Vanessa's New Life Ch. 11


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She took ages lifting things of her tray and onto the table and all the time her eyes kept looking back to Jon. When Jon turned back she stopped looking at Jon and went a bit red. She looked at me and I smiled and licked my lips as I looked straight at her. She hurried off but I could see her talking to another waitress and the other girl kept looking over to us.

When it came to time to pay it was girl number 2 that gave us the bill and her eyes were firmly focused on Jon's lap. When I told him he said that she'd get a surprise when she brought the change. Her eyes really opened wide when she saw his knees open and a semi laying down his leg.

As we walked back to the car his dick was having real trouble staying under his vest and by the time we got into the car he had a full erection sticking out of the front of his vest. I don't thing that anyone saw it. As soon as we took our vests off and started moving Jon told me to do something about it with my mouth.

We drove round the island for most of the day only stopping twice. The first time was for Jon to take some photographs of me, naked, on top of the car, with a nice view of the sea and an island in the background. It was a bit painful on the car because of the heat of the metal and I was glad when we'd finished.

The second time that we stopped was at a little café in the middle of nowhere for some lunch. Jon just put his long vest on and he told me to put just my bikini skirt on. The locals took me being topless in their stride but there were some other holidaymakers in there that couldn't stop looking at us. Some of them left at the same time as us and Jon told me to make a big show of taking my little skirt off and showing that that I was climbing into the car naked. Jon did the same. They all watched us as we drove off waving at them.

At one point late afternoon we ended up in Ibiza Town. I was nervous at us driving through it naked but Jon just said,

"keep cool, and keep your eyes open for policemen."

We drove all round the town naked, even stopping at traffic lights in busy streets and no one appeared to notice us. That was until we stopped at a street corner where a gang of young teenagers (boys and girls) were hanging out. One of them spotted us and told all their mates. They came up to the car and had a real good look before the traffic let us out. I was tempted to try to cover-up but Jon said,

"No, just keep your cool and we'll be ok" and we were.

Back at the hotel we showered and eventually sat on the balcony. As we were moving around our room I saw Becky and Sam and said


Sam was only wearing a thong and a bra but Becky had only a thong on. At one point when I looked over and saw 2 lads in there with them. Becky was still topless and one of the lads was looking over at me and Jon (naked as usual). I have to admit standing and giving a full frontal with my legs about a foot apart as I pretended to read a little piece of paper. I don't know if it did anything for him but I went a little damp. We had a quiet night in a bar just round the corner from the hotel. I wore just my bikini skirt and a bikini top. Jon fastened it for me and deliberately fastened it loosely so that it kept slipping of my boobs. Jon just wore a T-shirt.

Friday July 9 - Got up at 4 o'clock and drove to the beach. It was still dark and when we got there, there was a whole bunch of 'happy' teenagers going skinny-dipping. Jon decided that we'd join them and we took our T-shirts off and went in near them. Most of them didn't last long before they got out and disappeared, but 2 girls were still in the sea when we got out. It was just starting to get light and Jon decided to have a bit of fun. After we'd got dried and dressed Jon picked up their clothes and put them in the boot of our car and we drove off round the corner and parked the car off the road. We then walked back and hid so that we'd be able to see their reaction when they got out and couldn't find their clothes.

The sun was coming up when they finally got out and went to where their clothes had been. We couldn't hear what they were saying but it was funny watching them search all over. After 2 or 3 minutes a local arrived on a tractor and started cleaning the beach. The 2 girls didn't take much notice of him apart from when he drove near them and they tried to hide behind a stack of sun loungers. After about 10 minutes they started walking towards the road. We let them pass us then put our T-shirts in the car boot and then got in. When the girls were out of sight we drove down towards them.

When they saw us coming they waved at us to stop us. It was quite funny really. They were waving to stop us and at the same time trying to cover their boobs and pubes. They both had boobs a lot bigger than mine (that wouldn't be difficult) and one of them was shaved as well. You should have seen their faces when we stopped and got out - naked.

