Vengeance Gone Wickedly Awry


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Vicky listened intently but could not quite make out what he was doing. If she could have witnessed what he was doing, she might have been somewhat relieved as he lit the other two pillar candles on the nightstand, and then, after moving all four of the candles close together, he cupped his hands close over the flickering flames.

"Do you know what your son is doing right this minute Mrs. Hall as you lay there naked and freezing while the bedroom grows ever colder by the minute."

She shook her head no.

"He has both his hands cupped over all four of the lit candles on the nightstand . . . allowing the deliciously warm flames of the candles to warm his hands up all nice and toasty. Of course, I don't have to tell you, how very nice his warm hands might feel if you allowed him the chance to play with those big beautiful boobies of yours, Mrs. Hall."

Again, Vicky had to resist another whimper at the mere thought of what the wicked Ms. Seong was suggesting.

"Now the question is do you want your sweet, innocent, little boy to play with his mommy's boobies using those nice warm hands of his, Mrs. Hall?"

After a moment's hesitation she shook her head emphatically yes.

"I am not sure if I believe you, Mrs. Hall. I think you need some more convincing before I remove the scarf from your mouth and let you tell me what you want."

Laughing softly to herself, Seong reached over, grabbing both the bottle of champagne and one of the flutes. Making sure to bring it over near enough to Vicky so she could hear, Seong splashed some champagne from the bottle into the glass before adding several ice cubes to it.

Oh God, please no, Vicky silently moaned to herself as she suspected Seong was about to force her to drink even more champagne. She was only half right.

Holding the flute a mere few inches from the first of Vicky's erect nipples, Seong carefully tipped the glass down, allowing a small stream of the ice cold champagne to come splattering down onto Vicky's poor nipple.

Vicky let out a loud muffled gasp as the icy cold champagne surprisingly ended up being spilled onto her tits, instead of into her mouth.

Moving the glass back and forth between the twin peaks of Vicky's tits, Seong carefully splashed about half of the champagne out and onto Vicky's tits.

After pulling the still half full glass back, Seong whispered, "Now it's your choice Mrs. Hall, you can drink the balance of the champagne down in one large gulp or, since I don't wanna waste it, I can spill the rest of it out and all over those already freezing cold breasts of yours."

Reaching up, Seong pulled the scarf out of Vicky's mouth. "Now answer me. Do you wanna finish drinking the champagne or do you want it spilled all over those tits of yours."

"I . . . I will drink it. Please . . . I will."

"Good," Seong said as she held the glass up to Vicky's lips. "Now drink it down all in one big gulp Mrs. Hall, but don't take the ice."

Giving the ever watchful Conner a happy wink, Seong tilted the flute forward.

Vicky gulped the balance of the champagne down in simple self-defense--just as Seong planned.

"I don't think your son's hands are quite toasty enough for playtime yet Mrs. Hall so in the meantime I'm afraid you will have to endure just a bit more of my playful teasing. Feel free to whimper all you want."

Seong reached into the glass, pulling two of the largest ice cubes out of the bottom of the glass. Smiling at Conner, she gripped the cubes in between her fingers before bringing them to the summit of Vicky's breasts.

Vicky squirmed and whimpered like a schoolgirl as Seong patiently rubbed the pair of ice cubes in small circles directly on her nipples until they melted away to nothing. Then fishing two more ice cubes out of the glass, these were the final two of any appreciable size, Seong happily repeated the process, causing Vicky to whine and moan just something awful.

Finally, it came to an end when Seong hopped up from the bed and crossed the room. After closing the bedroom window she told Conner, "Go ahead hon and rub your hands on your mommy's face showing her how nice and warm they are."

Conner obeyed placing his hands on either side of his mom's face. They felt w fantastically warm to Vicky.

"So Mrs. Hall," Seong asked as she settled herself down on the bed next to her, "do you want your son to warm his mommy's boobies up by playing with them just a bit?"

Vicky wasted no time in answering. "Oh God yes please . . . please let my son play with his mommy's big cold boobies. Please I am begging you."

"Hmm let's ask Connie if that would be OK with him." Turning to Conner, Seong whispered, "So do you wanna play with your mommy's boobies hon and maybe warm them up for her a bit?"

Vicky sighed in relief and hot anticipation when she heard her son answer quietly, "I do."

He started off by rubbing his hands slowly all over his mom's boobs, squeezing them lightly, as Vicky sighed in quiet relief. The feeling of his warm, toasty hands fondling her tits was nothing short of heavenly.

