Vanessa's New Life Ch. 08


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"well really!" as they walked passed us.

We just looked at each other and laughed.

After breakfast we drove up the coast and found a deserted beach. It wasn't very big but it did have a few sun-beds on it. We took 2 of them and soaked up the sun for a while before Jon decided that he was going for a walk - naked. I lay there naked day dreaming and quite unconsciously opened my legs and started masturbating.

After I had cum I fell asleep with my feet either side of the sun-bed. I started dreaming and can still remember what I was dreaming about. I was a slave in a jail in some Arabian city. There were other girls there all naked like me. One by one the girls were taken out. When it came to my turn I was dragged out into some open-air room where I was tied to a big post on top of a big step. I was being auctioned off and the auctioneer was inviting people to come up and 'check me out'. I was being groped and prodded all over and I was eventually sold to a man who tied my hands to the back of his horse and led me through the streets naked to his home.

When we got there he thrashed my backside until it hurt then made me masturbate in front of his whole household. There were about a dozen people watching me and talking about me. A woman was describing my shaved pubes and little dick but I couldn't see her. It was then that I slowly woke up and realised that the woman was real. She was with a man on the beach a few feet in front of me and they were talking about me. They obviously though that I was still asleep as I watched them through my sunglasses - good invention for people wanting to see but not be seen to be looking.

They were naked and hadn't realised that I was awake. As I looked at them they got the urge and they fucked each other doggy style, right in front of me. I couldn't help myself, my right hand continued what it started before. I was still quietly playing with myself when they finished, stood up and walked away. As they went I heard the man say

"hell of a dream she's having."

I watched them walk down the beach and saw Jon walking back towards them and me. When he got to me he told me to finish myself off and he told me that he had watched it all. He sat on the end of the sun-bed and watched as I thought about my Arabian slave Master and brought myself to another orgasm.

About an hour later Jon decided that we were going shopping and we drove back to Playa de las Americas. We went to the shopping mall that we found on the first day and wandered around. We found a shop that sold dresses and managed to find a few that Jon liked. The young Spanish girl got a bit flustered when I took the sarong off in the middle of the shop and tried the dresses on.

She kept trying to say something about 'someone might come in', but Jon just kept saying,

"don't worry."

Someone did come in, one of her mates. They stood there speaking Spanish at a hell of a rate. They kept looking over to us and pointing but we ignored them. We eventually found one that Jon liked, it was very thin and silky and only just covered my butt. I reckoned that if I bent over even the slightest bit then anyone behind me would be able to see my butt. It had spaghetti straps and the front over my breasts was 'different'. It was baggy and the way it hung on me even I could see my nipples. Anyone looking straight at me from the front wouldn't have been able to see my breasts but if they were close enough to look down at me then they would see what I could see. From below my breasts it wasn't tight but it wasn't loose.

After Jon paid we left, found a cafe and had a late lunch. Nothing exciting there and we went back to the Hotel. Jon told me to have a rest as it was going to be a long night.

When we went out I wore my new dress and the remote vibe. To get to the nightclub we took a taxi and I'm sure that the driver got a got view as I bent over to get in. As we moved off he switched the interior light on and adjusted his mirror and I suspected that it was so that he could have a look at my legs. I thought that I would tease him a bit so I slowly opened my knees. Because they were up a bit I think that he would have had a good view of my pussy. Not sure if Jon noticed or not, he didn't react.

The club was big; it had lots of rooms and one big dance floor where the ceiling was about 30 feet above us. There were 3 cages hanging from the ceiling and I asked Jon what they were for. He said that it was for people who wanted to get high on their dancing. I wasn't sure what he meant and didn't say anything.

