the years, but not enough to show and finesse.

We were both out the back waiting for another wave when Amy paddled over alongside me, slipped her hand half way up the leg of my boardshorts and said...

"Thank you for earlier. I needed that."

She'd caught me a bit off guard with the suddenness of it. I looked up into her eyes and found her staring back; her doe like eyes a deep well of something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Whatever it was, it was clear she meant the words. Before I could answer she was paddling off towards the break area again.

I watched as she paddled onto a wave, transfixed as she lifted her cute butt into a downward dog like position before standing up and shooting off towards the beach. A picture of feminine grace and sexualised athletic beauty

My relationship with Amy was always the most complex; her many years of being with a physically and emotionally abusive partner creating deep needs in her that she seems to find some satisfaction for in our relationship. Issie's departure seems to have deepened it, especially since she's now been on the boat far longer than the other two and we feel some stronger connection between each other for that reason alone.

Still, I worry for her. She tells me she's not damaged and perfectly able to act rationally and to a degree that's true. But she's a lovely person and a stunning beautiful woman. Longer term, she deserves, and should easily be able to attract, a much more appropriate male than myself. I just worry that she won't be able to let go when the time comes for her to move on. In the mean time we share a deep love that's completely out of line with our age difference; but I'm well aware that knowing how much I love her is incredibly important to her. I can only imagine that the whole cuddling thing on the beach was her need for a physical reaffirmation of that.

This was meant to be a day of surfing and only a true surfer can understand that, when you have a perfect left hand break and a beach all to yourself, it really did mean a day. A whole day. The girls continued to take turns on the boards, interspersed with lunch and various refreshments we'd brought with us. I took some turns, but not every one; which inevitably meant both Ellen and Tash spent time on the beach with me.

Tash is proving to be an interesting addition to the boat. I had very quickly formed an emotional bond with Ellen that let me say I loved her. There's just something in her manner and maturity that made it easy for me to do that.

While it's early days, for Tash I can't honestly say it has moved beyond lust. And the reciprocal of that is that she too is just using me for sex. All in the most respectful and even affectionate way of course. But it is more of a close emotional relationship that reflects our age difference with a sexual one that ignores it.

But she has brought to the boat a playfulness that transcends even what existed before, which combined with her forceful personality, has imprinted itself on everything. And often that means a physical playfulness too. A mere one example is that, when I prematurely took the last sandwich, she almost launched herself at me, crawling up over my body to try and reach it in my outstretched hand. We both knew that had she asked for it, then it was hers. And my outstretch hand, in trying to deny it to her was simply an automatic and momentarily teasing reaction to her physical approach to getting it.

The girls have always done that sort of thing; but Tash does it more often, does it as much between the girls as with me, and brings to it a greater exuberance than before.

But she too has picked up from the others the habit of seeking to induce the "full horizontal boner" whenever she can; which you will recall is the girls' semi competition of teasing me into an erection in everyday circumstances which grows in my swimwear so that it points out horizontally instead of vertically. As she climbed over me, it was inevitable from the degree of intimate contact she was going to get an erection. But as soon as she felt through her crotch that the starting alignment of it was going to grow it vertically she bounced herself down on it a couple of times and pinned it there until she changed that to the horizontal one she sought. And as she ate the sandwich, she happily bowed to the applause of the other girls for her efforts.

With the other girls, she has brought into a boat a degree of acceptance of the whole BOB (Bi on the Boat) thing that was only really danced around before. Amy and Issie had started to get into it, but let's just say that, when there some sort of general orgy happening, Amy and Tash seem to have no limits. And even Ellen, who has been pretty half hearted about it, seems to be a lot more comfortable with it now. Still, as far as I know it's only when there is a general orgy - so it's sideline activity while I'm involved - that the BOB really comes into play. At other times they seem very comfortable with being in close physical contact with each other, but I don't know they instigate actual sex.

Like all days, this one had to come to an end and it was time to pack up the RIB for the long trip back to the yacht.

