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"Hi, Chris. We're really happy you could come. We don't get to see you enough," Stephanie said with a big smile.

"Hi. I brought you a little present since you wouldn't let me bring food or anything," Chris said, handing the package to her hostess.

"Well, thank you. Take off your coat and let Jeff hang it up for you." Stephanie laid the package on a table next to the couch.

For the first time all day, Chris had second thoughts about the whole thing. Her hands were shaking, so she started to untie the belt around her coat while Stephanie was still turned away. But Stephanie was facing her again before Chris finished. Chris saw Stephanie's eyes widen as the belt came undone and the coat fell open.

Chris gracefully let the coat slide off her shoulders and arms. Jeff took it from her...and Chris stood stark naked in front of Stephanie.

You could hear a pin drop as Stephanie scanned the beautiful, young body in front of her. Stephanie's eyes roamed from Chris' head to toes...and back up again.

"Merry Christmas, Steph," Jeff said.

Stephanie's mouth was open, but nothing came out. Chris began to fidget, unsure of how Stephanie was reacting.

"Wow," Stephanie finally said. "You really are...uh, I mean...you're...really beautiful."

Chris blushed and said, "Thank you."

"I think the best presents come unwrapped," Jeff said. "Don't you?"

Stephanie only nodded, her eyes still wandering all over Chris' perfect body. Chris stepped forward. Once she got within an arm's length of her neighbor, she took Stephanie's hands in her own. She raised them to her breasts and gently placed them on her soft skin.

It was a first for both women and they were tentative. Chris dropped her arms and let Stephanie gingerly run her fingers over Chris' breasts. Stephanie briefly looked over at her husband, who nodded back at her in affirmation. Stephanie felt better already and the shock was wearing off.

Chris watched the hands as they moved completely around her breasts, eventually touching every inch of them. At first Stephanie was hesitant to touch the nipples; but finally they, too, received the attention of Stephanie's inquisitive fingers.

Chris had to close her eyes at the incredible feeling of Stephanie's hands massaging her chest. Knowing that before the night was through she would have Jeff's cock inside her pussy made it even better. But for now, she was content with pleasing his wife.

Something made Chris edge even closer to Stephanie. Something was drawing them together and neither could explain nor resist it. Their bodies touched. And then their mouths came together in a long, wet, passionate kiss.

Any doubt Jeff had about arranging the evening went away amidst the muffled moans of pleasure coming from both women as they kissed. Jeff could feel his cock harden from the sight. He watched his wife place her hands on Chris' ass and squeeze the tender skin until outlines of her fingers were visible.

When they were done, Chris said to Stephanie, "Open your gift."

Stephanie was glad to have something to do that didn't involve Chris' naked body. Her mind was still spinning and she needed to regroup. So she reached behind her for the package and slowly took off the colorful wrapping paper. It was a large bottle of wine, which received hearty approval from both Stephanie and Jeff.

"Alright!" Stephanie exclaimed. "I think this will go perfectly with..."

She paused and looked at Chris.

"With Chris?" Jeff completed the sentence.

"Since I think I've been set up by you two, we should all partake. Right?" Stephanie said smiling.

"We were hoping you'd see it that way," Chris said with relief. "Consider it re-gifting."

Jeff and Stephanie laughed.

"Why don't you two get the drinks ready and I'll bring out the food," Jeff suggested.

They all moved to the kitchen. Stephanie and Chris worked on pouring the wine with Stephanie barely able to keep her eyes off the lovely, naked body of her neighbor. She didn't know how long she could go without ravishing Chris. Little did she know Chris was having the same thoughts, only Chris' centered around how and when to get Stephanie naked.

Within a few minutes the threesome was relatively comfortable with the situation. Chris' nudity was an incredible turn-on for Jeff and Stephanie and the exhibitionist in Chris was beginning to come out. You could cut the sexual tension with one of the cooking knives hanging under the overhead cabinet.

Jeff had the food and plates on the table. The women had the wine poured.

"Well, I think our guest should go first. Chris, help yourself to some food, grab a drink and take it into the family room. We'll be right behind you," Jeff said.