We went to the restaurant and had a fantastic meal. It must have cost Jon lots of money. We even had a big bottle of champagne. French not the cheap Spanish stuff. Jon had told me to pull my dress up as we sat down to eat to make sure that I didn't leave a wet patch on the back of it. He wouldn't let me use a serviette so each time the waiter came to serve me he could see my bare pubes and down the front of my dress. I had nearly forgotten about the vibe until Jon switched it on while the waiter was serving the main course. It startled me a bit and I let out a bit of a gasp. The waiter ignored me. Jon left it on just long enough for me to start getting worked up, and then switched it off.

When the waiter came to serve my dessert we had been waiting a while (I think the champagne helped as well) and I had started to relax and lay back against the back of the chair. I never thought about what the waiter would see and he gave a slight gasp as he saw me naked from my hips down. I smiled and sat up straight but the waiter just carried on as if nothing had happened. While I was eating my sweat Jon gave the vibe a quick burst "just to keep you topped up" he said.

From the restaurant we went for a wander round and discovered that some of the little rooms had their own little dance floors and different music. The rooms seemed to have themes according to the type of music that they were playing. We went to the main dance floor that was getting quite busy by then and danced for about half an hour before finding one of the bars. It was circular and sunk low in the floor so that the counter was half way between my knees and pussy. There were only 3 girls behind the bar but I bet the male members of staff wanted to work there so that they could see up the skirts of the female customers. I'm sure that if any of them looked at me they would have seen my naked pussy but there again I bet they've seen so many naked pussies staring down at them that they just don't bother any more.

As we stood there drinking, Jon switched the vibe on again and left it on until I was so close to cumming that I was looking forward to my first orgasm of the night. However, Jon being Jon, knew exactly when to stop it and I was left frustrated. He must have seen the disappointment on my face because he said,

"later V, later."

As Jon was ordering another drink one of girls behind the bar decided that she needed to go somewhere because she started to climb onto the bar to get over it. In doing so her little short skirt lifted up to reveal a naked trimmed pussy. I looked at Jon and said,

"did you see that!"

"Yes" he replied,

"nice, but not as nice as yours."

A nice 'loved' feeling came over me for a second. When the girl came back she did it again but this time we got a great view of her small backside. I could just see her dark lips for a second.

I finished my drink before Jon and asked if we could go dancing again. Jon said that he wasn't but that I could, but that I had to wait until some one got off one of the pillars and then dance on there. There were about 6 of these pillars spread around the edge of the dance floor. They were about 5 feet off the ground and wide enough for only one person dancing on them at a time. To get onto them there were 3 large concrete steps that people were sitting on.

A few minutes later 2 of the pillars became vacant. I headed for the nearest one and climbed on. Even getting up the steps must have given the people sat on them a great view of my ass. When I got onto the pillar itself I realised that if anyone either sat ion the steps or stood on the floor cared to look up they would have easily been able to see what I wasn't wearing.

The music started and I started dancing. A little bit later the vibe started and my dancing rhythm changed. I looked down to see Jon looking up at me. I turned to face him and I could see him playing with the remote control. He started pointing to my legs and then opening his arms to tell me to open my legs, so I did, about a foot. I knew that he was looking straight at my pussy and so were the 3 or 4 young men that were stood near Jon. I didn't care; in fact I was enjoying it. Jon brought me so close to the edge so many times that I was getting almost desperate to cum. I was staring down at the young men. And tried to read their lips. They were obviously talking about me and I'm sure that one of them was pointing to my juices that were running down the insides of my legs.

Jon obviously didn't want me to cum but it he kept up the same 'on and off time periods' then it wasn't going to be long before he had no more say in the matter. After another couple of on and off sessions it happened. I stopped dancing and my body just shook. It was one of the most intense orgasms that I have ever had. It lasted for ages.

After that I decided that I needed to get down and have a drink, so, being the girl that I am I sat down on the edge of the pillar with my knees about a foot apart with my legs straight out and said,

"can someone help me down please?"

These 4 young men all moved forward but one of them managed to get in between my legs. His face was right in front of my pussy. He wasn't going to rush to do anything so I said,

"come on then, help me down."

