Vanessa and Veronica Ch. 04


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"Luc, are you and your brother rapists?"

There was a shocked silence.

"No! Neither of us has ever forced a woman even by compulsion! Why would you think such a thing?" he demanded, his feelings hurt.

"Luc I'm sorry but I had to ask!"

"I am your mate! I would never hurt you or any other woman in that manner!"

"I get it and I believe you.... You don't know my family history do you?"

"I am well aware of who your father is if that is what you are referring to."

"I meant personal history." Vanessa said.

Luc hesitated, "No I am afraid that I do not keep up with things like that." and then regretted not listening when Rik tried to tell him about the family.

Vanessa gave him a quick overview of her family.

"That's partly why Veronica and I went into genetics, our uncle just found his mate and he knew her as soon as she saw her but it didn't take away the rage..."

Vanessa stopped herself, it had just occurred to her that maybe he didn't want to be a part of this crazy family of hers.

"Vanessa? Why did you stop talking?"

"It just occurred to me that I was really pissed off at you and after hearing what I just told you that you might not want to be a part of this family." she replied.

"Vanessa, it is I who is not worthy. Rik tried to warn me but I didn't listen to him."

"Warned you about what?"

"Vanessa, I .... I know that you say that you don't expect celibacy but ..... I was very active sexually, even after we arrived to this country."

"I don't ....."

"I fucked anyone who would have me." Luc said. "Luc tried to warn me that one day that I would have to answer to my mate and I didn't believe him."

"What did you believe?" Vanessa asked.

"That she would understand and that she would just have to accept my sexual activity without question."

"In other words you're a male version of those women." Vanessa said.

"You are not being fair!" Luc said, "Surely you didn't expect me to remain celibate until I found you."

"I'm not being fair?" Vanessa asked, "I'm not the one who had two women show up during our first meeting as mates! And I wasn't expecting a virgin but you're the one who said you fucked anyone who would have you."

"I know what I said!" Luc snapped, "I suppose you're going to tell me that you've been celibate?"

"As a matter of fact I am!" Vanessa snapped back, "I haven't been with anyone in over two years and it was a long time even before that. Just how many women are we talking about?"

"It doesn't matter....."

"The hell it doesn't!"

"Vanessa, I apologize for my actions, can we start over?"

But she was gone.


"Veronica, may I come to you?' Rik asked again.

"I want to but we can't"

"Why not?"

"Because I have to make sure Vanessa is alright."

"Vanessa and Luc are adults; their problem is for them to work out and has nothing to do with us."

Rik was right and she knew it.

"I understand that she is your twin and that you love her and that you are concerned for her as I am Luc but Veronica this is our time. We can only be there to support them but we cannot put our lives on hold while they figure theirs out."

"You're right but Vanessa and I have always done everything together."

Rik knew when he was fighting a losing battle and made a suggestion.

"Talk with Vanessa." he said, "And see what she thinks, I would wager that she would tell you what I am."

"What's the big secret anyway?" Veronica asked.

"That isn't for me to say but know that Vanessa is safe with Luc, he would never hurt her or allow anyone else to harm her."

"I wasn't worried about that." Veronica said getting under the sheets and snuggling in and yawning. Her nipples were no longer hard and her body had cooled during their talk. "I'll talk to Vanessa and I'll let you know. I know that isn't what you want to hear but it's the best that I can do right now, you understand don't you?"

"I understand and even agree to a point but may I take you to dinner?"

"Do you promise to keep your hands and your thoughts to yourself?" Veronica asked.

"Rik laughed, "I can only promise to try, you are after all a beautiful woman who is meant to be touched."

"I suppose that's as good as I'm going to get?" Veronica asked.

"I am afraid so." Rik replied, "So will you have dinner with me?"

"Alright but not at the same place." Veronica replied.

"You choose the place and I will come for you at six."

Veronica cut off communication because she fell asleep even though she hadn't planned on it; she woke up when she felt Vanessa sit on her bed.


Vanessa was still upset with Luc or more accurately his confession. She didn't answer him when he asked about starting over. What she didn't understand is why she felt so betrayed and she was hoping that Veronica would shed some light on the subject.

