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I was having a furious internal debate with myself about my actions. Valerie and I were best friends and I had no right interfering in her life. But, I saw myself pull the door open and walk in. The noise was almost deafening as rock music filled the air.

"Ten dollars," the man behind the counter asked but when he looked up, he smiled at me.

"Does Valerie work here?" I asked timidly in a loud voice.

He looked puzzled for a moment.

"Oh, you mean Shannon, that's her stage name. I think she just started her set, yeah, she just went on stage," he said looking behind him.

I prayed to God that no one would recognize me. My brain was on auto pilot and I handed the bouncer a ten. He leaned towards me and spoke loudly in my ear.

"Go to the end of the bar at the stage entrance for a seat. It's away from the crowd and more private," he shouted with a friendly wink.

"How long does a set last," I yelled.

"Usually three songs," he yelled back.

The main room was tightly packed with men along the sides of a long "U" shaped bar. They were paying strict attention to a sexy woman holding onto a brass pole fixed to the stage. The stage occupied the area in the center of the bar with a wide path acting as a buffer between the dancers and patrons.

"Dear God, it's Valerie, I mumbled to myself with embarrassment.

I tried not to look and stayed in the shadows until I found an empty spot at the far end away from the crowd just as the bouncer advised. A Metallica song reverberated throughout the room and I was hoping that Valerie wouldn't notice me right away.

Several men threw paper money toward Valerie and like a spectator at an auto accident; I couldn't help myself and looked. She was clad only in a tiny "G" string and ridiculously high platform shoes. With her hands on the pole, she undulated her body facing the cheering men and sometimes away. I was mesmerized.

"Great butt," I marveled quietly and realized that all her body parts looked breathtaking.

Several times Valerie reached from the stage to the bar for a bill that a patron was offering. When she had it firmly in her grasp, she folded it and placed it under the side of her "G" string then gave them a dazzling smile.

Valerie's very pretty "girl next door" looks were enhanced by well applied make up and was one of her best features. However, what intrigued me the most was her exquisite hardbody.

As Valerie moved in a long fluid motion with her hands above her and behind grasping the pole, I marveled at her very flat belly with the outline of a six pack. The dramatic overhead illumination highlighted the taut muscle that lie just underneath her shimmering pale white skin. Her small but round breasts rode high on her chest with long pink nipples and, her legs and ass had a beautifully symmetrical, sculpted look.

Towards the end of her set, Valerie faced the pole and reached up holding it at the very top. Quickly, she brought her legs up to a sitting position then wrapped her ankles where her hands had been and dropped head first toward the stage. Then, she reversed the process. It was a remarkable display of athleticism.

Valerie finished her routine stark naked to the wild cheers from the crowd and walked off the stage holding her "G" string and money. She waved over her shoulder with her free hand in response to the applause and gradually her eyes looked in my direction. The stunned look on her face was worth a thousand words.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in harsh whisper.

"I came to see you," I answered dejectedly and cast my gaze downward at the sight of her nude body.

"I'm working," she hissed and pulled me past the curtain toward the dressing room.

"I wanted to see you dance," I said very sheepishly with my eyes on the floor.

Valerie was madder than a wet hen. I felt like a child in her presence and tears coursed down my cheeks.

"Jesus Kate, don't cry," she demanded without any sympathy.

Several girls in flamboyant outfits very similar to Fredericks of Hollywood type stuff were sitting in front of brightly lit mirrors applying make up.

"Yo Val? Who's your cute friend? I heard someone ask with a thick Philly accent.

"This is Kate," she replied wearily.

I looked up and away from Valerie at three very attractive women smiling at me; a blonde, a brunette and a redhead.

"Hi," I said barely above a whisper.

"Why are you crying?" the girl with the Philly accent asked very kindly.

"She's crying because I yelled at her for coming here to see me," Valerie said angrily.

"She came here to see you? Ah, that's so sweet of her," the redhead stated with a great deal of sentimentality.

Her kind words turned my tear duct faucet on and my eyes erupted anew. Out of the corner of a wet eye, I saw Valerie putting her street clothes on.

"Shit, I wish my girlfriend would come and see me work a few times. I'd give her a free lap dance just to keep her happy," the brunette declared.

The blonde haired girl with the Philly accent brought me some tissues with a look of compassion on her face.