"Conner honey, why don't you lay down next to your mommy and give her some nice warm kisses in addition to playing with those beautiful tits of hers. I bet that would warm her up even more."

She welcomed his kisses, even when he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She responded by releasing her own tongue as they exchanged one breathless kiss after another. Then Seong joined in as she laid herself down next to Vicky whispering, "Do you mind if I join in on the fun guys."

Vicky accepted Seong's kisses as eagerly now as she did her son's, and even better maybe was how warm Seong's hands were as she too started fondling her tits as they kissed.

In a mere matter of minutes Vicky was once again moaning but this time the moans were of unabashed pleasure. The feeling of being kissed and having her ice cold boobies warmed up by not one, but two loving pairs of hands was nothing short of delicious.

And then things got even hotter when she felt both their kisses sliding down off her lips and onto her neck. After both of them showered her neck with a light smattering of kisses, Vicky squirmed in eagerness when their kisses fell further down to her chest.

Both of them, simultaneously, assaulted her still somewhat cold nipples with their warm mouths causing Vicky to let out an increasingly loud series of whimpers.

"Go suck on your mommy's boobies honey . . . that is probably the best way to really warm them up while I . . . hmm do some further exploring down under the sheet."

Vicky felt Seong's mouth slide off her tits and on down as once again she was squirming like mad in a wild hope her achingly wet pussy was finally going to get some attention.

Spreading her legs wider, Vicky let out a series of increasingly desperate moans as Seong's tongue flickered across her inner thighs and then onto the moist folds of her pussy . . . just as Conner continued his soft suckling of his mommy's boobs.

"Oh God . . . what are you guys doing to me?" Vicky whined when she felt the repeated swirling of Seong's expert tongue assaulting her lips down there.

Seong dipped her skilled tongue in and out, in and out, of Vicky's wet honey pot making her wail with unabashed pleasure with each adept flicker of her tongue.

Vicky, already warmed up down there, was on the verge of a tremendous orgasm and deciding to let the whole world know she cried out, "OH GOD BABY . . . PLEASE DON'T STOP . . . YOU . . . YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME COME."

Wanting to watch the literal climax of this incredible drama, Conner lifted his mouth away from his mom's tits before pulling the sheet back to reveal the most astonishing sight of his young life: his mother was bucking wildly all over the bed while The Lady in White ate her out.

"Come for her Mommy, please do it . . . come for her," Conner whispered to his mother. "Please . . . for me. I wanna see it." Dropping his mouth down to his mom's lips, he began to kiss her lightly accenting each kiss with a "please come for her."

Her son's kind words, combined with his loving kisses was what truly sent Vicky rocketing over the edge as she let out one last loud moan as her orgasm came rushing home.

Having her sight cut off, and being bound to the bed only seemed to increase the intensity of her orgasm as it hit her like a runaway freight train, leaving her literally shaking.

Her work done, for the moment, Seong pulled both the sheet and the quilt up and over Vicky's naked body as she snuggled up against her. "Just another wicked dream Mrs. Hall. Now go to sleep."

In less than thirty seconds a very satisfied Vicky was sound asleep. Was her night finally over?

Sometime later, it might have been all of two hours, Vicky was awoken by first one tender kiss on her lips, and then another as her face was turned side to side with each of her bed partners sharing their love with her.

"Hmm, that is nice way to be awoken," Vicky mumbled to Conner after he applied yet another tender and loving kiss to her lips.

She felt her face being turned as Seong whispered to her, "You are not awake, Mrs. Hall, you are still dreaming . . . so just relax and let it happen."

"Yes, let it happen. I am dreaming," Vicky murmured back as Seong swirled her tongue deep inside her mouth.

The kiss lasted for what seemed forever before she felt her son's hand gently turning her face back to him but this time her expected kiss did not come.

Instead, she felt her face bump up against something big and hard. The scarf was on tight making it impossible to see. Vicky's champagne addled mind whirled in confusion.

They really couldn't expect her to do that! She mused even as she felt his hardness again bumping up against her face.

Once again, the good mother inside of her, still wanting to remain at least a little prim and proper protested. "I . . . can't. Please Conner . . . no."

"Hmm, you must Mrs. Hall. Please you must . . . try it first before saying no. Give it some kisses up and down. Make the boy feel good . . . make him feel loved."

