Uptight young colleague - Pt. 01

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A younger, sexually repressed, work mate gradually loosens.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/08/2023
Created 08/20/2023
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In common with several of my stories, this is a "slow burn". The early part is quite character heavy. Click away if that doesn't work for you.

It was a painfully early Monday start at our local airport. In my role with a large Civil Engineering company I was travelling up to the Highlands to begin scoping out a big environmental project.

As I got my bearings and looked for the check-in desk my colleague Penny came bounding over towards me. At that time of the morning - in fact at any time of the day - she was a very welcome sight. Though, I'm bound to say that on this occasion her enthusiasm and energy after my 4am alarm call was a little grating.

However, her beaming smile and her fresh, young, beauty, compensated for this over zealous (in my opinion) approach to our working week.

Penny had joined a year ago on a fast track graduate scheme. She was intelligent, without being too cock sure of her knowledge; as well as super ambitious.

Aside from her intellect what made her stand out, in my opinion and that of several others, was that she was extremely attractive. Though without flaunting these looks. In fact with our often field based roles, she almost never wore make up. But her sleek, shiny, raven hair, piercing eyes and flawless complexion needed little to enhance her beauty.

In addition to her looks, she also had a fantastic figure. She was quite short (only a little over 5 foot), with small, almost delicate, features. Fine boned, with tiny hands and feet. But, almost incongruously, really toned (almost muscular) with a tight bum and mid sized tits.

Most of the time all of this was well disguised in work garb. But when we had business meetings and she wore skirts, or trouser suits, it was apparent that she was either blessed with a fantastic metabolism and/or worked out a lot. Over time I discovered it was a little of both.

"Hi Jack, are you looking forward to this project?" she enquired cheerily as we made our way over to our check-in desk.

Setting aside my normal middle aged scepticism I had to concur.

"Actually, I am," I agreed, "it's going to be a lot of work and, as a high profile project, a lot of pressure. But I'm pleased we have the opportunity and responsibility to produce some really innovative plans, for a worthwhile project."

Penny had been tasked with the design side of the project and I was more involved with logistics and materials. So we were technically at the same grade, albeit in different roles. Though Penny was at that grade after just a year. Whilst, in my mid forties, no-one could say I was on a fast track!

We had a short flight up to Inverness but it gave us both the opportunity to get to know each other a little better. Which confirmed to me that Penny was not the over zealous, corporate stooge, I might have feared. And, I hoped, confirmed to her I was not the jaded old cynic she may have thought I was.

I hope I also avoided giving the impression that I was a lecherous, early middle aged stoat, by not overtly leering at her. Though I was tempted on the occasion that she squeezed past me on the way to the toilet. Her taut, athletic, buttocks, perfectly clad in tight trousers showcasing one of her very best features.

We picked up a hired Land Rover from the airport, checked our luggage in the back and set off into the Highlands. We were working about 50 miles North of the airport and made our way straight over to the site, where we'd arranged to liaise with one of the local landowners. He was helpful and well informed (though we were paying top dollar to develop some pretty desolate land of his so I guess that was the least we could expect) and we made decent progress familiarising ourselves with the geography.

By mid afternoon we were ready, after an early start, to find our accommodation in the nearest small village and check in for the week. As we made our way back to the Hotel/Guest House we'd be staying in both our phones started pinging with messages. There had been no signal up on the moors, but as we moved back to "civilization" we got some overdue texts and voicemails.

I was the first to pick up a message from our accommodation.

"Oh Jeez, no," I informed Penny. They've had a flood in the hotel and there's been damage to the rooms."

"Oh my Gosh, I hope it's still liveable," she responded, with a worried frown. "Let's get back asap and find out."

15 minutes later as we spoke with the reception staff our worst fears were confirmed. 4 of the 8 rooms had been extensively flooded and would require at least a week to dry out and refurbish. Three of the remaining rooms were occupied by other visitors, leaving just one empty room.

"Look, this is not your fault," Penny informed the reception staff. "But we'll have to stay elsewhere. Where would you recommend?"

"Well, there is nowhere else in the village," the receptionist informed us. "In fact, the nearest place with any significant accommodation is probably Inverness. But as you know, that's well over an hour's drive away. Probably more like two."

