Vampire Lineage Ch. 03

Story Info
Emma struggles to resist Gabriel.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/30/2020
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**Author's Note and Content Warning: I'm playing with my vampire series again since I've been lacking motivation to write after the holidays. "Vampire Lineage" is a sexy, over-the-top indulgence for me. Some areas lack depth, but I think the story is good. I honestly think this chapter can be enjoyed without the backstory. The vampires in this tale are not the classic (dead human) kind. I've re-imagined them as another race similar to humans while maintaining their typical powers. So, the story has lots of dominating, supernatural sexiness without the dead parts. This chapter mostly involves reluctance in the face of supernatural seduction. It's a 'sex-with-a-vampire' fantasy with nonconsent and a little bit of blood. If you don't like that kind of fantasy, you don't have to read it. For those that do, I hope you enjoy it.**


A Gift Through Time

Emma had been dreading her summons to Gabriel's study. She didn't dare disobey the ancient vampire in his own home. It was in her best interest to please him. Ivan had already warned her not to piss him off. She took a deep breath when she arrived at the study door. Before she could knock, Gabriel called for her to enter. She gulped and stepped into the attractive room. It looked like a small library. The furniture was a mix of dark stained oak and green velvet upholstery. Sunlight spilled in through the patio doors between wall-sized bookshelves, making one corner of the room glow and the rest feel sleepy. Gabriel was sitting in an armchair with an old book in his lap. The sight of him made Emma's insides flutter. He always looked elegant and superior, like an exiled king that outlived his empire. His shiny blond hair fell in attractive locks over his temple and ears. Emma had often wanted to touch the golden strands. His face was youthful despite his antiquity, and his heady scent lingered in the air, making Emma's mouth wet, not to mention other areas.

"Good afternoon, Emma. Please, take a seat," he instructed as he motioned to the large ottoman in front of his chair.

Emma nodded and crossed the room, keeping a nervous eye on Gabriel as she sat down in front of him. His pale blue eyes followed her every move. She was sharply aware of him. There was an energy between them that constantly fueled her unease.

"Would you like something to drink? A glass of wine, perhaps?"

"No, thank you. I'm alright," she said softly, not wanting to raise her voice.

A smile brightened his handsome face as he admired her.

"Do you know why I asked you here?"

She shook her head.

"Do you remember what I said about you at the cabin?" he continued as his eyes drifted back to his book.

"A little. You said I might be a field flower."

"Indeed. Do you know what that is?"

"Not really."

"I'll explain its history then. Flowers of the Field are comparable to Grecian sirens. Instead of luring their victims with songs, field flowers lure with beauty, smell, and taste. They became an irresistible bane to vampires. A creature so seductive, it could enslave the ancient ones of our race. My delicious flowers were worshiped in the secret harems of Constantinople. It was a magical time for the empire. Humans and vampires thrived together. I often long to go back to the 12th century and indulge in Byzantium opulence."

He closed his eyes and smiled at the pleasant memories. Emma gulped at his words. It wasn't every day she spoke to someone that could reminisce across millennia.

"That's amazing," she breathed. "I must ask, why do you call them your flowers? Did you own them?"

"I created them, so yes. They were my daughters. Sons were rare, but there were a few. The male hybrids were often stillborn, but the females were strong. Impregnating a human with a vampire hybrid could awaken magic in them. It often drove the mother mad, and I would have to put them out of their misery. But, if she survived bearing a hybrid and kept her sanity, the child would thrive. Those mothers became powerful witches. They often remained my allies to protect their children and grandchildren. My hybrids were an addictive delicacy. They were my clan's priceless treasure, and we guarded them as such. When the rest of the ancient ones discovered how irresistible they were, they vowed to destroy them. That declaration caused violence between clans that eventually spilled over into human affairs. The Flower Culling triggered Constantinople's fall from glory. I had never seen such violence. The blood was excessive even for my tastes. In a desperate move to save my clan from the elders, I agreed to assist in the culling. It was the worst thing I have ever done," he whispered.

Emma could see the pain in his expression as he stared at the book in his lap.

"I'm sorry it ended that way. Did you love all of your flowers?"

He met her eyes for a moment, and she could see the answer in them before he spoke.

"I did."