Veronica woke up and moved over to make room for Vanessa.

"Are you alright?' she asked.

"I guess, are you and Rik alright?"

"Yeah, we are... we're going out to dinner tonight."

"Ronnie, if I ask you a question, will you give me an honest answer?"

"Don't I always?"

"Yeah you do." Vanessa agreed. She told Veronica about her talk with Luc, "Why am I so mad about this?" she asked.

"You want honesty right?" Veronica asked.


"Remember when we were little girls and we would plan our weddings?"

"Sure, you were going to wear some atrocious shade of yellow-what's that have to do with anything?"

"Do you remember how you described your mate? He was going to be handsome-he is, he was going to be fun-I think he is and he wouldn't touch anyone, he was going to wait for you and you were going to wait for him. The problem as I see it is that neither thing happened. You weren't promiscuous by any stretch of the imagination but I think what's got you riled is that you showed restraint whether it was intentional or not and Luc didn't think about how his actions would affect you even though you hadn't found each other yet. In effect he destroyed your image of a perfect mate, or what you considered to be a perfect mate."

"But there were so many women!" Vanessa exclaimed.

"I'm not saying that he was right but I am saying that he didn't hide it from you and that should count for something." Veronica replied.

Vanessa blew out a breath, "I know that you're right .... But its papa, he's going to have a fit."

"Why? Is there something that you haven't told me?"

"No, it's just that you know how protective he is and before you say it I understand why."

"True which is why we tell him together and we prepare the guys as much as we can." Veronica said, "Now go make up with Luc so you can go to dinner with us."


Rik watched Luc as he sat down, stood up and sat down again.

"She was that angry?" he asked.

"She was how do they say? Pissed off?" Luc replied, "I apologized and asked for another chance to begin again and she did not respond."

"Maybe she just needs time after all no one wants to hear that their mate has serviced hundreds of women." Luc replied.

"Where are things between you and Veronica?"

"We talked quite a bit and we are going out to dinner tonight."

"She agreed to go without her sister?"

"I am going to tell you what I told her and that is whatever issues you are having are between you and Vanessa and we will not put our lives on hold while you and she work out your differences. Now, if you resolved your differences in time for dinner, you are more than welcome to join us."


Ethan read over the files on the Gabriel brothers, there was nothing in them to indicate that they were dangerous as a matter of fact they were both physicians with degrees in mathematics amongst other things. He reread the files on the brothers and set them aside. He was satisfied that the brothers were harmless but there was still the issue of someone being in the girl's front yard.

Ethan chuckled at still referring to them as the girls but in his mind even when they were centuries old they would still be the girls, his and Katrina's girls along with Victoria and in a few years she would be gone too. He found himself wishing for another child and wondered if Katrina had given it any thought.....


"Luc?" Vanessa called

"I am here."

"I'm sorry that I left so abruptly, I was upset and angry."

"Are you still angry with me?"

"Not as angry but a little."

"Vanessa, I am truly sorry that I was so loose with my affections and I would like another chance with you."

Vanessa hesitated and then agreed, it was the past and Veronica had been right in saying that he really didn't have to tell her.

"Veronica and Rik have invited us to dinner with them, does that suit you?"

"We're not going to run into any of your conquests are we?" Vanessa asked only half teasing.

"No, you have my word." Luc replied.


As they got ready for the evening Vanessa and Veronica talked about when they were going to introduce Rik and Luc.

"I say we do it tonight and get it over with." Veronica said as she combed her hair.

"Shouldn't we ask them first?" Vanessa asked.


"I'm glad that you and Vanessa worked things out." Rik said as they walked to the car.

"Me too and for the record, let me apologize to you once more for my shortsightedness, I have learned my lesson."


Vanessa answered the door when Rik rang the doorbell.

"Hi, come on in, Veronica should be down in a few minutes"

Both Rik and Luc noticed the guards but didn't say anything instead talking about other things.

"Has Veronica mentioned where we will be going?" Rik asked.

"No but my guess is that it's someplace that has seafood on the menu."

Luc moved so that he was standing next to Vanessa and kissed her cheek, "Thank you for this new start." he said and put an arm around her waist.