"Nonsense," Penny retorted, "there must be a lot of places in the nearby area who can put us up for a few nights. We'll look online now."

Thirty minutes later, despite us both pouring over various booking sites we discovered there were no hotels, guest hours or private accommodation that had had any availability within an hour's drive from our work site.

Going back to reception we asked what our options were.

"Well, I'm so sorry, but all I can suggest is you share the only remaining twin room," the receptionist replied, hesitantly. "I know it's far from ideal. But it's only for a few nights, we'll move the beds as far apart as we can and we'll even try to put some form of sheet up between them."

"You really cannot be serious," Penny responded. "That's an awful, if not outrageous, suggestion. Don't you have any staff quarters we could take advantage of? There must be a better alternative?"

"I really do apologise," the receptionist answered. "I've spoken at length with the owners and there really is nothing more we can offer you. We understand how problematic this is. And if you'd like to cancel we'd completely understand. But, if you do want to stay we'll do our very very best to minimise any discomfort and inconvenience."

"Come on, let's have a chat outside," I suggested, ushering her away and giving us some privacy. "Look, this is a really shitty situation," I confirmed, once we were out of earshot. "But, for the sake of progressing this project we really need to try and make the best of it".

"What on earth are you suggesting?" she spat back, with considerable irritation.

"All I'm saying is that we sleep in the same room, with the beds as far away from each other as possible. We'll bathe and dress separately. And spend as much time out of the room as we can. Which won't be difficult as we've got so much to do with the project. It's three nights and is far from ideal. But what's the alternative?" I concluded.

Penny was still clearly furious - and rightly so. But there really wasn't much else we could do. Other than delaying the work considerably. And, in business, time is money. Realising this, she conceded.

"You're right," she finally agreed. "I don't think we have any other viable options. But, for the sake of my reputation in the office, we don't breathe a word of this to anyone. Unless you behave in the tiniest bit inappropriately. In which case I'll then ensure the whole company will know." she concluded. With the steely look in her eye illustrating that she absolutely meant that.

"Completely understood," I agreed immediately. A little hurt, I'm bound to say, that she was fearful of inappropriate behaviour (though, spoiler alert, you could make a case that that's what I soon displayed). But nevertheless I was understanding of her concerns.

So we lugged our bags from the Land Rover and made our way up to the room. It, like the hotel itself, was far from luxurious. But it was clean and the beds seemed comfortable. We shoved them to the far corners of the room. Though that still meant we were pretty close together. But it was the best we could do.

I took a quick shower to freshen up and then went down to the lobby to do some work, allowing Penny the freedom to shower and change herself. Establishing a routine that we followed for the next few days. It really wasn't ideal. But it was just about workable.

I must confess that sleeping in the same room was another challenge. I was painfully aware of Penny's youth and beauty. But trying very hard not to show any signs of recognising this.

Though this was put to a pretty severe test as, just prior to switching off the light she hopped into bed having changed in the bathroom to what was obviously her sleeping attire. Tight pyjama shorts and a strapless vest. God, she looked hot.

I slept fitfully, with dreams of nubile young women dancing around in various states of undress. I woke, just before our early alarm, with a painful erection. My first instinct was to take care of things with a quick wank. But, as horny as I was, I didn't feel I could do that with Penny just feet way from me. Though the illicit nature of that idea if anything made me even more desperate.

So I spend some time letting it subside, before shuffling off to the bathroom for a pee and a quick shower. Once again, I considered beating off in the shower. But, some form of decorum (which I didn't think I even had!) prohibited me.

I went downstairs to breakfast, allowing Penny to bathe and dress herself. Before at 8am we set off for a full day's work on site. We made further good progress and appeared very well matched in our approach to the project.

After work on this second day I told Penny that I planned to go for a run along the Loch, just outside of the village.

"Do you mind if I join you? she asked, a little hesitantly. "I've brought my kit but I'm a little unsure of running alone."

"Of course not," I agreed immediately. "But don't go pushing the pace, you've got 20 or more years on me."

"Crikey, no chance of that," she fed back. "I'm really unfit right now, but need to get back in shape."

