Unexpected Threesome Ch. 54


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Part of all of this was my fault. He might not have been the world's greatest or most thoughtful lover. But there was a giant anchor to my full on participation -- mentally or physically -- in the form of my relationship with Ned always being in the back of my mind and the standard by which all others are judged.

I was playing the role OK, doing everything that a woman wanting sex from a pretty attractive youngish man with a high opinion of himself might do. I was trying to persuade my body to more enthuastically submit to the advances of, what was after all, a bit of a stud male and remind myself of my high sex needs.

But it was only working at half throttle.

He interpreted my automatic grabbing of him and undulation of my body against him as I came as a signal our erotic games were not yet over.

Part of me was a bit over sex for the day -- words I never thought I'd hear myself think. But another was saying, 'look, you've crossed the Rubicon. You've let another man fuck you and you can put that concern behind you. Now you can have one just for the fun of it and see what you really think about it...', or something like that anyway.

For a while, it seemed Ian was content with just lusting over my body. Frank persuaded me I was ugly in every sense and completely unfuckable except for his good grace.

It took a while, but Ned persuaded me of the opposite; that looks wise I'm an absolutely alpha female. Nice, slightly large breasts, really sexy nipples, slim figure, strong core with a plank flat stomach and upright back, the aforementioned mons, good legs, perfect butt, pretty face, flawless olive skin and beautiful hair. By photographs, discussions, comparisons and his own unrelenting lusting over me, he finally undid the crushing of my esteem that Frank achieved.

That's not to say I'm up myself. But I'm far more confident for it.

And having men actually lusting over me is incredibly good for reinforcing Ned's message; starting with Ned. Of course, until this moment, other men have only been allowed to lustfully stare from a distance; some indiscretions on the dance floor this week notwithstanding.

Now Ian felt he had permission to do much more. While looking down, almost drooling, he touched, caressed and kissed nearly every inch of my body while I just lay on my back engaging him in idle, somewhat distracting, conversation.

I could see his manhood surging regularly...

"Shouldn't you lose that used condom?"

"He looked down to where it pathetically hung off the end of his upright erection...

"Just a sec."

He disappeared into the bathroom, returning with an erection once again fully exposed, looking recently cleaned and another condom packet in his hand.

Well, that made his intentions clear if they weren't already.

He slid up over my body, wanting to engage me in more pashing as he squirmed about on top of me, exciting himself quite a lot if the smears of precum I could feel him depositing on my stomach were any guide.

I responded with as much enthusiasm as I could generate. But then I thought...'hey, I'm doing this all wrong.'

I signalled for us to roll over -- not easy on the narrow single bed -- putting me on top. It was time for me to take control of this situation, to turn the sexual me back on. The part of my brain that earlier thought...'I've crossed the Rubicon of getting fucked by another man and having his cock inside Ned's private space', was right. Whatever qualms I might have about that, the deed was done. It was pointless to waste having crossed that boundary by not giving sex with Ian a full on go.

I sat up on him cowgirl style, dropping back onto his thighs to expose his erection. Grabbing the condom packet from where Ian had left it on the pillow, I opened it and rolled it on him. That little formality over, I thought I'd spend some time lusting over his body.

He was pretty good if you go for a sportsman like male -- and I do. Chiselled enough in the jaw to give him a bit of a bad boy look, blue eyes and a good mop of blonde hair, nice pecs, strong biceps and skin remarkably good at his age for someone who spends a lot of time in the sun. Physically, good breeding stock, which is, after all, what women are meant to go for. Personality wise was still a question with a few little red flags. But for the present moment, I'm here for the sex, not the relationship; even if this is, in a way, all about testing alternative relationships.

I nuzzled his cheek, played with his hair, bit his ear and licked his bulging chest muscle; sort of the reciprocal of much of the stuff he did lusting over me, all while teasing him by dragging my breasts across his face and otherwise displaying my sexual features to tease him further.. The erection itself? Well, it was best not to go there; it was already known to be something of a disappointment, but I could set that aside.

Eventually I lifted myself up and penetrated myself with his shaft.

Initially I leaned right back, lifting and dropping myself on his shaft; bringing the tip of his manhood out to the point it stimulated my g spot with the firm pressure of his bent back shaft, then burying him on full penetration to see if I could get him to activate whatever it was that Ned triggers to give me vaginal orgasms.

