Unwrapping My Present

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A birthday present from his wife.
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Barbara and I have been married for a several years. Our sex life is wonderful, filled with delight. Barbara tries to surprise me on occasion, by coming up with new twists, but still the bottom line is that I love her, want to be with her, and absolutely enjoy sex with her.

My birthday was coming up, and Barbara had arraigned for the two of us to go off to a spa resort a few hours drive from home - the full treatment - massage, facial, spa and sauna. I was really looking forward to the coming weekend. As we were supposed to be leaving early on a Friday, I prepared for it by, among other things, sending out an e-mail to the engineers that worked for me that I would be out of town, (and not available by cell phone), telling them that if they had any issues, who to contact while I was gone etc., basically saying that my wife was kidnapping me for my birthday, and I would not be available.

The next day, I happened to be talking with Kim, a petite, simply gorgeous woman a few years younger than I am. We have worked together for a number of years, at several different jobs. Kim is more than just a pretty face, but an absolutely stellar worker. So every time I changed jobs, I talked her into coming along.

Kim asked where I was going with Barbara, and I explained it to her. Kim thought that was an absolutely wonderful getaway, and we continued talking about it for a few minutes. Then Kim asked me if she could come along as my birthday present. Before I could say anything, she turned absolutely beet red, turned and left the room, mumbling something about having to get something down the hall.

When I got home, Barbara and I had a glass of wine before dinner, while we talked over our day. I told her about Kim's comment, and we both got a bit of a laugh out of it, with Barbara saying that I should send an e-mail to Kim that she wasn't sharing. We finished fixing dinner, and I thought no more about it.

The next day, I was reading e-mail, including some that wished me a happy birthday. I remembered Kim's comment the afternoon before, so I sent her a e-mail, telling her I had passed on her comment to Barbara, but that Barbara had said I was to tell her that she wasn't sharing this time, or something to that effect.

I didn't receive a response (I didn't expect one) and over the next couple of days was busy trying to get things together to leave. At one point I sent an e-mail to Kim asking if she would be willing to do a particular project for me while I was gone. She replied almost immediately, saying that of course she would, and now would I ask Barbara if she would reconsider taking her along as a birthday present, as a reward.

Now you have to understand that Barbara and I have known Kim for years, she has been over to our house on numerous occasions, as have we to hers. There has never been any "hanky-panky" on anybody's part, to the best of my knowledge.

I laughed to myself, and responded that while I would love it, I thought that her husband would probably object somewhat strenuously if we set that up, and thought no more about it.

That night I told Barbara about it, and we both had a bit of a laugh again, then went on to dinner.

Friday finally came, and we took off early in the morning. Our plan was to drive the back roads, avoiding the freeways, and just take our time getting there. The mountain scenery was beautiful, and the views breathtaking. One minute we were looking at forest covered mountains, and the next at mountain streams and lakes, with deep canyons falling off beside the road. We took our time, finally arriving about 4:00 in the afternoon and checking into the hotel/spa that Barbara had booked.

On the drive up we had done our normal talking, but this time Barbara had been a little secretive about something, I couldn't put my finger on it. Periodically she would laugh softly to herself, and when I asked what was so funny, she would just smile and say that it was a secret. I finally gave up and let her have her fun, although she almost drove me nuts with her continued smirks and laughs.

We got to the room, and started putting our things away, and I went in to take quick shower, to freshen up for the evening ahead. When I turned the shower off, I could hear Barbara talking softly, apparently on the telephone, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. When I came out into the room, she told me she had made reservations for dinner while I was showering, and they were for 8:00 in the hotel restaurant.

Although it was still early, Barbara asked me to make us a drink with the scotch we had brought with us, so I poured us a generous libation. I was a little surprised that Barbara wasn't also taking a shower, as we had both gotten a bit rumpled on the drive up, particularly so as the way we had gone was two or three hours longer than the normal drive by way of the interstate.

Barbara and I settled down on the couch, sipping our drinks, and talked a bit, but Barbara seemed to be a bit antsy, as though she were waiting for something. Fifteen or twenty minutes went by, and we both had started to read our books, when the phone rang. Barbara jumped up and grabbed it before I could, and I heard her say: "Yes, yes. Okay, I'll be right down."