"Don't be upset honey, Val can be testy sometimes," she stated kindly.

"Hey Val, can I give your girlfriend a lap dance. It'll cheer her up, guaranteed!" the brunette exclaimed with a laugh.

Suddenly, I felt Valerie's vise like grip on my wrist and firmly she guided me to the rear exit door.

"Goodbye pretty Kate, come back and see us again," the Philly blonde girl announced nicely.

"Bye Kate, if you get tired of Val; look me up," the redhead stated.

"Bye," I croaked tearfully as I went through the door.

With my arms folded in front, I kept my gaze fixed on the ground. I could feel the heat of Valerie's scowling face on me and I started crying harder.

"I'm sorry Valerie, I really am," I sobbed.

Valerie took me in her arms and I bawled my head off on her shoulder.

"It's ok, I'm not mad anymore," she said gently.

Valerie held me firmly against her body and kissed my wet cheeks a few times trying her best to comfort me. It was the first time I experienced her full embrace and I wanted to stay there forever.

It took me awhile but I got myself under control. When I looked at Valerie's face, her eyes were moist.

"Feel better?" she asked softly.

Still enveloped in her soothing arms, I nodded my head.

"I'll see you as soon as I get done work; ok?" she asked sweetly.

"Uh huh," I answered quietly.

Valerie gave me another tight squeeze and as I slowly walked away, I heard her open the exit door.

"Kate's a sweetheart, Val..." I heard the redhead say before the door shut.

As I drove home, practically in a state of shock, the image of Valerie's gorgeous nude body was permanently burned into my memory and her hugs outside the club confirmed my physical desire for her.

It was half past twelve when I heard someone knocking. I opened the door and Valerie was glaring at me

"How did you find out?" she asked accusingly and threw her purse on the sofa.

Valerie's compassionate attitude outside Diamond Jim's had reverted back to anger.

"It's very easy to cross reference phone numbers on line," I said in a matter of fact way.

"Why Kate? Why did you go there? What did you expect to find?" she stated in a tired but irate voice.

"I expected to find you. You told me you were a dancer and I wanted to see you dance," I said nervously but sincerely.

"You wanted to see me dance even though you knew it was strip club?" she asked with skepticism.

"Yes...Valerie....I, ah..." and the tears were back for an encore.

"You really wanted to see me dance in my birthday suit?" she asked with warmth.

"Yes...Valerie...I couldn't take my eyes off of you," I blubbered.

Valerie's entire demeanor changed. For the second time that night, she pulled my body against hers in an unyielding embrace and I cried on her shoulder.

"It feels so good when you hold me," I bawled in her ear.

"I'm sorry Kate, I thought you were going to accuse me or condemn me because of the way I earn my living," she said apologetically.

I held on to Valerie, not wanting to let go.

"So, you liked my performance?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes, I did...and..." I stammered.

Valerie's face broke out in smile.

"Did you get turned on watching me?" she asked with intrigue, probably knowing full well that I did.

The sight of Valerie during her routine soaked my panties and I diddled myself as soon as I got home.

"Yeah, it was very erotic," I said honestly.

Valerie tenderly embraced me.

"I'm flattered, very flattered," she said in the sweetest voice.

Valerie smiled with a romantic look in her eyes as though it was the highest compliment I could pay her.

"Tell me, do you think I have a nice body?" she asked innocently but I believe she already knew the answer.

"Nice? You have a beautiful body, a great body," I gushed like a school girl enthusiastically.

Valerie gazed at me affectionately and my heart started racing. Slowly her head was moving toward mine.

"My God, she's going to kiss me," my mind screamed with want.

When Valerie's lips met mine, every part of me thrilled from her touch. After a few modest kisses, she regarded me with a loving look in her eyes and my heart throbbed with emotion.

How could I possibly admit to Valerie and even myself that I was falling for her, hard. I started shaking.

"Valerie, I...ah..." I faltered and looked into her blue eyes.

"You're falling in love with me, is that what you're trying to say?" she asked me very soothingly with a look of yearning.

"Yes," I sighed heavily with acceptance of the truth.

If and when our relationship reached the next level, there was no doubt in my mind that Valerie would be the dominant one. She knew more about people and emotions than I could ever hope to amass.

"For all your knowledge Kate, you can be very naïve about some things, especially matters of the heart," she stated confidently.

