Unexpected Views

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Stumbles across his friends "entertaining" local college kid.
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Omar and Barry were my neighbors in DC before they moved to California 10 years back.

They lived in my building complex and we hit it off immediately after meeting at a mutual friend's dinner party.

Barry and I quickly connected over our love of team sports. At nearly 6ft, he was a big man but surprisingly agile on the field. He joined my soccer team. Barry was also a very handsome man with a thick rugby player build that I got an eyeful of whenever he stripped off his soccer jersey to reveal his muscular back and well as his torso and chest which were covered in thick brown curls. He had short buzzed salt and pepper hair, a square jaw, and steely blue eyes. Omar was a handsome guy too. He did more solitary activities like long distance running and swimming. Since we were never on a team together I got fewer glimpses of his body and he always made an effort to stay covered up—even at the beach! But it was clear he was in good shape from the way his clothes hung on him. While Barry was outgoing and talkative in any setting, Omar was a little more reserved. Omar was harder to read than Barry but over time we became good friends as well. People who didn't know him sometimes construed his reserved nature for aloofness, but he was a sincere friend who I think just found it easier to have one-on-one conversations. While they were certainly easy on the eyes I had never entertained any thoughts beyond that with them. The affection I shared with them bordered on brotherly.

They now lived in the Santa Cruz mountains about 1 ½ hours south of San Francisco. I had visited them a couple of times and stayed at their place, which was a modest sized but gorgeous modern ranch house that had spectacular views from the bed rooms of which there were two.

It was oddly situated up above the road. Like other neighboring houses you had to park your car on the side of the road below and make your way up a wide two story wooden staircase that left you at the back of the property. A stone path alongside the property fence wound slightly uphill and brought you around to the front door. The views from the guest room which was next to the main bedroom were amazing—you looked out at a seemingly endless expanse of Redwood trees that disappeared into the fog that rolled in. And the place was totally private with trees blocking the views from the road.

I had stayed a week each of the two times I had stayed with them and more or less had the house to myself to decompress since Omar and Barry were out much of the day. Omar was a professor at UC Santa Cruz in Economics and Barry worked at an education focused start-up down in Santa Cruz. I would run into town myself for a change of pace whenever I needed to, so I was never bored and we always made dinner together. It had been a couple of years since I had last visited.

This past fall I had a conference to attend in Santa Cruz for work. I called Barry and Omar to see if I could stay with them.

"Of course" said Omar on the other end of the line.

"But I hope you're okay on the couch" he started. "We've rented out the guest room to a kid who attends UC Santa Cruz. His name is Noah. He's the son of on one of Barry's friends from the neighborhood where he grew up.

I had to admit that I was a little disappointed to be displaced from "my" room with a view. But I would only be out there for a few days.

"No problem," I answered trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm just looking forward to seeing you guys."

"Great!" responded Omar. "And don't worry about Noah, he's a nice kid and he won't be in your way."

"Cool," I said, "It'll be great to catch up."

"I'll let Barry know you are coming. He'll be thrilled." Omar replied.

I arrived for my visit a few weeks later.

After flying into SFO early in the morning, I headed down the coast to Barry and Omar's place. My goal was to get there before 11am when Omar said he had to head down to campus for a class. I was supposed to meet two other colleagues later that day to get ready for our presentation at the conference the next day. I figured I would get settled in and head out quickly to meet up with them.

I made it up to their house with only about 15 minutes to spare. When I got there to their house, I parked my car below and made my way up the staircase, around the path and to the doorway.

I rang the bell.

Omar answered the door with a big smile. "Hey! You made it! Come on in."

After a quick hug he grabbed my carry-on suitcase and we walked inside. It had been an early flight and I was beat. I sunk down into the sofa of their living room while Omar went to get me a glass of water from the kitchen.

"How was your flight?" Omar asked when he returned and handed me the glass.

"No problems. But it's just so long when you fly from the East Coast." I answered, loosening my tie.

"I know what you mean. It's like you lose a whole day in transit." He asked about the ride down and started to ask about my conference the next day. I noticed Omar look at his watch nervously as we caught up.

"Sorry buddy," he said. "I gotta get down to campus for my class."