"Forgive me if this is a rude question. Did you... sleep with your daughters?"

"When they came of age, yes. I wanted to experience their magic. Intimate relationships within vampire families aren't considered taboo. We are more like gods in that respect."

Emma gulped and nodded. She finally understood what Gabriel thought she was and what he wanted from her.

"And you think I'm your descendant?"

"That's why I requested this meeting. I need to know if you're my distant daughter. If you are, I want to protect you. Your resemblance to my darling Irena is distracting."


"The daughter I loved the most. She was spellbinding," he said as he handed her the book.

Emma gasped as she admired the detailed pencil sketch of a young woman that could easily be her twin. She was resting naked on a bed, propped up on a stack of pillows. She was twirling a pale strand of hair around her index finger as her familiar eyes gazed at the person drawing her.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Gabriel asked as he watched Emma for a reaction.

"Not to sound conceited, but yes. She's enchanting."

She slowly turned the page to find more nude drawings of the woman from different angles. Emma figured the book was created to record every notable detail of Irena's seductive body. Her heart began pounding when she noticed a familiar freckle on Irena's right hip, then a little mole below her left breast that matched her own. She quickly closed the book and gave it back to Gabriel, hoping the similarities were simply coincidental.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I... I'm just nervous. These past few days have been strange. I was almost killed by a vampire, and now you're telling me I might be related to one. I'm still trying to convince myself that all this is real."

"I'm sorry we haven't made you feel at ease. Whatever I discover doesn't change your protected standing in my home. You are Ivan's subjugate, and you've bonded with him. He will suffer if anything bad happens to you. I don't intend to hurt him or you, but your unnatural pull on him cannot be ignored. Vampires simply don't fall in love with humans, so it's my duty to discover why my adopted brother has fallen in love with you. Now, stand for me, Emma. I would like a closer look at you."

She nodded and stood in front of the ottoman with her stomach fluttering. Gabriel set his book on a side table before he slowly approached her, holding her in his demanding gaze. His eyes had an irresistible draw about them. They were pale, beautiful, and fierce, fitting for an ancient predator. Emma's insides felt shaky as he grabbed her chin. He slowly turned her head to different angles. She watched his eyes as they examined every line and curve. He raised her chin and examined her neck, sliding his fingertips over the muscles and tendons. He leaned in and trailed his nose into her hair close to her temple, breathing in her delicious scent as his fingers slid around the front of her throat. She tensed when he gently squeezed her windpipe. He chuckled at her reaction, and his hot breath tickled her ear. He released her throat and slid his fingertips down her chest and along the collar of her blouse, tracing her cleavage. His touch, smell, and proximity were provoking warmth and tingles all over her body. She didn't want to feel that way towards him, but she couldn't stop it.

"Your scent is delicious, Emma," he whispered as he trailed his nose down her neck.

He pulled her collar away from the nape of her neck and breathed her in.

"Mmm," he moaned before he licked the tender spot, causing an ache of arousal to steal Emma's breath for a second.

She hadn't expected her meeting with the ancient vampire to involve licking. She feared biting would follow.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," he whispered as he drew away and searched her eyes.

She gulped and nodded. He smiled at her wide irises and blushing face. Then his eyes trailed over her breasts and down to her small waist. He caressed her sides for a moment, squeezing the soft flesh just above her hips. Then he pulled her shirttail up so he could slide his hands against the skin of her sides. She closed her eyes and shuddered as he explored her body. She loved and hated his intimate touching. He withdrew his hands and began unbuttoning her blouse. He slowly opened it and pushed it off her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. Her heart was pounding as he slid her bra straps down her arms, loosening the garment's hold on her tits but leaving them covered. He leaned in and trailed his nose between her breasts, inhaling her scent and tickling her skin.

"Exquisite," he breathed.

Emma was trembling as he reached up and pulled her bra down, exposing her breasts to the cool air in the room. Her nipples hardened as his hands cupped the plump flesh around them, squeezing it in admiration. He licked his lips as he massaged her hard pebbles with his thumbs, enjoying their enticing texture. He couldn't resist tasting them. He leaned in and flicked his tongue against her left nipple, making her release the breath she was holding. Her insides ached with pure desire as he did it again, raising goose-flesh across her skin.