Which, I discovered shortly, was errant nonsense. On two counts. She was an excellent runner and most definitely fit. In fact, fit in both sense of the word. Fit being a term we Brits use to express approval for the attractiveness of women, as in, "oh my God, she is soooo fit."

She was most certainly in fantastic shape. Probably even better than I'd realised. I'd left her in the room to change and as she trotted downstairs to meet me outside the hotel I had to do my best not to stare. She was clad in a crop running vest and tight shorts. Nothing outrageous, but showcasing her impressively athletic physique. Apologies if I'm overstating this, but it really was having quite the impact on me. Lean, almost muscular legs, a flat stomach and toned arms. She was, in fact, close to my ideal for a woman.

Setting these thoughts aside I focused on the run ahead of us.

"I've spoken to the staff and they've suggested a loop of about 5km, along the shore of the loch, then back through the fields. Is that OK for you?" I queried.

"Sounds just right," she agreed immediately. "Let's get cracking."

"You go in front," I suggested. "That way you can set the pace. And I'll do my best to keep up."

I neglected to tell her that running behind her, even just a step or two, also gave me the opportunity to leer (albeit surreptitiously) at her wonderful arse. That said, as she set off at a lively pace, I swiftly concentrated my efforts on keeping up, rather than letching.

"Oh my God, it's so beautiful up here," Penny remarked, as we rounded a corner and set off on a path along the Loch's edge.

"It certainly is," I agreed, "wildlife in abundance, breath-taking scenery (and not just her arse a few feet away from me) and the air is so clear. So much better than running in the City."

"Spot on, it almost makes up for sharing a room with a hairy gorilla who snores and farts all night," she grinned.

"Oi," I responded, "I may be a little hirsute. But I'm not sure I'm either a farter or a snorer. Certainly no-one has ever suggested that before."

"Actually, you're not too bad," she agreed with a grin. "Better than I might have feared. Though I still think it's an horrific situation. Anyway, lets focus on this run and the scenery," she suggested, slightly lengthening her stride.

She set a good pace, but I was a decent runner and was able to pretty comfortably keep up with her. But it did mean that further conversation was curtailed.

We had another meal in the lacklustre hotel bar where, I was pleased to discover, we actually got on well. Discussing our approach to health and fitness (enthusiastic but not obsessive) and finding we both really enjoyed travel.

Wednesday was our last full day before flying back South early on Thursday morning. We'd made a huge dent in the project and would spend some time at home writing up our work before coming back up - probably several times - for further surveys and planning.

We'd worked hard for these first three days and discovered that we really were a good team, gelling well. Both of us with strong work ethics, a good grasp of the detail and an ability to make rapid, but well informed, decisions on the scope of the work.

Rather than having another working dinner in the lacklustre hotel bar I suggested we went out to a local pub (there were only two) that the hotel staff had suggested had a reputation for quality food, with locally sourced ingredients and a half decent wine list. Penny agreed immediately and suggested we'd both earned a good meal at the company's expense.

So, immediately after work, we followed our now familiar routine of bathing alone whilst the other stayed in the bedroom. When Penny emerged from the bathroom I did a double take. She was wearing a tight, almost bodycon style, dress. Illustrating what I'd been referring to (and fantasying about) for the last several months. She really did have an incredible figure.

"Oh my goodness, you look fabulous, "I blurted out. Then regretted it as I was was unsure whether I should be paying complements like this to a colleague two decades younger.

"That's very kind," she blushed, though readily accepting the compliment. "I packed this as it's light and doesn't crease."

I said no more and was at pains to avoid any further commentary on her looks as we made our way to the pub. Though I'm afraid it didn't stop me thinking, particularly as we sat opposite each other in a cosy bar, how utterly gorgeous she was. And how there were far, far, worse ways to be spending an evening. In, or even out, of work.

We had a really enjoyable evening and got to know each other more. Expanding on our discussions about our shared interests. Particularly travelling and indeed working, abroad.

The pub was less than half a mile from our hotel so we took a leisurely walk back. As the cold night air hit us Penny stumbled slightly, causing me to put an arm round her to prevent her falling. It was a simple, instinctive, act. But it brought me into physical contact with her that, thus far, despite our closeness in the room, we'd studiously avoided.