"I can't," she mumbled again even as she started to open her mouth, before abruptly shutting it.

"You must," Seong told her again as she tangled her fingers deep in Vicky's hair, keeping her from turning away from her big eight inch treat.

Then Conner started in on her as he sat up, resting on his knees, while jabbing his mighty pole at her still closed mouth.

"Please Mommy . . . it's so hard it hurts. Please, pretty please make it all better."

"Honey I can't . . . that is going too far."

"Shhh, don't say that, Mrs. Hall. Remember it's just a dream and Conner needs your help . . . you are the only one who can help him. The poor boy . . . he is in pain and needs some relief."

"But . . . why can't you . . . give him some relief?" she said trying to reason with them.

"Coz I want you Mommy . . . not her!" Conner immediately snapped causing Vicky's heart to swell with pride.

"Hear that Mrs. Hall. The boy wants his mommy. Now please come on, just open your mouth and . . ."

Seong moved her mouth to Vicky's ear, whispering so Conner couldn't here. "Just try it. Give it a few little kisses and maybe a lick or two . . . and if you don't like it I will take over and finish the job."

"I . . . I don't know . . ." Vicky replied.

"Please . . . the boy really needs his mommy. No one else will do. Pretty please . . . for me." Lowering her mouth down further, Seong began to expertly kiss all along the nape of Vicky's neck causing her to shiver as she found her sweet spot.

"Come on Mommy, please open your mouth and give it kisses . . . pretty please," Conner whined as he began to stroke her hair ever so sweetly.

Vicky could feel her son's hardness jabbing at her closed mouth. Her willpower to say no was fast dissolving under Seong's onslaught of tender kisses all along her neck, combined with Conner's desperate begging for his mommy to please him.

"Come on Mrs. Hall, open your mouth," Seong breathed in her ear.

"Please Mommy . . ." Conner whined. "It . . . it hurts bad."

Unable to resist their double assault, Vicky finally opened her mouth. Allowing her tongue to slide out, she slowly, carefully flickered it along the edge of her son's oh so hard cock, causing him to let out a low hiss.

"Oh God, Mommy that feels so good," he whined as her tongue slithered up and down his full eight inches.

"That's good Mrs. Hall, now shower it with kisses . . . make the poor boy whine some more."

Seong reached over, grasping Conner's erect member while using her other hand on the back of Vicky's head to guide her lips to his throbbing cock. Vicky responded, just as the both of them hoped she would, be spraying his hardness with a light smattering of kisses causing Conner to let out another small whimper.

"Now be a good Mommy and lick your son's giant cock up and down Mrs. Hall," Seong quietly whispered in her ear.

Allowing her tongue to go to work, Vicky slithered it all around, using a series of soft flickering of her tongue up and down his hardness, while mixing in a couple long, loving licks of her tongue.

She could here Conner gasping for breath as Vicky's craving for her son's hardness grew more desperate. She wanted to please her son; it was as simple as all that.

Seong rose to her knees so she was flanking Vicky directly opposite of Conner near the top of the bed. Leaning slightly forward, still grasping his thick pole at the base, she motioned for Conner to also lean forward.

Whispering in his ear, she told him, "Let's share some wet, loud sloppy kisses as I think it will make your Mommy jealous hearing you kiss another woman. She might then want to please you even more by putting it in her mouth . . . and sucking on it."

Vicky could hear a bit of whispering between them but couldn't make out what they were saying, even when she took a break from her attentions to his cock to try and concentrate on what they were whispering about.

She was about to apply some more loving kisses, when she heard the unmistakable sound of the two of them sharing what sounded like some very wet and sloppy kisses and just as Seong predicated it set her jealous heart on fire.

Determined not to be outdone, Vicky went back to work on her son's cock, kissing and licking it with an impassioned fever.

Seong broke off their kiss, looking down, watching with keen interest the Mommy going to work so passionately on her son's hard cock.

Reaching down, she stroked the side of Vicky's face as her mouth approached the tip of his fully erect penis. "Go ahead . . . be a good mommy again and put your son's virgin cock in your mouth Mrs. Hall. He will remember it forever."

Knowing a man always remembers the first woman to truly suck his cock, Vicky eagerly opened her mouth, swallowing her son inch by loving inch ever so slowly and patiently.