He was strong, his arms came out and up behind my dangling legs and round my waist. This meant that as he pulled me forward my legs went over his shoulders. As he pulled me forward his face went right into my pussy. He stepped back and then lowered me down to the floor but it was my head that was going down. My knees were over his shoulders and I was rapidly getting upside down with my dress rushing down to meet my face. Luckily the pressure of him holding me upside down against himself stopped it from going all the way and my body was only exposed down (or should I say up) to just below my breasts.

The young man held me there and turned to his mates who cheered moved towards me and started groping me. One had just managed to get a finger in me when Jon stepped forward, pushed his way in and lifted me up saying

"Thank you gentlemen, I'll take my wife from there."

As Jon lowered me down my dress fell back into place and the young men walked away. They didn't look happy that Jon had spoilt their fun and in a way I was disappointed as well.

We went to a different bar and had another drink. I was getting a bit drunk by then and I think that Jon was as well. About 2 drinks and a smooch later (where Jon had his hands on my bum (under my dress) while I gave him a long French kiss) the DJ announced that the cages were being lowered and that if anyone wanted to dance in them they were to go to see him. Jon told me to go and when I found the DJ there was another girl wanting to have a go. The DJ said okay and told us which cage to go to. There was a man there when I got there and he opened the door for me then locked me in.

As I was waiting for the cage to go up some drunks started saying silly things like

"look at the monkey,"

"where's your banana" and

"monkeys don't wear clothes."

That seemed to give them the excuse to reach in and try to pull my dress up. Unfortunately with the cage only being about 3 feet square there wasn't anywhere that I could go and my dress was up round my waist when the cage started going up. You can imaging the comments from the drunks when they saw that I didn't have any knickers on. In a way I was enjoying them seeing me like that but I wasn't keen on the fact that they were drunk and all trying to grope me. Jon was watching but I knew that he wouldn't interfere as there was no chance of me coming to any harm.

The cage only went up about 8 feet above the ground just high enough so that people on the dance floor couldn't reach it. When I looked round I could see the other 2 cages both had girls in them and both were dancing. One of the girls looked as if she was only wearing a bikini and the other had a mini skirt and bikini bra on. I started dancing and had just got into the swing of it when my pussy suddenly jerked. Jon had switched vibe on again. He was playing the same game as last time - on for a minutes then off for a minutes. I looked down to see where he was but couldn't see him. After about 5 minutes strobe and spotlights came on and were moving all over the place. Then 3 fixed spotlights came and light up the 3 cages. Shortly after that 3 (probably - I couldn't see the other 2) more light came on, they were sunk into the floor and were directly below the cages.

Yes, light was flooding right up my body from below which meant that anyone stood below could look up and see what I wasn't wearing; and more to the point the juices that were running down the inside of my legs. Jon had as usual been keeping me right on the edge of an orgasm which meant that my juices were really flowing. If Jon kept it up for much longer then they would be dripping down onto the people below.

Because of the bright lights I couldn't see who was below me or if they were looking up at me. But that wasn't at the front of my mind, it was the orgasm that was building in me. The excitement of knowing that hundreds of people could be watching me and even looking at my naked pussy as I slowly danced and was getting extremely close to cumming only made it worse (or should I say better). When I finally came I stopped dancing and just shook. I think that I screamed but no one would have been able to hear me anyway.

Jon must have been watching and realised that I had cum because the rhythm of the vibe going on and off changed. Jon left it on and brought me to a second climax before he switched it off. It didn't come back on and I slowly came down from my sexual 'high' then started dancing again. Not only were my pussy juices dripping off me but sweat must have been as well. I could certainly feel it running down my body and my dress was sticking to me in places as well.

After about another 10 minutes up there I was beginning to think that I was stuck in that cage forever. I was tired and thirsty. Looking over to the other 2 cages I saw that one of the girls had stopped dancing and was sitting on the bottom of the cage so I did too. There wasn't enough space to put my legs out in front of me so I had to bring my knees up. The bars on the bottom of the cage were about six inches apart and my backside was resting evenly over 2 of the bars. This meant that my pussy was being pulled slightly apart in between the bars. It must have been quite a sight for anyone below but I didn't care, in fact when I realised a little tingle went through my stomach and I felt a little more juice flow.