It was working OK, and certainly eliciting a few moans of pleasure from both me and him. But not really getting anywhere fast and frustrating Ian's attempts to reach up and play with my nipples. So I bent forward, instead rubbing my clit on his pubis and the base of his shaft as I screwed his erection around inside me, using shorter, deeply penetrated thrusts.

Ian took full advantage of that, bending himself up to suck one nipple while he finger tweaked the other.

Now it was more feeling to me like sex should. Not screaming level sex, but pleasurable enough to give proper voice to my moaning. Ian's playing with my nipples helped a lot too. I had let myself go a bit and was feeling the reward for doing that.

I still took longer than it would with Ned, but it brought me to a pretty nice orgasm.

As soon as I had stopped contracting on him, Ian asked...

"Can we finish doggy style?"

It was a challenging question. Neither Ned nor I are doggy fans; we prefer face to face sex. Plus with a new guy like Ian I have to think about whether he's trying to sneak in a bit of anal or thinks he can lose the condom in the transfer. Plus, I suppose, I'm not used to sex where we withdraw, reposition and start again half way through.

But he'd submitted to my request. There was nothing inherently unreasonable about his if I took it at face value.

"On the floor or on the bed?"

"Either, but on the bed is probably nicer."

I rose up to withdraw Ian from me and moved across to the wall, adopting a narrow doggy stance until Ian had got up, then spread my arms and legs wider as he vacated the bed.

As Ian knelt behind me, I dropped my shoulders and then my head right to the bed so I could see his shaft as he penetrated me, to make sure the condom was still there.

As Ian started thrusting, I rose up again to a more horizontal, all fours, stance.

At first Ian started slowly. He was clearly a doggy fan; his moaning making his pleasure known.

He extended a hand around my hip and played with my clit and then bent forward a bit to let him tweak my nipple in the other hand. I could feel him twisting his shaft around and lifting the base of it so that his thrusts and withdrawals dragged his shaft firmly against the back of my vaginal opening, at the same time pushing the tip firmly against the front wall of my vagina, stimulating my g spot when he withdrew far enough.

He was clearly seeking to prolong his pleasure. He'd stop for a while, clearly waiting for his brewing up balls to settle down a bit, before starting again. But he'd still be playing with my nipples and clit, so my stimulation would continue.

Being triple stimulated (as Ned and I call it) like that -- clit, g spot and nipples all at once -- was going to have an effect, whatever my view of doggy style is. The two of us seemed almost synchronised in our pleasure; a cascade of harmonic moans reverberating through the room with every thrust and neither of us holding back the volume.

Not being offered or wanting a break from simulation, I came first. It wasn't a screamer -- far from it. But it had my head down on the pillow and my vagina contracting firmly on Ian's cock as I moaned it out.

That quickly changed Ian's approach to the whole thing. With his hands moved to my hips and his body now upright above his hips, his thrusts moved to jackhammer fast and were nearly as hard; crashing forcefully against my butt every time.

It pretty clearly this was more the way he liked it, even if it left me in some discomfort. Ian's verbalisation moved to an endless succession of...


His pounding of me got faster and his noises louder and more closely spaced as his excitement grew, until he exploded with...


With the last, he collapsed over my back, his weight on me as his hands dangled limply to the side of me, his shaft still surging as the final ropes of cum were cleared from his balls.

He seemed pretty spent. He wasn't in any hurry to withdraw or get off me. From Ian's point of view, I'd say that was pretty good sex. Whatever it is that turns him on about doggy style sex clearly works for him; or maybe it was just my cute arse that did it (just joking). But that final bit was a bit brutal for my liking.

In the end he didn't so much lift himself off me as slide off my butt; ending up still limp like, resting against the wall behind me with his head down on my butt cheek. I looked down between my legs to check the condom was still there to find it once again hanging of the end of his flaccid cock with the tell-tale puddle bulging out its bottom.

I eased myself down into a sitting position as he sort of climbed my back to end with his head resting on my shoulder and I eventually shuffled to extend my legs out forward and finally rest my back against his chest as he in turn was supported by the wall.

He put his arms around me, puffing out...

"That was... the best sex...I've ever had. Oh my god, it was incredible."

It wasn't the time, nor was I in the mood to debate with him the pros and cons of doggy sex, nor to offer him false return compliments. It clearly had a powerful impact on him, but maybe he says that to all the women he sleeps with, maybe not...

