Unexpected Turn of Events Ch. 19


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Both men just looked at Glynis.

"She does have a point there Cullen," said Owen.

"Of course I have a point," declared Glynis. "Now go and find your mate."

Cullen stood up and began to walk away from them, trying to look for his mate. Being without her for even just that night killed him. He had never realized how much his life revolved around Angel. She really was his reason to breathe and live.

As Cullen began to walk away, Glynis turned toward Owen fixing him a look.

"And when do you plan on announcing your mating to everyone else? Don't you think it would have been wise to first discuss this with our Alphas'?"

"But how did you kn..."

"I'm not a fool lad, and don't think otherwise. It would be wise for you two to confront our Alphas and tell them as soon as they settle things between them two."

"I know, Isobel and I were planning on mating tonight, but last night, after we were...umm... getting to know one another more, it just happened. Of course I do not regret it, and I couldn't have been happier. But we were going to announce it at last night's dinner, but as soon as we stepped in, well you know what happened from there. The shit hit the fan with our Alphas."

"I understand, but you better tell them sooner than later. Especially with my Lambie. She should know her only sister mated with you."

"I promise, we will mention it as soon as it is possible."


Cullen had no idea how long he was searching for Angel. But he should have kicked himself in the ass for not realizing once again where she always went too if she wasn't at the stable.

As he walked closer to the garden, he was able to see Angel sitting on her bench. He had to pause and just stare at her for a while. At this moment she couldn't have looked more beautiful. There was a glow to her, and the flowers just surrounding her added to the magic.

As if sensing him, Angel looked up and just stared at him for a while. Cullen took those few steps closer to her, and they both just looked at each other for a while saying nothing.

With a sigh, Angel said, "You weren't there for breakfast."

"No I wasn't," answered Cullen even though he didn't need to answer.

Again, there was a little bit of silence between themselves, neither of them knowing what to say to each other.

"Listen Cullen I want to..."

"Angel no don't, I should be the one apologizing," stated Cullen as he dropped to his knees in front of her. "I lost it. I never lost control of my wolf like that." Shrugging he looked up at Angel before continuing, "Glynis said that your emotions tied in with mine since we are bonded, and that played into effect."

"Cullen stop," said Angel wrapping her arms around his neck, "I shouldn't have done that. I need to learn how to control my weird crazy hormones somehow. I'm sorry for doing that in front of our members. It's bad enough I'm going to be a walking blimp and that you won't be looking at me the same way..."

"Aaww hunni, is that it? Do you honestly think I wouldn't find you attractive anymore? Don't you understand how much I love you and that it doesn't matter what shape or size you are?"

"Yes Cullen, but..."

"No. There are no buts. When you are not pregnant, you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen. And now that you are pregnant you are even sexier—if that is possible—because of what we created together from our love, is growing in your stomach. I love you Angel. And no matter how many times I have food shoved in my face, I will never stop loving you."

Tears were now running down Angel's cheeks. "Damn these hormones!" laughed Angel as she threw herself at Cullen, hugging and kissing him.


In the evening right before dinner was about to start, Cullen stood up and gathered everyone' attention.

Owen and Isobel just sat down after talking to one another outside the hall. They knew that they had to talk with Cullen and Angel, but it would seem that it will have to wait until after dinner.

"I know there have been so many things going on here that it sometimes feels like a circus, but I actually found out some great news yesterday right after dinner. I know too many of us, it will seem impossible and I know others will be saying, 'it's about damn time', but it gives me the greatest pleasure in announcing the mating between Owen and Isobel."

Everyone was clearly shocked and many started to cheer and applaud for the newly bonded mates.

"But Cullen how did you know?" asked Owen.

"Isn't it obvious?" smiled Cullen. "Last night after dinner when you all decided to 'talk' with me, little Izzy slipped there. Shocked that the bond was made so quickly with us all, but Izzy talked to me telepathically for a moment there. That's when I knew."

At that moment Isobel quickly turned to Angel. "I wanted to tell you, it just...happened," Isobel explained.

Laughing, Angel wrapped her arms around Izzy. "I couldn't have been happier for you two. And Owen," Angel smiled looking over her shoulder, "good luck with her. I already know the handful she was with you, but you have seen nothing yet."

"I will keep that in mind Angel," said Owen smirking. "I am sure I will be able to handle anything she throws at me...hopefully."

"Let the celebration begin," announced Cullen loudly.

With that announced, the many omegas' begun to bring out so many trays of food. It truly was going to be a grand feast to be remembered.

Hours later as Angel saw many people starting to head back to their rooms or to their homes. She leaned over and kissed Cullen on the cheek.

