USB - Unwanted Sexual Behavior Ch. 02


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"Watch the girls awhile. I want to fuck one before we leave," Uri said and Chessa grinned and nodded.

Olga was spared and Uri and Chessa dragged Zoya and Gordana into the bushes.

Peter and his friend stared menacingly at the three remaining girls.

Peter came over to Katcha and lifted her chin. She stared back at him defiantly.

"I think I'll go again," he grunted.

This time he took her around the back of the van and pushed her face-first into the side of it. He dropped his pants, kicked her legs apart and pulled down her underwear just enough so he could get inside her. He held onto Katcha's hips and fucked her; she pushed out her ass to assist him. She was not in any way aroused this time but it didn't matter, she was still wet from his cum and her own vaginal secretions.

He came quickly and dragged her back to the line. Zoya and Gordana were being dragged back to the line-up, Gordana was sobbing but Zoya held her head up high.

"Ok. Get in!" This time there was no pretext of friendship and the back of the new van was bare except for the now cum-spattered blankets.

It was dark but Katcha could see Uri hand the valise containing their passports to Peter.

The girls clung to each other for comfort and mutual support as they consoled and supported each other. Katcha and Zoya were indignant, refusing to show any remorse. Gordana was sobbing uncontrollably and Anna was catatonic. Olga, the only girl who hadn't been raped, was shivering frenziedly with fear.

"Shut up back there or I'll come back and kick your asses!" Gunther shouted at them.

The girls tried to sleep in the back of the van but it was cold and uncomfortable. They huddled together for warmth. In the morning they stopped in another forest clearing and the girls were allowed to urinate.

Peter took Zoya into the bushes and used her and then Gunther took Olga. Zoya was her stoic self when she returned but Olga was an emotional wreck.

The girls arrived at their final destination; an apartment block on the outskirts of Munich. The girls were directed to pick up their belongings and followed Peter and Gunther up several flights of stairs and were bundled into a well-appointed reception room. An attractive stylishly dressed woman in her late thirties was there to greet them; she spoke Ukrainian with a Russian accent.

"I am Yana and I am your boss. You girls should consider yourselves lucky. Many of your kind spend their days in cramped cells where they service customers all day and all night. Here you will each have your own room, which you will be required to keep spotlessly clean," the woman announced.

"You will be ready to start work at six in the evening until six in the morning. Two of you will rotate through the day shift from six in the morning until six in the evening to service any day customers."

"There are clothes, toiletries and other necessities in your rooms; food will be delivered. There is a kitchen for you to share where there are snacks and drinks. Drinking is permitted but don't get drunk when you are working. We have a no drugs policy, unless I prescribe them."

"We provide birth control pills and condoms. If you contract an STI because you didn't use condoms, the cost of the doctor will be deducted from your pay. You will each be given a check-up before you start work," Yana took a breath.

"This isn't what I came here for," Zoya said indignantly.

Yana ignored her and continued.

"I have your passports, this place is secure and all of the doors and windows are locked and alarmed. You will be billed for your rent, lodgings, clothes, food, drink and any incidentals. You have each incurred a debt of ten thousand Euros for your employment placement and the transport."

"The brothel takes fifty percent of your earnings to pay off your debt before we deduct your living expenses but the remainder is yours to send home or to put in a bank account of your choosing. Any questions?" Yana inspected her nails studiously.

Yana did not expect any questions.

"Good, pick up your belongings and follow me," Yana led the bewildered young women down a corridor and allocated each of them a room.

Katcha was surprised at the opulence of her room. It was well appointed with brocaded curtains and wallpaper; there was a chandelier and wall sconces, a huge Dresden ornate upholstered bed with antique gold patina. A large teak armoire and chest of drawers contained a selection of clothing, lingerie and shoes that would require further investigation.

The ensuite bathroom was also opulent with a huge bath and a walk-in shower with gleaming stainless steel fittings. A selection of toiletries and cosmetics were supplied and laid out ready to use.