Jon asked them what they wanted and with their hands strategically placed they told us what had happened. Jon asked them where they were going and they said San Antonio. I don't know how they were expecting to get there at that time of the morning, even if they'd had their clothes.

Jon said that we were going there and offered to give them a lift. One of them said,

"dressed like that!"

Jon ignored her and told them to get in. Jon drove them back to their hotel but he took a very round about route through everywhere that had people out and about. Both the girls sat there with one hand covering their boobs and the other on their laps. Both Jon and myself tried to get them talking but neither of them would say much.

When we finally got to their hotel Jon parked round the corner and one of the girls said,

"Right, now we've got to get a key from reception and up to our room. Jon got out to let them get out and said,

"I'd offer to help, but look at me, I'm sure that I'd get arrested, but no one's going to arrest you 2 lovelies."

As they got out I could see them looking at Jon's dick and at the same time I was getting a good look at their pussies as they bent over to get out of Jon's side of the car.

Just as they started walking towards their hotel Jon opened the boot and called them back. By the time they got back Jon had put their clothes on the road and was back in the car. As we were driving off I could see them putting their dresses on. When I was putting our bags into the car later I found 2 pairs of knickers. I left them there and guessed that Jon would leave them there as well. Perhaps someone at the car hire company will have a use for them. When we parked outside our hotel we put our long T-shirts on and went to our room and got ready to go out for the day.

That day we walked to a café nearby for breakfast before going to the beach. Jon decided that I was only taking my see-through sarong with me that day and I'd tied it on the outside of my right breast. As we were walking into the café I accidentally (honest) caught it on one of the wooden chairs. It didn't come off but it certainly pulled it wide-open revealing everything but my left breast. Jon burst out laughing and I swore but all that did was draw people's attention to me. There were a few customers and a couple of waiters that all got a great view of my body. I couldn't have done a better job if I'd planned it.

I'd taken the sarong off and Jon had taken his vest off as soon as we got back into the car and when we arrived at Ses Salines Jon said that we were leaving ALL our clothes (except shoes) in the car. Just to make things worse, Jon parked the car at the back of the car park so we had to walk, naked, right through the car park before we got into the cover of the trees. On the beach we got some sun loungers and settled in for long beautiful day of soaking up the sun. As usual, when I lay on my back I want to get the insides of my legs tanned so I lie with my legs wide open and my feet on the sand. It was a different younger man who came asking for money for hire of sun loungers and he squatted down at the bottom of my sun lounger when he asked for the money. I had my sunglasses on and as Jon was getting the money out I could see the man staring at my pussy. His staring turned me on a bit and I'm sure that he would have been able to see my juices coming out cos they certainly felt like they were flowing fast.

Early afternoon Jon decided that he wanted us to go for a walk, but this time he wanted to go along the water's edge right along where the unfortunate people who keep some clothes on were. This worried me a bit as I'd seen a policeman walking up and down the beach and I for one didn't want to get arrested. When I asked Jon about the policeman he told me not to worry, he'd seen him and all we had to do was to time it so that we set off just after he'd passed us going the opposite way. Jon said that if we saw him coming towards us when we were coming back then we'd just have to suddenly go for a swim.

We waited until the right moment then set off. Once we were in the middle of the 'clothed' part we got lots of people staring at us and I saw a few people nudge other people and tell them to look. One teenage lad even got up and came to the water's edge to look at me (presumably) close up. It felt good and I could feel my juices leaking out of me. About half way back Jon suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the sea and down on my back.

When I looked up I saw the policeman but I guess that he hadn't seen us cos he just kept walking. When he'd gone we got out and continued back to our sun loungers.

Later on I was getting very hot and asked Jon if he was going for a swim. He said he wasn't but told me to go. I was in the sea for ages really enjoying myself. Some of the time I was laying half in and half out of the water watching the people who were walking up and down the water's edge right next to me. Needless to say my legs were wide-open most of the time and I even saw the policeman having a good look at me. I wasn't worried about that as just about all of the people around me were naked.