"I'm going to head out to see the horses. I promised I would," said Angel.

"Whatever you want my dear. Just don't be too late. You don't want me to go looking for you, now do you?" asked Cullen.

"Of course not baby. But take your own advice; don't stay down here drinking too long with your betas."

With that, she kissed him again, and headed for the kitchen to grab some more apples and two carrots. As she made her way out to the stables, Angel decided to make this into her routine. Just being with Cadifor and Alainn allowed her to just forget anything that was bothering her throughout the day.

"Hello my handsome and my beauty. You two better have behaved yourself for Quilliam, because if I hear you gave him trouble, no more treats for you. Now, before I give you anything, why don't we go for a little walk like I promised?"

Angel put the saddle on Cadifor's back instead of Alainn's. As soon as they cleared the fences, Angel took off into the fields. The horseback ride was very invigorating and Angel felt herself be free of any responsibility that came with being one of the Alphas'.

Yup, this is exactly what I am going to need every night. Perhaps this will allow me to control any hormonal moody problems that may arise.


Isobel went to bed earlier than Owen. Of course all the guys were still drinking and celebrating. Isobel was lying in bed for a while, trying to process everything that has happened. Now that she is mated with Owen, she knew it will be harder to keep secrets from Owen. But perhaps it will be better that he knows. She will try to tell him tomorrow...but for now, she couldn't keep her eyes open.

Later, she awakened to the touch of his hands sliding over her skin, long, fluid strokes measuring the curve of her waist, her breasts. Without a word spoken, he seduced her, bent his head to capture a nipple between his lips, drawing softly.

"Why don't we work on one of the things I said last night right now," said Owen softly.

"Which thing?" asked Isobel not clearly able to put two and two together.

"Well, since we mated already, there is just one more thing I had intended to do to you," said Owen sexily. "And I have no problem loving you over and over until we have succeeded."

Finally it dawned on Isobel what he was speaking of. Her heart opened. Her blood raced as he again placed her other nipple now into his mouth. She placed her hands on his hips, raised her head for his kiss, and urged him into her. As dawn lightened the room, they moved together, each seeking comfort, each receiving it.

Her hands slid from his back to fall lax on the mattress. Inside, her body thrummed a beat fast and sure, echoing pleasure even as it faded. Her heart slowed, and her breath eased, the drawstring around her lungs relaxed.

She cherished the weight of his body against hers. Those silent moments at dawn felt almost like a vow, a ceremony more blessed then their mating.


About a week passed by, with many things going as normal as possible. Angel was able to control her mood swings even more because of her joy riding late at night with Cadifor and Alainn. That gave her a perfect time to just let go everything.

During the day, while first completing her normal duties, Angel still met up with Isobel trying to go over a few things. But now, it was Isobel that was spending more time on it. Angel had a few more things to take care of, along with going to her normal meetings with the pack doctor.

During lunch time one day, Isobel was busy in the library still going over possibilities of who could have been behind it.

Knock Knock...

"Come in," answered Isobel.

"Don't you think it's time to take a break for a little bit to have lunch?" asked Glynis as she stepped into the room.

"In a moment I will Glynis," answered Isobel while smiling at her. During her time here, Glynis became almost like another mother to her.

"Well since I knew you were going to say that, I thought ahead and decided to bring you this plate," said Glynis while she placed the plate on the desk.

"Oh Glynis, thank you so much. You know, I practically think of you as another mother."

"Thank you sweetie. You know I think of both you and Angel as daughters I wish I had. You shouldn't be working so hard trying to find out who is behind all those incidents," said Glynis.

"How do you know about..."

"I may be old, but my mind hasn't gone. It became quite obvious to me what you two were up too and before you begin to worry; your secret is safe with me. If there is anything I can help you with, just ask."

Isobel thought for a moment to herself. Glynis knew practically everyone from the pack and also many from other packs. Perhaps she would be able to help after all.

Isobel started to explain everything that she and Angel have discovered. She even told Glynis of all the dead ends they came across. Glynis became very angry when Isobel retold what she overheard of when Layla and Catriona were speaking to one another in the kitchen.

"Layla has always been a thorn in everyone's side," said Glynis softly. "Just because her father was the previous Alpha's second in command, she always thought she was going to mate with Cullen. Now with Catriona...to be honest, I don't really know her too well. She has always kept to herself or was constantly with Cian."

"Do you possibly think perhaps they are behind it? Cian may want to be the Alpha, and if he got rid of Cullen and Angel..."

"I won't say that that isn't possible, but for some reason I get the feeling Cian wouldn't want that."

"Cian may not want it, but does Catriona?" asked Isobel.

Glynis sat there for a while staring into the flames in the fireplace. "I can't say Isobel. That woman is a puzzle to me."