I probably held my arm around for longer than was necessary, or appropriate. Before, in a rather embarrassed manner, I took it away. With us then walking back in slightly awkward silence.

Once more, we quickly brushed our teeth and changed before settling down for the night.

We lay in our respective beds, as we had for the previous 2 nights. But, probably as a result of the convivial evening we'd enjoyed (helped of course by the wine we'd drunk), nether of use seemed ready to turn the lights off and get what was actually some much-needed kip.

Propping herself up on her elbow Penny looked over at me with a shy smile, "Do you know," she opined, "I've actually had a really lovely evening and I've enjoyed getting to know you a little better."

"When I first started working with you - and certainly when I came on this project - I was fearful you were a boorish oik. Misogynistic, arrogant and thinking only of yourself."

"Wow," I laughed, "well I guess it's not been to hard to improve on that very low opinion."

"What about you?" she queried, "how have I conformed to any preconceptions you may have had about me?"

"Well......", I pondered, half considering a light hearted, sarcastic, remark. But then deciding to be more sincere. Unusually for me as I was someone who used humour as a barrier to intimacy, or expression of feelings.

"Actually, similar to you in that I've been surprised, pleasantly, in how you approach your job, how well we've worked together. But also how much less serious you are than I at first thought. In fact, I've really enjoyed it."

Bolstered, I'm sure, by the Rioja we'd been drinking, I got up off my own bed and took the few paces over towards Penny's.

Once again, not really thinking too deeply about the appropriateness and consequences of my actions, I pulled back her duvet and climbed alongside her.

"What on earth are you doing?" she spluttered. Though, interestingly, without pulling the duvet down or attempting to stop me.

"It seems daft to be chatting so far apart. With my middle aged deafness it's hard to hear you," I suggested with a grin, as I jokingly attempted to justify my action.

"Oh, so that's the case," she answered, with a grin of her own. "And it's not because you want to get closer to me in my shorts and vest? Don't think I haven't noticed you eyeing me up these last few days. Not least the way you were ogling my bum whilst running yesterday."

"Oh crikey, I'm sorry," I said sheepishly. Though I wasn't too concerned as neither her tone nor body language signalled any real upset. Perhaps the wine was softening her? "I thought I was being a little more discreet than that."

"Afraid not. Us women have pretty finely tuned antenna for that type of thing. Though I suppose I do appreciate you were at leasttrying to be discreet and not leer too overtly. I guess I should be thankful for that." she grinned.

"I really do apologise," I stressed. "I was trying to do it surreptitiously. But you did look mighty fine in your running gear. As you did tonight in your dress." I smiled.

"Oh, so you're a bum, not a boob man? Because that's what you seemed to be focusing on."

"Actually," I corrected, "Whilst you do have a fantastic bum I happen to think that your neck is one of your finest features."

"Do you know what," she suggested firmly, becoming a little more serious, or at least faux serious, "I'm a younger - much younger in fact - female colleague. We really shouldn't be having discussions about which parts of my body you find most attractive. We should be discussing my competence and engineering skills."

"No," I conceded with a smile, "I'm sure you're right. And I guess we shouldn't be doing it laying side by side, in a small bed, with almost no clothes on. But yet, here we are," I grinned.

"Anyway, as I was saying," I went on, "I think you have the most wonderful, elegant, beautiful, neck." As I said this I bent forward and gently nuzzled it.

"Oh my God, Jack, what an earth are you doing?" Penny spluttered. Though in hushed tones, not a shriek of horror. Plus, tellingly, without really pulling away from me.

Continuing to push my luck and taking advantage of this apparent lack of resistance I went a little further, showering featherlite kisses onto her neck and then nibbling gently on an earlobe.

This latter action causing her to groan slightly and shiver, seemingly with pleasure. Shivers that went on as I continued, for a few moments longer, to rake my teeth along her neck and ears.

Coming, at least partially, to her senses, she finally pushed me away. Turing to face me she had a stern look in her eyes. She was breathing heavily, her chest was heaving and she appeared flushed.