Barbara told me she had something to take care of, and that she would be back in a few minutes. Barbara was being quite mysterious about this, so I mentally shrugged, and went back to my book and drink.

Five or ten minutes later, I heard the key in the lock, and Barbara came in with a smirk on her face that told me she thought she was really going to have one up on me. She came into the room, then as she moved aside a bit, I saw Kim coming into the room behind her, pulling a small suitcase, and looking a bit embarrassed. Kim closed the door, and they both told me "Happy Birthday", then Barbara took a bright ribbon bow out of her suitcase, placed it on the top button of Kim's blouse, and told me that she and Kim had decided that she was going to be my birthday present tonight.

To say I was surprised would be a gross understatement. Here I was in a hotel room with two beautiful women, one a red-head, with quite long hair, almost to her waist, with the peaches and cream complexion that looks so wonderful on a true red-head; the other, a very petite, Eurasian woman, with hair almost as long as my wife's. I must have been quite a sight, sitting there with my mouth hanging open, because my wife started laughing, then choked back her chuckles, and took immediate charge. She took Kim's suitcase from her, setting it over by hers, saying: "You shouldn't need anything in here for awhile."

Barbara then directed Kim to sit down, and immediately made her a drink, freshening ours in the process.

Kim was wearing a pair of low-rise jeans, a top that stopped just under her breasts, a pair of sandals, and of course the bow that Barbara had placed on her chest. She settled herself on the edge of the bed, and kicked off her sandals, still not saying anything. Looking at her, I could tell that she was apparently quite nervous, because she normally was anything but at a loss for words.

Barbara continued to be in charge, handing out the drinks, asking Kim about her drive up, and in general just putting Kim at ease, as though she were simply sitting in our living room, not seated on a bed that it looked like we would be sharing in the not too far distant future.

Barbara kept this up for five or ten minutes, ultimately getting the rest of us to talk a bit and relax. Finally, she looked at her watch, and told us that she had an appointment for a massage and a sauna in about ten minutes, and had to get going. As she stood up, she told Kim, "Well, before I go, I want to make sure that you two don't just sit there staring at each other for the next hour or two."

She reached over, picked up Kim's hand, pulling her up off the bed, and told her to go take the seat she should have taken to start with. Kim looked a bit confused, as was I, and Barbara giggled a bit, and said: "Oh, go sit on Marc's lap and see what comes up."

She gave Kim a gentle push, and Kim came over and settled herself on my lap, sitting sideways, with her hands in her lap, and a blush covering her face and chest. Barbara laughed again, lifted Kim's arm up and put it around my shoulders, then put a drink in each of our hands. Barbara turned down the bed, folding the sheet and bedspread at the foot of the bed, then turned to leave. As she left, she said: "I don't expect to have to come back and unwrap your present for you."

As the door closed behind her, Kim said very softly, "I hope you aren't offended by all this."

"Offended? Not in the least. Surprised? Astounded? Absolutely, but never offended. Lucky, absolutely"

Kim took a rather large sip of her drink, then leaned over and nuzzled my ear, her tongue darting out occasionally as she nibbled on my ear lobe. We both took another drink, then I told her that two could play at that game, slipping my arm around her shoulders and gently pulling her toward me, as my mouth and tongue investigated her neck and ear. This went on for a few moments, each of us taking turns in tantalizing the other without actually doing much in the way of touching except with our mouths and tongue.

Finally, I took one last sip of my drink, set it down, and reached out to pull her head down toward mine so I could kiss her. She resisted a moment, as she sat up, took a final sip of her drink then set it down, and lowered her mouth to mine, and we enjoyed our first kiss. Oh I had kissed her on the check before, as she had me, but not like this. This was wonderful; our tongues trading darts, exploring each other. For me, it was almost like I was on my first date with a woman who loved to kiss, and knew how.