"Who else could it be besides Layla or Edana?"

"Perhaps you're looking at this the wrong way. It could quite possibly be someone in this pack who would gain from removing Angel, but who would gain more if they had control of this pack as well?"

"Do you mean someone else from another pack?" asked Isobel.

"There is some logic in that theory as well deary."

"But that could be any one of the packs around us! That just makes the list even longer!" Isobel groaned loudly in exasperation. "This could take forever, and who knows how much time we have left before whoever tries to do something else to Angel."

"Think my dear. Both you and Angel have very clever minds. Now, I am going to actually try and find Angel, to make sure she is going to eat something. Don't forget to eat yourself."

Isobel nodded as she ran her fingers through her hand. She knew that she had to completely revise the list and think about other packs that would benefit in controlling this pack. Doesn't every pack benefit in gaining more land and power?! UGH! Isobel thought for a moment. Perhaps...but will every pack risk their chances by going up against this pack. No, not all of them would be so foolish. Maybe power and land is not the reason behind it all, but a complete different reason? Revenge? Unfinished business?


Everyone knew of Angel's new routine. Every night after dinner, she would visit the stables and go for a ride on either horse. Of course Cullen tried to stop her by claiming it was too dangerous for her to go alone. But quickly Angel expressed how badly she needed to just get away and clear up her mind. She also explained by doing this, her 'hormonal tirades' were more under control. Without any other choice Cullen allowed her to continue.

One night, while dinner was wrapping up, Isobel leaned closer to Angel.

"Do you think perhaps I can join you tonight?" asked Isobel as she continued, "All this thinking about the list of names is about to make my head burst."

"And that would be a very bad thing?" asked Angel rhetorically while smiling. "Of course you can come along Izzy. How about we head out now?"

"Sounds actually perfect," said Isobel.

Both of them started to walk out of the hallway. As soon as they stepped outside, Angel stopped immediately.

"Crap! I forgot the treats. You go on ahead, and let me run fast inside to the kitchen and grab the bag," said Angel as she was already turning around to run back in.

"Alright, but hurry! Cadifor still scares the hell out of me!" yelled Isobel after Angel's retreating back.

Isobel resumed her walk to the stables. She looked up at the sky and just smiled at the beautiful clear night. The night sky twinkled brightly with all the stars. It truly was going to be a perfect night to ride.

As she entered the stables, she was able to hear Cadifor and Alainn getting antsy. Isobel knew that they were waiting for their usual ride.

"Hello Cadifor and Alainn. Hope you two are doing well today," smiled Isobel.

As Isobel began petting Alainn—again too nervous to be too close to Cadifor without Angel besides her—she heard a noise, thinking it was finally Angel.

"Well it's about time," began Isobel as she slowly turned around. But as she did, she didn't see Angel or anyone behind her. "Hello?" After no response, Isobel shrugged it off and resumed petting Alainn while Cadifor stood as close as his stall allowed him to be.

Then Cadifor began to make noises and kick the stall door. Thinking that Cadifor was growing more impatient for his ride, Isobel didn't think much about it.

"Easy Cadifor, we will go for our ride soon," said Isobel.

Just then Cadifor began to pace around his stall before trying to kick at the door again. Isobel began to frown, wondering what has gotten into him. She then started to get a strange feeling. As she was about to turn around, she felt something hit the back of her head. Isobel just barely heard a man saying, 'hurry and tie her up. We need to be quick before Cullen realizes she is gone' before she was consumed in complete blackness as she passed out from the blow.


Again, I want to apologize for making you wait so long. I really can't promise when the next chapter will be out, but Thanksgiving will be the latest! Since I will have that week off, I hope I can start writing before that, so that I can post the next chapter sometime during that Turkey week 

I hope everyone enjoys Halloween! Remember, you're never too old to go around and get free candy!! LOL .

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dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
I really hope that the next chapter concludes everything

And it is not left hanging

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Not to be oblivious to anyone idiot who would disagree, can I please just start killing them? I really hate obvious bitch/sucking/whores

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69almost 12 years ago
Cullen = Dufus

You have made him into the worst fuckwit EVER! LOL! He's kinda irredeemable. He seems to be good for only two things: fighting and fucking! Relationship FAIL! He keeps on disappointing and upsetting Angel at every turn!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
To the Commenter below me

You Sir (or Madame), are an ass-hat and in the immortal words of my Grandfather; "You can take your opinion, and blow it outta yer ass." Enough said.

Very good storyline, plz continue with this world.

Bjorn Gunnar

faq52faq52about 12 years ago
such a pity

you have not learned to spell or understand the English language.

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