"I'm glad you enjoyed it so much."

We sat there for a little while so he could recover, his hand sliding down to my crotch where his fingers payed with the bulge of my mons while I rested my hands on his thighs that extended out each side of me.

I was unsure where I should take this next. It was enough sex for the day, but the real question was whether it was enough Ian for the day. I still wasn't overwhelmed by the oxytocin love hormone that floods my body after sex with Ned. This was all the wrong way around for me -- this sex before the relationship thing -- and frankly I wasn't sure how to play the game. I wasn't even sure I wanted to play it. Ian was OK, but this certainly wasn't love at first sight and I didn't have a clue whether he had any feeling for me or I was just a good receptacle for sex. I strongly suspected the latter, but given I was using him for my Rumspringa experiment, could hardly complain.

I gave his thigh a light and playful slap as I noted...

"It's getting late. I'd better get back to my friends for dinner."

"You don't want to stay the night?"

Hmmm, a dinner invitation might have been more appropriate. Staying the night might include dinner but was somewhat an unattractive emphasis. It made the decision easy...

"No, I'm good. We might see you out and about later on."

I put my bikini and the lace dress back on, returning to our unit to find the group in the throes of preparing a home dinner, Julie and Issie visiting from their accommodation on the boat itself. Everyone else was in the swimwear they'd had on all day, so I quickly went into our bedroom to lose the lace dress over garment so I could join the other girls in their bikinis.

Ned followed me into the room, quietly closing the door behind him...

"How was your afternoon?"

There was something father like about the way he asked. It wasn't a challenge, it wasn't tinged with judgement or jealously. It was almost like he wanted me to tell him it had been a fantastic life changing experience...

"It was OK. But it didn't really tell me anything or make me want to rush to change the status quo."

I looked at him standing there. The man who I love. Tall, strong and slender, even if much older than me. I could see his manhood reacting subtly to my presence, as it does so often when I'm dressed like I was. My own body was reacting to his; my nipples quickly betraying me. That multiplied his reaction...

"Ned, I want you to penetrate me for a moment. It doesn't have to be sex. We can do it here, dressed, standing up. I just want to have you in me."

I stepped towards him, fondling his balls to encourage a full erection which he quickly graced me with. Once I had it, I pushed him against the wall, stood on my toes, pulled aside the crotch of my bikini pants and the front of his speedos down and fully immersed him in my body.

I held him tightly as I rested my head against his chest. Ned reciprocated my hold standing there a few moment before he asked...

"Is this about me reclaiming what you think belongs to me?"

There was so much in that question. He clearly knew I'd had penetrative sex with another guy and knew I felt guilty about it, whatever he might have encouraged me to do and he understood the penance I was offering...

"Yes. I feel as though I've borrowed it for the afternoon and it's time to give it back."

He giggled at my description of the situation...

"Amy, it's yours and yours alone, to do with what you want. I'm terribly flattered that you feel the way you do and I bask in the love you give me. But the rest of your life is too valuable a thing to give a half-hearted approach to discovering."

It was nice to have him in me. It felt good in a way Ian hadn't been able to make me feel and it filled me in a way Ian certainly couldn't. And it did feel as though I was giving him back what still remained rightfully his.

We loitered like that, hugging each other, for maybe ten minutes before Ned suggested we should make ourselves present with the others as dinner was likely to be about to be served. Which was easy enough for me. But for the moment, Ned had a towering erection in his speedos. It wasn't as though most of the people in the room we were about to re-join hadn't seen him with one before. Still, it wasn't really the done thing to sit down to dinner with one.

Ned loitered in the room, letting it settled, while I went ahead.

That night, as I slept with Ned, I decided my Rumspringer was over. I didn't want to cast my body to the throng of males desperate for sex. I had my man, that was enough, whatever the age difference.

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subtle_tsubtle_t10 months ago

Being near Ned’s age, I have found myself vicariously enjoying his amazing sexual experiences. Thank you for writing this great series. I have also enjoyed seeing how you have dealt with the age difference issues. I think this particular episode was problematic, though. I was ok with Ned’s position, mostly, but Amy’s experience didn’t work well for me. It just didn’t seem like the same Amy you had neatly crafted in the fifty some previous episodes.

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