Chris worked her way around the table, filling her plate with a sampling of each item available. Jeff and Stephanie enjoyed watching her lean over the table. Chris' full breasts swung free and her cute ass stuck out behind her. Jeff had quit worrying about being embarrassed by his constant erection.

Chris took a glass of wine and found a spot on the couch. Moments later Stephanie was next to her and Jeff was in a large chair across from them. They chatted while eating, each of them making a second trip to the food table.

"We have a dessert," Jeff said. "But that can wait until later."

He couldn't hide his smile.

"Now I think I know why you insisted on that dessert," Stephanie said. Chris felt her pulse rise from the unmistakable insinuation of Stephanie's remark.

"Consider it part of your present," he added.

After a few more minutes of conversation and one more glass of wine for everybody, Jeff decided he would need to be the one to move things along.

"Steph, I don't think it's fair any more for Chris to be the only one without clothes."

His meaning was clear and nobody in the room argued with him. The women were glad, in fact, that he was forcing their hands. Stephanie smiled and stood up.

"OK, but I want Chris to undress me."

They looked at their guest and quickly got her answer. She stood up next to Stephanie and kissed her cheek. "It'll be my pleasure," she said.

They faced each other and Chris placed her hands on the bare skin under the bottom of Stephanie's sweater and above the top of her jeans. Then she moved her hands up, feeling the outline of Stephanie's ribs as she progressed higher. Chris stopped just short of Stephanie's breasts.

"Are you sure?" Chris asked quietly.

"Oh, I'm very sure."

Almost before the words were out of Stephanie's mouth, Chris' hands were on her breasts. Jeff could see the tips of Chris' fingers rise out of his wife's sweater, then disappear again under the material. Stephanie closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

Then Chris took the sweater and pulled it over Stephanie's head. The movement was quick and confident. Stephanie pulled her arms out and watched as Chris tossed the garment aside. Now both women had something to stare at and covet. There was no rush as fingers explored each other leisurely.

Jeff's cock could no longer take the confinement of his pants. He unzipped, reached inside his boxers and pulled out his raging erection. The simple fact it was free felt terrific. Knowing what would happen in the near future caused it to twitch involuntarily.

Stephanie looked over at him and smiled. Chris was too busy concentrating on her neighbor's breasts to notice. Having never been with another woman, Chris' actions became a little more unnatural. But somehow she knew to take the beautiful blonde's tits into her mouth.

Stephanie moaned loud enough for everyone to hear when Chris' lips first made contact with her. Instinctively, Stephanie put her hands on the back of Chris' head and pulled her closer. Soon, Stephanie felt lips and tongue eagerly working over her breast and nipple.

It was hard to tell who enjoyed it most: Chris, Stephanie or Jeff. The women certainly seemed to like it, but Jeff was the one who could provide the physical evidence. His cock rose like a tree trunk out of his pants. He was self-conscious at first about touching it, but couldn't hold off for very long. Now his hand was pumping it faster and faster as Chris tried to devour his wife's breast.

Stephanie allowed the younger woman to switch from breast to breast, bringing each nipple for full erection. That was when Stephanie began to feel the wetness between her legs. And it didn't help to watch her husband masturbate a few feet away.

"Oh my God, Chris. You're going to make me cum," Stephanie sighed.

"I thought that was the idea," Chris said between licks.

Chris' hands alternated between cupping the breasts she was sucking and clutching Stephanie's ass. Then she slid them inside the back of Stephanie's jeans and felt the soft skin underneath.

"God, Stephanie. Are you even WEARING panties?" Chris asked.

Stephanie could feel the hands probing all around her cheeks. "I guess it's time to find out."

Chris didn't need any more hints. She unbuttoned the pants, pulled down the zipper and tugged on them. The jeans slipped down to Stephanie's knees and her tiny panties with the ties at the sides became evident. A small patch of material covered Stephanie's pussy.

A sound from the chair behind her finally made Chris turn around. That was the first time she noticed Jeff's huge cock in his hand. She smiled wickedly before turning back to Stephanie, who was stepping out of her jeans.

Stephanie only had to wait a second or two for Chris to begin untying her panties. Soon, the little piece of clothing was in Chris' hand, free of Stephanie's body completely. It ended up on top of the rest of her clothes and Chris stared at the luscious blonde's nakedness.

