Untangling the Web Ch. 03


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"NO!" Roger screamed. "Get the fuck away from her. What in the hell are you doing here Cheryl?"

Cheryl pouted and looked hurt at Rodney's words. With a flick of her wrist, she detached the strap on and backed slowly away from Cheryl leaving the huge dildo sticking obscenely from Linda's gaping slit. Linda looked up at her and moaned in impotent fury. Cheryl had left her on the edge of orgasm and she needed to cum.

'What am I doing here? I'm here to help you Master. You told me yesterday that you were having trouble with your wife and I'm here to help fix it. After you make her your slave, she'll never refuse you again."

Cheryl reached onto the bed and grabbed the riding crop and held it out to Rodney. Linda's eyes grew wide and she grunted in protest. "Why don't you whip her Master? She looks so pretty when she is begging. Then you can take her gag out and fuck her face."

Rodney stood up, grabbed the crop and threw it across the room. "You crazy bitch. You're going to get all of us killed! Your God Damn husband is out looking for you and if he sees you here he is going to come in and go crazy. Get the fuck away from me."

Cheryl trembled and started to cry. "But Master. I'm only trying to help. I told you, I don't care if my husband Tim finds out about us. I don't want him anymore. I only want you!"

"You fucking idiot." Rodney raged. "I'm not your Master anymore! It's over. I don't care if you want me. Don't you understand? I DON'T WANT YOU! Get the hell away from me and leave me the fuck alone."

Cheryl stood there staring at him with a look of pleading in her eyes. As she stood there, her shoulders slumped and the look of pleading left her eyes. Rodney could tell that she had finally accepted that it was over. With a sob, she grabbed her coat and ran from the room.

Faintly, Rodney heard the front door slam. A moment later, he heard the tires on Cheryl's car squeal as she pulled out of the driveway. Rodney sank to his knees in relief. Thank God it was finally over.

As he let the feeling of relief wash over him, he was disturbed from a moan coming from the bed. "Oh my God, Linda" He stuttered. Getting to his feet, Rodney scrambled over to the bed and looked down at his wife. Her eyes blazed at him in outrage as she lay there in her bonds.

Working feverishly, Rodney struggled to untie the scarf gagging her mouth. In his haste, he wrenched her head back and forth failing to notice the pain that he was causing her because of the nipple and clit clamps. The whole time Rodney babbled a string of apologies.

Finally, he managed to get the scarf untied and Linda was able to spit the wadded up panties out of her mouth. "STOP!" She screamed. "Rodney, you are hurting me. Slow down. Please, unlock the handcuffs before you do anything else. I think I saw her place the keys on the dresser."

Rodney stumbled over to the dresser and found the keys. Very carefully, he reached over the bed and unlocked her wrists. With a sigh of relief, Linda sat up and grabbed the key from his hand. "Go sit down." She commanded.

Moving carefully, Linda slowly removed the clamps from her nipples and clit wincing in pain as she massaged the blood back into the tortured extremities. With a grimace, she began the process of unwinding the rope from around her tender globes. Slowly she drew the massive dildo out of her twat and leaning back, pulled an enormous plug out of her ass. Her rosebud winked at him as it tried in vain to close. Finally, Linda reached down and untied her legs and ankles.

The entire time she was releasing herself she ignored Rodney. Moving slowly, she carefully walked over to the closet, grabbed a robe and moved towards the bathroom. Turning to Rodney she said. "I'm going to take a hot shower and get dressed. Get the hell downstairs and make me a drink. We'll talk then and you can explain to me what in the hell just happened."


Fifteen minutes later, Linda walked downstairs dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose top. She sat at the table wincing slightly as her ass made contact with the hard seat. In one steady pull she finished the drink that Rodney had poured for her and shoved the glass back to Rodney. He quickly got up and made her another.

"Well, would you care to explain to me what in the hell just happened?" She asked sarcastically. "Do you have any excuse why your girlfriend just tied me up and raped me?"

Rodney started to babble. "She's not my girlfriend Linda, honest. I had no idea that she would do something like this. Honest, It's not my fault."

Don't bullshit me, Rodney," Linda threatened. "I was tied up, not deaf. I heard Cheryl in there. You must have told her that we were having trouble when you were fucking her. Where the fuck do you get the nerve to discuss our problems with your girlfriends."

