Vanessa at the Bachelor Party


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Holding one arm across her breasts and her other hand over her crotch, she strutted out from behind the chair. She danced around the stage, turning to wiggle her ass and leaning forward to display her cleavage a few times before returning to in front of the chair facing all of the men. Grinning wickedly, she briefly pulled her arm away from her breasts, then put it back . . . pulled it away . . . put it back, making a show of giving them flashes of her bra-encased bosom.

This was greeted by more cheers and a few calls encouraging her to keep it away.

Still grinning, she did the same with the hand at her crotch a few times; offering brief flashes of her panties before covering them again with her hand.

More cheers and calls sounded from the couches.

The musical cue sounded and she lifted her arm away from her breasts, raising it above her head and making her tits jiggle within the bra. Gyrating to the music she counted out several seconds then pulled her other hand away from her crotch, lifting it above her head as well.

The cheers grew louder, mixed with several groans of appreciation.

With her arms raised, she danced around for a minute then pulled the pins from her hair, letting the wavy tresses cascade down her back. Then she danced around for a few more minutes, moving close to the couches to bend over and show her cleavage or turn around and wiggle her ass, letting a few of the men get close up views of these assets.

A couple of them reached out to touch her and she playfully slapped their hands away.

Finally it was time for her to remove the bra. Since this would be the final item, she took her time building up to it. When the cue played she moved in front of the chair again. Holding her arm across her breasts to keep the cups in place, she reached behind her and unhooked the clasp. The bra came loose. She made a show of slowly working each strap down off her shoulders, switching arms across her breasts as she reached across to do this. Now the bra was hanging completely loose, her arm the only thing holding it in place. Dancing to behind the chair, she scooted down again.

As the music stopped and Tom stepped toward the chair, holding up a sheet, a chorus of disappointed groans came from the couches.

It'd worked . . .

The men thought she wasn't going to let them see her breasts . . .

In the relative quiet a loud, four-count drum beat sounded and the music started again. Tom froze in his tracks and Vanessa strutted out from behind the chair, pulling the bra away to reveal her tassel-fronted breasts.

This received a loud round of applause and cheers.

She made the tassels spin for a minute then danced over to one of the men. Squatting down in front of him she made them spin some more, leaning in close enough that they nearly brushed his nose. Moving along the couch she did this to a few of the others too, spending extra time with Bill and then Jason. Then she pranced back to the center of the "stage" and gave them all a few last shimmies and tassel spins before the ending drum solo started playing. Strutting over to where Tom stood, she let him wrap the sheet around her. Then she followed him to the door and, just before prancing out of the room to the last musical notes, she flashed her ass to the men one last time.

A raucous roar of approval followed her out of the door loud enough that they could still be clearly heard when it closed behind her.

Tom hurried past her to open the door to their room and she hustled inside, happy to see the hall was again free of unsuspecting guests. Stopping a few feet into the room, holding the sheet and focusing on her breathing, her body and mind pulsed with exhilaration. She'd thoroughly enjoyed herself. Tom stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her to pull her back against him, his lips nuzzling her ear.

"That was absolutely fantastic," he whispered, his warm breath swirling in her ear.

"It was fun," she sighed as she leaned back against him, a warmth flowing through her.

"You are so sexy." His hands roamed over her body, caressing her through the sheet.

"Mmm," she mewled, the warmth stirring her embers.

What the...?! Her mind reeled with the sudden realization that she was quite aroused . . . and not just from Tom's roaming hands. No, this was something that'd been building for some time . . . long enough to turn her embers into smoldering hot coals of desire. When? How?

Quickly turning it over in her mind, she came to the conclusion that it must've started while she was doing her routine. But that didn't make sense. Why would doing that . . . in front of the strange men . . . get her motor running?

" You really should get back to the party," she said, wanting time alone to contemplate the unexpected development.

"I'd rather stay here with you," he whispered, his hands cupping her tits, making them pulse with a familiar, needy ache

"Mmm." Vanessa loved having her tits fondled and his tensing fingers were nearly enough to cause her to give into desire . . . let him take her right there and then. But she knew if she did, he would discover how aroused she already was and then he'd probably figure out why. That she didn't want. At least not until she had a chance to think it through, to maybe figure it out herself. "Later, Honey. I need a shower."

