Untangling the Web Ch. 01


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As Tim started to walk away, Linda decided to sweeten the pot a little and caught his hand. "Tim, I have two holes that didn't get used tonight. I'm going to want you to use them both when we get together so make sure you leave a lot of time." Linda flushed and leaned forward. "I've never been fucked in the ass before. I want you to be my first."

Tim smiled and took the napkin. It had been a long time since he had been with an anal virgin. He was looking forward to making it an exquisite experience for her. But for now, it was time to take Cheryl home, share stories and fuck the night away.

As Tim walked up to Cheryl, Bob and Mark, he stuck out his hand. "Hi guy's, I'm Tim, Cheryl's husband." He looked down at their hands disappearing under her dress and chuckled. "I don't think I have to ask if you know my wife. It looks like you are pretty close."

Cheryl giggled, disentangled her arms and threw them around Tim's neck. She drew him in for a deep soulful kiss with plenty of tongue. 'Hi honey, this is Mark and Bob. I couldn't find you so they have been keeping me company."

Tim glanced down and noticed that Cheryl's bra seemed to be missing. He looked wryly over at Bob and murmured. "I'll bet you kept her company. Did they treat you right Cherie? Did you have a good time?"

Cheryl sighed and absently started to rub her nipples through her dress. 'Oh yes. It was wonderful."

Tim was concerned by Cheryl's behavior. While she had never been shy, she rarely lost control like this. It wasn't normal. Tim and Cheryl had experimented with exhibitionism and public sex, but Cheryl always pretended reluctance. Part of the turn on for her was the fear and humiliation that she got from being forced to submit to his orders.

Now, she was acting the slut in full view of her work colleagues without a care in the world. She was acting like she was high on something. He needed to get her home and soon if he wanted to avoid a scene. He glanced sharply at Mark and Bob. "What the fuck did you guys give to her?"

Mark and Bob backed away and removed their hands from Cheryl ass. Mark started to babble a denial. "Nothing. Shit man, we just gave her a couple of drinks. She started to come on to us, honest. We don't want any trouble. We didn't give her anything, I swear."

Tim glared at them and nodded. "You had better be telling me the truth. If I find out you drugged her, I'll make you wish that you were never born. Where is her bra?"

Bob flushed and pulled her bra out of his pocket and handed it Tim. Mark hesitated for a moment and pulled her panties out of his pocket. He smiled sheepishly and said. "You'll probably want these as well."

As Tim guided Cheryl out of the party, she clung to him and started to rub her hand up and down his leg. "Tim, I'm horny. Can you take me someplace and fuck me?" She pleaded.

"Hang on Cherie. I'll take care of you as soon as I can. Let's get out of here first."

Linda watched them walk out of the party and sighed. She checked her watch but it was still too early to head on home. She still wanted more. She cast a speculative look over at Mark and Bob. She had never been with two men before. Maybe it was time for another new experience. She picked up her drink and glided towards them with an extra wiggle in her walk. "Hi guys, I'm Linda. Mind if I join you?"


The first thing that Cheryl noticed the next morning as she groggily woke up was that she had a splitting headache. Then the dull ache in her ass, pussy, nipples and throat started to make itself felt. She could tell that she had been royally fucked the night before, but she couldn't recall the details. She reached down and felt the dried, crusted cum coating her breasts and stomach. She groaned and buried her head in her hands,

"Good morning babe." Tim greeted her as he walked in with a small tray. "How are you feeling this morning? I brought you some coffee and some aspirin, you look like you could use it."

"What happened last night Tim? What did I do? I can't remember anything."

"I think someone slipped you something. You were out of control."

"Did anything happen?" She asked anxiously.

Tim nodded and told her about finding her with Mark and Bob. As he spoke, Cheryl's memory of the evening came rushing back to her and she started to remember what she had down with Mark and Bob in the break room. "Oh shit. I acted like a fucking slut. I let them do anything they wanted to me."

"I want you to try to remember, Cherie. Did they give you anything or drop anything in your drink?"

"What? No. No. I only had two drinks and the bartender handed them to me. Mark's a hound, but he doesn't stoop to date rape drugs." Cheryl sat up in bed and the sheet slipped down around her waist. She frowned as she tried to remember what had happened. She absently slapped Tim's hand away as he reached over to cup her breast.