Katcha heard the door open and she came out of the ensuite with some trepidation thinking that Peter or Gunther may have come to use her again but she was surprised to see it was Yana who had entered and seated herself on a red velvet chaise lounge.

"Peter tells me that you were the most compliant of the girls," she said matter-of-factly.

"I'm not stupid. As soon as they lined us up in the forest I guessed what was going on," Katcha replied.

"Do you mind if I get undressed while we talk. I need to take a shower," Katcha began to unbutton her blouse and kicked off her shoes.

"No. In fact I insist on it. I'm here to inspect you as well as to talk," Yana smiled up at her.

"The other girls will soon settle down. This is not such a bad life. They will earn more working here than would have as a nanny or waitress."

"Except that they will be forced to fuck fat old men and suffer vicious sadists twelve hours a day, seven days a week," Katcha spat back, stepping out of her skirt.

"The more clients you see; the more money you make. You are not stupid, if the men ask for special services you make them pay for it," Yana said calmly.

"Special services?" Katcha shrugged her shoulders and removed bra.

"Don't be obtuse; you know what I mean. You seem pragmatic and I heard how you offered yourself in place of Olga in the forest. The girls are already looking up to you. I will of course be their Madame and meet out rewards and punishments as necessary but I want you to be their confidant; the person they can turn to for advice and comfort," Yana replied.

"And?" Katcha raised her brows as she stepped out of her cheap denim skirt.

"And you will pass on to me anything I should know about. Any secrets or issues that they might be keeping from me," Yana smiled conspiratorially.

"And how much extra will you pay me for this service?" Katcha asked, shimmying out of her pantyhose and panties.

Katya stood naked, proud, tall and indignant. She was thin, with small firm breasts, long legs and a thatch of black pubic hair between her legs which contrasted with her flawless alabaster skin. Yana studied her from where she lay on the chaise lounge.

"Asking for more money already; you are a girl after my own heart. Come. Let's get you showered," Yana arose from the lounge and took Katcha's hand and led her to the bathroom, unbuttoning her own blouse with her free hand.

Katcha soon settled into the routine at the brothel. She and Zoya proved to be the most resilient of the girls, Anna and Gordana adapted to their imprisonment but Olga became even more insular and detached. She walked around like a zombie.

One day, not long after they had been abducted, the girls were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee laced with vodka discussing how they had been duped. They started to argue amongst themselves as to who was responsible; most of them blamed their friends who had told them that they were working good jobs and being well paid.

"You are stupid!" Katcha had been silent up until then.

"My mother gave me the business card for the employment agency and booked my train ticket to Uzhhorod. She encouraged me; in fact she was insistent," Katcha said angrily.

"What about you?" Katcha pointed to the girls gathered around the kitchen table.

"My mother," Zoya spat.

"My mother too," Gordana said, shaking her head.

"And mine," Anna sighed.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that our mothers trafficked us? No! Never!" Olga fled the room sobbing.

One week later Katcha found Olga hanging from the ceiling in her bathroom. She had hung herself using her pantyhose tied into a noose and had shit her pants when she died. Katcha told Yana and bathed Olga's body after Peter and Gunther cut her down. They removed Olga's body when the other girls were busy and Katcha never told the others what had happened. She vowed that nothing like that would happen to her; she would survive no matter what.

Yana told the other girls that Olga had been moved to another brothel in Bonn because she was not a good fit here. The girls soon realised that they were a trafficable commodity and by the end of Katcha's first year all of the girls had moved on to other brothels elsewhere in Europe; only Anna had returned to the Ukraine after she paid off her debts, the others remained working as prostitutes.

New girls had replaced them and Katcha was now Yana's trusted aid, running the day to day activities of the brothel and she had earned some freedom. She had learned enough German to converse with the locals and made frequent trips into Munich. She sent her mother two hundred Euros a month despite the fact that she knew her mother had betrayed her, however she had no inclination to return home.

Yana told Katcha that Alexi Kamerov, a Brigadier in the Bratva, or Russian Mafia, was flying into Munich from Paris. Yana had been selected to run a larger establishment in Paris and she would recommend to Alexi that Katcha replace her as the Madame here in Munich.