"You sure?" He asked, giving her breasts a hungry squeeze.

"Ooh." Her body throbbed with the ache . . . her mind shifted into overdrive thinking it'd be so easy to let him... No! She silently yelled, pushing down the desire weakening her resolve. "Ye-Yes, I'm sure. You go have fun. I'll be waiting when you get back. Just don't be too long or get too drunk."

"I won't. I won't," he assured her, kissing her on the head.

Then he was gone, leaving her alone.

Holding the sheet around her, she made herself a drink and took it into the bathroom where she started the shower. While waiting for the water to get hot she used the remover to unglue the tassels and wiped away the make-up with cleansing pads. Then she reached for the waistband of her panties, intending to slip them off.

Oh my God! She froze, staring at the image of her crotch in the mirror. There was a dark spot where the panties covered her sex . . . a damp spot. Curious, she slipped one hand inside them and dipped two fingers through her slit . . . her wet slit! What the fuck?

Jerking her hand out of the panties, she quickly pulled them off and lifted them for inspection. Smelling the musky scent of her arousal and seeing just how obvious the damp spot was, her eyes trailed back to the mirror.

"Holy fuck," she breathed, seeing her sex glistening between her legs. Realizing she was more aroused than she'd initially thought she recalled how she'd danced close to the men toward the end of the routine. Could they see? Could they tell? She asked herself, the thought making her hand shake slightly as she reached for her drink and lifted it to her lips. Taking a long sip of the alcohol, she tried calming her suddenly jangling, embarrassed nerves.

Steam was rolling from the shower by this time and she decided to get in, hoping the cascading warm spray would help settle her nerves. And it worked . . . at first. Working the shampoo into her hair then leaning back to rinse it out, she managed to forget about things. But as she worked the conditioner into her long tresses her mind started to wander. She thought about how exciting it'd been to dance around in front of the men . . . how erotic it'd been to peel off her clothes . . . to let them see her. She remembered their cheers and applause and the hunger she'd managed to see in their eyes, despite the lighting. These thoughts . . . and others . . . continued as she got the washcloth soapy and started running it over her body.

Among the videos of the lap dancing strippers were some where the girl ended up being gangbanged by the men she was performing for. Most of these were obviously staged, where the girl had signed up for exactly that. But a few seemed spur-of-the-moment events that took the girl by surprise. Watching both types, she'd started wondering what that'd be like . . . to be fucked by all those men . . . to be used like that. She'd never been much for fantasies, but watching those videos had raised her curiosity . . . and made her sex tingle a little. Now, under the showers warm spray, the soapy washcloth caressing her body, she started imagining what it would've been like to have those men . . . Jason . . . Bill . . . the others...

"Fuck!" She gasped, realizing that she had started to masturbate. While her one hand was massaging her breast with the washcloth, her other had slipped between her legs to rub at her clit. Telling herself to stop it, she quickly finished showering then climbed out and vigorously dried off, using the rough action to squelch some of her body's ache.

Although she didn't expect Tom for a couple hours she went ahead and got into the outfit she'd bought for his private show just in case. The black panties were the same style as the dark blue ones, only with more lace. The matching, strapless bra had a front clasp, and while it supported her breasts, it was not a push-up. Over these was a pair of very short, very tight, black tear-away shorts and a light blue men's dress shirt, of which she only hooked the bottom couple buttons so it hung open, revealing the bra. Adding to the outfit she slipped into a pair of black, sheer, thigh-high stockings and high heels. Her long hair hung straight, and since he preferred her fresh beauty, the only make-up she applied was a warm lipstick.

Then she sat down in front of the TV with her drink.

This was her first chance to really think about what had happened, to try making sense of how or why she'd grown aroused during the routine. And she spent quite a while trying to do just that, but she couldn't come up with any clear answers. Eventually she just accepted that the enjoyment she'd experienced performing combined with the routine's erotic nature had somehow led to the unexpected affect.