"Wait a minute. Tony the party organizer gave me a pill to help me relax. Do you think that might have caused it?"'

"It could have Cherie. Particularly since you had a couple of drinks. But, let's get you taken care of and we can talk about it later. Come on, let's go hop in the shower and get you cleaned up. Then we can take a Jacuzzi and see if we can get you relaxed."

Over the next few hours, Cheryl reluctantly told Tim all she could remember about the night before. She was convinced that he would be disgusted at her actions and would hate her. But, the more she talked, the more he held her and the harder he grew. Finally as she was finishing her story, he pulled her up onto the edge of the Jacuzzi and attacked her slit. Her soreness was forgotten as they made love by the edge of the tub.

Afterwards, Tim snuggled into her and held her tight. "Cherie, I need to know how you feel about this. I know that pill caused you to lose control, but did you enjoy it? Did you have a good time with Mark and Bob?"

Cheryl hung her head and nodded yes.

Tim gently lifted her chin with his hand until he was looking deep into her eyes. "Tell me, did it affect the way you feel about me? Do you still love me?"

Cheryl's eyes grew wide and she started to stammer a response. Tim let her babble on until he was sure the answer was yes. "Now you understand what I was talking about the other night. It's okay. Nothing you do with anyone else matters as long as you continue to love me.

"When Amber told me that she was bisexual and wanted to keep seeing her girlfriends, I was hurt. I worried that it would affect our marriage and how we felt about each other. When we started to swing, I stayed awake wondering what it would do to our marriage.

"But, I discovered that none of the others mattered. Amber had an unlimited ability to love me and to bring other people pleasure as well. I found I had that ability too. It didn't matter how many people we fucked or made love to. I knew that I had her heart and she had mine."

Tim gazed into Cheryl's eyes and drew her close. "Cheryl, the thing that first attracted me to you was the way you reminded me of Amber."

Cheryl stiffened, drew away and opened her mouth to respond, but Tim shushed her with a gentle finger on her lips. "Let me explain. The thing that reminds me of Amber is your heart, your spirit and your ability to love. I could tell as soon as I met you that you were a kindred soul. I knew that somehow, I had been lucky enough to find another woman with the ability to complete me. I fell in love with you that day and knew that I had to make you mine."

As Cheryl's body relaxed at his words, Tim continued to caress her. He softly kissed her and murmured into her hair. "If you enjoyed what happened with Bob and Mark, I'm happy for you. If it brings you pleasure, then it brings me pleasure."

Tim hesitated for a moment and decided to ask the last question. "I know you said you didn't want to involve others yet, but now that its happened, what do you think baby? Do you want to do it again? Do you want to fuck Bob or Mark again?"

Cheryl looked at him for a moment, staring deeply into his eyes. Finally she blushed and nodded. "I do. I can see that it doesn't affect the way that you love me and that is what I was worried about. But . . . What about you? I want both of us to be happy."

Tim smiled and nuzzled into her neck. "Why don't you suck my cock for a while and I will tell you about the new friend I made the other night. Her name is Linda and she is married to a slob named Rodney."

The rest of the weekend was a fuckfest. Tim and Cheryl sucked and fucked each other into exhaustion. Then, they rested for a short time to get their breath back, and started again. By Monday morning, Cheryl was comfortable with their new open relationship. In fact she insisted that Tim call Linda and invite her over that day. She loved the fact that her husband was fucking the wife of that bastard Rodney. And she couldn't wait until she got a chance to try Linda herself.


After the party, Linda did not make it home until the next morning. Although Mark had initially been reluctant to party with her, Bob had gleefully accepted her offer and had invited her to spend the night at his apartment. She had barely got her clothes off and Bob's prick in her mouth when Mark had shown up and joined in. She had spent the night getting gloriously fucked. The only thing she refused them was her ass. She told them that had been promised to someone else.

When she got in the house, she smirked as she passed Rodney passed out on the couch with his trousers around his ankles. From the smell of his breath, he had gotten shit faced the night before. She could also see that he had spent the evening jerking off. As she walked up to the bedroom she thought to herself that he'd better get used to jerking off, because he wasn't going to touch her again.