Valerie's words sounded like a rebuke and tears came to my eyes. When she tried to embrace me, I pushed her away. When she tried again, I pushed even harder and before I knew it we were on the floor in a full blown wrestling match. It didn't last long.

Valerie's strong arms flipped me on my back as though I weighed nothing. Quickly, she sat on my stomach and bounced up and down a few times, knocking all the wind out of me. My attempts to break free were ineffective and amused her

"There, that's better," she purred like a jungle cat and gazed at me with a predatory look.

For a few minutes, Valerie looked thoughtful. With tenderness, she very gently stroked my hair and caressed my face affectionately.

"I've already fallen for you, Kate," she said very lovingly with enormous affection in her eyes.

My entire body resonated with feelings for her.

Valerie's deep blue eyes bored into my soul and with amazing nimbleness, she sprang to her feet and extended her hand to me. When I reached up and clasped it to mine, she pulled me upright as though I was weightless. Gently, she enveloped me in her steely arms and kissed me with raw enthusiasm.

"Oh...umm...ooh...umm..." I moaned into her mouth.

"Do you want me?" she asked sweetly with a wide smile.

"Oh God Valerie, please don't make me beg," I groaned as my pussy creamed uncontrollably.

"Say it," she commanded in a very sexy voice.

"Yes, oh yes, I want you!" I cried out.

Valerie carried me to the shower and removed my clothes, swiftly and erotically. I felt embarrassed because my body was nothing like hers and she saw the look in my eyes.

"Why the long face?" she asked nicely.

"I...ah...don't have a very good body," I said crestfallen and my eyes filled with tears.

"You have a lovely body, it's slender and very appealing," she said with sincerity.

Valerie wiped a few of my tears away and taking my hand led me into the large glass enclosed shower. The sight of her naked body was jarring because it looked like a sculptor's vision. When she held me close in her tender embrace I sighed with enormous satisfaction.

I wanted to please Valerie, give her pleasure and hear her scream my name. With all the skill and determination I could muster, I gingerly washed Valerie's body using my hands and some scented soap. The sensation of her skin and hard muscle under my fingers was intensely erotic and I moaned the entire time.

When my hands cupped Valerie's breasts, I marveled at the firmness but her nipples were a delight and I tweaked them with tenderness. My fingers stroked the crinkled pink ends until they hardened into tight cylinders and I lowered my mouth to one with a hunger that inflamed my soul.

With the warm water cascading over us, I drew a turgid bud between my lips and gently suckled.

Dear God, it was intoxicating!

"What have I been missing all these years," I exulted silently as my lips tugged at the sensitive flesh of her nipple with a contentment that surprised me.

With continued craving, I sucked harder and whipped my tongue over the end to her passion filled groans.

"Oh...Ooh...oh Kate...oh...umm..." she brayed her approval.

Involuntarily, my hand dropped between Valerie's legs and I ran a finger up her slick crease. I repeated the process until I felt a swelled nub peak from under its hood and ended every stroke with a quick flick over her clit.

With my mouth firmly attached to a tit and fingers working Valerie's pussy into a soaked mess, I brought her off in my amateurish way but it was the best I could do at the time.

Valerie wailed and her body visibly stiffened with each contraction. As the sensations subsided, she slumped against me and it took all my strength to hold her up. But, my arms failed and we slid to the floor of the shower in a heap with her on top of me.

"Valerie...I...can't breathe..." I gasped and she rolled off me.

"Hmm, not bad, pretty good actually, she said very pleased and stood up.

Valerie picked me up off the shower floor and cradled me in her arms. As she carried me to the bedroom, she kissed me with passion. Her amazing strength and agility reminded me of an Amazon Warrior. I was a little shorter in stature yet she handled me effortlessly.

As Valerie tenderly dried my naked body, I stared with curiosity at her pussy with the closely trimmed little triangle of hair above her slit. I'd never thought that girls' privates could look attractive or appealing but hers did. An overpowering desire to lick her, to taste her came over me and I gazed at her sex hungrily.

"You're eager for the beaver," she purred with amusement and pulled me effortlessly on top of her prone body.

Valerie kissed me with intense desire and I humped my sex against her muscular thigh. After an especially long and passionate kiss, I was breathless.