"Let me get you some towels and stuff. I hope that it's okay that we catch up later when I get back and I'm not so rushed."

"No worries," I replied. "But we may have to wait to catch up till the morning. I need to meet some colleagues to go over the presentation so I think it's going to be a late night. I doubt that I will be back before 11."

"Not a problem." Omar replied. "We stay up pretty late.

As he left the living room to go down the hall, he added "Hey. I'm sorry to put you on the couch too. I know how much you love the view from the guest room."

As he came back he yelled "Hey Noah. I'm heading out. If you want a ride we need to go NOW."

I heard a voice answer, "I'll be right there," and then I heard some things being moved around in the guest room which was just off the living room.

"Kids these days," Omar said with a slight laugh as came to the sofa and handed me the towel and sheets he had brought back.

"Don't worry. He won't get in your way," he said.

"He's the son of one of Barry's oldest friends. We hadn't thought of renting the room out. But he just transferred here and needed a cheap place while he got settled. He looked around and all he found in his price range were dumps so his dad asked about the possibility of him renting out the room. We just figured it would work out for us, since our schedules don't overlap so much during the day and we are always looking for someone to house sit during the semester vacations. It's actually worked out pretty well so far. He mostly keeps to himself. He's a little on the quiet side."

As he finished his sentence, Noah emerged from the guest room in just a pair of board shorts.

As he got closer I got a good look at him. He looked like he was in his early 20s, with a head of light brown curls tucked under a backwards baseball cap and the fullest, most erotic lips I had ever seen. I guessed that he was maybe an inch or two taller than me. He had a lean athletic body with nicely defined muscles—clearly in shape but not ripped. His arms and legs where covered in light hair. And there was a thin dusting of hair on his chest that trailed in an even thinner line running down his torso where it ended in a triangle of thicker hair that disappeared under the top of his shorts.

Hanging from his neck was a silver cross.

In one hand he had his backpack and the other hand held what looked like a shirt.

I felt myself gulp as I took in the sight.

As he came into the living room and saw me, he let out a "Sorry," under his breath. He set his pack down and started to lift his shirt over his head. I got a great look at the tufts of man hair under his arms. That part of a man always turned me on. I loved the way under-arm hair sometimes peeked out next to a hot man's biceps.

I tended to generally drift to older men closer to my age but this kid had my attention.

I noticed the way his board shorts hugged his ass. The shirt he put on turned out to be a red and blue striped tank top. As it settled on his body, it only better outlined his sinewy arms and broad shoulders.

I tried not to stare.

I only became aware that Omar was still in the room with us when he made introductions.

"Scott. Noah. Noah. Scott. Noah is the one whole "stole" your room."

Noah and I just looked at each other dumbly not knowing what to say.

Finally he spoke. "Sorry."

I reached out to shake his hand. His hand felt good in mine.

I looked at him.

He averted his eyes and gently released the handshake.

Omar who had started putting on his jacket said "If we don't connect tonight, we'll have time to catch up in the morning. My class isn't until 3pm tomorrow. Barry is going to work from home tomorrow too. So you won't be back till 11 or so?"

"Something like that," I replied. "I can't imagine we will be done any earlier."

And with that, he and Noah moved to the door.

I watched as they headed out. Noah pulled the door behind them.

As the door closed, his lifted his head and I caught his gaze.

The door closed shut.

I felt a steady warmth course through my body.

The guest room may have been occupied but I was certainly enjoying the "sights."

I opened my carry-on and started to unbutton my shirt to relax. I had just slid it off and was standing there in slacks and the wife-beater that I had on underneath when I heard keys in the front door and saw the door open.

Noah came in and. He paused for a moment when he saw me. I felt nearly naked under his clearly embarrassed gaze.

"Sorry. Forgot a book."

And with that he turned his increasingly red face to the floor and headed to the guest room.

I stripped off my wife-beater and there I stood with my hairy chest exposed. For a nearly 40 year old, I took some pride in being in good shape. My solid, thick torso was covered in fur. I spent at least three days a week either at the gym or swimming or cycling or playing soccer. I had nothing to be embarrassed about.