"Mmm, you taste as good as you smell," he breathed before he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Emma stifled a whimper as he worked his teeth around it. Then he sucked harder, taking as much flesh into his mouth as he could. Gabriel moaned softly as he savored her and ran his hands over her ribs and stomach. He hesitated when his fingers found the little mole below her left breast. He quickly drew away and stared at it in astonishment.

"That's not possible," he whispered as he trailed his fingers over it.

A second later, he reached down and tore her skirt open like it was paper. She gasped at his strength. Emma's heart was pounding as he pushed the damaged skirt and her underwear to the floor. He knelt before her and held her thighs as he stared in amazement at the little brown freckle just to the right of her blond mound.

"Irena," he breathed as if he had been punched in the gut.

He met Emma's startled gaze with a look of amazement and longing on his handsome face.

"I've been deprived of your touch for so long. Have you yearned for mine?" he whispered before kissing the freckle.

His nose tickled her hip, making her wobble.

"What? No, I'm not Irena."

"You are her descendant. A gift through time. Her blood is in your veins. Your existence proves she and our baby survived the culling. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Let me show you my appreciation," he whispered before lapping his tongue over her clit.

Emma gasped from the sharp tickle it caused. Then she groaned as he greedily licked between her labia, lapping up the arousal that had gathered at her opening. He was slowly pulling her thighs apart, exposing more of her swollen cunt to his mouth.

"Gabriel, stop... I'm not her," she stammered.

"I don't care. You taste like her," he breathed before plunging his tongue deep inside her, vigorously licking against her inner muscles.

"Ah, don't! Oh God," she gasped as she matted her fingers in his hair to steady herself.

Her body was on fire and edging towards ecstasy as he worked sharp pleasure into her cunt. He was squeezing and pinching her ass cheeks and licking hard enough to hurt her pussy. Within seconds, she cringed from a shocking orgasm. She cried out as her body tensed and shook again and again. Gabriel locked his arms around her thighs so she wouldn't collapse as her juices drenched his tongue. He groaned and indulged in her sweetness. He pushed his tongue deep between her trembling muscles to catch every last drop. She was panting as he stood and suddenly scooped her into his arms.

"What are you doing?" she demanded as he placed her in the middle of the ottoman and laid on top of her.

She started to protest, but he silenced her with a kiss. His tongue went into her mouth as his heavy body pressed against her naked frame. Despite her anxiety, she thought his mouth tasted wonderful, mixed with her own arousal. She moaned when he pressed the bulge in his pants against her wet crotch. He kissed her until she was breathless, then he drew away and gazed into her eyes for a moment. She could feel his pulse thumping excitedly through his cock as he rested against her.

"The gravity of your soul is indescribable. No wonder Ivan couldn't resist you. I want you to feel the desire you create in me," Gabriel whispered as he used his fangs to scratch his bottom lip.

Emma didn't realize what he was doing until he kissed her again, forcing her to taste the blood on his mouth. He was making her his subjugate, overpowering Ivan's claim. The ancient vampire's magic hit her like a potent drug. She felt betrayed as euphoric tingles and throbbing desire crept all over her body. Then she felt Gabriel's overwhelming need for her. It made her body ache for penetration as his emotions poured into her.

"No, I don't love you," she moaned as she fought to keep her head clear.

"Don't worry, you will," he whispered as he rocked his hips.

His bulge pressed against her clit, making her legs twitch. Gabriel's gravity was just as powerful as her own, and his love for Irena was fresh in his mind and refocused on her. Emma gasped as he slid a hand between her legs and massaged his fingers inside her slippery warmth. His spell was slowly taking hold, but she still felt Ivan's pull on her body. She wanted it to stay. Focusing on Ivan kept her mind afloat.

"Your resistance is making me incredibly hard," he whispered as he slid his fingers out of her and quickly unzipped his pants.

Emma gasped and tensed when she felt his penis tip pushing into her swollen lips, parting the tight muscles just inside her opening. He was thick, and the slightest movement stretched her more, stimulating her overly aroused cunt with heat, warmth, and hard pressure. Her eyes rolled back as he pushed through her resistance, stretching her pussy around his girth. It felt like he was penetrating her soul and her body as his magic pulsed with his heartbeat. He rhythmically teased his tip inside her, carefully plowing through the tight muscles. She groaned in utter defeat and sank her fingernails into his arms, needing something to hold on to as reality slipped away from her. Gabriel let out a shaky breath as he enjoyed her warmth. Her pussy was clutching at his meat with desperate need as he built ecstasy inside her.

