Veni, Vidi, Vici


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John was tickled with himself.

She gave him a big smile and poured his coffee, and John looked around. During his brunch, he selected various 'targets' for his observation. The grandest of these turned out to be an older woman. John guessed that she must be in her 40's, mid to late. She had dark hair and was large in the bust. She was, he thought, gorgeous. For the balance of his meal, he trained his glasses on her and, first, took her down to a pair of white, nylon panties and a white bra but then, for the rest of the meal, he simply had her sitting there, in profile to him, naked. It was dazzling! Her nipples were large and puffy and John was like a kid with a new toy.

He watched the woman until she got up with her companion to leave, and then it was the treat of watching her retreating butt cheeks wiggle as she went.

With a sigh then, he took the glasses off and put them away, totally pleased with himself and what he'd accomplished but determined to discipline himself and not run amok with them.


On his way back home, John decided to stop at the local pharmacy that he used. He needed a few things. As he approached the pharmacy, he had a random thought about using the glasses. He knew that they would have the basic capabilities that he'd wanted at first. He decided that this would be a kind of test of those capabilities.

There were three men heading into the pharmacy. He decided idly for himself that they were criminals. One of them had on a trench coat. He swept them with the glasses on, and stopped dead in his tracks, when he saw that the one with the trench coat was carrying, under the coat, a shotgun. He also noticed that the other two had guns in their hands.

John was immediately breathing hard. He tried to keep his wits about him and made a quick call to 911. He reported a robbery that was about to take place, indicating that he'd seen the drawn weapons in the hands of the three men.

The police responded immediately with three cruisers. John met them and only briefly told them of the three men. The police went into the building and were in time to avert the intended hold up, and collected the robbers.

Once it was taken care of, one of the policemen went to John. He was, by his uniform, a sergeant. He wanted to know how John knew about the weapons.

"There's a long explanation to that," he said.

Very politely, the sergeant asked if he'd come to the station and explain it to them. John sighed and said that 'yes' he would. He realized that he really couldn't refuse to cooperate.

At the police station, the sergeant oversaw dealing with the prospective robbers and John was sent to the office of the lieutenant of the shift.

John sat in the office for a few minutes, while the sergeant briefed the lieutenant on what had happened. Then the lieutenant entered and offered his hand to John.

"Mr Sutton," he said, "Lieutenant Wayne."

"Lieutenant!" John said, shaking his hand.

"We're curious about how you were able to detect the weapons that those men had with them," the Lieutenant said pleasantly, but with a piercing look at John.

"Fine," John said, "Let me explain."

John went into the broad background with him. He talked about the aim of his research, and then said that he'd produced the prototype glasses that did indeed work.

"You mean to tell me that with these glasses on, you can detect if someone has a weapon or not?" the Lieutenant asked, astonished.

"Yes, Lieutenant, I can," John said.

The man seemed to be skeptical. "Okay, Mr Sutton," the Lieutenant said, "If you don't mind, I'm going to set up a little demonstration here, to kind of prove what you've said."

"Or disprove it," John added, and the Lieutenant smiled and nodded at him.

He went out and in a few moments came back into the office and had four very skeptical looking detectives with him, three men and one woman.

"Fine, Mr Sutton," the Lieutenant went on, "Two of these officers are armed and two are not. Please tell me, using your glasses which have their weapons and which do not."

"Okay," John said putting on the glasses and 'engaging' them.

He did a quick sweep of the four of them, selecting them all at first and then refocused the glasses on the woman only.

(She was tall and solidly built and John decided to have a bit of fun with her, since he was using the glasses. He had her in her underwear immediately.)

"Lieutenant," John said, "This gentleman and this lady are armed; the other two are not."

The Lieutenant just gave John a strange look but then the woman intervened:

"Lieutenant, this is bullshit! He could have just had lucky guesses. He had a fifty-fifty chance of being right all along. Why waste time with the creep."

There was silence in the room then. But John was angry, and spoke immediately from that anger:

"And, Ma'am, you're wearing a pair of lovely french cut panties. They are baby blue. They have a front panel and rear panel which are held together by strips of white lace. Your bra matches your panties."

She stood agog, and the other men just listened, fascinated by what was happening, and had smiles on their faces.

John went quickly on. He pressed the 'engage' button again and had her firmly in his sight. Then he spoke.

"Your pubic hair his shaved off and you have a tattoo on your right butt cheek that says: "Born to be bad!"

"My god!" she said.

The Lieutenant just looked at her and asked softly: "Marge?"

She only shook her head.

One of the other detectives was grinning and said: "Mr Sutton, may I borrow those glasses for a moment?"

Marge turned to him and said: "Winston, be careful, I have a gun here and you don't!"

The grinning detective held up his hands in a defensive position and just took a step back.

"Okay," the Lieutenant said, "Let me talk with Mr Sutton now."

When they'd gone, the Lieutenant sat down and invited John to sit.

"I'm not quite sure if that was illegal or not," he said to John.

John began to talk about the glasses right away: "That little demonstration at the end," he began, "Is the flaw in my design."

