Vengeance: Wicked & Wanton


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Indeed, if pressed he could probably tell precious little about contestant number five, a hot Latino with dark hair and a suitably large sized pair of tits, such was the warm afterglow he was still experiencing from seeing contestant number four strut her stuff just prior. But then comes contestant number six and his world would once again be sent hurdling off its axis.

James was in the middle of taking a large drink of beer when he nearly spits it out as who comes strutting up on stage but his mother of all people. She is still wearing the same slutty outfit except now her tattered half white tee shirt with its jagged edges is soaked and clinging to her large breasts. And now adding to her already over the top sex appeal she is wearing a pair of fancy silver and black five inch heels.

She beams at him as she bounces across the stage wiggling her large breasts this way and that way at the cheering crowd. She comes to the side of the stage where he is sitting and pauses; they make eye contact briefly before she makes a rather exaggerated attempt at totally capturing his attention by shaking her big tits at him with reckless abandonment.

It works. She notes happily that their eye contact doesn't last long as he simply cannot resist letting his gaze fall down to her chest. The wet tee shirt clings to her double D breasts allowing the outline of her large brown nipples, poking through the thin wet material of the tee shirt, to be clearly noticed.

She clops back and forth on the small stage, casting him sly sidelong glances and pausing before his table several times allowing him a nice long look at her big bouncing tits under her tantalizing wet tee shirt before disappearing to the cheers of the audience. The moment gone now seems especially surreal to a very stunned James.

The pretty brunette bartender comes back on the stage and tells the audience that the winner will be determined by which of the contestants gets the loudest cheers once she brings them back up on stage one last time.

All six of the girls come back out and line up. Each of them step forward, one by one, smiling and shaking their chests to the cheers of the crowd. The young sweet blond with the huge tits gets the loudest cheers thus far of the first five contestants that have stepped forward. Now it is Ellen's turn.

She smiles sweetly and takes a step forward. She thrusts her chest out shaking it for all the world to see. James is still too stunned to cheer much but the rest of the rowdy young crowd doesn't seem to have that problem as they cheer rather loudly. James may not be cheering much but he certainly is staring as his eyes have locked onto his mother's tits like a pair of laser beams.

James is so focused on his mother's tits that he nearly jumps when Katie appears behind him. She leans down and addresses him in his ear, "I think she has a real chance of winning hon."

"Y-yeah you think," James says nervously looking back at her wondering if Katie had noticed how fixed his gaze was upon his mom's tits.

Indeed it was close. James thought his mother might win as he was sure the cheers from the crowd were at least as loud, if not louder, for her compared to the young blond. If nothing else it was surely only a two horse race.

Sadly, the pretty brunette bartender, besides being the MC also doubled as "cheering judge" determined that the young blond received a bit more enthusiastic cheers than Ellen did. Ellen was judged first runner up, the young blond the winner.

James was unsure how he should express himself to his mother who appeared, despite the dignified way she congratulated the winner, crest fallen as she walked off stage. If he told her she was ripped off was that the same as making a de facto statement saying he, her son of all people, judged her to have a great set of tits worthy of winning a wet tee shirt contest. And if that was the case how would his mother take such a statement.

She has been backstage for an inordinate amount of time while James nervously sips his beer still unsure of how he will handle it when she reappears. When Katie drops by asking if he needs anything he responds by telling her that his mom had mentioned taking an early out and that they were then going to hang out together.

"Oh yeah she mentioned that. She is in the back changing. Making herself beautiful for you sweetheart. You know she feels real bad about not winning. Her self-esteem is hurting."

"Yeah well she should have won." James says quickly and then wonders suddenly if Katie will think him weird for being so quick to point out how his mother should have just won a wet tee shirt contest.

"Well make sure you tell her that tonight when you are hanging out. You know she really"--Katie leans in close to him and quietly says--"needs to hear that you don't think she was maybe too old for having her boobs done."

"Really, I . . ." James almost blurts out that he thought his mom's tits looked spectacular when he realizes how this might sound to her friend so he quickly shuts his mouth and rethinks what he will say.

