Uninvited Ch. 03: You Shouldn't Be Here


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He settled back in his chair, lips curling as he frowned.

"It doesn't matter if I believe you or not, I'm here to get information, my opinion does not factor into the ruling. Tell me what you know now, and the judge may be lenient, keep this up and you'll be recycled into genetic soup and reconstituted into a viper's left tit."

So they are genetically engineered, I mused.

The inspector clapped his hands.

"Hey! Pay attention, I'm going to give you one last chance to give me some information I can use, otherwise you're going into the holding cells until we can put you before a judge."

"So much for having me home in time for bed..."

"You'll be lucky if you ever see the outside of a cell again, never mind a bed, guards! Take him away!"

The two troopers moved towards me and grabbed me under my arms, shuffling me towards the door.

"I'm not resisting, idiots!"

They dragged me anyway, taking me down the hall and throwing me unceremoniously into a cell, slamming the heavy door behind me. It was a tiny cube, smaller than my apartment, with a silver metal toilet, a sink and a concrete bed with a thin mattress built into the wall, no sheets. There was one small window, too thin for a human to pass through. I sat on the bed, it was hard and uncomfortable, and I crossed my arms, seething with anger at the injustice of the situation. I had always thought of ADVENT as harsh, but fair, this new side of them, the ugly underbelly, reminded me more of the Gestapo or the KGB. How would I get out of this situation? How long would they hold me here? Would they charge me with purgery and violating curfew, or would they try to make the absurd conspiracy theories of the inspector stick?

My mind wandered to Tiberius, where had he been all this time? Was he in hiding? Had he assumed a false identity and been living in the city? Why had he never contacted me? We had never been close, cousins rarely were, but he was some of the only family I had left.

Vi would be missing me, it was night now. My heart ached for her, and I fumed, doubly angry that I had been denied another night of bliss.

I lay down on the uncomfortable cot, maybe if I got some sleep, I would be able to come up with something in the morning.

I awoke to my cell door being opened, the grinding metal piercing through my sleep like nails on a chalk board. I rose to a sitting position, groggy, my eyes full of gunk.

"How are we keeping?" The inspector strode into the room, his hands tucked neatly behind his back. He was wearing his spectacles again, his odd genetic augmentation hidden behind their dark lenses.

I didn't reply, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

"I came to offer you one last chance to come clean, if you can provide me with any useful information, anything at all, a last known location, a phone number, another name, I'll appeal your sentencing."

I shook my head.

"Can't give you information I don't have."

"Very well."

The inspector turned on his heel.

"I don't expect I'll see you again, good luck with your trial, it will be held tomorrow night."

The proximity of the court date did not surprise me, this wasn't a justice system, it was a factory for disposing of undesirables and dissidents, they had probably done this to dozens of people who had said the wrong thing or ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, maybe hundreds, thousands.

He closed the door, the heavy bolt clanking into place.

I didn't fancy my chances in front of the judge, I would have to think of a plan, and fast. I looked around the room, searching for anything that I could use, there was nothing, the room was barren, and why wouldn't it be? It was a holding cell, I couldn't MacGyver my way out. I walked over to the door and idly tugged at the bolt, shut tight of course. I was well and truly screwed this time.

I returned to the concrete cot, and sulked, thinking of Vi, she didn't even know where I was, if I were found guilty and shipped off to some prison or simply executed, which was far more likely, she would never find out where I had gone. Would she think I had fallen out of love with her and abandoned her without so much as a goodbye? I couldn't stand the thought of that.

I marched over to the door and pounded it with my fists.

"I'm innocent you fucking Nazis!"

My voice echoed down the hall, but nobody replied.

I sank back onto the bed, dejected.

There was nothing to do, so I tied to sleep as much as possible. I was right when I assumed they wouldn't give me a phone call, but even if they did, who would I call? The police? ADVENT were the police. Vi? I didn't have a number, she always came to me. As the sunlight began to dim through the frosted glass of the tiny window, I came to the realization that I could die soon, the thought shocked me to my core. I was relatively young, and my life was happy, I didn't want to die, I didn't deserve this treatment.

I cursed my estranged cousin for creating this situation, then again maybe he had seen this side of ADVENT during the war, a dirty secret hidden from the public behind glitzy propaganda and silver tongued lies. Was that why had continued to fight long after the war was over? Jesus, I was starting to sound like one of them...a terrorist.