When I finally decided that I'd had enough I got up and went back to the sun loungers. Jon had gone. All I could find was my shoes and a note saying 'meet me at the car.' I was going to have to walk through the woods and the car park, naked, all on my own. I wasn't worried when I was with Jon but I was nervous about doing it on my own.

After a couple of minutes thinking about it and probably making things worse, I put my shoes on and set off. No problem on the beach but when I went up the back into the dunes and trees I felt like I was being watched. I was glad when I got to a path and saw a couple (man and woman) walking towards me. Putting a brave face on I walked straight passed them, only to see a group of men following them. They stopped talking when they saw me and stopped and stared at me as I went passed them. Round the next corner was the car park but there were lots of people there. Thinking that it was probably worse to stay in the woods, I walked out and into the car park. To keep to the most direct route I had to climb over a wire fence and when I got one leg over the wire went straight up into my pussy. That made the feeling of nervous excitement worse and when I'd got my other leg over I looked back and saw my juices on the wire.

Straight on, through the mopeds and motorcycles and then the cars I went. People were really staring at me. When I got to where I thought the car was there was no sign of it or Jon. All those little white cars looked the same to me. I searched round for what seemed like a lifetime, all the time people were staring at me. I was starting to get worried with visions of having to walk back to San Antonio. That wouldn't have bothered me too much, so long as Jon had been with me, but on my own ..

All of a sudden I turned round and there was Jon, naked as well. I was so relieved that I ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"Careful," he said, "you'll give me a hard-on."

I reached down and gave his dick a gentle squeeze. The response was immediate, his dick was pointing to the sky. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to our car which was only a few yards away, opened the passenger door, sat down and said,

"On that!"

I climbed in and knelt either side of his thighs (facing him) and lowered myself down onto his dick. It wasn't long before I came and then a couple of minutes later I came again, just as Jon came. As we were coming back down a couple of men walked down the side of the car and looked in. They must have realised what we were doing.

As we were driving back to San Antonio Jon told me that he'd been watching me all the time that I'd been walking back from the beach. He hadn't really expected me to come to any harm, but he'd kept an eye on me just in case.

I put my sarong on and Jon put his vest on after we'd parked the car. Jon told me to just tuck the sarong in, not to tie a knot. When I got out of the car I saw a big wet patch on my seat where our juices had been leaking out of me. As we walked towards the hotel Jon told me to 'catch' my sarong on the hotel door frame. I was a bit nervous cos I'd no idea who would be in the reception area. It worked perfectly and I was left standing there, naked, in front of a group of 2 youths and a group of 3 girls as well as an old man on reception.

The girls all saw me and at least 1 of them gasped. One of the youth saw me and I saw him nudging his mate as they all watched me slowly squat down to pick the sarong up, then take my time putting it back on. The man on reception never even looked up from his desk.

As we were going up the stairs to our room Jon pulled the sarong off and said,

"Not much point in having that on."

Becky and Sam were walking along the corridor as we turned on to it. When we got close Becky said,

"Walk like that outside as well do you?"

Jon replied, "As often as possible, you want to try it."

There was no reply.

We had a shower and a nap on our beds because we were going to Ibiza Town that night. I wore just my lacy see-through dress and shoes when we went out, but as usual Jon had me take it off before we got into the car for the drive to he other side of the island. When we got there we parked, then got dressed, then walked down to the harbour area. It was very much the same as it was when we went there last year with everything from smartly dressed people to transvestites, from people wearing less than me to people who looked like they were ready to go to the North Pole, from cheap junk shops to bloody expensive shops, from cheap fast food joints to expensive restaurants. An amazing place! We wandered around for a while before getting some food and then looking for a bar.