Noah came back out of his room with the book under his arm. I followed him with my eyes as he went back out the front door. He didn't look up once.

"Poor kid. Bet he wasn't expecting that" I thought as I smiled to myself.

I took a quick shower before I headed out to grab something to eat on the way to meet my colleagues. Based on our conversations from the previous week we knew were in for a long afternoon and evening.

It was hard for me focus while we worked. I had Noah's hot little ass on my mind. I thought again about him standing there shirtless in the living room at Omar's and Barry's. Every time the image came to my mind my dick would harden in my pants.

My colleagues caught me day dreaming a couple of times that afternoon and got me back on task. It turned out that one of them had actually pulled a bunch of the presentation together on his computer on the flight over. We decided we could break at 7pm, hours ahead of time, so that we could get some rest. We had all flown in earlier that day.

I'm sure we were all glad to check out early for the day. We agreed to put some finishing touches on the presentation the next morning before the conference started.

I got in the rental car to head back to the Omar and Barry's. As I started to drive back into the forested area at the foot of the Santa Cruz mountains I tried to call them to give them a heads up that I was coming back early in case they wanted to come down and meet me for some food.

I tried to call a couple of times but the reception wasn't great as soon as I was in the trees and the call didn't go through.

As I pulled up to their car park, I tried once more just to give them even a last minute heads up, only to have it go directly to voicemail.

I parked the car and pulled my bags out of the trunk. As I started up the stairs, I smelled how crisp the air felt and noticed that except for the passing cars below how quiet the area was. It was dark and the night sky was lit up with stars.

I unlatched the gate at the top of the stairs and started up the path along side the wooden fence that marked the property.

The house came into view and I could see that there was a light on in the master bedroom.

As I looked again, I saw two forms and as I got closer to the house I could see that it was Omar and Barry.

Barry was sitting on the bed in a robe.

And Omar was wearing a pair of black bikini briefs.

And nothing else.

I could see his hard flat torso as he walked over to the mirror on their dresser and rubbed his abdomen running his fingers through his thick hairy "happy trail."

I stopped in my tracks. Hidden along the side of the fence with bushes blocking me from view, I was stunned.

Barry motioned for Omar to come to him. When he did he started to rub Omar's swelling cock in his briefs.

Taking in this amazing view, I felt my own cock start to swell in my pants.

As I wondered if I should head back down to the car Omar stepped closer toward Barry who had gotten up from the bed and kissed him. His hand slid down to the belt of Barry's robe and undid the knot and pulled it through the loops. He dropped it to the floor and Barry's robe opened slightly at the top to reveal a little more of the thick, dark curls on his chest.

Barry reached for Omar and pulled him to him and kissed his lips gently. They stared intently into each other's eyes.

The second time they kissed was much more forceful. Barry grabbed the back of Omar's neck and pulled him closer. They stood there like, staring in each other's eyes, stopping to kiss deeply and passionately and stopping to gaze some more. Smiling at Barry, Omar moved slightly to his left and pulled open the robe to reveal more of Barry's chest. I watched as Omar ran his fingers through Barry's chest hair and Barry smiled clearly enjoying it. He took Omar's hand to his face and slowly brought it to his face. I stared as he inserted Omar's thumb into his mouth, closed his eyes and began to suck on it. After a few moments he removed it and brought Omar's thumb to his nipple. Omar flicked his thumb across it and Barry closed his eyes and let his head hang slightly back. He was in heaven. A nipple man myself, I knew what it felt like to have a man touch that hot spot.

I felt my cock fully erect in my jeans.

Omar took his thumb off Barry's nipple, smiled at him and then lowered his mouth to the level of Barry's nipple and he started to flick his tongue across it.

After a minute, he put his full mouth on Barry's nipple and slurped. First gently and then a little more eagerly. Barry's mouth opened in pleasure. He wrapped his hand around the back of Omar's neck and pulled his head closer to him. As his legs spread slightly as he stood, the robe came open fully and I got a glimpse of Barry's lower torso and groin. I was not disappointed.

Like I mentioned before, Barry was a bull of a man. Thick body and torso.

His bush was full of dark curls that trailed off up his chest and down his trunk like legs.

Barry's cock jutted out fully erect, wrist thick and uncut.

