University Years Ch. 09


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Initially each set their own, not very fast, pace; rubbing against the thigh of the other. But they soon got in synchronisation and picked up the pace to a more moderate one; eventually discarding the wash cloths they were using and playing with the other's nipples too.

As they got more excited, they got less inhibited; pushing their bodies closer to each other and falling into a tight embrace. Liz seemed to be the less inhibited, eventually curling her back so that she could bend in and suck Eve's nipples.

I had always wondered why guys got off on watching girls make out together like this. But the massive erection in my lap said it all. Just the sight of them naked is enough to do that, but seeing their stunning, aroused, bodies in the process of working themselves up to an orgasmic frenzy was enough to make my balls boil.

I actually felt an urge to separate them and fuck one of them -- if not both - myself. But I dare say, as this day of playing master/slave progressed, and the cum count was already at a new record, there'd be plenty of time for that.

Liz also came first. Moaning loudly enough to leave no uncertainty about that fact, I could see her tense herself around Eve's thigh as Eve kept rubbing herself on Liz's. Liz's participation after that was a little less intense; but it didn't matter. Eve was the one doing all the work on Liz's thigh to shortly thereafter find her own climax.

As she did so, Liz rolled onto her back; floating with a vacant, tired look on her face. Eve as she finished, rolled towards me, wrapping herself around my lower legs and reaching out to fondle the erection that watching them had generated.

The bath had been rather refreshing after the sweaty night of dancing and love making. It was just what was needed. Had I been alone I might have sunk back down into the water and enjoyed it some more. Indeed, it occurred to me that as the master of the slaves, I was quite entitled to do just that; even sending the girls off for their breakfast while I did so in privacy and peace.

Not sure where this was meant to be going, but a bit cramped in what was now my corner of the bath, I suggested...

"Well ladies, is it time to get out of the bath and feed you two?"

Eve looked up at me, doe eyed as Liz rolled towards me...

"Yes master. That seems very appropriate."

One at a time, the girls got out of the bath. I moved back to the long side of it and relaxed back into the water as I watched the girls dry themselves; taking their time about it. As they finished, they hung their towels on the drying rack and Liz lifted mine off...

"Are you ready master?"

Eve offered me a hand, which I took as I stood up and out of the bath. As I'd anticipated, the girls had me stand upright as they went about drying me; Liz with the towel on the rack, Eve with a new one from the cupboard.

Their drying of me was nearly as sexualised as their washing had been; simply lacking actual penetration, but certainly involving much handling of my erection and a significant amount of pushing their bodies against me.

But with that finished they produced a fresh loincloth from the cupboard and had me step into it; tucking the erection, their playing with me had brought on, into the stretched cloth. It was at that moment I realised just how much foreplaning had gone into this.

I wondered what else was on their multiday agenda.

There were fresh loincloths for them too; made of the same dirty brown stained Lycra as the original ones.

Squeezing the water out of their previously worn ones, and rinsing mine in the bath too, they hung them up to dry before leading me out of the bathroom.

As we exited, they slipped into Eve's bedroom and came out wearing the body conforming, ripped, tattered, slit sided mini dresses they'd worn last night. Eve asked...

"Would master like his tunic and toga?"

I wasn't sure if there was a right answer for that as far as the girls were concerned. But the morning was already warm and, refreshed from the bath, I wasn't that keen to have another layer of clothes. I figured they'd tell me if I transgressed the rules of the game...

"I'm good for now."

I was directed to a lounge chair where I could watch the girls prepare and have their breakfast, and Eve put my IPad in my hand...

"Perhaps master would like to catch up with the news."

Sitting and working where they knew I'd have a good view of them as I scanned the news feed, they intended their presence to be entertaining. It made me realise, in my now sober state, just how cheeky and revealing their outfits had been; enough to make me wonder just how many photographs of them had been taken last night.

From the side, the open slit hem of the dress exposed their thigh all the way up to where the band holding their loincloths up rested on their waist. But probably more distracting was the way the stretchy, thin material of the dress was drawn tightly in under their breasts; almost exaggerating their already generous size and their perky conical shape and highlighting the nipples melded into the point of them, while teasing even more with the side boob display.