The next morning I was awoken by a rifle butt to the ribs, a trooper prodded me, speaking their garbled, undecipherable language. The message was pretty clear.

I batted at the rifle.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming, hold your goddamn horses."

They escorted me out of the cell at gunpoint, and marched me to a different room down the hall, this one was a small scale courtroom, there was a man in a suit seated at the bench, and the trooper forced me into a chair where the counsel should usually have sat. They weren't even attempting to follow protocol. The trooper stood behind me as the judge sifted through paperwork, not looking up to acknowledge my presence.

I waited in silence for what must have been several minutes before the judge finally looked up, and spoke to me.

"Ah yes, Mister...how do you pronounce that? Never mind."

He interrupted me before I could respond.

"You are charged with purgery, violating curfew, sedition, harboring a known terrorist and conspiracy to commit terrorism, how do you plead?"

"Your honor, there's been a mistake, I was never-"

"How do you plead?" He repeated, staring at me over his thick glasses.

"If I could just explain, I-"

"If you continue to disrupt these proceedings, I will be forced to hold you in contempt, now I will ask you one last time, how do you plead to the charges?"

"What proceedings!? This isn't a court, this is a sham! Are you even a real judge or did they pull you in off the fucking street?"

The judge banged his gavel impatiently, and waved me away.

"I can see these court proceedings will not be necessary in this case, in light of the defendant's unwillingness to testify in his own defense, I am finding him guilty of all aforementioned charges. The penalty for sedition is punishable by death which will be carried out by firing squad tomorrow afternoon, your body will be sent to the nearest gene clinic for recycling, please take him away."

The trooper jabbed the barrel of his gun into my back, and I stood, the judge didn't even glance up from his papers as I left the room, unwilling to even look me in the eye, a man he had just condemned to death. I was escorted back to my cell and the door was again closed behind me, sealing my fate. I collapsed onto the concrete bed.

That was it then, I was going to be killed tomorrow. I had a single night left to live, and I couldn't even spend it with Vi, I couldn't even contact her to tell her what was happening to me, no last goodbye. My guts tied in a knot, and I lay back, staring at the concrete ceiling. This was my second night missing, what might she be thinking? I dozed off, the fear and melancholy exhausting me.


A rasping on the window interrupted my troubled sleep, I opened my eyes, and saw what might be the the shadows of fingers raking the frosted glass behind the tiny window. It looked dark out, the yellow glow was coming from a streetlamp. Curious, I got up and walked over to the window, it was a small rectangular pane of glass towards the ceiling, and I reached up to open it the tiny crack it would allow. Cool night air flooded in, and I waited, wondering who it could be.

A slimy, winding appendage snaked in through the crack, its off-purple color barely visible in the low light, it searched, waving in the air, then finding me, touched against my cheek, tasting me.

"Vi!" I whispered.

The tongue shot back up through the crack, and I saw a reflective amber eye pressed against the window.

"How did you find me?" I asked, pushing my hand through the opening and stroking her rubbery hood. She purred contentedly, her low, rumbling vocalizations vibrating through my bones. Being a Viper, she couldn't speak any language a human would understand due to the differences in her vocal apparatus, but we understood each other well enough.

She lowered her head, trying to peer in through the window, then, frustrated, reached in with the tip of her powerful tail, snapping the window back on its metal hinges and pulling it away, leaving an open hole. It was too small for me to squeeze through, but she could see inside now. She examined the cell with her reflective eyes, trying to find a way to get inside, or get me out. After a moment she huffed her annoyance. She could find no solution it seemed. I reached my arms through the rectangular hole and did my best to hug her, but all I could manage was rubbing her head. She slipped her long, tapered tail through the hole until it became too fat to fit, and wrapped it around my chest, I pulled it close to me.

We embraced for a short moment, and it eased the pain, at least she knew where I was now, if I were to die tomorrow she would have closure. Would she spring me? She was ADVENT, how deep did the conditioning of an individual soldier run? Were they programmed to follow orders like robots, or were they just as much an independent creature as a human?

Her tail uncoiled, sliding back through the window and she slithered away, I watched her disappear into the gloom. Where was she going? Leaving me to my fate, or coming up with a plan to bust me out? My life was in her hands now.

