Vanilla Cream Ch. 03


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I watched, awestruck again, as Ramona lowered herself onto Cinda's eager smile. As that furry patch came nearer and nearer to Cinda's mouth, I opened her still drenched pussy with no-nonsense fingers and entered her, slipping my throbbing penis as deeply into her as I could. And the fun began anew.

Suddenly, as I watched the enfolding tableau, all seemed to if someone had stabbed their finger on our sexual "pause" button. I noticed with a perverse glee that Ramona's bottom was hovering over Cinda's head. The only thing in the scene that was still moving was Cinda's tongue, which had instinctively popped, probing and wiggling, out of her mouth, ready for action. I looked up at Ramona's face, seeking a clue to the cessation of carnal activity. She was grinning wickedly...and I knew that was a good thing.

Ramona raised her bottom, moving it away from that searching tongue. She leaned forward and looked down at Cinda's face between her legs. Reaching behind herself, her fingers sought, and found, the blindfold that banned sight from Cinda's lovely eyes. Lifting it just enough to raise it, Ramona slid the blindfold back, onto Cinda's forehead, and let it come to rest there. Cinda's eyes blinked several times, her pupils and retinas adjusting to the sudden rush of light into her eyes. When they focused, the first things they saw were Ramona's moist bush and the bottom third of her ass. From my vantage point, in the few moments before Ramona sat down, I could see Cinda's eyes fly wide open - obviously approvingly - and her jaw drop, her previously active tongue now hanging lazily out one side of her mouth.

Looking down at her between her legs, Ramona said with a grin, "You said you hoped you'd actually get to see me. Well, here I am, Cinda. Like the view?"

Cinda said nothing, but her eyes twinkled with erotic delight. That whole scene as I saw it from where I stood, made me harder than ever, and I grabbed Cinda's hips and started rotating my hips back and forth and side to side, moving my near titanium muscle all around inside her. Cinda's eyelids fluttered. She was going ga-ga warp speed.

Looking at me, Ramona said with a wink, "I firmly believe that a woman should SEE what she's eating. What do you think, Mike?"

I was getting harder by the second. With a wicked grin and a return wink, I replied, "I agree. And next time I let her suck me, I'm going to let her see me up close just like you're doing. But, for now, I think Cinda enjoys the view just fine."

Smiling broadly, Ramona gave one last look between her legs and said, "Oh, and nice to meet you, too, Cinda. Bon appetite." And then she sat down. Cinda's sigh was cut short by Ramona's dripping muff plopping down onto her mouth.

Cinda was dripping wet again, her juices sloshing freely around my penis. I watched with both amusement and excitement as Ramona squirmed all over Cinda's face. "Mmmm....oh, yeah, Cinda," Ramona moaned, "you DO have a knack for this. You know just where to lick. Soooo wonderful. Ohhh, yeah...get that tongue in nice and deep now."

By now I had both my arms around Cinda's waist and had lifted her bottom off the bed by a good foot or so. I was thrusting into her as though my cock had an unscratchable itch that I was determined to find a way of scratching.

Even with Ramona sitting on her face, I could hear Cinda's moans and slurps. Her whole body was again squirming. Her skin felt scorching hot, her muscles taut from all the straining against the scarves. She was so animated that her movements were making Ramona bounce and wobble on her head. It was a sight that was both erotic and humorous. Toss in the added attraction of seeing Ramona's ample bosom bouncing so deliciously, and it's a wonder I didn't come right then and there. I very nearly did.

Ramona must've noticed my attraction to her chest, because she leaned forward, careful not to dislodge herself from atop Cinda's probing tongue, and grabbed my right arm. Leaning as far forward as she could without slipping off Cinda's face, she stretched my arm out and put my hand on her left breast.

Instinct took over from there. Still holding Cinda's waist with my other arm, I continued to thrust ever harder and faster into her steaming chasm, but my other hand squeezed and fondled Ramona's bouncing tit with equal conviction. Eventually, though, my left hand wanted some titty play also. It released it's hold on Cinda's waist and shot out for Ramona's right breast. Both hands freely groped Ramona's jiggling jugs while my hips provided all the thrust and security my cock needed inside the squirming Cinda. I fucked Cinda's incredible pussy while my fingers enjoyed Ramona's large-nippled breasts to the max. Meanwhile, Cinda gobbled Ramona's pussy like a starving lioness. Everything go a bit blurry, then, as I closed my eyes and fucked Cinda like I'd never fucked her before. My hips pumped so furiously I could feel friction heat on my shaft with each thrust. If I didn't come soon, my brain would explode, and I would've bet the ladies felt the same.