"Jesus. I never knew a woman could look so good," Chris said. She admired Stephanie like she would a fine piece of art in an Italian museum.

At this point the women were ready and willing to do anything. They each wanted to please the other and they each wanted to be pleased. So when they kissed and fell onto the couch in a heap of naked female flesh, anything was bound to happen. They writhed around for a minute, a jumbled mess of limbs and hair, tits and asses.

Chris ended up on top. She attacked Stephanie's breasts once again, then made the long, lick-filled trip down to her pussy. Stephanie spread her legs willingly, putting one foot on the back of the couch and the other hanging over the side. Chris put her hands on Stephanie's ass and lifted the cleanly shaven pussy to her face.

If sucking a woman's breasts was something she thought she'd never do, certainly Chris never imagined eating out the pussy of such a beautiful blonde. That didn't stop her from inserting her tongue into the soaking wet cunt of her neighbor. Her first taste of female juices only made her want more. Chris' tongue began to probe every inch of the cunt it could reach.

"Oh fuck, Chris! Yes! Right there!"

Chris heard Stephanie's pleas to keep going, but she had other plans. If it was HER being eaten, she'd want her clit sucked. So Chris licked her way up to the swollen clit partially hidden inside the folds of skin covering Stephanie's pussy. She had no trouble finding it with her tongue and stabbed at it several times before putting her lips tightly around it.

"Oh God! Oh God!" Stephanie cried out.

Chris kept sucking and Jeff kept stroking, precum oozing out of the tip of his cock. He'd have to stop and just watch soon or cum would be all over the chair. It didn't take long for a reason to just watch came about.

"I'm gonna cum!" Stephanie shouted. "Suck it, Chris!"

Stephanie arched her back and shoved her pussy into Chris' face. Her head began to shake back and forth and Chris felt the woman's body stiffen. Then Stephanie's hips jerked up and down, attempting to fuck Chris' mouth. She gripped the cushions on the couch with both hands and held on as her orgasm erupted.

Jeff watched intently as his wife's body quivered, rolled and bounced from the energy of her multiple orgasms. Chris wouldn't stop sucking and licking. Stephanie couldn't stop cumming. He never remembered Stephanie reacting that way to 'normal' sex with him. But it didn't bother him. Just the contrary—he was very happy for her and very hard as a result.

Stephanie eventually had to try to crawl away from Chris' mouth in order to end the session. Chris finally relented and wiped her moist mouth against Stephanie's thighs. The taste and smell drove her wild with lust, so she was glad when Stephanie looked down and extended her arms as an invitation for them to hug.

Chris crawled up Stephanie's body and laid on top of her while they kissed.

"I want you. I want your pussy," Stephanie whispered. Chris leaned up and moved so that her clit was directly above Stephanie's mouth.

Chris looked over at Jeff. "It's your turn to watch me, now."

Stephanie didn't know, or care, what Chris meant. She assumed she missed something earlier in the evening. But Jeff smiled back with full understanding.

When Stephanie's tongue began to probe her pussy and clit, Chris maneuvered into position. This wasn't going to take long.

Sure enough, less than two minutes passed before Chris cried out, "Yes! Now! I'm cumming!"

"Come on, baby," Stephanie encouraged her. "Let it go."

Chris' moans filled the house and she leaned against the arm of the couch to keep from falling off. She felt fluid drip down her thigh the longer and harder she came. Meanwhile, Stephanie tried to stay in contact with Chris' clit. Each time she licked it she felt Chris' body shudder in response.

When it was over, the two women lay in a heap on the couch—exhausted and satisfied.

"Wow," was all Jeff could say.

Both women looked at him. Stephanie said, "Why are you still dressed?"

"It didn't look like you needed me," Jeff replied.

"Well, we do now," Chris said.

For the second time in a week, Chris watched her handsome neighbor get undressed. This time he WAS hard. Very hard. And when he was finally naked she felt that familiar tingle between her legs again.

Jeff stood in the center of the room, waiting for instructions.

"Can part of my present be to watch you two fuck?" Stephanie said to everyone's surprise. Stephanie herself might have even been surprised that she made the request.

Jeff didn't answer. Chris didn't want to be the one to say yes.

"Come on. Please?" Stephanie begged.