Suddenly Linda stopped and a mocking look crossed her face. "Oh, that's right, she's not your girlfriend. SHE"S YOUR FUCKING SLAVE!"

No . . . Linda . . . Please . . . You've got to believe me. She's not my slave either." Rodney babbled in a panic. "She's just a crazy bitch that is stalking me. I've been trying to get her to leave me alone for weeks."

"You are a fucking liar, Rodney." Linda sneered. "I heard you in there too. I heard you tell her it's over and that you were not her Master anymore. Don't tell me that nothing happened."

Linda shook her head in disgust and glared at Rodney. "For once in your life Rodney, tell me the truth. I want to know the whole story from the beginning. What in the hell is going on?"

Linda listened patiently as Rodney confessed the whole story of what had been happening at the office. Surprisingly, his account was relatively complete. He described in detail what had happened between him and Cheryl at the office. The one omission was that he glossed over the reasons why he had decided to stop blackmailing her.

Finally she sat there and looked at him in amazement. "You blackmailed her into being your sex slave?" She asked incredulously.

"That's right." He mumbled.

"She wouldn't let you stop because she started to like it."

"Yes, Yes, that's right," he stammered eagerly.

"You never fucked her. The only thing you did was get a hand job from her." She stated flatly.

"That's right." He nodded anxiously.

"You are a fucking liar, asshole." She spat. "How dare you try to tell me that you had a sex slave for weeks and the only thing that happened was a hand job. Do you think I'm a total idiot?"

"But it's the truth, I swear to God." Rodney wailed. "Nothing ever happened."

'Right. If that is the case, asshole, why are you so worried about her husband? Surely you're not worried that he is going to kill you because his wife gave you a handjob. How in the hell would he even know what is happening."

"I've been bragging about it to him." Rodney mumbled.


Rodney sighed. "I saw him down at the tavern and I wanted to pay him back. So, I started to brag to him about blackmailing someone at work into being my sex slave." Rodney shifted uncomfortably. "I might have exaggerated a little bit about what I had done to her. It wasn't until later that I found out that he had a mean temper and nearly killed a guy who had fucked around with his first wife."

"Why did you want to pay him back Rodney?" Linda asked relentlessly.

"Because I saw him with you at the party." He admitted nervously.

"That's the Tim you are talking about" Linda said incredulously. "The Tim I spent some time with at the party? You stupid fucking idiot! You blackmailed this guy's wife and lied to him about it because you saw him with me?"

Linda shook her head in disgust. "If you recall," she spit out sarcastically, "you were the one who asked him to come over and talk to me. You set him up and then you want to get even when he takes advantage of it? You knew what I was going to do that night."

"I didn't believe you would do it." He mumbled nervously. "But it doesn't matter anyway. He's never gonna believe that nothing happened with his wife and he is going to kill me!"

"You're right Rodney, he is going to kill you. " Linda said maliciously. "You deserve it. You blackmailed his wife and destroyed his marriage."

"But nothing happened." Rodney whined.

"You think that matters? YOU DESTROYED HIS MARRIAGE, you asshole." Linda spat. "Because of you his wife wants nothing to do with him. You call that nothing."

Rodney moaned and covered his face with his hands. "What am I going to do, Linda? How the fuck am I going to get out of this."

"Why should I care?" Linda asked indifferently. "Tonight was the last straw. You dragged me into you sorry problems for the last time. I want a divorce Rodney. I've already seen a lawyer and tomorrow I'm going to call her and tell her to file the paperwork. "

"Please, Linda." Rodney begged. "Don't do that. Please give me another chance. I love you and want to save our marriage. I didn't even know you had seen a lawyer."

"I did that weeks ago Rodney, but I held off to give you one last shot at saving the marriage. But you blew it. No more chances." Linda told him coldly. "Act like a man for once and accept it. My lawyer has worked up a very fair property settlement. If you sign it, we can get through this quickly and easily."

"Why should I sign it?" Rodney asked belligerently. "I don't want a divorce. Why should I make it easy on you?"

"Because if you don't Rodney," Linda told him sweetly. "The whole fucking story of your blackmail will come out in court and I'll make sure that both your boss and Tim find out. My lawyer will stop by with a copy of the paperwork tomorrow morning. Sign it or tomorrow afternoon I'm calling Tim."