Who came first is anyone's guess. All I can recall is a chorus of loud moans and screams...several of them mine. Of course, Cinda's moans were substantially muffled by Ramona's hopping, bouncing muff. Nonetheless, she came like a fireman's fire hose at full pressure, all around my equally spurting rod. From the slurps and gurgles between Ramona's legs, it was evident that she'd come, too...drenching Cinda's lapping face. The three of us looked like some great, fused, spastic beast for several minutes. The bed shook as if it were on some great, stormy sea....and for the first time ever, I heard the bed springs squeak.

By the time I let go of Ramona's breasts, they were a bright pink. I didn't WANT to let go of them, mind you, but I was so spent that my arms and legs felt like rubber. I needed my hands to brace myself on the bed. I held onto that mattress for dear life until my jellylike extremities stopped spazzing. Ramona had already slumped forward onto Cinda's belly, though she hadn't budged her gushing sex from Cinda's face so much as a centimeter. Cinda's squirming had stopped, and I could hear her gasping between Ramona's thighs. Her vaginal muscles were still rhythmically squeezing my still mostly erect muscle, though every other part of her had become inert. Her arms and legs hung limply from their bonds, but her pussy was still going strong. Like her non-stop mouth, those sugar walls wanted to suck me dry. Yeah...that's my Cinda.

Just as Cinda's orgasm was beginning to subside, Ramona sat up, her own slightly pulsing sex still propelling liquid onto Cinda's lips. Putting a bit more weight on Cinda's head with her rump, she began tweaking Cinda's nipples, tugging on them. I looked up into Ramona's twinkling eyes, a bit bemused.

"Hey," she said, "you're the one who doesn't want to give her a break, right? You said you wanted her to cum and cum and cum and cum. Isn't that how you put it?" I couldn't help but chuckle and nod.

Suddenly, Cinda began bucking again. Ramona and I definitely heard a loud squeal from between her legs. "That tickled!" Ramona laughed. Every inch of Cinda became animated again, squirming and wriggling and straining. My chuckle was cut short by her strong vaginal muscles again sucking hard on my cock. It made me instantly hard, despite my exhaustion. So, eyes rolled up in bliss, I fucked her again. Watching with great pleasure, Ramona never got off Cinda's face. She seemed to like it there.

When Cinda and I had once again climaxed, I was way too tired to remain standing, so I slowly eased myself out of her. Cinda sighed as I popped free, her wasted vaginal muscles almost eager to expel me...for the time being.

This time, even bracing myself on the mattress with my hands wouldn't work, so I slumped contentedly to the floor. Sitting there, admiring Cinda's dripping, vanilla treat, I heard her inhale long and deep. Looking around Cinda's thigh, I saw that Ramona had finally dismounted from her face and was sitting on the bed massaging Cinda's boobs and belly. And there were those silly grins again. With the blindfold now resting on her forehead, I could see that Cinda's eyes were rolled up in her head. Her brain must surely have been off in ga-ga land again.

"Hmmm," I contemplated, "would that count as one...or two....orgasms for our bound captive?" I asked Ramona.

"Definitely two," she replied. "She had definitely stopped, and then started up all over again. I say it was two. How many does that make?"

"Five so far, I believe. Yes...five." I went to get the pocket knife to etch the notches in the footboard, but Ramona met me at the foot of the bed.

"My turn," she said, "Let me make these."

"Sure," I replied, "knock yourself out." I grinned as I watched her make the marks. I stood leaning against the right footpost, watching Ramona's breasts and fanny jiggle with the effort of carving the notches. Watching that display, I decided that I'd let HER make the "orgasm notches" from now on. Hey, I'm nothing if not accommodating.

I turned briefly to watch my lovely lady as she lay there basking in her post-orgasmic glow. In that minute amount of time, Ramona, still on her knees, had reached out and cupped my penis and testicles. The sudden playfulness of her hand jiggling my organs brought me to instant mental attention. I looked down at her, another bemused grin on my face.

"Nice set," Ramona opined.

"Um...thank you," was all I could think of to say.

With a great, wide smirk, she asked slyly, "Wanna make Cinda erupt again?"

Intrigued, I replied, "Of course. That's what this whole thing is about."

"Well," she continued, licking her lips. "I know an almost surefire way to get her gushing again. And not only that, but ALL of us can get our rocks off again. You game?"

"Of course," I said, eagerly. This was sounding better and better.