Veronica came down the stairs a few minutes later and announced that they were going to 'Red Lobster' if there were no objections.

An hour later they were sitting at the 'Red Lobster' eating appetizers and talking as they should have during their first meeting. Veronica liked Luc; she liked the way that Vanessa seemed to be more lighthearted around him. As they were eating dessert, Veronica and Vanessa looked at each other and nodded.

"Guys, we'd like for you to meet our parents."

"That is a good idea." Rik said, "When?"


Luc paled, "Tonight? Should we not call them or something?"

"They're home." Veronica said, "I called before we left."


"What do you think the girls are up to?" Katrina asked.

"I don't know but Veronica was very secretive and adamant that you be here." Ethan replied and then hesitated.

"What's on your mind?" Katrina asked putting her book down.

"I was thinking that in a few years Victoria will be gone."

"Yes and?"

"How would you feel about another child if it were to happen?"

"I hadn't really thought about it." Katrina replied, "But if it were to happen I would be alright with it."

"We make such beautiful babies don't we?"

"We do." Katrina agreed warming to the idea of another baby.


Luc was a basket case; his usual calm, laid back demeanor was nowhere to be seen. Vanessa held his hand and tried to reassure him.

"Papa may be a bear but he really is a softie."

Luc wasn't convinced.

"He will hate me. And then what?"

"There are some things that even he can't deny or change and one of those is who our mates are." Vanessa said. She looked at Luc and wondered what the real issue was so she asked.

"What's the real problem here? This is beyond the normal nervousness of meeting your mate's parents."

"You are acknowledging me as your mate?" Luc asked.

"Of course I am! We wouldn't be going to my parent's house otherwise." Vanessa replied.

"Will you tell him about me?"

So that was it.

"What we discussed remains between us, if he should ask then don't you dare lie to him, he'll know and you will never gain his trust no matter how good you are to me." Vanessa said, "But he will respect you if you tell the truth and he knows better than most that people can change."

Luc nodded and gave Vanessa's hand a squeeze.


Rik was excited and nervous at the same time but there was no fear, he felt prepared to answer any question that Ethan threw at him. He had his arm around Veronica enjoying the feel of her, if he had his way, by morning they would be mated.

He glanced over at Luc taking in his pale color. Reluctantly he broke away from Veronica and asked to speak with him in private.

"Luc, relax, I am sure that it will be fine."

"Vanessa thinks so too."

"And she should know." Rik said putting an arm around Luc's shoulders, "Just think, the next time we wake, it won't be alone."

Luc gave him a weak smile, "There is that... they are beautiful are they not?" he asked looking at the twins.

"Yes brother, they are and I believe that we will have our hands full." Rik replied.

Luc chuckled, "They are quite the pair." He turned serious, "Rik, I am truly sorry that I did not listen to you."

"It is now past history and it has ended well so no more apologies."


An hour later, they were sitting in the car parked in front Ethan and Katrina's. Luc's anxiety level was up again, he didn't deserve Vanessa and he knew it. If asked he would admit to that fact but he would also tell her parents that he would love and keep her safe.

Vanessa leaned over and kissed Luc's cheek, "It'll be fine, you'll see."

A few minutes later the two couples sat in the living room waiting for Ethan and Katrina to appear. They heard them approaching and each twin grabbed the hand of her mate.

"Alright what's the.....? Ethan said and then hesitated, his blue eyes flashed as he stared at Luc.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The thought of wealthy vampires dining at Red Lobster makes me laugh.

AMHJ89AMHJ89almost 11 years ago

What freaks lol... tsk tsk veronica and Rik... it's hard to see the twins as adults

truereader12truereader12almost 11 years ago

This story sucks donkey nuts...I tried to muster thru but I can't get past the horrible dialogue. Ugh I read a few of your other stories and they were fairly decent but this one just makes me want to pluck my eyes out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
oh the boy's a slag

Two things: the biggest challenge in this story is that Luc has slept with a lot of women in his 400 years- Boo Hoo! And secondly no matter how protective a dad is, it is none of his business how many women his son-in-law has bedded. Of course all these are just my opinions, I just wish that Luc had denied the mating pull a bit longer.Just to see what a womaniser he is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is getting good

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