After a brief shower, Linda sighed and got busy. She wanted to move Rodney's stuff into the spare bedroom while he was still passed out. As she worked she hummed softly to herself and thought about Tim and Mark and Bob.

Late that afternoon, Rodney groggily rose to consciousness to find Linda sitting in her chair staring at him. Linda was sitting across from him wearing nothing but a short robe. From where he lay, he could barely make out the details of her bald pussy as she sat there.

As his prick began to rise, she gave him a look of disgust and shifted her legs to hide from his view. "Don't even think about it. I just wanted to let you know that your dinner is on the stove. If you need anything, I'll be in my room."

As she started to walk out of the room, Rodney stared at her in confusion. His head still fuzzy from the booze he had consumed the night before, he didn't understand the import of her comment. "Your room?" He muttered as his head began to pound. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Linda turned and smiled at him sweetly. "Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. I moved all of your stuff into the spare bedroom. That is where you will be sleeping from now on." With that, Linda swept up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Even from the living room, he could hear the click as the door locked behind her.

Rodney stared after her stunned. Fucking Bitch. How dare she kick him out of his own bedroom! He'd teach her. He was going to go right upstairs and kick that fucking door down and teach her a lesson.

As Rodney stood, the room started to spin around him. He felt nauseous and lurched towards the bathroom. He didn't make it and started to puke all over the front hallway. He fell to his knees in total misery. The bedroom door opened and Linda came out into the hallway. For an eternity she stared down at him impassively. "Make sure you clean that mess up, I'm sure as hell not going to do it." With that she turned on her heel and closed the door behind her with finality.

Rodney groaned and struggled to his feet. As he went out into the kitchen to get a mop, he glared balefully up at the bedroom door. Fucking Bitch!


That weekend was one of the worst Rodney had ever had.

His attempts to deal with Linda on Saturday night had been spectacularly unsuccessful. She hadn't responded to his pounding on the door or his threats to open it and let him in. When he tried to break it down, his effort had been disastrous. He couldn't believe it. The husband never bounced off the door and bruised his shoulder in the stories he read. And his foot felt like he had broken it when he tried to kick it in. That never happened in the movies.

He finally had admitted defeat and had limped off to sleep in the spare bedroom. Fucking Bitch! Her time would come. He tossed and turned all night as he planned the revenge that she had coming.

The next morning, Linda found him sitting in the kitchen staring into a cup of coffee. She was wearing a short dressing gown that clung to her graceful curves and she looked well rested and mighty pleased at herself.

He glared at her back as she reached into the cabinet to get a coffee cup. She was teasing him, the stupid bitch. As she stretched to get her cup, the dressing gown rode up showing off the milky whiteness of her thighs. Despite his anger, he began to get aroused at the sight before him.

When she turned around, she noted the look of lust on his face and snorted scornfully. He opened his mouth to tell her off and she told him to shut up! What the fuck! Linda never talked back to him before. He was the one in charge. He looked back at her stupidly as she moved to sit down at the table across from him.

"Rodney, we need to talk. I'm tired of acting like your perfect little wife. You've never respected me and I'm sick of it. Things are going to change around here. I'm giving you a choice; you can either accept the way things are going to be or you can get out. It's not open for negotiation."

Rodney stared at Linda in disbelief, and started to sputter. She cut him off with a wave and continued.

"Let's face it Rodney, we haven't had a real marriage in years. The only reason I didn't divorce your sorry ass years ago was because of Tiffany. You might be an asshole and a piss poor husband, but she loves you and you haven't screwed up too bad as her father. I was able to swallow my pride and put up with you for her sake.

"But now that she's in college, I'm not going to take it anymore. I can't tell you how much it bothered me to find you fucking that bitch Maureen in my bed. It was bad enough to know you were fucking around on me behind my back. How could you disrespect me enough to bring one of your sluts home to fuck in my bed?

"So I've decided enough is enough. I'm not planning to divorce you. But, I'm going to treat this marriage the same way you treat it. It's just a sham. We will co-exist in this house, but my being faithful to you is a thing of the past. As far as I am concerned you lost any rights you might have had to touch me. Whether you ever get that privilege back is still undecided."

