Unexpected Turn of Events Ch. 17


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"So the bitch survived once again, despite being trapped in a blazing fire. This is just ridiculous! It has never been this hard for me to get rid of someone before. So what gives?! And now she has some abomination growing inside of her? That child cannot see the day of light."

Quietly, she turned to look out the floor to ceiling window, taking in the sprawling hills and forests that make up the pack lands. "Someday, this all will be mine. The way it was always meant to be..."

So many years ago, Alpha Iain, of the McAllister pack was murdered. The look on Iain's face was priceless when I brought him down to his knees. Of course he never knew who I was at the time, but I couldn't risk exposing myself too soon.

However, for the MacNare pack, it was meant to be an easy take over of Iain's pack. For a while there that may have been true but the MacNare Alpha was too weak to do anything about it. That is why I had to get rid of him—why I killed my own father. No one ever suspected anything from his death; the insignificant waste of space was already old. So everyone just thought he had become very ill, and stayed that way until I was finally ready to finish him off.

But then that bastard Cullen came into the picture. It was suppose to be another simple kill but after the failed attempt on the battle field that night—I had to improvise a bit. It would have been wonderful to get into his bed—since he is such a catch after all...so I might as well have fun—and then finish him off just like I did my father.

But now that stupid bitch came into the picture!

Angel... she has become a bigger problem then I expected.

She just won't die!

But all in good time...


It took a couple days before the Doc finally gave Angel permission to leave bed and do some light walking, of course with down time in between. He still didn't want her over doing it too soon.

Over the last couple of days, Angel had many pack members coming in to see how she was doing. Some even insisted on bringing her extra food since she was 'eating for two' now. But one person that hadn't been visiting was her own damn sister. I wonder where the hell she is! That butt munch.

Making it slowly down the stairs, Angel never noticed the extra sets of eyes on her every move. She asked a few people if they had seen her sister, but no one had noticed her around in a while. Now that really worried Angel - everyone noticed Isobel, or at least, heard her a mile away.

'Cullen, have you seen Isobel?'

'I haven't sweetie, not for a couple days now. But then again, I have either been with you or busy with my betas. I'm sure she is around, or Owen would have flipped.'

'Is Owen with you now?'

'As a matter of fact he is. I will ask him.'

Angel barely waited a minute before hearing back from Cullen.

'Owen doesn't know for sure. Have you checked the kitchen or library?'

'No not yet. Thanks.'

Angel knew she wouldn't be in the kitchen considering how busy it would be in preparing for lunch and soon dinner. So she headed straight for the library, finding it odd that Isobel was suggested to be hanging around there.

The door was ajar slightly so Angel peeked in quietly hoping to see her without disturbing anyone else studying inside. Isobel was the only one inside, sitting in front of the table, looking over a few papers.

"Damn it. After these last couple days, I only managed to get a few names crossed off the list." Isobel muttered, obviously unaware of Angel's presence.

Stepping into the room, Angel made her way to the table. "What list Izzy?"

Isobel's head popped up in shock as she quickly gathered the paper work in front of her, clutching it to her chest. "Nothing."

Angel raised her eye brow. "Nothing? Who are you trying to fool?"

Cornered, Isobel slowly smiled. "How have you been? And why are you up?"

"The Doc gave me the okay to leave my bed as long as I don't over do it. Oh and don't think you can change the subject on me now." Angel interjected. "Why haven't you been visiting me, what have YOU been up to sister?"

"I've meant to stop by and see you again, but things always came up. And you know that Owen...always bugging me."

"Oh, that's funny, considering Cullen has been keeping his betas very busy lately." Angel grinned, seeing Isobel squirm so easily. "You should know by now, that you can't keep anything from me. So spill the beans."

Isobel stared at Angel guiltily; she knew that she wouldn't be able to keep it from her now. Especially since she is suspicious and curious at the same time—never a good combination.