We continued to kiss, and my hands begin to roam over shoulders and arms, while hers did the same. When I cupped her breast through her top, she murmured, "Don't you think it is time to unwrap your present." She stood up for a minute, then reseated herself so that she was straddling my lap, and presented her breasts to me.

Not being crazy, I immediately took off the bow, then begin to unbutton her top. As I slipped it off her shoulders, she arched her back a bit, pushing breasts up toward me, still covered in a very small, lacy bra. I unhooked the bra, letting it join her blouse on the floor, then lowered my mouth to first one nipple then the other, alternating back and forth.

Kim would hiss as I sucked and nibbled on first one nipple then the other. Then her hands were undoing my shirt. She got the shirt unbuttoned, then said, "The hell with it." She stood up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to a standing position. As soon as she did, she started removing her pants as quickly as she could, almost tearing her thong panties in her haste to get them off.

I undressed myself as quickly as I could, and we almost raced to the bed, with my cock preceding me by several inches.

Kim beat me to the bed, and scrambled up on it, her cute little bottom wiggling as she scrambled up on the bed. Kim lay down on her back on the bed, pulling a pillow down to lay her head on. I scrambled up beside her, running my hands over her body as we kissed and fondled each other. Finally I propped myself up a bit with my elbow, as my other hand traced its way down her body, to between her legs. Although she obviously didn't shave herself down there, it was also obvious that she didn't need to. She had a tiny tuft of hair above her cleft, and that was it. I gently parted her nether lips with my fingers while I bent over and nibbled on her breasts and nipples. My fingers slid into her quite easily as she was clearly excited, and extremely moist.

I started to turn around to replace my fingers with my mouth and tongue, but she pulled me back up toward her head, saying, "Not this time. We will have plenty of time for that. Right now I want you inside me. All the way inside me." As I turned back, she grabbed another pillow, and lifting her hips, she slid it under her, so that her hips were raised up an inch or two from the bed. She opened her legs, as she pulled her knees back toward her chest, urging me on.

I knelt in front of her, and she immediately grasped me in her hand, guiding me into her warm depths. As soon as I was in her, her legs wrapped around my hips and back, and she surged up against me, "Oh fuck me, fuck me, fuck me now." I tried to set up a rhythm, but her legs were wrapped around me so tightly it was almost impossible. I could feel the walls of her pussy grasping me, and then she started to ripple her vaginal muscles up and down my cock, milking me as it were. I managed to gasp out that I was going to cum in just seconds if she continued that. She grinned like the imp she was, did it a couple of more times, then stopped, holding me against her with her legs, and running her hands over my chest, catching my nipples between her thumb and forefinger, and twisting gently, just enough to make me feel to send electric signals down my body.

We continued like this for a little bit, my cock throbbing in her, then she said, "Roll over, I'm going to fuck you from on top."

We tried to roll over while we were still joined, but we didn't have the practice together that Barbara and I have, and I slide out of her. Kim gave me a pretend pout, then swing her leg over my hips, grasped me again with her hand, and lowered herself onto me, until I was as deep inside her as I could get.

Kim sat up, and started to gently rock on my hips, her muscles doing the same fantastic milking that they had before. I reached up with my hands, and begin to pinch her nipples between my fingers, then twisting them. It was like an electric shock had run through her, and she begin begging, "Harder, harder. Pinch them harder."

The milking of my cock stopped, and I begin to feel spasms rippling through her pussy. I was getting very close to coming, when she suddenly went over the edge, screaming, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh fuck me." She begin to almost bounce on my hips, then leaned over, placing her hands on either side of my shoulders and grinding her pussy into my groin. I could feel her juices pouring down my cock, as I arched myself up into her. Suddenly I started to come. I buried myself as deeply into her as I could and just let my cock have its way. I hadn't quite finished coming when Kim gave out with a bit of a growl, and collapsed on my chest, as the last remnants of my sperm squirted into her.

We lay like that for several minutes, our mingled juices seeping out of her, and down across my balls, then Kim rolled off me and snuggled up to my chest. Again we lay like this for several minutes, until I disentangled myself from Kim for a minute, reached down and pulled the sheet up over us. Kim just murmured a bit and snuggled back up as soon as I lay back down.

