Vanessa's Vocation


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I asked her how many of us there were, and she replied that I made six, and three young guys were on the permanent staff too, but that at any one time, three or four were usually away doing a show somewhere. 'And that's not counting the domestic staff,' she said.

I asked her if she liked it here, and she rolled her eyes, and said, 'Sure beats working, honey.'

Cindy looked me up and down, and said, 'Look, Vanessa, do yourself a favour, eh. Get out of those jeans, and pop into a nice sundress or something, so you look like one of us.'

I grinned and, going into the bathroom, stripped off jeans, tee-shirt and panties. Cindy was still sitting on the bed, watching me through the open door.

'Best get rid of that bush, sweetie,' she suggested, and got up, sauntering over to the door.

'Want some help?' I didn't really need any, but she was trying to be friendly, so I let her soap my mound and enjoyed the sensation more than I thought possible as she lathered all around my labia, made me sit right up to the edge of the bath, and made absolutely sure that she had covered every bit of my arse with the creamy suds. Then she carefully went to work shaving every vestige of hair from my entire pubic region, all around my sensitive little arsehole too, frequently running her fingers all over to make certain that no single hair remained, and I was smooth as a baby, for the first time in my adult life. When she had finished, she bent down and kissed my pussy lips, fleetingly darting her sharp little tongue in between them until it flicked at the very tip of my clitoris. I gasped.

'There,' she said, 'you'll do.' With that she went and threw a flimsy cotton print sundress, like the one she herself was wearing, out on the bed, and I slipped it on. I felt naked with the short skirt and no panties, especially now that my pussy was completely bare. It was going to take some getting used to.

'Do you go out like this?' I asked.

'You mean without panties? Of course. You get used to it.'

She passed me a pair of very high stilettos from the bottom of the wardrobe, and said, 'Here, honey, you'll have to get used to these, as well. We never wear anything lower here – house rules.'

'There seem to be a lot of rules.'

'You don't know the half of it,' she said, mysteriously, and we went down to lunch.

We sat down to lunch in a sunny dining room, at a table for four. Almost immediately, we were joined by Alicia and a young blond hunk, whom she introduced as Nikolai. He was, he said, Russian. We were served with an excellent, light lunch, and Alicia, who appeared to be the spokesperson, glanced at the other two, then started to talk to me.

'Vanessa, I understand Rafael has told you something about the business, and what your role in it may be?' She looked up at me to check that I was paying proper attention to what she was saying, and, satisfied, she went on, 'Rafael has charged the four of us with helping you integrate with us as soon as possible. Others may help, but, at the moment, we are the only people around, apart from Rafael himself, because he has just sent a team to Rio, so it is convenient that we take on your training, as it were – though we never talk of it as 'training' here.' She paused to see if I was following her, and when I looked relaxed enough, she continued, 'I know you have read 'O', and you are not a child, so I am going to ask you to rest this afternoon, and tell me at dinnertime, just what you think you would like to have done to you. I know I can speak for Cindy when I say that we both find you very attractive, and Nikolai here has a hard-on just looking at you, because he's a horny bastard,' – they all laughed at that, not least the blond Russian – 'so we are all eager to do whatever you want us to do. Go over 'Roissy' in your mind's eye, and see if you have something you would rather like, for instance, as a starting point, and anything you fear, as something to be introduced more gradually. I hope I make myself clear. If not, you can go and see Rafael – he made that clear.'

I thought Alicia had expressed herself very well, and was happy with how she had put things to me. I said so, and she told me to go and rest.

'Dress sexily for dinner,' she said, 'Rafael will probably have guests tonight.'

My mind was in too much of a commotion to rest right away, so I went for a walk in the sunshine, delighting in the breeze blowing around my naked pussy under the short sundress, as I clicked along in the high stilettos. I drew a couple of wolf-whistles as I passed a building site, and waved to the authors of them. I walked on, slowing down to think as I wandered into a park, and coming up with a few conclusions.

My mind more or less made up, I turned and went back to the house, and indulged myself in a long, delicious, siesta.

I woke up, quite refreshed, and bathed, then took a long time going through the clothes in my closet. Checking on the underclothes, I found a couple of the satin, whale-boned corsets Cindy had mentioned – they looked truly terrible garments, and I shuddered to think of wearing them. The only other items were flimsy garter belts, and platform bras, mere shelves, which would leave my nipples entirely exposed.