Soon the room was filled with the quiet noise of Vicky giving her son an extremely sloppy blowjob. It was surely a surreal experience for Vicky, being blindfolded and bound to this bed, with the beautiful and crazy Seong issuing her quiet naughty orders to suck on her son's big cock. And boy was he big and hard! Vicky found this out when she slowly, patiently sucked the entire length of his nearly eight inches deep into her throat.

"That's it Mommy . . . suck on your son's cock," Seong told her sweetly as she ran her fingers through Vicky's hair. "I am so jealous."

Vicky, bringing her mouth out to the very end of his cock, swirled her tongue around the tip of his penis before she took it deep inside her mouth and begin suckling on it with renewed vigor.

She wanted him to come as quickly as possible for it was not actually an easy thing to do-- sucking his cock-- while bound to the bed.

As it turns out, Vicky really had nothing to worry about when Conner started whining, "Oh God Mommy I think I'm going . . ."

Seong, just like before when he was about to come on his mom's tits sprang into action. "Wait honey, not in her mouth," Seong said reaching out and forcefully snatching his cock out of Vicky's mouth. "Here come on her pretty face instead hon."

It only took a couple strokes of her hand up and down his hard shaft to have Conner spurting a hot load of cum hitting his mommy directly in the face up towards her forehead. A second spurt of cum landed on her left cheek, while a third and final gush of cum spurted out, landing in her hair.

Conner collapsed next to his mother as Seong looked on once again with a smug little smile on her wicked face as she used her tongue to wipe up some, but not all of the cum from Vicky's face.

A few minutes later, Vicky was passed out again. Once again, Seong has assured her it was all just a wicked dream.

It was still fully dark inside the bedroom roughly an hour later when Vicky was awoken by the loud creaking of the bed . . . and by something else. It took her champagne addled mind a minute to figure out just why the bed was creaking so loudly. They had twisted her on her side and Conner was inside of her, fucking his mommy, making the old bed squeak loudly as he patiently pumped his hips back and forth, allowing his hardness to penetrate his mommy to its fullest extent.

"She is awake now, honey. You can fuck her harder," Seong said from somewhere in front of her. She was still bound to the bed and blindfolded. Any protest Vicky might have voiced by being fucked by her young son was snatched away for as soon as she opened her mouth she found one of Seong's nicely sized breasts being pushed inside her mouth.

"Go on Mrs. Hall, suck on my tits as your son fucks you. Oh and remember, he has already came twice Mrs. Hall, so I hope you are ready to be fucked for a good long time as it might take him a minute or two this time for him to come."

Vicky, of course, could not comment one way or the other with a mouth full of tits in her face so, again, going with the flow she sucked wildly on Seong's tits as her son revved up his engine and began to fuck her with a bit more aplomb. Within a mere manner of seconds, she was being fucking pummeled by her son.

As he hammered his hardness deep inside of her, Vicky let out a loud moan when Seong pulled her tits out of her face.

Vicky crushed her mouth against Seong's as they exchanged the first of several untamed kisses, their tongues whipping into each other's mouths, while Conner, gripping his mom's hips, continued to batter her with his huge cock.

Pulling back slightly, Seong whispered to Vicky, "Oh God Mrs. Hall, he is fucking you so good and hard huh?"

Vicky could scarcely answer with her breath coming in shallow gasps while her son slammed his cock into her repeatedly. She was approaching another intense orgasm, helped when Seong slipped her mouth down and started sucking on her tits.

The old bed was really rocking and rolling now with Conner entering the homestretch and wanting nothing more than to come deep inside of her. His orgasm was finally approaching, spurred on by watching the pretty Lady in White sucking so greedily on his mommy's tits.

With one final thrust, and a loud grunt, Conner released a load of cum inside his mother. Exhausted, he pulled out of her, allowing Seong to finish Vicky off with her fingers as she expertly brought her to an intense climax.

An equally exhausted Vicky sighed contentedly as her two bed partners snuggled up next to her under the covers.

Falling into a deep, dreamless, sleep, Vicky did not wake up until the sun was high in the sky the next morning.

Her head was throbbing as she was assaulted by a vicious hangover, combined with some very fuzzy memories of a wild night of debauchery with her son and Seong. Vicky shook her head; was it all a mad series of dreams. She recalled being bound to the bed and something about some scarves. Focusing her fuzzy thoughts on the scarves, she thought one had been wrapped around her head, cutting off her vision, with the other being wrapped around her mouth rendering her unable to speak clearly. Oh then there was two more, with one end of each scarf being wrapped tightly around her wrists, while the other end was tied securely to the upper bed posts.