I don't know how much later it was, because we had both drifted off into that luscious daze that sometimes comes over you after sex. Suddenly, I heard the key in the door, and almost panicked. Then I remembered that Barbara had set all of this up and relaxed again. My unfortunate reaction had awakened Kim though, and she was just sitting up when Barbara came into the room.

Barbara looked at the two of us, me just lying there, and Kim sitting up with her breasts hanging out. Barbara laughed, "Well, I am glad to see that I didn't have to unwrap Marc's present for him, it looks like he did just fine all by himself."

Kim blushed a bit, but told Barbara, "Marc did just fine. He can unwrap me any time he wants to."

Barbara laughed again, and said, "Well, the next time should be mine. I just spent an hour having some guy run his hands over my body, of course being very careful not to touch my breasts or any other ‘inappropriate' place, all the while I was thinking of you two getting it on up here. I am so horny I think I could come just by looking at Marc's cock, let alone having it up inside me."

They both laughed, and Barbara told Kim that as she had worn me down, it should be her job to get me back to a point that I could do something for Barbara.

Kim giggled, and asked me, "What, Marc, aren't you ready to do for your wife what you did for me, you great big, strong man you." I mumbled something about having a minor problem, which Kim responded to by saying that she thought she could take care of that.

Kim tossed the sheet back down the bed, and Barbara started removing her clothes. As Barbara was removing her clothes, she said, "Kim and I have had a discussion about this before we got up here, wondering what would be the best way to get you back up. I thought that perhaps a bit of teasing, followed by a blowjob would do the trick nicely. Kim thought that it might be a bit more entertaining for the two of us to work on the teasing and blowjob together. Of course, there is always the possibility that the two of us might entertain you with a bit of girl-girl sex. Neither of us has done that before, but I thought it might be interesting to try. What is your preference? We are open to your suggestions."

By now my cock was starting to stir again, just with the visuals I was getting from Barbara's comments. I started and stopped a couple of times, which caused both Barbara and Kim to start laughing.

Finally I said, "I expect that I am to keep myself up as much as possible this weekend, so perhaps we ought to work up to the grand finale over time. Anything you can think of to get me going again is okay with me. The idea of the two of you giving me a blowjob, or having sex with each other is a tremendous turn-on for me. Let's just go with the flow and see what works."

By this point Barbara had stripped bare, and walked over to the bed, putting one foot up on the bed, showing her "intimate parts" quite freely. It also showed me that she was freshly shaved, although with the slight redness and puffiness, she may have been down having a wax job also. Barbara parted her pussy lips, and inserted a finger, while asking me if this was where I wanted to start.

Before I could answer, Kim said "It might cause more of a stir if I did that." Without more, she reached over, moved Barbara's hand away, then inserted her own fingers where Barbara's had been. Then she grasped me with her other hand, and lowered her head to me, sucking me in as if a vacuum had suddenly been created. Her tongue swirled around the head of my cock relentlessly, sucking, gently biting. Then I felt her fingers start to pinch my nipples again.

Within minutes, I had an erection that came close to rivaling the one I had had before I fucked Kim. Barbara had climbed on the bed beside me, where Kim could play with both of us, and I could hear Barbara starting to make the noises she does when she is getting close to coming. I reached over and started the same play on Barbara's nipples that I was getting from Kim's fingers, although I was having a bit of a hard time concentrating on Barbara, with Kim so expertly playing with me.

Barbara suddenly announced that she was getting ready to come, and she wanted a cock in her when she did. Not my cock - a cock. Kim pulled back from both of us, and I knelt between Barbara's legs, and started to guide myself into her. Kim brushed my hand away, and guided me in herself. Kim then started to play with Barbara's tits while I propped my self up on my arms. Barbara came very shortly after I entered her, although I wasn't quite ready. Barbara was thrusting her hips up towards me, begging me to come, her head whipping back and forth, when suddenly I felt Kim stick a finger up my ass and wiggle it. I rammed myself into Barbara, and came almost instantly, my buttocks clenching Kim's finger and just came and came and came.