Linda grabbed her keys and walked towards the front door. "I'm going to stay with friends. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon to pick up some stuff. I don't want to see you here. If I were you, I'd be making plans to head out of town before Tim figures out what you did. Have a nice life Rodney"



Cheryl stretched and pushed back from her desk. Tonight she was leaving early. It was her anniversary. It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed from the day that Linda had become her co-wife.

Looking back, in a real sense Rodney had destroyed her marriage to Tim, just like Linda had told him that fateful night. But the destruction had been one of joy. Her marriage to Tim was torn down, only to be replaced by a bigger and better union: one that encompassed Tim, Cheryl and Linda.

She had never even celebrated one anniversary of her marriage to Tim. That date did not matter. The only date that mattered was the date of their triple union. That was the date now celebrated as the anniversary. It didn't matter if it were legal; the three of them had exchanged vows and rings in a ceremony that bound them closer than any piece of paper.

Cheryl's life had changed dramatically. Fred Hatfield had retired and she was now vice president in charge of operations. She had reshaped her section and the sales and the accounts looked like they would be up substantially. She was looking at a nice bonus at the end of the year.

The office was a lot nicer place to work now that Rodney was gone. The morning after her visit to Linda, he had quietly signed the divorce paperwork and disappeared. He had taken Linda's advice, quit his job and moved out of state. His daughter Tiffany still maintained contact, but Linda had not heard from him since the day the divorce was finalized. The last she had heard, Rodney was still worried about Tim and had gone into hiding in the heartland.

Linda was now working for Tim's consulting business. She had had enough of being a stay at home housewife. She had told Cheryl and Tim that it was time to put her college degree to work. She was turning heads and cutting a swath through Tim's clientele. Cheryl smiled. Her style was turning into a real asset for Tim and it kept him from getting too lonely when he had to go on the road.

Tonight, however, work was the last thing from her mind. She grabbed her coat and said goodnight to Denise.

Denise smiled back and gave her a squeeze on the arm. She whispered "Happy anniversary" and watched her boss stroll down the hall. Cheryl wasn't the only one that was happy that Rodney was gone.

Cheryl whistled happily as she opened the door to her car. Tonight was going to be special. Tiffany was coming over for a special anniversary dinner and she was bringing home someone to meet her "three parents." Tiffany had accepted Tim and Cheryl into her life and was understanding of their unique relationship with Linda.

"Yes," Cheryl thought as she got on the freeway. "Sometimes life is good."

Rodney surveyed his small two room flat as he waited for his microwave pizza to finish cooking. It wasn't much, but it was safe. Tim would never think of looking for him in this small town. He had a job and a place to live. Life wasn't that bad, really. At least he was free of that bitch Cheryl. It could only get better too. He wouldn't be washing dishes for too much longer.

Tonight, Rodney didn't want to think about his job. He had just finished reading a story on his favorite web site and he wanted to comment on it while it was still fresh in his mind.

He was going to ravage the story of course. None of these damn writers knew a thing about what it was like in the real world. Hell, if he hadn't followed their advice, he might still be married to Linda. Rodney typed the last word of his scathing comment and sent it off. He had to send in anonymously of course. After all, he didn't want Tim to find him.

Rodney smiled evilly. He was going to get those writers back if it was the last thing he did.

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Harvey8910Harvey8910over 2 years ago

Great story. I loved it. The final chapter was the best where the plan to get even with Rodney was executed. It worked perfectly. I gave the story 5 stars. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
not rodney

Quite a few years back I noticed the prejudice namers andsome authors feel toward anons.

Al least you do allow us to comment. I have also noticed for every vulgar comment posted by an anon at least two vitriolic comments are to be had from namers and authors.

Most anon comments are insightful and or complimentary, so I remained baffled as to the obvious prejudice and denigration of people who simply do not desire to register a profile.

Any, enjoyed the humor of this story.

Dubby49Dubby49over 8 years ago

Should have been in Loving Wives because it rivals most of the fantasies there. Only problem is that it's BTB alright but 'B' stands for bastard not bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
extremely funny

This would be eviscerated in Loving Wives due to the closet cuckolds furiously commenting over there but a most enjoyable read here in H & S.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I absolutely love this story! This is one of the best I have read on Literotica. I love how I really got into the characters lives. My favorite character was Tim by the way. Great job!!

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