Still grinning widely, Ramona once again got up and walked over to the bed. She again straddled Cinda's head, but this time facing the headboard. Grabbing the headboard with both hands, she leaned way over, pushing her ass high up in the air. Her pussy again hovered over Cinda's face.

"C'mere and fuck me," Ramona said, straightforwardly. "We'll fuck right here over pretty Cinda's face and she can watch that lovely cock of yours thrust in and out of me. I bet that'll get her hot and horny all over again. Would you like that, Cinda? Want to watch Mike's big, fat cock slip inside my pussy...the one you just licked so nicely?"

I watched Cinda's eyes. I wasn't sure how she was going to take this. But those pretty eyes smoldered again. They changed colors repeatedly. I'd never seen them change like that fully. I knew then and there that Cinda would love that kind of show.

In less than four heartbeats, I was up on the bed, straddling Cinda's belly, my eager, throbbing penis poised behind Ramona, bobbing up and down hungrily. Ramona lowered herself so that her already steaming slit was mere inches over Cinda's slack-jawed face. Taking one last look at Cinda to make sure all was okay, I prepared to enter Ramona's steaming portal from behind. Ramona wiggled her ass and cooed, "C'mon, Mike....Cinda wants to watch you give it to me real dirty. Don't you, Cinda? Tied up like that, won't it be fun to watch a good fuck...up close and personal?" She laughed one of the dirtiest laughs I've ever heard...almost rivaling Cinda's smuttiest chuckle. Again, she wiggled. "C'mon, Mike...fuck me good, so our tied up little Cinda can watch!"

That was it for me. I rammed my throbbing dick right between her legs. Ramona gasped. So did Cinda. And there, right over Cinda's face, I humped Ramona from behind. I fondled her breasts again, squeezing and groping, as I thrust into her over and over. After a while I was only vaguely aware of Cinda's presence beneath us. Only her gasping, staggered breathing gave away the fact that she had a ringside seat for our copulation.

But that didn't last long. Cinda has never been one to be left out of any kind of sexual activity. She's always been a matter what the scene or the circumstances. However, since her bound state kept her from wrapping her body around us and joining in, she did the next best thing. She figured she'd already sucked me and licked why not do it again, since it was all she was currently capable of anyway?

Ramming into Ramona like a studhorse, I came to enjoy the warm puffs of Cinda's panting breaths. But I was so into our carnal coupling that I didn't notice the change in sensations at first. The gasping gusts of hot air disappeared...well, mostly. Replacing that erotic treat was yet another one. I felt something hot and wet - other than Ramona's pussy - suddenly snake along my shaft as it plunged into Ramona's sweet flower. In a flash I realized what it was. Cinda was licking my shaft as I fucked Ramona!

But that wasn't all. Cinda was not only happily lapping my crank, but she was also giving Ramona a bit of a boost. As my hardened muscle slipped in and out of Ramona's pussy, Cinda licked BOTH my penis AND Ramona's pussy! Since Ramona's opening was fully occupied, Cinda made herself at home lapping her clit. She alternated back and forth...licking cock...then pussy....cock...pussy. It was a delicious addition to the festivities. But, for me, the greatest thrill was when she licked and sucked my dangling sack as it jiggled forward and back with each thrust. A warm tongue and wet lips lapping at your testicles while you're vigorously humping a woman is one incredible feeling!

Ramona appreciated the added pleasure, too. Her already active backside became busier still. And every time Cinda stopped licking my balls for a few seconds, Ramona would moan...clueing me in that Cinda must be going for her clit.

So that's how it went for a while. Me taking Ramona from behind, thrusting and grunting over Cinda's face, and Cinda lapping anything she could get her tongue on. God, what bliss! And Ramona and I could tell Cinda was having a blast because she was squirming under us again, gasping, sighing, moaning, her tongue getting bolder and more persistent by the second.

This time I was completely aware that it was my orgasm that started things off. I just about broke Ramona's eardrum when I shouted my release. She didn't care, however, as my deep spurts (and Cinda's tongue) drove her over the edge. We were both cumming buckets, our combined juices squeezing and gushing from Ramona's opening and spilling onto Cinda's face. The end result of this was a guttural growl from somewhere deep inside Cinda that grew by leaps and bounds into a series of animalistic grunts and howls from my lovely lady. She had decided to join us in orgasmic bliss. Once again, it couldn't have worked out better if we'd tried. It turned out Ramona had been right about this sort of thing driving Cinda wild. Maybe women know each other better than us fellas realize.