"There we go. Give in to me, Emma. You apparently inherited Irena's stubbornness. It's charming and useless. She was addicted to me in less than a week," he purred as he continued his hypnotic thrusting, going a little deeper every time.

Her body hungrily opened for him as he massaged her birth canal. Overwhelming pleasure was throbbing inside her. She felt Gabriel's need to dominate her. Nothing would satisfy him more than having her desperate for his cum, and she was quickly getting there. The thought of his semen inside her made her pussy twitch. She was almost drowning in ecstasy. She needed her inner light to keep from losing herself. That thought pulled her mind out of the fog of Gabriel's desire. She focused on the little flame that helped her control Ivan the previous day, and it burned brighter in her mind, pushing back against Gabriel's hunger.

"THERE IT IS!" he gasped as he grabbed her head and held their foreheads together. "Holy fuck, that's entrancing. I haven't felt it in a thousand years," he groaned and thrust deep inside her, hurting her with his meat.

She gasped and lost her concentration. The flame slipped away as the fog descended. Gabriel's ancient will was stifling, and it became stronger when she teased him with ecstasy.

"Fuck," he groaned as the fleeting memory of the bliss made him shudder.

Emma could feel what her light did to him. It was a shocking punch of pleasure and complete domination of his mind and body. Everything about it was addictive for her and him. She completely understood why it was dangerous.

"What happened?" she panted, reeling from the sudden burst and loss of power.

"You fucked my mind with your light. Thank you for that," Gabriel groaned before he caught her mouth for a kiss.

Then he held her throat and started pumping his cock inside her with feverish need. She whimpered against his kiss with her eyes rolling back. He was hurting her cunt with his wild thrusts, and she loved the carnal act. He could sense her pleasure, and he knew how to take her to her limits without injury. His need for her had become insatiable. An orgasm crashed through Emma's body like a scorching wave. She clutched helplessly at his arms as he fucked her through the spasms. She felt her body taking him deeper and squeezing his meat, hungry for his cum.

"Cum in me, please," she begged as her hips bucked with pleasure.

Gabriel grunted and trembled as an orgasm tightened every muscle in his body, then a flood of semen pumped through his cock, drenching her hungry inlet. He pushed deeper with every spasm, eager for his seed to flood her womb. He could feel her body opening for him, stretching around his glans and drinking his musky cocktail with carnal need.

"Yes, my distant daughter. Drink your master's love."

The release was blindingly euphoric for Gabriel after feeling her inner light. He had been craving the seductive magic for a thousand years. Emma could have enslaved him had she been able to maintain it. The field flowers could have overcome the vampires if the magic was easier to manage, but it only emerged when they were aroused. It was a natural fail-safe, but it didn't protect the vampires while they were having sex with the hybrids. They were completely vulnerable at that point.

Emma felt saturated with love and satisfaction as her body squeezed Gabriel's twitching cock. Sleepy exhaustion washed over her as she came down from the intense height. Gabriel smiled as he continued to rock inside her drenched warmth, reveling in the delicious aftershocks. Long life dulls a vampire's senses, but a glimpse of Emma's power rekindled a fire in Gabriel's loins. His ambitions were awakened, and he dared to think he could fall in love again. He wanted to love Emma and take her to heights of pleasure that would shatter her need for anyone else, but long life taught him to be cautious. If she didn't love him in return, she could use her power to destroy him. It was a risk he was willing to take after many millennia of regret and loneliness.

"I feel so warm and full. Thank you," Emma whispered as her eyes drifted closed.

"You're welcome, my love. You deserve bliss," he whispered as he admired her blushing face.

His heart beat faster as she fell asleep in his arms. It was a rush to know the subjugate bond had taken hold, and her contentment delighted his spirit. His cock was still tingling inside her as he kissed her cheek and laid his head against her breasts. He rarely slept, but her heartbeat lulled him into a pleasant dream.