I turned my attention to the wardrobe, and started to look through the collection of wonderful clothes. There was a staggering array of beautiful dresses, with silks, chiffons and other transparent and translucent materials predominating.

I took a long time choosing a gown for the evening, but eventually plumped for one I didn't really know whether I dared wear. The top was long-sleeved, high-necked and decorous, except that it was black nylon, completely transparent, coming down in a 'v' front and rear, to just below my navel at the front and to the start of the crack in my arse at the rear. The long pencil skirt was black velvet, so tight around my ankles I could scarcely walk, especially with my feet pushed into black patent stilettos with five inch metallic heels.

I brushed my long blonde hair out to a sheen, and put in a pair of long silver pendants, then took an hour painting my long nails and preparing my make-up. I wasn't going to be poorly presented for the evening.

When I got downstairs, after having to negotiating the stairs with difficulty in my skirt, Rafael was leaning on the bar, and looked admiringly in my direction, drawing the attention of his two companions, a formally dressed man and a glamorous older woman, to me. I smiled back, then went to join Alicia at our table. She was alone, wearing a loose white Grecian-style silk gown with great silver clasps at the shoulders. She looked magnificent, and I told her so.

'And you look good enough to eat, darling,' she replied, then, without further preliminaries, 'have you decided on what we talked about?'

'Yes,' I said, 'I want to be whipped. I want you to hurt me, please.'

She ran her tongue around her lips. I could tell that my words excited her.

'After dinner, then,' she said, 'but is there something you don't like the idea of?'

'Yes,' I replied, 'I don't think I like the idea of having my arse fucked.' The words cost me an effort, but there – I had come out with it! I was glad, just then, that Alicia and I were alone. I had spent much of the afternoon thinking what I was going to say to her, and what I had voiced were feelings that came from my innermost soul. We all have secrets we keep deep within ourselves – some of us never give voice to them. I had felt wonderful, restrained in the tight skirt, my nipples hard against the transparent top, as I walked into the dining room. Now, I was wet with desire at the knowledge that I was going to be whipped! I wondered if I was so unusual, or if we all had a secret side, and was only bumped out of my reverie when Cindy arrived, together with Nikolai, to take their place at our table. Cindy was cinched tightly into a black satin corset, which made her already narrow waist minute. The corset pushed her generous tits up, so that nipples were thrusting slightly above the horizontal. They were barely covered by a translucent bolero top. Below, she wore a black nylon layered miniskirt, semi-transparent, just covering the lace tops of long black hold-up stockings. Eyes followed her long legs all the way across the room.

Nikolai was formally attired in a grey suit and button-down shirt and tie, and looked quite sophisticated.

Whilst they were settling at the table, I put my hand briefly over Alicia's, and said quietly, 'Just one thing, I should likeyou to do it – do you mind?'

She looked at me a little oddly, and said, 'You may regret it, darling. I had planned for Nikolai to do it. I think a woman is much crueller, though. But as you wish.' She squeezed my hand.

We ate a very good meal, and Alicia went over to speak to Rafael at the far side of the room. As they spoke, they all looked in my direction several times, and he finally nodded, as the little brunette made her way back, her breasts jiggling under the thin, soft silk of her dress as she walked.

After coffee, the four of us went to my room, and Alicia immediately pulled down the zip at the back of my neck, then smoothed the top of my dress down and off. I had to wriggle hard to get out of the tight skirt, and she told me to leave my shoes on, while I sat down on the bed, and Cindy pinned my long hair up out of the way.

Nikolai, meanwhile, stood, laconically observing the proceedings, leaning against a mirror.

Alicia took me by the wrist and pulled me quite brusquely to my feet, then told me to hold on to one of the bed-posts, above my head. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that she was opening a drawer I hadn't noticed, under the bed. She took out a long, leather, riding crop, and tested it. I heard it make a terrifying swish as it flew through the air, and smacked into her hand. She stood back, then came up to me, and pushed my legs apart, running the crop up and down the insides of my thighs. As it's hard leather touched my tender skin, I gasped in anticipation of the pain I was about to feel, and then felt Alicia's hand probe my slit.