Sighing softly, Isobel relented, "It's simple. I am trying to find out who is behind all of this. I won't let you get hurt again."

Angel didn't say anything for a while, just rested her hip against the table and stared inwardly. "So what do you have so far?"

Again, Isobel was shocked. "You're not going to yell at me? Maybe accuse me of being an idiot to meddle in this stuff?"

Angel shrugged. "I want to find out as much as you do. I've had enough and I'm tired oft waiting around for Cullen or anyone else to take action. It seems like it will have to come down to us."

"Yeah...twin power!" Isobel said jokingly, leaping to give her sister a light hug.

"I swear, you are such a dork!"

Isobel started from the beginning, explaining everything she had learnt thus far. This included her list as well as Layla and Catriona's conversation in the kitchen. Isobel saw how upset Angel was at hearing this. It was one thing to pick and talk about Angel behind her back, but to want harm to come to her child?

"Damn those conniving bitches!" spat Angel angrily.

"That's what I said! But don't get all upset - it's not good for the baby." Isobel pleaded, watching her sister tense up. "We need to get evidence first. We need to prove they are behind it and right now, all we have are words. That's all."

Seeing Angel nodding her head in agreement, Isobel continued on. "You will need to go on as if I never told you about Catriona. If she is teaming up with Layla and is behind all this, than we can't let them suspect anything, alright?"

Angel really didn't want to agree, but she had no choice. She saw the reasoning behind what Izzy was saying but she also knew it will be hard to pretend as if nothing happened, especially in front of Catriona. In the end though, if it meant getting to the bottom of this then she will find a way, somehow.

"Alright, so what's next?"

"Well, we still have a few more possibilities on the list that we should examine. It would be nice to narrow down the list, if we can."

"How did you come up with these names?"

"Quite simple actually - anyone that had something to lose with you being here is on the list. I don't care if you considered some of them friends or nice people. I won't take any chances."

"Alright. Well with the two of us working together, we can solve this faster."


"Cullen, have you seen Angel lately?" asked Gavin.

"No, not for a few hours, but she did communicate with me a couple hours ago. She was searching for Isobel so those two are probably off together somewhere."

At that moment, Owen came into the office. "Has either of you seen Isobel?"

"It seems like both of you are having problems keeping track of your mates," snickered Gavin.

"You lost Angel too?" asked Owen.

"I didn't loose her. She is with Isobel."

"So basically no one knows where either of them are?" asked Owen once again.

"Well we do have eyes everywhere making sure Angel stays safe. Hold on..."

Cullen reached out to Angel, "Angel, where are you?" After a few moments and no response, Cullen tried to sense where she may be but came up with nothing. Growling.

Cullen channeled all his betas. 'Where is Angel right now?'

'I haven't seen her since last night,' answered Brom.

'Not since morning for me,' answered Brian.

'Will someone tell me where my mate is?!' demanded Cullen. He couldn't believe that Angel was blocking him.

"Cullen, I will go look for Isobel. She could only be in so many places," said Owen.

Cullen nodded his head, watching Owen leave.

"If you can't keep track of Angel, how do you plan on knowing where mini-Cullen or mini-Angel is at all times?" laughed Gavin.

"Shut up Gavin," growled Cullen.


Owen first looked outside, knowing how much Angel loved being in the gardens. Not seeing either of them, he continued to search all the places he knew Angel might visit first—even the stables. But after a while of searching to no avail, Owen started to worry.

There was no way he wanted Cullen to be worried...not yet anyway. He continued searching even more, wishing he had a bond with Isobel. But even having one with Isobel might be unsuccessful—considering how stubborn she is.

Owen was about to give up when he decided to check the library one last time. He relaxed as soon as he walked in, seeing the two huddled figures around the table talking animatedly.

"There you two are!" exclaimed Owen. "I have been searching for you two for a while now. Even Cullen was ready to start searching for you. Which reminds me Angel, you should probably tell him you're alright."