"I will do my best to reassure her."

"I'm sure you will as I get the feeling you two have a very special relationship and that you would do most anything to make her feel good about herself."

Then much to James' surprise Katie sits down next to him and stares him deep in the eyes before saying in a low tone of voice, "If you want my advice you should know your mother really needs a whole lot of love and affection as she has been so lonely this past few months. Desperately lonely. And tonight if you two start drinking, which I suspect she will suggest you do, you need to be doubly sure that you are sweet to her. She gets real touchy feely, along with ultra-sensitive if you know what I mean when she is drinking."

"Yeah I know," James sighs remembering just how very sensitive and playful she gets a bit drunk.

"You know what sweetheart?" Ellen says surprising her son as she had slipped up to the table from behind unnoticed.

James whips his head around, "Oh Mom I was saying . . ." He stops unsure of how much of their conversation she had heard. Fortunately Katie comes to his rescue, giving him a nod and a wink before saying, "He was just saying he knows you will both need a shot and a beer to get your night started. And I will return shortly with both."

"Thanks Katie," she replies settling herself down next to him. Although she has a smile on her face he senses a sadness about her that might go deeper than whatever disappointment she feels for not winning the stupid contest.

He admires her as she sinks down in the chair across the small table from him. She is dressed in a pair of tight faded Levi jeans, same as Katie he notes, but it's her top that is drawing his attention. He stares, drinking in every detail of how good it looks on her, while simply loving how she went all out just to look good for him.

She is wearing a tight fitting, neon pink crop top that shows off a copious amount of skin. It has a rounded neckline, long flared sleeves that are slit underneath with tie closures at the wrists, and is short enough where it leaves her sexy flat tummy bare. But it is the lightweight sheer chiffon fabric, with the emphasis on sheer, that maybe captures his attention the most as the he can't help but to notice the outline of her dark nipples under the pink fabric. She is clearly not wearing a bra he happily realizes.

"So you like your Mom's new top," she asks once she settles down next to him. "I hope so as I picked it out with you in mind." She smiles at him once again her heart filling with pride as his eyes keep flickering down to her tits. "I know how you like pink dainty things on women."

Besides being pink the top is indeed dainty as there is a line of pretty crochet lace panels at the sleeves, but more noticeably is the row of crocheted lace that runs up and in between her breasts and also under them at the hemline adding a rather dainty touch to her fabulous top.

A feeling of de ja vu comes over him, as just like this afternoon when he seen her most unexpectedly without a top on, he marvels at what great shape she is in for a women in her mid-forties. Just as he marvels at how much of a show off she seems to have become since he last saw her. Her fabulous top makes one thing abundantly clear-- she wore it as a way to ensure those big new tits of hers would be the main attraction for the rest of the evening.

"Yeah Mom. It looks really nice on you," he finally responds shaking off that feeling of de ja vu.

"Nice huh. Is that all?" she says with a warm smile fishing for further information.

James promptly understands she wants more. "Well honestly"—he leans in closer to her, letting the beer do the talking—"it looks really fabulously sexy on you Mom."

"Nice to hear you are brave enough tell me that," she responds with a contented grin. "Speaking of sexy, well I tried. I guess I am not as sexy as that stupid little blond that won the contest."

"Mom Jesus I . . ." He had planned on lecturing her while professing his absolute shock that she entered the contest, but just as the words are coming out of his mouth Katie appears with two beers and two shots.

She sets them on the table, and then apparently reading his mind, she leans and whispers discreetly to him, "Remember what I said hon, she needs praise not a lecture."

After she disappears Ellen asks, "What did Katie whisper to you?" before she picks up the shot glass and surprisingly downs it in one fell swoop.

"Oh that, ahh just that I should like give you praise instead of a lecture." He decides on telling the truth since his mother always had a keen sense of whenever he tried to be less than honest with her.

"Yeah well I have a feeling of just what you might want to lecture me about and just save it for later, along with any praise, until after we have left and have a quiet moment to ourselves." She picks up the beer and takes a large swallow of it while nudging his shot glass closer to him.