'You're very excited,' she said, 'you know I'm going to hurt you, don't you?'

'Yes,' I said.

'You really want me to, don't you?'

'Oh yes. Please.'


'Yes, whip me, Alicia, I need you to hurt me.'

She stepped back again, and fetched the crop down with a resounding 'crack' against my upper back. The pain was instant, and fierce.

The crop whistled through the air again and landed, lower this time, with a terrible stinging sensation, as it bit into my tender skin. Again and again she rained blows down on me, ever lower, working downwards to my buttocks and upper thighs, causing me to writhe and squirm against the post, and once to reflexively put down a hand, to protect myself from the cruel strokes. At that she said, 'Do that again, and I'll have to tie you up, darling.'

At last she was finished, and showed me the pattern of red stripes as I looked over my shoulder at the mirror. 'Nikolai will rub cream into them now, ' she said, smiling, 'he'll enjoy that.'

I lay face down on my bed and remained there while the Russian fetched some oils to rub into my welts. Alicia and Cindy meantime went out of the room, leaving us alone. He rubbed the oil, infinitely gently, into my sore back, and carried on down to my buttocks and thighs. When he reached my thighs, he parted them very slowly, almost apologetically, and, as Alicia had done earlier, what now seemed an age ago, ran a hand through my slit. I was still wet. I was now even more so, if anything. During the whipping, I had climaxed once, and was now still 'on the edge.' He parted my lips, now working with both hands, and massaged my clit, drawing deep moans from me, then plunged two fingers deep into my sopping cunt.

'Oh, please, Nikolai,' I said, 'fuck me.'

He needed no further invitation, and produced a tool of prodigious proportions, which stretched me almost to my outer limits, as he pounded into me, his balls slapping my arse as he took me over the edge into total ecstasy.

Then his whole body stiffened and his animal growl announced that his moment could wait no longer, and he came in massive, hot spurts, deep into the neck of my womb.

We lay in each other's arms for a long time, then he kissed me lightly on the cheek, slipped off the bed, covered me with a satin sheet, and quietly left, saying, 'sleep now, you'll need it.'

I awoke to sunshine streaming through the shutters, disoriented, and sore, wondering for a while why I couldn't lay on my back. It all came back to me and I smiled wryly to myself as I remembered the night's entertainment. I bathed gingerly, trying to rub oil into my welts and stripes once again, but didn't do as good a job as Nikolai had done.

I dressed in a cotton sundress, and went down to breakfast.

Alicia was already drinking coffee, sitting at our usual table, wearing a blue silk robe, so I joined her, and she asked after my wounds, which I told her weren't too bad.

'Look,' she said, 'I know you don't want to rush things, but something has come up, and Rafael wants to talk to you later, so I've got to do something for you first. Come to my room with me after breakfast, and we'll see to it, OK?'

I was full of curiosity, and wondered what had 'come up' that made Rafael want to see me so soon. I ate two whole croissants, and had a large cup of coffee, then went with Alicia to her room, which was like mine, but looked more 'lived-in' – with books and other impedimenta scattered around, as if she had been there some time, which indeed she had.

'First of all – nothing to do with what I want you for – help me on with my corset, will you, Vanessa, it's one of my 'corset days.''

So saying she slipped the robe from her shoulders, and I couldn't suppress a gasp of surprise. It was the first time I had seen her naked breasts, and they were young and firm, with long, hard, dark nipples. But the surprise was that the right one was pierced, and from it hung a heavy gold ring, from which a chain was connected to a similar ring in her navel. From this, a further length of chain went down her belly, between her legs, and was presumably connected to another device in the region of her pussy.

She saw me staring and laughed, 'Has nobody told you it's rude to stare?'

I flushed and started to say something.

'It's OK darling.' Then she parted her legs and showed me the ring inserted in her clitoris hood. 'Like it?'

'It's perfectly lovely,' I said, and meant it.

'As it happens,' she said, unclipping the chains, 'I've got to take it off now.'