"You have learned how to run the business, you are good with the girls and the clients like you. I think you are ready Katcha," Yana said.

"Make sure everything is perfect for when Alexi arrives. I want the girls looking their best," Yana patted Katcha on the shoulder affectionately.

Besides learning how to run the brothel, Katcha had learned about clothes, fashion and style and had improved herself. She was no longer the skinny girl from Lviv wearing her denim miniskirt, cheap pantyhose and scuffed high heels. When Alexi arrived he was served a drink and settled in the salon by Yana. She called out to Katcha to bring in the girls for his inspection. Katcha led them in.

Katcha had developed her own distinctive style. She had dyed her hair jet black and had it cut in a severe shoulder-length bob. She was wearing a short-skirted black suit, expensive four-inch high heels and fully-fashioned stockings. Her makeup was as severe as her clothes and her hair: her smooth unblemished ivory skin the ideal palette for the mauve eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara, sharp rouged cheekbones and full blood-red lipsticked lips.

Alexi was immediately taken with her and Yana's jealousy was evident.

Alexi was a brute of a man with a leonine head but was very handsome despite the scar that ran down the left side of his face from forehead to chin. He wore an Amani suit and walked and spoke with authority.

"Who is this?" he nodded at Katcha.

"This Katcha Kovalenko. She has been one of our best earners, a favourite with the clientele and she is my right hand woman. She is the one I told you about; the one that I recommend take over from me here when I go with you to Paris," Yana explained.

"Hello Katcha. Do you know who I am?" Alexi took her hand and kissed it.

"Yes, I know who you are," Katcha replied bluntly.

"You don't sound impressed," Alexi smiled.

He didn't let go of her hand.

"You are a man. You want to fuck me or you want to make money from me; that is just what men do," Katcha said dryly.

"Katcha! Hold your tongue!" Yana lashed out at Katcha.

"I like a woman who has attitude; who is not afraid to speak her mind. I will take her to her room," Alexi grinned.

"But Alexi... I have all these other girls here for you. They are younger and prettier than Katcha and not as well used," Yana whined.

"Where is your room?" Alexi ignored Yana.

"Come," Alexi still had hold of Katcha's hand and she curled her fingers in his and led him to her room.

Alexi locked the door, took off his jacket and pulled Katcha into his arms and kissed her. She responded and kissed him back, putting her arms around his neck and rubbed her body against his.

"I would like to take my time with you but I'm here on business and in a hurry," Alexi said.

"Then let me do my best to please you in the short time we have together," Katcha said, dropping to her knees.

She freed his penis from his pants. Working as a prostitute Katcha had seen hundreds of penises but Alexi's was the biggest she had encountered. It was just like his body, brutish and strong. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and took his glans into it, slavering at the corona with her tongue. She used her fingers to stroke the flesh that she was incapable of putting in her mouth.

"That's good," Alexi moaned.

Katcha forced her face further onto Alexi's cock, managing to get about half of it in her mouth. She expertly used her lips on the shaft and her tongue on the glans. Alexi lightly put his hands on her head but didn't try to force her, which she appreciated. She hated when men held her head and fucked her mouth.

Alexi allowed Katcha to suckle him for little while but she was so good that he was afraid that he would climax soon. Yes, he was in a hurry, but he wanted to fuck this gorgeous creature. He reached down and lifted Katcha to her feet and took her in his arms again. When he kissed her it was like being embraced by bear. He exuded strength and power and Katcha felt herself becoming wet, which was just as well because Alexi picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"Open your legs," he ordered, unbuckling his pants.

Katcha hiked up her skirt and pulled down her silk panties, leaving them draped around one ankle. She opened her legs as Alexi shucked out of his pants and climbed on the bed which creaked under his weight.

"Let me," Katya took his immense organ in her hand and guided it to her sex.

Alexi leaned down and kissed her and Katya positioned his glans inside her labia. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his flanks and put her hands on his shoulders and arched her back, impaling herself on his engorged cock. She kept still while her vagina dilated to accommodate his flesh, then she began to slowly grind against him.