I'd sent the girls ahead with the boards and esky while I packed up the backpack with our towels and excess clothing. As I rounded the bend to where the RIB was I was, to say the least, a bit taken aback with the sight in front of me. The RIB was broadside onto the beach. On the beach side of it Tash was bent over the inflatable sidetube where the mid-boat thwart (seat) was. She was kneeling on the beach with about her upper stomach on the sidetube; legs spread wide apart. Quite an attractive sight you might think. And so it was.

But bent over the top of her was Amy; with the gorgeous little mound bulge of her prominently on display between her equally spread legs.

And bent over the top of her, with her now almost straight but still well spread legs supporting her weight, was Ellen.

I stopped for a moment, somewhat taken aback - if not transfixed - by the sight. I must not have been heard on my approach, because as I walked alongside them and tossed the bag into the boat, Tash looked up towards me to ask, while the other two just grinned at me...

"Ever seen a pussy stack before?"

It took me a second to realise the significance of the co-joined words. 'Pussy' and 'stack', because frankly the concept was foreign to me.


"Can you work out what to do with one?"

Naturally an answer pretty quickly came to mind. But my first reaction was 'no, surely not'.

"Do you mean..." I wasn't quite sure how to finish the sentence. But I'd said enough.

"Yep, I'm not carry the weight of these fat bitches above me because I like the feel of Amy's tits pushing into my back. We saw the boner you got from watching our upended pussies earlier, so now you can use them. So get on with it. Oww!"

The final exclamation had come from Any's friendly dig in her ribs for the fat bitches comment.

I moved around between their legs. As I looked down on the extraordinarily beautiful sight a lot of things went through my mind that will take longer to set out than my mind took to process them. Still, they're important.

The first was that the boner was back with a vengeance. I'd got a bit of wood on just from the sight as I approached them. Now it was rigid, hard and pushing the material of my swimmers well above the waist band.

The second was 'shit', how do I do this? If pussy stack is actually a concept, I would imagine it's usually associated with an emotionless orgy high on some brain numbing substance, or just part of a mindless porn fantasy.

These are real girls, each with their own emotional and physical needs from my relationship with them and are certainly not affected by any substance. My general rule for sex is that 'the girl cums first'. How do I get that result with three of them in a position that I haven't used on them - I haven't done doggy style with any of them individually let along a stack of them - and where I don't have easy access to all the erogenous zones that I would normally use?

How many pokes does each one get? What about foreplay? Who do I cum into and how do I ensure that result? Their pussies are covered by their bikini bottoms, how do I access them when their legs are interlocked like they are?

With so many question and worries about the whole thing, it was a wonder my boner didn't shrink away. But it was actually keen to get down to the task at hand. I decided I'd just have to wing it, Tash's words of 'get on with it' ringing in my ears.

First things first. I freed my erection from my swimmers, pulled them down my legs and chucked them onto the floor of the RIB under the girls' noses as if to announce the whole thing was about to commence.

Instinctively I ran my hand up and down the stack of pussies a couple of times, the closeness of their bodies making a smooth transition from one to the next. On the third and subsequent times, as I ran my hand along, I extended my finger and pushed more deeply into the front of their mounds to try and tickle up their clits a bit. It was time to expose them.

Amy and Tash were easy enough. With string tie bottoms, I undid the right hand tie and pulled the material aside, fingering each one a little in their clit and sex to see how they were responding and finding them fairly receptive. Ellen's bottoms weren't string tie. Pulling them off her would put a lot of weight on the other girls as I brought her legs up, so I just pulled the gusset aside and fingered her a bit too.

The girls were giggling a lot and responding with ohhs and arhhs to my fingering but on the whole seemed to be treating it all as a bit of a joke; which I found encouraging. It took some of the pressure off. As I stood back for a moment I considered my options. As I was fucking a girl I could fairly easily reach around and play with her nipples or tickle up the clit of a girl above her. Wrapping a hand around to the clit of a girl being fucked or one below her was more difficult because of the overlapping and entangled legs.