She went over to a drawer and took out a white satin corset, and put it around her slender body, buttoning it in the front. I noticed that its top was in the form of two half-cups, which pushed her breasts up, just like the one Cindy had been wearing, leaving her nipples free, the pendulous ring an erotic device. She twirled around, and told me to lace her in as tight as I was able, and I obliged by hauling on the laces with all my strength. The cruel, whale-boned flanks bit into her as the corset's restraint made itself felt, and Alicia cried out sharply as I gave one final tug before tying off the laces. I saw that the corset was arched above her lovely little buttocks, and also noted the signs that, like myself, Alicia bore the marks of a whipping, though they had faded somewhat. I traced a welt with my forefinger, and she turned to me, smiling enigmatically.

'So you see,' she said, quietly, 'we are alike, you and I.'

She took my hand and placed it on her breast, the one without the ring, and I felt the long nipple grow hard instantly in my fingers. Then Alicia's arm was around my neck and she was kissing me full on the lips. No woman had ever kissed me like that before, and I had never entertained sexual feelings towards another woman, but Alicia aroused something in me, some hidden urge, that wouldn't be denied. I opened my lips, and our tongues delved into each others' mouths as she guided me down onto her bed.

Once she had me on the edge of the bed, she pulled herself out of my grasp, and knelt by my side on the bed, then reaching both hands over, dragged my thighs quite roughly apart, then plunged in with her head between my legs, before I had chance to react in any way.

I moaned as she forced my labia apart, and stuck a long tongue abruptly into my cunt.

She licked the whole length of my crack, from my rapidly hardening clit right the way to my tiny arsehole, which she circled with her tongue before probing ever so gently with her long, slender forefinger, causing an 'Oh' to escape my lips as she did so.

She insisted, and her finger went further and further into my virgin anus, waggled a little, then, with excruciating agony, was joined by another, as she invaded my most private place.

'Oh, please, Alicia, don't – please, don't!' I pleaded, but she chose not to hear, and ploughed on, now thrusting hard with both fingers right into my sphincter. I thought I would pass out with the pain, but a new sensation was joining the agony, and I felt an impending orgasm welling up from somewhere deep within my cunt. My breathing gave me away, and Alicia sensed it, I knew. For then she said, 'Not now, darling, I don't want you to cum just yet, sorry.'

She pulled away, and went to her bedside cabinet, coming back with something concealed in her hand. Quickly, she resumed her position between my legs, and I felt the sudden pressure of something being applied to my tender arsehole.

'What are you doing?' I asked, but I already knew.

'Don't worry, my love, I've already lubed it,' she said, and I felt the butt-plug being forced slowly but surely, little-by-little, into my reluctant anus. As it passed the tightness of my sphincter, and invaded my most secret channel once and for all, I felt a new pleasure, compounded of hedonistic joy and total womanhood, that I had never thought I should know. Suddenly the pain of my whipping became yet another factor in the total pleasure I now knew, and it all came together in an uncontrollable orgasm, which hit me in a violent, shuddering storm.

'Wow,' said Alicia, 'you've drawn blood.' And when I looked at what she was indicating, I had, indeed, gouged her arse with my nails when my climax overtook me.

'Sorry,' I said.

She laughed, 'You'll want me to bleed more when you've walked about for a day or so with that thing in.'

She fixed me up with a chain-harness to keep the plug in place, and told me I should have to have a larger one fitted in a day or so.

I dressed then, and got ready to meet Rafael, as he had requested. He had asked me to come to his office, so I had to ask Alicia for directions.

When I got there, and knocked on the door, he called for me to come in straight away.

He was sitting on a sofa, in a dressing gown, and motioned me to sit beside him, which I did, with some awkwardness I hoped he didn't notice, due to the newly-fitted butt-plug.

He smiled and asked me how I liked Casa Fontana after a day, and it was only then I realised that I'd only been there a day!

'Fine,' I was able to say.

'Good, because Alicia thinks you'll do just great, ' he said, 'but I have to ask you a personal question; I hope you don't mind?'

After all that had happened to me in the last few hours, I could hardly 'mind.' I nodded dumbly.

'When is your next period?'

'That's easy,' I said, 'I just finished one as I left home.'

'That's a relief,' he said, and I looked a question at him.

'OK, I'd better explain,' he said, grinning, 'As you know, I have a team in South America at the moment, and they are due back, after doing shows in several places, next week. But I've been asked if we can do a one-off show at a very exclusive club in the States on Friday night – that's in three days' time. I need two girls and two men. Cindy starts her period tomorrow. That leaves Alicia and you, with Nikolai and Sam.'