James picks up the shot glass full of clear liquid and sniffs it making a face.

"Just drink it son. C'mon you can't let your mother outdrink you."

His pride properly stung he downs the shot of what turns out to be tequila in one swallow. The fiery liquid burns its way down his throat and into the pit of his stomach.

"Jesus that is strong."

"Yeah it's Herradura, potent stuff hon. Drink your beer it will give you balance." Ellen tells him as she tips back her own beer once again taking a large swallow.

They make small talk for a minute as Katie brings them both a second shot of Herradura. James has never had tequila before but he is quickly becoming a fan as he likes the way it is totally relaxing him.

As they talk he fights to keep his eyes off his mom's tits but it's a losing battle, especially after the second shot of Herradura burns its way inside of him.

"So you never answered the question. Still feel like hanging out with your mother tonight. I officially am off duty and yours for the evening." She leans forward across the table with a most mischievous smile on her face before she adds suggestively, "That is if you still want me."

"Of course I always want you Mom." He answers her emphatically while making sure to emphasize the word "want" in just the same teasing manner she did to him.

"Hmm you do huh. Hope you are willing to show that to me later baby boy," she says ruffling his hair a bit.

"Mom stop," he says all the while loving the way she is flirting with him. "Anyways, yeah I'm ready to go home, but I mean should either of us be driving."

"Who said anything about going home?"

"Oh, I just assumed."

"Rule number one. Never assume what a woman might do when she is drinking tequila." Katie says cheerfully as she reappears suddenly sitting a small bottle of the potent tequila down on the table.

"That is right baby. Is that for us?" Ellen says gesturing at the bottle.

"Yes and on the house even. Mark said you could have it for being such a good sport and entering the contest on short notice."

"Mark, who is Mark?" James says jealously before he can stop himself.

"Hmm someone is quick to be jealous over their pretty mom huh." Katie says in obvious playful jest directed at him.

"Mark is our boss hon, the manager."

"Oh." James says feebly, feeling pretty damn stupid now, especially since Katie noticed his obvious jealousy.

Katie joins them at the table as James excuses himself to use the bathroom. The last thing he hears as he departs is Katie asking his mother where they are going to share their nice little bottle of tequila since they are not going home.

"A good question indeed," James mumbles wondering about that himself.

When he gets back to the table they are ready to leave. He again suggests neither of them should be driving to which his mom laughs and points at Katie and says, "Oh we have a driver already."

"Yeah I am going to drop you off and then pick you up around ten when my shift is over."

"Oh really and where are we going?"

"Surprise," his mom simply says giggling at some inside joke with Katie as the three of them head out the door.

The surprise turns out to be a close beachside park. Katie drops them off at the far end of the nearly deserted parking lot reminding them she will pick them up there around ten. Before Katie takes off she opens the trunk of her car and gives them a pair of large blankets for them to use in case they want to go hang out on the beach.

The sun is about to set so Ellen, who has always been a sucker for watching sunsets, suggests they find a quiet spot to watch it together while they enjoy their small bottle of Herradura along with the two bottles of beer Katie grabbed for them on the way out the door for chasers.

They wander around searching for a quiet bench on the edge of the park portion of Hidden Cove Recreation Area that is secluded enough for Ellen's liking. Unfortunately, the park is just crowded enough where they really can't find a secluded enough spot for the picky Ellen.

"Do you feel like being naughty," Ellen says glancing over at him as they walk side by side.

The comment nearly stops him dead in his tracks. He already has been being naughty since he has not stopped taking long sideway glances at his mom's large bouncing tits trapped in her tight pink crop top as they strut across the walkway looking for a suitable park bench. She has left her high heels on which only increases the bounce factor it seems he has happily noticed.

"What do you mean?" he says slowly his mind leaping at the possibilities.

She points to the end of the path they had been walking on. It ends with a pair of crisscrossing yellow danger tape strung between a pair of cement posts and some orange cones. A sign posted nearby says SORRY-- THIS AREA OF THE PARK IS CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS.

"I bet it's nicely secluded in there for us to enjoy my romantic sunset."