Rodney flew into a rage at her statement. He rose out of his chair and started to stalk around the table towards her. That Fucking Bitch! He was going to kill her. How dare she give him ultimatums in his own house!

Linda smiled at him coldly and said, "Go ahead Rodney, hit me. I dare you. You lay one finger on me and I will destroy you. I'll make your life a living hell. I'll have you arrested for spouse abuse. Then I'll divorce you for everything you have and turn your daughter away from you. Oh, I'll let Daddy and my brothers know you hit me too."

As Rodney hesitated, Linda looked at him with profound disgust. "Sit down Rodney. You are such a weak sack of shit it's amazing I put up with you for all these years. Sit down and shut up and I will tell you how it's going to be.

"From now on, all we are is housemates. Nothing is going to change in the way we run the house. I will continue to take care of the house for so long as you keep paying the bills. I do expect you to pick up after yourself however. I'm not going to put up with your acting like a slob anymore.

"As for shopping, I'll take care of it provided that you leave me money to do so. I'll continue to cook if I'm here and I expect you to let me know when or if you will be home for supper. If I am here we can eat together, otherwise I will try to leave you something, but I'm not going to make any promises. You can do your own dishes.

"Oh, and before you get any bright ideas to try to clean us out, I set up new accounts in my name last week for half of all of our assets.

"When we see each other around the house, I expect you to treat me politely and with respect. I don't really care if you fuck around on me anymore, but I do ask that do me the courtesy of not doing it here.

"I absolutely refuse to have anything to do with any of your sluts. Don't expect me to cook for you if you bring one of them here. I will let you know if I am not going to be home for dinner or if I am spending the night with friends. I expect you to do the same.

"Rodney, if you treat me with respect, I will do the same for you. It's up to you. We can co-exist or you can get the hell out."

Rodney gaped at her stunned. Linda snorted, picked up her coffee cup and walked out of the room. For the rest of the day, Rodney avoided her. He needed to do some thinking.

By the end of the day, Rodney had decided on a plan of action. While he didn't plan on letting that bitch Linda get away with treating him this way, he was going to let things lie for a while. Revenge is a dish best served cold and he wanted to give Linda a chance to get complacent before he pulled the rug out. After all, he still had the pictures of her sucking Tim that he could use against her.

Besides, he still had to figure out what to do with Cheryl. He had the evidence to ruin her marriage and her career, but how did he want to use them. It was time to pay her back for the way she treated him. Rodney sat down on his computer. Time to log onto the Internet and do some research.

By Monday, Rodney felt like he had rejoined the human race. His head had stopped pounding and the sight of food no longer sickened him. He was able to co-exist with Linda, at least for the moment. Best of all, he had decided on a plan for Cheryl.

He waited for his chance and that afternoon, he was able to slip into her office without being noticed. As he closed the door behind him, Cheryl looked up at him with a look of annoyance and disdain. "What in the hell do you think you are doing, Rodney. Get the hell out of my office."

Rodney smirked and responded, "Hello to you too, Cheryl. I've got something to show you that I think you might be interested in."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I read the first several paragraphs and gave up. Another me, I am great and the rest of the world is but a turd. Peeling potatoes seems to be a better more productive way to spend ones time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Not Sir Walter Scott

The beginning quote is not by Scott, but by William Shakespeare (who else?). It's from Hamlet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Thought I'd re-read this so Ch.02 might make more sense, but it didn't help much. The characters are caricatures and the dialogue stilted. I kept waiting for Rodney to say something like “curses…foiled again,” or something equally trite. Guess I’ll go read Ch.02 now. <sigh>

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Why is the question - to get it out of your system??? It isn't erotic and not really interesting nor close to entertaining - just one crude absurd subhuman after another not that you didn't warn us but this is below your history and abilities and negatively affects your credibility if you care or not.

Get it over and go on but not like this I / we hope!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
So many jerks to choose from!!!!

I don't know who to root for in this story...it is way beyond my comprehension. It seems they are all losers that if any one of them becomes the "winner"...it would still be unsatisfactory....Oh wait the winner is Tiffany...she is outside the storyline...I hope.

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