"You are good," Alexi smiled down at her.

She began to slide his cock in and out of her slick velvet channel grinding her clitoris into the base of his penis to increase her own pleasure. She had never been so filled before and Alexi's cock awakened pleasure centres in her vagina that she didn't know existed.

"You are good too," Katcha kissed him passionately and allowed Alexi to increase the tempo.

Alexi pinned Katcha to the bed and began to fuck her earnestly, driving his cock in and out of her tight satiny cunt. She rose to meet his thrusts, hanging onto him as he ploughed her with his steely manhood.

They moaned in unison as Alexi's cock began to pulse and quiver and he spent his seed deep inside her vagina; Katcha writhed beneath him, grinding her pubis into his, eliciting her own climax. Her vagina spasmed and clutched at Alexi's quivering phallus, draining every drop of semen.

They lay in each other's arms basking in the afterglow of their passion for a while and then Alexi extracted himself from her embrace.

"I should bring you to Paris instead of Yana," he chuckled as he pulled up his pants.

"Check the books. Look for an entry under Ivana Kalchik," Katcha said, wiping her sodden vagina with tissues.

"Who is Ivana Kalchik?" Alexi was tucking his shirt into his pants.

"She is no one. She doesn't exist," Katcha pulled up her panties.

"What do you mean she doesn't exist?" Alexi was putting on his jacket.

"On paper she is one of your prostitutes but she actually doesn't exist except as a bank account which Yana dumps money into. She's stealing from you," Katcha hopped off the bed and straightened her skirt.

"Why are you telling me this? I thought you and Yana were friends?" Alexi paused at the door.

"I have no friends. I have no family," Katcha called from the bathroom where she was fixing her lipstick.

She came out of the bathroom to find Alexi was waiting for her.

"After you," he said, opening the door.

They went back to the Salon to find the girls and Yana waiting for them. Yana was dressed in an evening gown and was clutching her purse.

"Come Yana, we don't want to be late for dinner," he said brusquely.

Yana hooked her arm through Alexi's and gave Katcha a withering look.

"Ok girls, get ready for work. We're open for business again," Katcha clapped her hands and shooed the girls back to their rooms taking her place behind the counter at the entrance to the salon.

The next day Yana was dressed to travel and she had put her packed bags near the door ready to leave. She was giving Katcha some final instructions in anticipation that Katcha would be replacing her.

The outer door to the salon opened and Alexi came in accompanied by Peter and Gunther. A middle-aged mousey woman came in behind them.

Peter and Gunther picked up Yana's suitcases and Yana followed them out. She paused at the door and looked back at Katcha.

"Looks like you are not taking my place after all. Better get your cunt cleaned out ready for your first customer," Yana said bitingly to Katcha, nodding her head politely at the mousey woman.

Yana fell in behind Peter and Gunther and Katcha never saw her again.

"Don't just stand there; pack your bags I'm in a rush," Alexi said to Katcha.

"Where am I going?" Katcha asked, quite stunned.

"I'm taking you to Paris," Alexi replied reaching in his jacket for his cigarettes.

"Who is going to run this place?" Katcha asked.

Alexi nodded at the mousey woman who was busy behind the counter working the booking ledger on the computer.

"So where is Yana going?" Katcha was still a little confused.

Alexi just shrugged his shoulders but his eyes were ice-cold. Katcha knew not to ask again.


"For eight years I worked for the Bratva in Paris. I learned French and English, I took degrees in commerce and business administration. More importantly I became a French citizen and changed my identity. I helped Alexi legitimise some of his business interests before I extricated myself the Bratva and came to the USA," Veronique said.

"I told you, it is not a bedtime story," Veronique stroked Taylor's hair.

Taylor sat up and looked into Veronique's sky-blue eyes and saw the pain behind the fierceness. Taylor leaned in and kissed her softly and Veronique pulled Taylor into her arms and returned the kiss.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Inventive and deeply harrowing backstory. It gave me chills and I loved it.

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