From the front, it was the deep cleavage display that drew the eye although the way the girls had created a distressed look with the slits and rips made for an interesting study.

From the back, the tight fit of the dresses and the way the hem slits opened up around their hips, highlighted their slim but womanly figures and the absolute cuteness of their butts while the whipping tears and the underlying red marks on their skin created a strange sexual frission. Whatever paint they'd used to create blood marks on their backs had completely survived all of the evening's entertainment, the night's sleep and sex and the morning's bath reasonably intact.

I've spent years living with attractive women prancing around in little bikinis, if that. I was not with them in the habit of living with them in what feels like a state of near perpetual arousal. I'm not sure why the girls are different. Yes, they push the boundaries more, but really, if I can have a girlfriend walk past me completely naked and not automatically get a boner, why do this pair have such a more erotic impact?

Yes, they're stunningly beautiful and there is something highly sexualised about their bodies; by which I mean the size of their breasts relative to their slim figures, their very erotic nipples and their bulging, crease displaying mons.

But my previous girlfriends were pretty attractive too.

The best I can figure is that the difference is that the girls engage as they do with sexual intent. They are targeting my arousal in a way the others weren't; very often with an intention to use it.

Regardless, I had a half mongrel lying between my legs, stretching out the material of my loincloth as I half read the news and half watched their sexualised displays.

As they finished their breakfast, they disappeared down the corridor that led to Liz's room. Figuring they needed a break from the cosplay, I went back to reading the news; at least until Eve emerged and presented herself in front of me after a brief break...

"I have prepared the slave Liz for her flogging in punishment for her insubordination on Thursday."

I looked up at Eve. She was holding the whip which was part of my outfit the previous night and I could see she was holding back a grin...

"And I'm the one meant to be doing the flogging?"

"Yes Master. 20 lashes."

"So I should follow you?"

"Yes master."

I stood up, the half mongrel that had previously settled now starting to reform in my loincloth. I had to wonder how this would work.

Eve led me to the door to her room where it had been jammed slightly ajar and a rope extended from the handle over the top. We had to turn sideways to slide through the narrow opening. When we entered the room, I found Liz pressed against the other side of the door with her back to me.

Her hands were tied to either end of a wooden bar, which in turn was held above her head by the rope which extended over the door. Her feet were similarly tied to a wooden bar, spreading them widely apart. Her long blonde hair had been swept across her left shoulder so it hung down the front of her.

"Shall I remind master of the correct technique?"

"If you would be so kind."

Eve stood about a meter and a half back from Liz, pulled her arm right back and delivered a fast, almost vicious stroke of the knotted strands of the whip across Liz's back. Pre-smeared with some red substance, the whip left red streaks across the back of her tunic and something of a splatter of red dots on the wall, door and floor on the side of the approach of the whip...

"Don't worry master. We have ensured the blood is easily removable from the walls and tiled floor."

Liz had remained silent, but I had noticed her butt cheeks tighten as the whip struck her, so I asked Eve...

"And that is what is required to have the desired effect?"

I knew I was speaking in code. Obviously the desired effect was one that contributed to the game, without hurting the victim more than she wanted to be hurt. I suspected this game was one that had to be played properly, if the girls wanted it played at all. As much as hurting them was anathema to me, I knew them well enough that too light a 'tap' with the whip would detract from whatever pleasure they sought from the role play.

But I also knew that the strands of the whip were fairly soft and even the knots at the end had a lot of give in them. I doubted, whatever I did, they would deliver any more than a slight sting and that mainly because they were wet with the imitation blood.

Eve handed me the whip...

"Master may consider it would be more effective if you undid the bows on her shoulders holding up the tunic and stripped her to her waist."

I had come to accept these suggestions were more in the nature of rules that must be obeyed to play the game as they wanted it. I stepped forward, pulled the bow strings on her shoulder and used my hand to slide the material into a bunched circle at her waist, where it was held up by the belt she was wearing. I'd made a point of caressing her breasts -- feeling her nipples harden to my touch - and her back, as I'd pulled it down.