With no better answers coming, she tried to focus on the TV. But her mind wandered again . . . trailed back to the videos and what those girls had done . . . what had been done to them . . . with them. This again led her to thinking about Jason, Bill, and the others. Despite the lighting, she'd been able to tell all the men were in pretty good shape and, in the shadows at least, they'd been nice looking. Sitting there, thinking about all these things, she unconsciously fidgeted in the chair, her hand absently touching her breast, her legs crossing and uncrossing.

With a start she realized what she was doing. She also realized that her flesh was simmering with the heat radiating from her embers as they now snapped and sizzled in animated fashion within her loins. This made her suddenly nervous and she decided to smoke a joint in hopes of calming them . . . and herself. Again, she'd just snubbed it out when Tom let himself into the room, causing her to jump up from the chair in surprise.

"Holy fuck," he gasped, his eyes gleaming as he took in her enticing outfit.

"Is the party over already?" She looked at the clock and saw that it was still fairly early.

"No... um... Well it might be with you lookin' like that," he smiled, approaching her.

"Then what are you--?" She started to ask, but he interrupted her by grabbing her waist and leaning in to kiss her. As their lips pressed together a tingle raced along her spine making her legs wobble slightly and she reached up to grab onto his bi-ceps. "Mmm."

Braking the kiss, he leaned back to let his eyes graze down her body.

"You are so sexy," he sighed.

Her smoldering embers had her body pulsing with desire and she nearly folded into him, pressed her lips and body against his. But then she remembered why she was wearing the outfit -- the private show -- and she pushed him away.

"Why are you here?" She pulled away to click off the TV and pick up her phone.

"Oh yea... Um... Yea, um..." he stammered, hesitant.

"Out with it, Honey." Her finger hovered over the button that would start her phone playing the music she'd prepared.

"Well, the guys wanted you to come over and have a drink with them," he said cautiously. "They wanted to see you without all the make-up and stuff. They also said something about givin' you a tip."

Between the joint and drink, Vanessa's nerves had calmed, but his announcement made them start up again. The idea of being around those men again so soon after her show made her self-conscious. What if they knew? What if they had seen the damp spot in her panties?

"I... I... Um, don't know," it was her turn to sound hesitant, her hands dropping to her sides as she tried to think of a good reason not to go.

"Come on, Baby. It'll be fun."

"I'm not exactly dressed for socializing," she offered as an excuse.

"I think you look amazin' Baby," he grinned. "And honestly, I think they just want to ogle you some more and in that outfit..." He let the sentence trail off.

"Pervert," she chuckled.

"Only for you, Baby," he smiled.

Vanessa remained hesitant, thinking how the men might've noticed the damp spot.

"You want another pill?" Tom offered.

She could see he sensed her nervousness, although he couldn't know the real reason behind it. She could also see that he was extremely excited by the idea of getting to show her off some more. Recalling how the pill had helped her nerves earlier, in an entirely different scenario, she figured it would definitely help in this case. Plus she'd forgotten how boring it was sitting in a hotel room all alone.

"Let me change into a pair of jeans--." She moved toward her overnight bag.

"No. No. Please wear that," he stopped her, his lips curling into a wicked grin. "I want them to see what I come home to every night."

"You really are a pervert," she playfully chastised him.

"Again, only for you," his grin grew more wicked.

"Okay, but I am doin' these up," she said, hooking a few more of the shirt's buttons.

A dejected look crossed his face, but she didn't care. While her outfit was sexy without being too revealing, there was no way she was going to have her bra and breasts on full display.

Or so she thought.

After she washed the pill down with the last of her drink they waited for it to start working, then he took her hand and once more led her across the hall.

When they entered the suite, the men were split between playing poker at the table and sitting on the couches watching TV. Seeing Vanessa, they all quickly stood up to give her an enthusiastic round of applause. With color rising to her cheeks, she sheepishly raised a hand and waved while taking stock of them and the room. The couches were still in the same V-shape and the coffee table had been brought out from the bedroom. The chair she'd used as a prop was pushed back by the desk, giving an unobstructed view of the TV on which she caught a glimpse of what was obviously porn before someone snapped it off and the screen went black. As for the men themselves, now in the better lighting her earlier thoughts about their looks were confirmed. Not all of them had movie star looks like Jason and Tom, but they were all certainly nice looking and she wondered how it was that Bill had only good-looking, well-built friends.