I waited on the cot, wringing my hands nervously, what would we even do if she broke me out? Where would we go that ADVENT wouldn't find us? Maybe I could pose as her captive, that should convince the guards at the checkpoints, but what then? Try to find a homestead or a rebel camp? They'd never take a Viper in, and how would we travel so far beyond ADVENT control without a vehicle?

My train of thought was interrupted by a noise, it sounded like a tarp being dragged over the ground, and it was coming from the other side of the door. The food slat on the steel door opened with a grinding of metal on metal, and a large yellow eye peered through at me.

"Vi! How the hell did you get inside?"

She couldn't tell me of course, but she had. How did such a massive, heavy creature infiltrate the building so easily? There must be a way in a human wouldn't even have thought of, or couldn't possibly reach. Then again maybe she just had a damn key card, being unable to communicate anything besides our lust was sometimes frustrating. She fumbled with the bolt, but it was locked.

"There must be a key somewhere." I whispered through the slat. I mimed turning a key in a lock, and she bobbed her head in agreement, turning away from me to look back and forth down the corridor. She moved away, her underbelly rustling on the floor, that such a massive animal could move so quietly shocked me, no wonder they inspired such fear among the insurgents. It was night, so the small station should not be heavily guarded, but I worried for Vi, would a trooper even look twice at a Viper going about its business? They seemed to have a lot of autonomy compared to the other races, perhaps she was higher ranked than the soldiers here and flashing whatever passed for an ID badge among the X-rays would suffice to see her on her way unmolested.

She was gone for a few minutes, and just as I began to worry I heard her telltale slithering as she crawled back down the hallway, her massive coils undulating as she moved. I waited for the mechanical click of the lock, but instead the bolt began to glow red, then orange, then melted through into a molten heap. Vi had not bothered to seek out the key, she had retrieved a laser pistol from one of the weapon racks and used it to melt the locking mechanism.

She pushed the door open on its hinges and it creaked loudly, she shuffled into the tiny cell, careful to avoid the pool of cooling metal, and her bulk pressed me up against the far wall. The cell was so damned tiny, she could barely fit inside, her rolling coils, great tires of muscle and fat, squeezed together awkwardly. She closed the door again with the tip of her long tail, filling the space with her great body.

She gripped me under my arms and hefted me up, placing me gently in a sitting position at eye level on a fat coil.

"My hero." I laughed, and she held my face in her hands, my cheeks warmed and became red as she moved in close and pressed her oversized lips against mine, her slippery tongue pushing past them and into my mouth for one of her signature kisses. I melted into her embrace, my hands rising to find the sensitive interior of her fleshy hood, and she rewarded my stroking fingers with the agile, wanton probing that she knew would turn my legs to jelly.

She released me, gasping, and I leaned into her, resting my head in the nape of her long, sinewy neck.

"I thought I was going to die, let's get out of here."

She cocked her head at me inquisitively, I moved to hop off her chubby tail and make for the door, but she placed a hand on my chest, keeping me still.

"What's wrong? We have to get out of here before the guards-"

She pressed her maw against my neck, mouthing with her spongy lips, her dexterous tongue flicked out to tease and drag across my skin.

"Vi, don't, we can't..."

My complaint trailed off into a low whimper as I felt her hollow fangs press into my skin, it was her way of asserting herself, not quite biting me, but unsheathing her deadly teeth from their fleshy pouches in the roof of her mouth just enough to show me who was boss. She pulled her mouth away from my neck, pursing her fat lips into a sucking kiss that left a red mark. My eyelids drooped and I breathed heavily, she knew how to push my buttons.

"Damn it Vi, here? Now? I know it's been a couple of days, but..."

I felt the tip of her winding tail press up against my groin, rubbing my growing erection gently, and I flinched under the sudden stimulation.

"It's too dangerous, what if someone catches us?"

She pushed her hand under my shirt, crawling her fingers up my belly to my chest, her dull claws tickling my skin. I writhed, and she huffed rhythmically, her way of laughing, usually at my expense. She was breaking down my resistance, she could play me like an instrument, if she wanted me she would have me, regardless of my protests, and that knowledge filled my body with a seething heat and arousal that weakened my resolve. A self-fulfilling prophecy of debilitating kisses and gentle petting.