There was ONE thing different about things this time, however. THIS time, Cinda's orgasm was one long, continuous MULTIPLE orgasm. Her body convulsed in wave after wave of pleasure. She rocked and bounced and heaved and screamed. Every time her orgasm began to subside, it started all over again. So much so, that Ramona and I didn't even need to keep humping over her head anymore. When we were exhausted and drained, we uncoupled and each rolled to one side of Cinda. Amazed, we just sat there and watched her convulsing and twitching. If I hadn't seen the great waves of vanilla cream spurting from her pussy, I'd have thought she was having a seizure! The whole bed was shaking, the springs squealing, strong, new wood CREAKING! I thought for sure that the scarves holding her hands and feet would tear, or that one or more of the bedposts would snap from the strain of Cinda's thrashing. Thankfully, such was not the case.

It was well over ten minutes before Cinda's orgasm subsided. Ramona and I simply sat and watched the entire earth-shattering deluge. When Cinda finally stopped quaking and gushing, Ramona and I just looked at each other, amazed.

"Wow, when you told me Cinda could cum and cum and cum....I thought you were exaggerating!"

I smiled. "Oh, no...Cinda can cum more than anyone I've ever known. But I've never seen her cum quite like this. This must be some sort of record...even for her."

"Very impressive," Ramona sighed, almost wistfully.

"Yeah, I've always been impressed by it. But, I have to say, Ramona, that adding you to the mix has certainly brought out a new animal in Cinda. Wouldn't you agree, honey?" I asked Cinda.

"Don't talk to me," she gasped. "I think I'm dead."

Ramona and I laughed. And then I realized something had been neglected. With a groan of stiff and strained muscles, I slid off the bed. I untied Cinda's feet from the posts and slowly lowered them over the footboard to the floor below. Ramona untied her hands and Cinda's arms flopped to the disheveled bedspread with a dull thud. Cinda lay there, eyes glazed and half shut, gasping for air.

Getting down on my knees at the footboard, I once again brandished the pocket knife. But I hesitated. I pondered. I attempted a few feeble calculations and then gave up with a sigh. My befuddled eyes looked to Ramona for assistance.

"Damn," I said, "I have no clue how to score that. Was that one orgasm? Or was it several? How many notches do I make in the bed?"

"Hmmm, that's a tough one," Ramona dmitted. "I'm not sure if it's one or more. And if it's more, just how many is it?"

Ramona and I sat there on the floor like two grinning loons. But, having undertaken this little exercise in the hopes of giving Cinda more orgasms than she'd ever had in one sexual episode before, it seemed her multiple orgasm was threatening our score keeping. How could we keep track? How could we gauge future orgasm marathons if we couldn't figure out how many she'd had tonight? Why, it could undermine our whole reason - aside from simple, horny fun - for engaging in this little threesome in the first place!

Off in the distance, a weak voice made itself heard through a series of staggered, ragged gasps. It was the lovely Cinda, offering her sweet, but candid, opinion.

"Oh, fer chrissakes," she sighed. "Just count it as twenty. I'm so tired I don't think I'm going to cum again, anyway....EVER!"

"Yeah, right," I said. We all laughed, though Cinda's was weaker than mine and Ramona's.

Standing back up, Ramona and I saw Cinda still spread-eagle on the bed, flat on her back, chest still heaving. We got up on the bed and sat on either side of her. Both of us rubbed her gently, hands gliding over her belly, shoulders, arms, legs, and breasts. She closed her eyes and smiled, relaxed.

"Well, I suppose I should be going now," Ramona said. "It's getting pretty late."

I looked at Ramona and said, "This was really fantastic. I'm glad you agreed to help Thanks."

"My pleasure," she replied, winking down at Cinda. She then walked over to where she'd removed her clothes and bent to pick them up. I stood by the door, waiting for her to get dressed, so I could show her out. From behind us, a weak but resolved voice drifted across the room.

"Wimps," the voice said, softly.

Ramona's eyes were as startled as my own. We turned to look back at the bed and its lone occupant. Cinda was sitting up, stretching. She did so seductively. Her face was occupied by the biggest smirk I've seen in years.

"That all ya got?" she asked, licking the tip of her finger, and then plunging that entire finger into her mouth seductively. "Seems I'm not nearly as drained as I thought." She batted vixenish eyes at the two of us.

Ramona and I looked at each other. We blinked repeatedly, like bewildered cartoon characters. Cinda had seemed nearly comatose just two minutes earlier. Either she was possessed, or she was as resilient as hell. I knew in an instant it was the latter. I smiled. I looked at Ramona. She smiled back.