"If you're OK with it...," Jeff said to his wife.

Stephanie gave her answer by rolling off the couch. "She's all yours. And she's wonderful, trust me."

Stephanie and Jeff kissed with her hand stroking his cock the entire time. Jeff and Chris' secret encounter flashed through both of their minds as Jeff approached the couch. This was certainly going to be better.

Chris rolled onto her back and looked up at Jeff. He couldn't think of a time he was more ready to fuck somebody. He studied her full breasts, little waist and curvy hips. He locked in on her pussy and climbed between her legs.

Knowing that there would probably be plenty of opportunities during the night to be creative with Chris and Stephanie, Jeff made up his mind to simply fuck his neighbor—something he'd wanted to do since they first met. All he wanted to do right now was ram his cock into her sweet cunt and fuck her until they both came long and hard.

Little did he know Chris was laying on the couch thinking, 'Oh, please, just fuck me with that gorgeous, hard cock of yours. Make me cum again...NOW!'

Stephanie sat in a chair next to the couch, spread her legs and watched as Jeff positioned himself over Chris. She moved her hand onto her thigh, then slowly traced a finger around her pussy, eventually finding her clit. She settled in and waited for the show.

Jeff's cock disappeared between Chris' legs as he lowered himself. A small move on his part placed it at the entrance to her cunt. He waited for a second, looking intimately into Chris' eyes.

"Merry Christmas," she whispered.

Then he pushed forward. Chris groaned with pain and pleasure as the cock entered her. No matter how ready she was for him, nothing could have told her in advance how wonderful it would feel to be filled by his thick shaft. The initial shock quickly gave way to unbelievable stimulation.

Jeff felt her muscles tighten around him and wondered if he could hold back long enough to let her cum. Her cunt felt like a hand tightly gripping his cock, only it was wet and warm. The harder and faster he began to pump her the better it felt.

"Yes, Jeff. Fuck me! Harder!"

Like he needed to be told. Jeff felt Chris wrap her legs around his waist. He grabbed her by the ass and pulled her up. He watched her breasts sway like Jell-O as they fucked harder.

Stephanie was frantically rubbing her clit, already on the verge of another orgasm. Something that seemed not even remotely possible the day before was now happening in front of her eyes, and she loved every minute of it.

"Fuck me, Jeff. Cum inside me," Chris urged. She thought back to his cum flowing over her breasts and felt her pussy constrict around his cock.

"God, Chris. I'm close," Jeff said as he rammed her over and over, the couch squeaking under them.

"Me, too! C'mon! Fuck me!"

Jeff banged his body against Chris with each thrust of his cock. Then he grabbed her ankles and spread her legs even farther apart. Now he was ready.

"Now! I'm cumming!"

Jeff felt his balls contract, followed by a tremendous release as cum shot through his cock and into Chris' young cunt. Chris cried out her approval as shot after shot filled her body. She touched her clit to assure she would cum at the same time.

Their joint moans and groans signaled a successful dual orgasm. But that didn't account for everybody in the room. Soon, Stephanie's wails joined the couple on the couch as all three came together.

Jeff continued to pound his neighbor even after the last of his cum had flooded Chris' cunt. Then he settled his body onto hers and they lay together while recuperating. He sucked on Chris' breasts just for good measure.

It was about a half hour later that Stephanie said, "Hey, Jeff. How about that dessert now."

Jeff smiled and walked into the kitchen, each woman watching his cock sway as he passed. A moment later he returned with a cream covered concoction.

"Prepare to get messy," he said, looking squarely at his wife. Chris smiled and licked her lips.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Excellent story

Great start for a series. Can't wait for chapter 2, post soon please.

Keep up the great work.

BrungBrungover 16 years ago

Excellent - Thank you. Another fine tale - vividly and imaginatively told. More please. Brung

rainformerainformeover 16 years ago
Very hot

what a great story! i loved every line of it. really got off reading it.

jackofthedawnjackofthedawnover 16 years ago
Loved it!

Very hot story. Also well-constructed technically. I only wish it had been longer. Jus8tine is going on my favorites list.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great, great, great!!!

Very nice...both me and my 29 year old, 8 inch rock-hard cock loved this story...I came twice while reading your story...more to cum, please...

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