She moved her hands down to my groin and deftly unzipped my pants, she had learned how to work the zipper with her oversized fingers.

"Come on Vi...no."

She pulled down my underwear and my engorged member bounced free, jumping in time with my heartbeat as she gazed at it longingly. She cocked a scaly eyebrow at me knowingly, as if to say 'well your cock isn't saying no.' She craned her long neck, moving her face down to my pulsing erection.

"Damn it Vi, 'no' doesn't mean 'blow me', you know that! Although on second thought, I guess 'no' and 'blow' might sound similar to someone who didn't spea- ah!"

She pressed her smooth, puffy lips against the head of my member, sucking the tip into her warm mouth. I doubled over, holding on to the top of her massive head as she coiled her worm-like tongue around the shaft, tracing the veins with the tip. I shivered as she pressed me deeper inside her, the slick, smooth walls of her cheeks dragging over my member as she applied suction.

"D-don't...don't do the thing, you know...you'll make me alert the guards."

She ignored me, slamming her head down and kissing the base of my penis, my glans struck the back of her throat, her muscles closing around it and swallowing rhythmically. I put a hand to my mouth, trying to stifle a cry, and let slip only a muffled moan of barely contained pleasure.

My back arched and my legs trembled as she sucked and swallowed, straining to draw my emission out from the source, the rippling muscles of her gulping throat tormenting my sensitive tip, I felt as if someone had poured seltzer on my brain. She locked me there, trapped in the hot, slippery depths of her throat as I squirmed and bucked, my hands gripping the edges of her soft hood. Every time I tried to open my eyes, a new wave of pleasure washed over me, forcing them closed again. Her tongue spiraled all the way down my shaft, slipping past her pursed lips and wrapping around my testicles, tugging them softly.

It drove me over the edge, the power of speech having long since left me, I let out a dull, animal grunt and released two days worth of frustration into her beckoning gullet, her powerful swallows syncing with my spasms to wring me dry. Again and again tremors wracked my body, every twitch and throb amplified a thousand times by the hot, slimy pressure as she nursed, drinking down mouthful after mouthful. I hugged her head, my lower body going numb and tingly as sweet afterglow permeated my muscles. When she was certain I was done, and her rubbery tongue had licked my oversensitive member clean, she slid me out of her mouth, and my still aching erection dripped with strings of her thick saliva. My body quivered and my heart fluttered as she pulled her head back to eye level, the corners of her mouth turned up in a satisfied, 'I told you so' smirk that made my cheeks burn hotter.

She moved in to kiss me, and I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Slow down, we talked about this, not after..."

She grunted unhappily, indignant.

"Oh fine I guess you earned it."

She fell into me, subjecting me to another invasive kiss that set my head spinning, she tasted vaguely of me, but I was too high on endorphins to really care. She had an oral fixation, there was never a free moment when she wasn't kissing, licking, sucking or biting something. I wondered idly if she had to suppress the urge to eat me. She finished her 'good girl' kiss, withdrawing her tongue, and I panted, trying to get my bearings again. An urgency rose in my belly as I remembered where we were.

"Vi, you've had your fun, now we really have to...what are you...oh no come on, we don't have time for this!"

She changed position, lying on her back on the cot, her huge upper body barely fitting, her tail dangled off the end and she used it to pick me up like a doll and place me where she wanted me, my face an inch from her steaming, leaking genital slit. She pulled the swollen lips apart with her fingers, revealing the moist, pink flesh inside. I was instantly hard again as I gazed at it, but we couldn't stay here all night, every second we spent fooling around increased our chances of getting caught by a guard.

"No, Vi, we need to- mmmmf!"

She grabbed a fistful of my hair and pushed my face into her opening, grinding into me and purring contentedly. She leaned her flexible body forward, bringing her face down to join me, her long, ropy tongue slipping past her lips and parting her labia, she dug deep into her own slippery tunnel, her eyes rolling up into her head as the intense sensation overcame her. Her heavy breasts hung, swaying gently as she licked. She had figured out there was room for both of us down here not long ago, and ever since she had stubbornly refused to leave my apartment until we had done this at least once per visit. Well, she had started, she wouldn't move an inch until I helped finish her off now.