We came across Gropers Bar again and went in. It was crowded and it wasn't long before it lived up to its name, a hand was sliding up my leg as we stood at the bar waiting to get served. It stopped when it encountered my chain and rings but then continued and a finger went in me just as Jon passed me my drink and motioned for us to move to a corner. When I walked away the hand caught my chain and hurt me a bit.

The corner was crowded with a group of girls as well as some men. We ended up near the girls and I thought that that was the end of my fun, but I was wrong. It wasn't long before another hand was on my bum - under my dress and slowly moving towards my pussy. I looked around and although it was dark in there, the hand could only have belonged to a woman. I opened my legs a bit and enjoyed the experience as I tried to talk to Jon. It was difficult because of the noise but from the way he was leaning down I guessed that he was doing a bit of groping as well.

The hand was very skilled at handling pussies and it wasn't long before I was cumming. I think that the fact that I didn't know whose hand it was made it even more exciting. After I came I decided that I was going to have a piece of the action and I let my hand wander onto the chest of a woman that was sat close by. At first she tensed-up then had a look at me. I smiled at her and felt her body relax. She wasn't wearing a bra and it wasn't long before I was squeezing and pulling one of her nipples. It was quite hard and I was just getting her breathing heavily when Jon pulled me away. I was a bit disappointed when Jon pulled me out onto the street.

We wandered around some more and even went to look at the big cruise ship and some sort of navy ship that was there. Jon seemed to find in interesting. After that Jon decided that he'd had enough and we walked back towards the car. It was about 2 in the morning and the place was still very lively. At the end of the street where our car was Jon told me to take my dress off and I had to walk back to it naked. Fortunately we only saw one young couple (a male and a female) and they were more interested in themselves than what was going on around them.

San Antonio was still heaving as we drove through and back to our hotel. Jon had threatened to not let me put my dress on when we got out of the car but he didn't say anything as I put it on so it stayed on until we got to our room. Not that the see-through dress was covering much, but at first glance I looked quite normal.

Saturday July 10 - Usual noise overnight but I did manage to get enough sleep. This was our last day and Jon wanted to get as much sun as possible. We put just our vests on and went and had some breakfast at a café down the road. The waiter was a young man and Jon told me to make sure that he could see lots of my body so when I sat down I pulled the vest up at the back and down at the front. This meant that the 1-inch straps were over my nipples. I wouldn't take much for them to 'pop out' if I turned to one side. It also meant that the vest was bunched-up on my lap so I grabbed as much as I could and pulled it to either side. My bald pubes were now showing but in pulling the vest my right nipple popped out. I pretended not to notice as the waiter took our order. I looked at him as I gave him my order and it was obvious where he was looking.

We were still watching the world go by with my right nipple getting plenty of fresh air as the waiter served our breakfast. Poor man nearly tipped our tea all over the floor. When he came back to get his money I was laying back in the chair, I'd covered my nipple but with my legs slightly apart the waiter was eyeing the bits of gold between my legs. He had a bulge in his trousers so I said,

"You should really wear something more comfortable."

I don't know if he understood what I'd said, or what I meant, but he didn't say anything.

We took our vests of just before getting into the car and the 2 girls that were passing just stopped and stared as we drove off. There were hardly any cars at Ses Salines when we got there so we were able to park under the trees nearest the beach. Again we left all our clothes in the car and walked naked to the beach. We got a couple of sun-loungers and settled in for a beautiful long day soaking up the rays. The difference that day was that we'd settled on sun loungers just inside the clothed area and it wasn't long before we were surrounded by unfortunate people who wanted to go home with some white bits. There was one couple who stripped off when they saw us. I was half expecting the policeman who walks up and down the beach to move us on but we never saw him.

Three times during the day Jon sent me back to the car for something. By the time it came to us leaving the beach I thought nothing about walking to the car park naked. I had been nervous being on my own with people staring at me the first time but that wore off as the day went on. I was feeling a bit sad when we finally drove away from there I hope Jon takes me back there one day.