Stepping back to where Eve had been standing, I took my first swing at Liz.

Once again her butt tightened, but she made no noise. But the stroke left a long smear of red across her back. Eve counted...


I turned to ask Eve...

"Is there a safe word?"

"I doubt we'll need it, but it can be "grey""

The flogging continued. I was a bit embarrassed that my half mongrel had turned into a full erection -- plainly visible to Eve. The reality was that the situation was much more nuanced than that, but I was not pleased that it might be thought I was getting excited by hurting Liz.

Her butt continued to tense with every stroke, then her back could be seen tightening too. Then after about the tenth one she let out a moan; one that was ambiguous as to whether it was of pleasure or pain.

Liz's back was now covered in red streaks; which continued to multiply until they completely covered her back as the final ten lashes were delivered. Liz's moans had continued; maybe getting a little louder and certainly more prolonged, with me having to wait longer between strokes until the moan from the previous one had stopped and her body relaxed again.

As the twenty lashes were finished, I turned to Eve, wondering what would follow. I passed her the whip...

"Thank you master. I presume you will finish with the usual fucking of her while she's still on the rack?"

I had suspected that would be the end play. It may have contributed to the erection I'd been displaying since the start of the game...

"If that's appropriate."

"Yes master."

Short though it was, there was something in the way Eve spoke that tweaked a suspicion. It had been in her suggestion I fuck Liz too but I hadn't been sufficiently alerted to it to pick it up; probably because I was more focused on what was happening with Liz.

It is hard to describe its nuance. It had undertones of trance like, zombie like and even evil. But actually what I really thought was she was sounding like she was really aroused and trying contain herself.

I looked at her again as she stood there waiting for me to fuck Liz.

Her pupils were heavily dilated as she stared at Liz. Her face was flushed and her stance quite tense. Of itself, none of those things could really be used to conclude anything.

But the icing on the cake were her nipples. They were jutting out the stretchy material of her tunic like I'd spent ten minutes sucking them. The raised, triangular base of her swollen areola was a plinth on which projected long, thick and clearly very hard nipples.

I had wondered at this whipping game. Wondered who was getting turned on by it and how. I was a willing participant, but a little indifferent to it. I certainly got no enjoyment from hurting the girls, but figured if they wanted a bit of kinky foreplay I was willing to give it to them.

As I was about to fuck Liz, I would find out soon enough whether it was in fact mere foreplay for her. But it was clear that being a watcher of all this was a massive turn on for Eve. It may even have been the main driving force of the game. After all, Eve's nipples certainly project when she's aroused; but nothing anything like that, or at least not until I actually do suck them. Some powerful force was at play within her.

As my next step, I was more tempted to finger and nipple play Eve to an orgasm than to fuck Liz. But it occurred to me that watching Liz get fucked as the final step in this game may well have been the intended climax of it -- in a very literal sense.

I stepped towards Liz's back as I unsheathed my erection out the side of the loincloth. Lifting the back flap of her tunic, I found her naked underneath. Using my hand, I positioned the tip of my cock in her vaginal opening; uncertain as to what state of penetrative readiness I'd find her in.

I'd call it reasonably aroused. She was moist, almost to the point of being wet. The first half of my cock went in easily. After that, I jerked slowly and pushed gently, feeling her body progressively but quickly open up to me until I was fully penetrated in her. Then I pulled her butt back as much as her bindings would permit; recognising any bending I could induce in her hips would increase the stimulation of her g spot.

With one hand wrapped around her waist I touched up her clit, finding it already swollen. The other also found her nipple jutting; although nothing like Eve's.

Thinking I was as much putting on a show for Eve as I was stimulating Liz, I sort of went to town on Liz. Somewhat exaggerated thrusting, with plenty of bum movement from me, combined with enthuastic stimulation of her nipple and clit.