"Whew," I panted rapidly as new and powerful feelings coursed throughout my body.

Valerie looked like a break dancer when she whirled her legs so that her crotch was in front of my face and mine to hers. I was hungry for my first pussy and was impatiently pulling her legs apart.

The heady aroma from her sex was like a drug and I licked the soggy flesh with inexperience but intense need. I felt my thighs being pried apart and her breath on my slit. I was hairy, unshaven because I had no one in my life that required me to maintain the area.

"Hmm, nice bush," she growled appreciatively.

Valerie started slowly with light licks and I tried to match her tempo but the faster she went the more I howled and lost my focus on what I was doing.

Cunnilingus was one of my ex husbands favorite activities and I let him perform on me occasionally. I considered him talented until I experienced Valerie's tongue.

The flood of incredible sensations in my body was astonishing. I was almost delirious from the pleasure and cried out, moaned and panted like a wild woman. Her tongue dug into my slit with ferocity and a finger toyed with my butt hole.

My head was spinning and I was completely lost in a world of pleasure. Unable to perform on Valerie, my head came to rest on her thigh and I moaned, groaned and yelped like bitch in heat.

"Oh God...Oh Valerie...Oh...Oh Valerie..." I kept repeating as huge breaths and pants escaped my lungs.

The sounds of sucking and slurping filled the room as Valerie's mouth engulfed my entire sex. She attacked my clit with a battery of lightning licks and whips that sent me soaring to another plateau.

As I gasped for air, I humped Valerie's face with her tongue buried in my pulsating slit, lapping me furiously. Intense feelings and sensations throbbed throughout my entire body and an orgasm of colossal proportions was closing in.

When the waves hit, they surged through my body with incredible power. Lost in sheer ecstasy, I screamed Valerie's name.

"Oh...Oh...Oh Valerie...Oh Valerie..." I shrieked like a banshee.

Contractions seized my pussy as my body froze and shook. Nothing I previously experienced came remotely close in magnitude.

As the last remaining sensations slowly drained away, my entire body sagged then collapsed on the bed. I was shaking and drenched with sweat when Valerie pulled me tightly against her.

I stared at Valerie's face wet with my secretions and she was smiling at me with a look of elation and pride.

"Oh Valerie...I...oh..." I moaned incapable of completing my thought.

" for awhile," she said so soothingly.

Enveloped in her tender embrace, I slowly lost consciousness.

The following morning I woke to the sight of an empty space in the bed next to me. I instantly felt despondent because I wanted to continue what we had started the previous night. I mistakenly thought Valerie had left until I heard sounds coming from the family room.

When I walked in, Valerie was clothed only in a pair of panties and performed one handed pushups on the carpet. I gawked at her in disbelief.

"Forty seven, forty eight, forty nine and fifty," she counted quietly.

Valerie's body glistened with a light sheen of sweat. She was changing positions to her other arm when she saw me.

"Hey, sleepy head, you're awake," she exclaimed happily.

Valerie sprang to her feet and kissed me sensuously on the lips.

"Gotta do fifty push ups with my left arm, you can watch if you want," she said sweetly.

I watched with total fascination as she very slowly did fifty pushups and didn't appear to be out of breath. To me it was remarkable display of strength and when she stood up, the subtle coating of sweat enhanced the look of hard muscle underneath her skin. Her body was lean with an extremely well defined musculature yet exquisitely female in appearance.

"Valerie, how did you get so strong?" I asked practically gushing with admiration.

"I've been doing the same gymnastics routine since I was twelve and working at the club helps a lot too," she stated honestly.

As Valerie performed some very difficult floor exercises, I felt like a total slug despite that fact I was slender with very little fat on my body. I worked out but well below her level of fitness.

I quietly went to the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee. With mug in hand, I went back to my bed and hid.

"What in the world can she possibly see in me? My body looks deficient compared to hers," where the thoughts and questions that kept running through my mind.

Valerie popped her head in the room holding a mug of java.

"Hey, I'm gonna take a quick shower then...hold on cause I'm gonna join ya fer some fun," she hollered in her cowgirl voice.

With my head still in a quandary, Valerie's freshly washed body flew into bed but I kept my back to her. When she snuggled against me, I stayed immobile until she raised her upper body and looked down at my face.

"What's wrong? You look upset," she asked in a hurt voice.