I don't know how long after I sat down that the cage was lowered the next thing that I remember is a man with a big grin on his face leaning through the open door and pulling me up by my hand. I think that he said something to me as he pulled me up and out but I can't remember what. Jon grabbed me as I started walking away from the cage and took me to a corner of the room to sit down and recover. He brought me a long cool drink that disappeared down my throat very quickly.

Just as I was starting to get a bit of life back into me Jon decided that he wanted to have me there and then so I had to sit on his lap with my back to him and one leg either side of his while he fucked me. I'm sure that some of the people near by knew what we were doing but nobody seemed to care. I didn't cum again but I remember that lovely feeling of his jism shooting into me. He lifted me off him straight away and he held the back of my dress up as I sat down on the cushion next to him. As I watched him put his dick away I thought about the sticky white stains that would be on the cushion when the cleaners came round next day.

Shortly after that we left and got a taxi back to the apartment. The driver didn't look at us as he drove us back. If he had he would have seen that my dress hem was on my stomach and pussy open to catch the cool air of the night.

Tuesday - My Birthday. It was late morning when I woke up. Jon was already up and had been to get us some breakfast. He'd only worn a T-shirt to the supermarket and he told me that he had accidentally flashed the girl on the checkout when he'd picked-up all the items that he'd bought. Two of them had trapped his T-shirt and pulled it up when he'd lifted them up. Apparently the girl had gasped and blushed when she'd seen his dick and that it was then that he'd realised what had happened. He said that he'd just apologised and left leaving the girl watching him walk away.

It was a bright sunny day and as we eat breakfast on the balcony (hadn't seen anyone in the rooms on either side of us since we got there); Jon told me that we were going to go to a Hotel just outside Playa de las Americas. I put on just a short wrap-round skirt and crop top and we set off. Just as we walked out of reception the wind caught my skirt and a group of people who were just arriving got any eyeful. I wasn't really looking forward to spending the day in some Hotel or other, but if that was what Jon wanted, then ......

The Hotel Fanabe looked just like any other Hotel even when we walked around the place. It was when Jon took me into the lift and it arrived on the Hotel roof that I understood why Jon took me there. There was swimming pool and sun-beds on the roof and it was clothing optional. There were already about a dozen people there and all but one was naked. Half of them were old and wrinkly but there was a young couple with some young kids and a group of 4 young German sounding people, 3 girls and one youth.

We got a couple of sun-beds, put some sun tan lotion on, settled down with our books and had a very lazy pleasurable day. We went for a swim in the pool a couple of times and it was great not having to worry whether on not I was hanging out of a costume. Yes, okay I do get sexual excitement of letting people see my interesting bits in places that they don't expect it but it's good to be able to be completely naked and relaxed in public at times. It's good being naked at home but it isn't the same as lying out in the sun by a swimming pool and being waited on hand and foot. So natural and relaxing.

It was early evening when we headed back to our Hotel. We got showered and took the car to the middle of Playa de las Americas. Jon was just wearing a big T-shirt and I had to wear my bikini skirt and a baggy crop top. The way my skirt didn't reach right round me made it obvious to anyone who looked and thought about it that I didn't have anything on underneath. The wind was going to be a problem again.

We wandered around the shops and along the sea front and ended up near the shopping mall. Just up the road from it Jon spotted a sex shop and we went in. It wasn't up to much but the man behind the counter soon realised what I wasn't wearing and watched me as I moved around the shop. Jon noticed it and asked me to pass him something that was on the floor. I realised what Jon was after (and it wasn't the box on the floor) so I bent over from my waist and picked the box up. I took my time so that the man got a good look at my ass. Jon put the box down and we carried on browsing. As I said there wasn't much there but Jon did buy a butt plug.