While its lack of face to face intimacy means none of us are fans of the doggy presentation, whether bent over or standing, I did recognise its potential for g spot stimulation. That, Liz's already aroused state and the knowledge of how sensitive both the girls nipples are -- able to give them orgasms by themselves -- gave me a reasonable confidence Liz could be brought to a fairly quick orgasm.

In that I wasn't wrong. With a moan, she soon collapsed down on the ropes holding her up as her thighs tightened and her contractions pummelled my cock.

I wondered if I should save my erection to turn around and fuck Eve, but figured she had a longer game to play.

Instead I put on an exaggerated display for Eve's viewing of me pounding Liz; exaggerated mainly in the sense my external bum movements were way more extreme than my actual thrusts into Liz. I made sure to accompany it with grunts and moans that reflected the display.

As I filled Liz's womanhood with my cum, I could swear I could hear an aroused moan from Eve that broke through the loud grunt I intentionally made.

Even as I was still penetrated in Liz, I turned to Eve. She was standing slightly bent over, cross legged, her thighs tightly together, her crotch covered by her hand. Her face was tight and serious looking, in a sort of pre-orgasmic way, with her eyes semi closed.

I thought she might have been fingering herself, but her hand was still; more like it was trying to contain something that wanted to get out.

I withdrew from Liz and, with my still large and swollen, half mongrel, dripping, cock dangling between my legs closed the distance to Eve. Her eyes followed me; boring into me with their intense stare as she continued to stand there in a frozen state.

When I reached her, I pulled aside the flimsy material covering her left breast and bent down to suck its jutting nipple as I slid my hand under the split of her tunic, sliding it towards her mons. The extended nipple felt wondrous in my mouth as I flicked my tongue across it. And as my hand reached the point where Eve's hand firmly pressed the material of her tunic into her crotch, she released the pressure, allowing my fingers access to her vulva.

I slid my fingers through her crease. It was wet, really wet and her vagina was open enough that my fingers easily momentarily penetrated it. But that wasn't my target. Her clit was engorged and firm.

As I brushed it with my finger, Eve released a moan of previously contained pleasure. I had only been rubbing it for half a minute before she loudly came, almost immediately sinking to the floor where she rolled up into a foetal position, her hands back between her legs where she continued to moan as she rolled about on the floor.

I stood there, watching her for a moment. I'd never seen a display like that before. Nothing remotely like it. I wasn't even sure what to do; more so since Liz continued to hang by her arms on the rack.

The girls were surprising me as they explored their fetishes; and there seemed to be no shortage of them. But what surprised me about this one was that Eve's reaction had been purely to visual stimulation; at least until my fingers finished the job.

I wasn't used to this and didn't quite know how to handle it. My previous girlfriends had displayed no such fetishes -- at least none that I knew about. And my worst one was -- and still is -- seeing them in bikinis. And as for Eve's rolling about on the floor demonstration of orgasmic reaction? Hell, what is a man supposed to do in response to that? Physically flatten her out on the floor and fuck her some more? The thought occurred to me. But I had a flaccid cock and more than a little hesitation about doing something that might in retrospect seem forced.

I didn't doubt that, in good time, I would be told about any errors in my judgements so I'd know better for next time.

I suspected this game wasn't finished yet, so after some hesitation, I thought it best to simply play the master. Just before slipping out of the room, I instructed the girls...

"Eve you can cut Liz down when you're finished on the floor and I assume you girls will clean up the mess."

Tucking my cock back into my loincloth, I retreated back to the lounge room where I sat on the lounge, reading one of my Uni books, waiting for the next chapter of this drama. It didn't take long in coming, as Liz entered the lounge room about fifteen minutes later...

"Eve is prepared for her flogging."

I looked up at Liz. She was dressed back in her slave tunic and grinning at me perhaps in a way inconsistent with the game but which never the less reassured me they were enjoying it. I had come to suspect that Eve was more the driving force behind this particular game and as a result was the better actor in it.

"Thank you Liz. I'll follow you through to the flogging room."

Given the way the tunic highlights her cute butt, who wouldn't want her to walk ahead of you. More so as I came to conclude she was still commando under the tunic.