"Mom they are working in there. Can't you read anyways we are not allowed past the tape?"

"First of all," she says turning to him with a sly smile, "they are done working for the day. You see any work trucks around? Any guys in hard hats? No. Second as for not being allowed you, as I recall are still only 18."

"Yeah so," he retorts defensively.

"So you should not have been drinking alcohol but you are doing it anyways."

"Touché" he responds conceding the point as grabs his hand and pulls him towards the yellow tape.

"Look as long as we are quiet and don't raise hell no one will notice us. C'mon lets go while no one is around to see us."

He sighs heavily as they duck under the caution tape feeling scared for doing something they could get in trouble for but at the same time feeling thrilled that they will most assuredly be able to enjoy his mother's "romantic sunset" alone.

He relaxes once they get deeper inside the tape and out of eyesight of anyone that might wander close by the tape. Just as she had assured him it is totally deserted beyond the tape.

It appears they are extending the cement path to this area of the park overlooking a nearby sandy stretch of beach along with, much to Ellen's delight, adding some brand new park benches just off the path.

"There, that will be perfect." Ellen cries with glee as she spots a bench about 30 yards ahead and to their left. She takes his hand and hurries him along while kidding him about being reluctant to come inside past the yellow caution tape in the first place.

As they near the bench, still holding hands, Ellen sees it is situated perfectly nested back among a small stand of trees giving it some cover from prying eyes while it faces the nearby beach and ocean.

They settle down on the long, nearly seven foot cement park bench after Ellen spreads the blanket out on it to make it more comfortable. The sun is just diving slowly into the water casting long beautiful fingers of dying fiery red and orange light across the calm ocean.

Mother and son sit side by side, holding hands again, content to enjoy the dying light of this most adventuresome day in silence. They pass the small bottle of tequila back and forth both taking small sips only further relaxing them.

The coming night is beginning to get chilly to the overly sensitive Ellen. A cool breeze is now coming off the ocean causing her to shiver a bit. Hoping to ward off her sudden chill she takes a larger drink of the powerful tequila. The fiery liquid burns its way down her throat casting a warm glow to come over her.

As she relaxes on this secluded park bench watching a most romantic sunset with her son she suddenly realizes he would be everything she was ever looking for in a -- lover. The unbidden thought causes her heart to race as her mind, helped along by the tequila, becomes filled with soft romantic fuzzy thoughts that she can deny no longer.

As the sun disappears into the sea throwing off a blaze of crimson glory, Ellen finally breaks the silence. "Wow what a gorgeous sunset," she whispers as she clutches his hand tighter.

James looks at his mother and smiles. He remembers what Katie had told him earlier about how she needed to be reassured, especially since they are drinking, so he screws up his tequila fueled courage to its maximum and decides to lay on the charm.

"Yeah but not half as gorgeous as you Mom."

"Hmm what a cute little charmer you are," she says beaming back at him her heart singing due to his uninvited and most welcome praise. But her beaming smile quickly disappears as she sighs sadly after taking another large swallow of tequila.

In a soft voice barely rising to a whisper she says, "If only you truly felt that way."

"But I do. You are gorgeous Mom. Beautiful, lovely, delicious even," he tells her meaning to tease her a bit with his over the top accolades. He leans back against the cement arm rest, drawing her next to him, waiting to see what kind of reaction this will get him.

Delicious is the key word as his eyes glance down and notice small goose bumps are beginning to form all over her bare tummy. Now that the sun has set, and with the breeze picking up further adding to the dropping temperature, she is obviously starting to get chilly.

Although they are very cute it's not the goose bumps forming all over her beautiful bare tummy that has so enthralled his eyes, but instead it the fact her lovely nipples have hardened and become rather erect due to the cold. A fact made abundantly clear as they are pressed tightly up against the sheer fabric of her pink crop top.

"You know why I say that?" She says sweetly touching his face and drawing his attention away from her tits although she is secretly thrilled she caught him --again-- staring helplessly at them.

"N-no." James says nervously as the way his mother discreetly directs his gaze away from her chest by the light touch of her hand indicates to him she probably understands he was checking her tits out.