I loved hairy men.

As I watched I imagined the feel of Barry's cock filling my mouth to the fullest, rubbing the underside of his hairy balls as I let it slide in and out of my mouth while I gripped it and jerked it with my other hand.

My cock was rock hard. My hand had wandered up my own hairy torso and my fingers were working my own nipples.

The door to the bedroom opened.

Stunned, I watched as Noah entered the room. All he was wearing was his crucifix and pair of dark blue bikini briefs lined in yellow.

What had I stumbled on to?

At first it looked like Barry and Omar didn't realize they had company because they kept at it. But eventually Barry turned to see Noah and acknowledged him with a nod and a smile. And to my surprise the young man walked right up to Barry and kissed him gently on the mouth.

He then kept kissing him longer and harder as he ran his hands through Barry's chest hair. Omar had taken his mouth off Barry's nipple and now all three faced each other with Barry in the middle and Omar and the Noah on either side of him. I saw their lips move mouthing words. Omar leaned in to kiss Noah and Barry soon joined them. I watched these three beautiful men make out.

I stayed hidden in the shadows but had started to unbutton the fly of my jeans to free my straining dick.

My cock had tented in my white briefs and there was a thick wad of pre cum where my piss-hole met the fabric.

I watched as Omar and Noah moved their mouths down to Barry's nipples and sucked on them. My cock throbbed at the sight. I had a couple of the graduate students whom I had shared a beer with at the local university pub over for some fun a few weeks before and I remembered the charge that went through my body as they worked my hairy nipples with their mouths before they let me fill their eager young holes with my hairy cock. It hadn't been the first time.

But this was my first time watching three men go at it live.

As Noah continued to work Barry's right nipple, Omar started to pull off his briefs that that had been straining against his erect cock. He watched Noah continue to work on Barry's nipple as he slid them down his legs. I admired his hairy ass and muscular legs. His thick treasure trail of black hair led down to his own beautiful bush with his thin, long cock at full mast poking out.

Barry smiled as he looked at Omar while he continued to hold Noah's mouth to his nipple. Noah smiled at Omar too. It's wasn't clear if Barry and Noah were taunting him or smiling at him. Noah and Barry kissed as they looked at Omar again.

Omar just stood there with his back almost fully turned to me.

But I could certainly still see Barry and Noah.

Barry sat back on the bed behind him and spread his legs. His impressive cock sat there like a tent pole. Noah got on the floor on all fours and moved his face closer to Barry's hairy groin. He looked up at Omar and then slowly licked the side of Barry's meaty cock from the base all the way to the top. He did this a few more times as he looked up at Barry. But Barry was staring at Omar.

Maybe because he wanted Barry's attention or maybe it was because he just wanted that fat cock in his mouth, Noah took his mouth and let it hover over the tip of Barry's cock for a second.

And then he lovingly took Barry's cock into his mouth and slowly brought his lips to the base so that it looked like he was inhaling Barry's bush. Barry threw his head back at that move. But as Noah continued to slowly suck on his cock, Barry looked at Omar who was still standing watching the scene. Omar moved closer to the bed with his dick in hand. As Noah continued to slurp on Barry's dick, Omar came close enough to Barry to line up his dick with Barry's mouth.

Gently grabbing the back on Barry's head he inserted into Barry's mouth as Barry closed his eyes. It was an awesome sight. My hand was slowly milking my cock, mixing in some spit with the copious pre cum that I always leaked during sex. I half took off the t-shirt I was wearing and flipped it over my head so it ended up around my neck.

As I worked my cock I continued to watch the amazing scene unfolding in front of me. Omar had more forcefully started pounding his cock into Barry's mouth, still holding the back of his head. And Barry had started rubbing Noah's hole through his underwear as he continued to get serviced by him.

Noah's was clearly enjoying the attention that his ass was receiving because he was wiggling it back and forth to meet Barry's hand. Barry must have noticed because he started to pull Noah's underwear over the rump of his ass so that he direct access to Noah's hole. I didn't see his finger go in but I'm sure it did because Noah bucked a bit at one point. I saw the rest of Barry's hand grip his ass as he continued to finger Noah's crack.