Angel nodded and closed her eyes. After a minute or so, she smiled as she opened her eyes. "Alright, done - so what did you need Owen?"

"Well nothing in particular, just was wondering where you have been and started getting worried when I couldn't find either of you. I hope you've been taking it easy Angel."

Angel smiled, "yes, of course I have."

Owen turned to Isobel, frustrated that she still hadn't even looked up at him. He wanted to growl until he saw how focused she was. "So, what have you two been up too exactly?"

"Oh nothing really Owen," answered Angel sweetly, "just boring stuff here and there."

Owen knew something was wrong—or at least something was up. Angel was acting too sweet, and Isobel hadn't even said a word to him—or yelled at him for that matter.

"Ok, so which one of you two will tell me what is really going on?" demanded Owen, crossing his arms over his chest.

Isobel finally looked up. "Nothing's up Owen, so why don't you go be a good little wolf and run along to play."

This time Owen did growl. "Don't start with me Isobel. Either you tell me now or I will get Cullen down here."

Isobel stood up angrily. "You ass! This is between Angel and I. What we do is no one's business but ours - so get out right now!"

With perfect timing, Layla entered the room with her groupies Jenna and Sheila in tow.

"Are you serious? Get out of here you stupid dodo-birds." Angel growled, feeling her wolf fight for control. "Do I honestly need to hang a sign on the door saying, 'Do not enter if you are below an IQ of 30'?"

"Well if it isn't for the troublesome twins," said Layla sarcastically, although focusing squarely at Angel. "And how are you doing after such a terrible incident?"

"Layla that is enough. It would be wise if you left right now," informed Owen. He could already see what would happen next if she didn't, and there is no way that he would risk Angel shifting and perhaps hurting the baby.

"You heard the ass, get out of here you half-whit," seconded Isobel, walking around the table to stand before Angel.

"How sweet, you're all trying to protect Angel. It's so sad to hear that you still might loose your child."

Angel growled, feeling her hackles rise in defense. She was trying so hard to ignore Layla and let her words just flow over her, but to be speaking of her child like that? I will KILL THEM!

Owen noticed Angel's eyes first. 'Oh shit, Cullen! Hurry to the library!'

"Angel, sweetie, think of your child," placated Owen. "You don't know if it's even safe to shift yet."

"Owen's right," said Isobel. Both Angel and Owen looked at her in shocked upon hearing those words. "I've got this fight."

With that, Isobel quickly struck Layla in the face. "That's what you get for talking about my niece or nephew." She threw a few more jabs whilst Layla was still stunned before kneeing her in the stomach when she bent over. "And that's just for being such a stupid dumb bitch."

Owen quickly stepped in trying to pull Isobel away but she struggled hard, grabbing Owen's arm and using the momentum to throw him over her shoulders.

Cullen walked in just as Owen went flying backwards. He quickly moved in front of Angel, making sure she was safe as he tried to take in what was happening. Owen had already risen, shifting to his wolf to swipe Layla away from Isobel, before holding Isobel down.

"Isobel, don't make any sudden movements," Cullen tried to inform her. "Owen's wolf is in control right now so you need to make sure that you don..."

"Get off of me now Owen!" Isobel yelled, immediately struggling to throw the wolf off of her. "Just wait until I have a better grip around your neck, you are dead!"

Owen growled menacingly, there was no way he will let HIS mate continue to talk to him like that. Enough is enough. He leaned his head down, growling right in her face. In a way, he was proud at her for not backing down, even now. But right now, he had to show her who will be the dominant one. Owen growled once more but noticed it still wasn't having an affect on her so he leaned down and gripped her neck with his teeth.

"Owen don't!" yelled Angel, panicked. "She will never forgive you if you force the bond."