Along with Jason and Bill; Joe, Chris, and Charlie had been playing poker while Frank, Ted, and Ken were the ones that'd been watching porn. They all expressed appreciation for her earlier show and complimented her on her beauty, both then and now. Vanessa found their compliments slightly embarrassing and her cheeks continued to glow. Meanwhile, she felt their eyes crawling over her, devouring the sight of her in the outfit, her legs in the stockings. Under their hungry gazes her nerves were kicking up even with the muscle relaxer and she was thankful for Tom at her side, his arm around her. True to his word, they offered her a tip which she graciously accepted then handed to him to hold, since she didn't have any pockets.

"Don't you go gambling it away," she teased.

"Promise," he smiled.

"You want a drink, Ness?" Jason asked.

"Yes, please," she quickly answered, wanting something to help take her focus off the men's admiring gazes.

"Do a shot with us," Bill said.

"Yea, tequila!" Charlie cheered, lifting a bottle in the air.

"Um..." she hesitated, not wanting to get too buzzed.

"Come on, Baby. One shot," Tom urged, giving her a side hug.

"Ok. One shot. That's it," she told them . . . and herself.

Shot glasses were quickly filled while everyone got their salt ready and grabbed a slice of lime from a plate. Then someone yelled "Cheers" and they all licked the sale, downed their shots, and bit into the limes.

"Here ya go," Jason handed Vanessa a drink afterwards.

Taking a sip, she nearly grimaced at how heavy his pour had been.

"You wanna play some poker?" Bill invited.

"Maybe strip poker," Ken grinned.

"No. No," she shook her head with a smile, then pointed at Ken specifically. "NO. I'm not much for poker really."

"Well, you are gonna hang out, aren't ya?" Chris asked, his tone excited.

"I can hang out for a little while," she shrugged.

"Great. You wanna watch some TV?" Frank indicated the couch for her to have a seat.

"Not what you guys were watchin'," she grinned, letting him know she'd seen the program before it'd been shut off.

"Let's just put on some music," Tom declared, walking over to pick up the remote.

When he first hit the power button the porn quickly filled the screen and Vanessa's breath caught as she saw a blond girl on her back, being fucked by one guy while jerking off and sucking on two others. She could also see at least two other men off to the side, waiting their turn. She wondered if the entire movie was gangbangs or if this was just a single scene.

Then the image disappeared as Tom changed it to a music channel and plopped down on the couch, motioning for her to join him. While most of the guys returned to the poker game, a few of them joined the couple, engaging in conversation. Over the next couple hours the men rotated between poker and sitting to talk, and sometimes the conversation reached between the table and the couches. More than once someone fired up a joint and passed it around. Cautious about getting too high, Vanessa only took single hits each time, but it was good stuff and she felt the effects. Additionally, it seemed like about every twenty minutes or so someone would call for shots. While Vanessa didn't partake every time, Tom and Jason did get her to join in a few times. She also consumed a couple of drinks, their strength varying depending on who mixed them.

The men's conversations were all polite enough, but at least one of them was constantly admiring her, their eyes wandering over her body and legs. At first this made her a little self-conscious, but as time passed she grew relaxed and started enjoying the attention.

At some point Tom joined the poker game, leaving her sitting on the couch between two men while two others sat on the other couch. While the ones next to her remained a polite distance away, she still sensed their body heats mingling with hers. Being at the center, Vanessa had to turn her head back and forth as the conversation bounced around and more than once she caught eyes lingering on her. Having grown comfortable among the men, she enjoyed the attention and, to her bewilderment, she gradually became aware of a tingling within her body . . . one that she recognized, but didn't quite understand . . . one that was accompanied by certain thoughts . . . ideas. These led to her being extremely aware of her situation . . . where she was and who all else was there. Her nerves began kicking up again and she downed the last of her latest drink, hoping it'd quiet them.