Owen knew this and despite what it looked like, he was just holding Isobel still—letting her know that he had enough of her mouth. Owen growled once again, wishing she would just accept him as her mate. Shockingly, Isobel suddenly laid still and ceased struggling. He waited a moment, unsure of her motives before releasing his jaw from her neck. Owen licked her neck carefully, but then backed away to give her space.

Isobel glared at Owen as she got up on her feet. "We will talk about this later tonight," Isobel stated very calmly. She then looked at the dodos. "As for you three, I really suggest you leave now, before Cullen finds out that you wished ill for his child."

Cullen growled instantly, tensing as he looked at each one of them.

"Oh oops. I guess it's too late," said Isobel as she glared at them three.

"I think you need to leave right now," stated Cullen as calmly as he possibly. "Before I show everyone what a pissed off Alpha really looks like."

Immediately they scattered, leaving just the two couples in the quiet room.

"Are you alright Angel?" asked Cullen carefully, still worried at how close she was to turning.

Angel's hand went to her stomach. "No one will harm my child...not ever," Angel responded distantly, so angrily she was shaking.

Cullen wrapped his arms around her tightly. "No one will ever hurt you or our child again."

He knew he had to be careful. It was one thing to piss off a wolf, but a pregnant wolf was even more dangerous matter altogether —especially if she feels her child is threatened.

"Shh, it will be alright sweetie." Cullen coaxed, bending down on his knees to place a kiss on her stomach. "Our little one is strong as ever."

The kiss and touch on her stomach seemed to pull her out of the seething trance she was in. Her wolf no longer wishing to hurt anyone she deemed a threat.

"I think this was a little bit too much for you Angel. Why don't we go upstairs, and I will have food brought up to us. How does that sound?" asked Cullen, watching her closely.

Angel turned to look at him and nodded her head. "Alright baby, lets head upstairs."

Meanwhile, Owen and Isobel still hadn't moved from their staring contest. The tension between the two stronger than normal as they both fought for control.

"How about we continue this upstairs my dear Mate," said Isobel sarcastically.

"After you mate..."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Again, I am sorry for making you all wait. I honestly thought with school being done for the semester that I will have more time to write the chapters and finish this story up. But it seems like everything was thrown at me with all these chores and driving around and favors---not to mention the writer's block I was in when I finally had time. But the next chapter is already more than half way written, and then I hope to have it sent out to my editor very soon.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
huge improvement

while not as good as the chapters should be, now that you have the help of an editor, they have made a huge improvement. if you would go back and re-write all but chapters 16 and 17, you'd improve the story greatly. rewriting 16 and 17 would help, also, but they are worlds better than the first 15.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Next chapter

Hey, love the story. Just wandering when the next chapter is coming out?

oneboobeeoneboobeeabout 12 years ago

I am so loving this story!!!!!! I really do feel for Owen...

MSNJMSNJover 12 years ago

Editor? It seems your so called editor is lacking BIG TIME! Your writing has improved some but not much. I am however happy with your plot with Angel. It took damn near the whole story but she has come out swinging kicking ass and taking names later which I like. I have not rated your story yet because of all the writing issues that you have not really seemed to address. I have noticed that you always put a note however you have never addressed the issues that people are stating that you are using a published authors work and that your writing mistakes are driving people crazy. WHY?

Also I have noticed that you use tons and tons of filler words to try and make the chapters longer.WHY? I have also noticed that you repeat a lot of the same things that you said in one sentence and repeat in the next. Who ever your editor is I hope to GOD you are not paying them. Because it seems that they are like you in writing and are not catching the mistakes. Now back to rating if I was to do so @ this point I would only give it a 2.5 only because of things that should have gotten better by this ch17 haven't and it seems not to be. Also I would suggest that you do a revamp of the story and do a serious CLEAN UP and repost it on here and see what you get in ratings. Last but not least, the sex could have been more spicier and I feel that you lacked in that department also........

nikiephannikiephanover 12 years ago

I ABSOLUTELY love Gavin and his remarks to Cullen. :)

BTW-Keep up the good work.

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