"I see!" the Lieutenant said.

"I'm going to work that out next in my lab. But let me do this. How about if, when I do get them to where I want them, I make copies for your people to test them?" John offered.

The Lieutenant smiled and said: "I think that we can agree to that. Please be careful of those glasses and how you use them!"

"Yes," he said, "I'll apologize to the officer on the way out."

"Yes, let me get her for you, and thank you, Mr Sutton," the Lieutenant said.

On the way out, the Lieutenant led John to where Marge was standing. She blushed, when John went to her.

"Ma'am," John said, "I apologize!"

"I shouldn't have shot my mouth off," she said back to him.

Then John smiled and said softly: "I didn't mention the tattoo that said 'Rita's Love'."

"I know!" she said; she nodded and then said softly: "And I appreciate that."

They shook hands, and John left. He had the Lieutenant's card with him and was determined to be in touch with him.


His thoughts were swirling on the way home. Although he hadn't intended it at all, he discovered that he was passing All Saints. He noticed then a light on in the rectory next door. On a whim, he pulled into the drive way of the rectory and went to the door.

Julia answered the door, a short time after the first ring of the doorbell. She was a bit surprised to see John Sutton standing there but instantly broke into a smile.

"John!" she said, extending a hand to bring him in.

He smiled a greeting and said: "Father Julia!"

She put up a hand and said: "Shouldn't it be just Julia and John for us now? After all, you've seen 'veni, vidi, vici'!"

He turned red and nodded his head.

She went on: "And I promise not to keep teasing you about that incident; I think." She giggled as she said this and as he stepped into her house.

She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt that evening. John was dazzled.

"You look lovely!" he said, as though putting out in front of them his thoughts as soon as he thought them. He turned a bit red again.

"Why, thank you, John," she said, "This is my 'down time' and I'm dressed in a very un-priestly fashion."

"But very nicely!" he said, appreciating, though he said nothing about it this time, the way that the jeans clung to her and shaped her butt.

"So, what have you been up to?" she asked.

"Oh," he said, "It's been a heck of a day."

"Well, you'd better come in and we'll talk about it; do you want to?" she asked.

"Yes, I think that I do." He hesitated then for just a few seconds and went on: "I mean, I'm not here to talk to you as a priest; you know?"

She smiled and said: "Yes, I already realize that. But let's come in here. Can I fetch you a beer or anything to drink?"

"Yes, that would be grand," he said, and watched her, as she walked into her kitchen to get the beer, getting one for him and one for herself. She also brought with her two lager glasses and handed him one of them.

She was grinning at him. "You watched me walk into the kitchen; didn't you, you wicked man?"

He reddened and she laughed.

"At least you didn't use your glasses on me this time!" she said.

He joined in the laugh.

"Do you have them with you?" she asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Okay, then hand them over; while you're here, I'll protect myself by having them."

He only smiled and gave her the glasses to hold.

"Okay," she said, after they were settled, "Tell me of your adventures."

"Well," he began, "First of all I had an idea for working on one more feature for the glasses."

"Yes?" she asked, interested.

He explained to her that he'd added a new 'engage' button on the other side of the glasses that allowed the wearer to ignore everyone else in the room except the person that was selected.

"Oh, so you can block out all the rest of the people in their undies or naked and just pick out your target," she said.

He got red and she laughed, with him joining in the laugh.

"Yes, that's about it!" he said.

"Did it work?" she wanted to know.

"Fabulously!" he said, and went on to describe the brunch at Cracker Barrel, the waitress and other people, especially the one older lady. "It was spectacular!" he said.

Then he hesitated only for a few seconds and began to relate his adventure with the three robbers at the pharmacy.

Her hand immediately went to her mouth and she made a tiny squealing noise, when he said it.

"Oh, John," she said, "That was dangerous!"

"Yes, I know," he answered and then talked about how it had turned out, including the words of Marge the detective and how he'd answered her.

Julia giggled at that.

But when he explained that he'd apologized to Marge and not told the others about her tattoo, 'Rita's Love', Julia shook her head in approval.

He sighed then and said: "Quite a day it's been!"

"I guess you're right about that!" she answered.

Then he shook his head and said: "I don't know why I'm telling you all this!"

"Because we are, by now, co-conspirators!" she said.

"Yes, I guess you're right!" he chuckled then and said only: "'Veni, vidi, vici' and all."

She nodded her head and pulled the glasses out, saying: "And I never got a chance to retaliate for that little episode." As she said this, she put the glasses on and looked at him with them on.

"Ohhhhh," he groaned.

"Turn about and fair play, Johnnie Sutton!" she said.

He gave her a strange look for an instant.

"What?" she wanted to know.

"That's what my uncle Herb used to call me, 'Slick Johnnie Sutton'," he said.

"Oh, you mean after the bank robber and jail escape guy?" she offered.

"Exactly!" he said. "I always liked that."

"Well," she broke in with, "I'm going to like this; so, you just walk to the door and back, slowly."

He did as she said and was interrupted by her exclamation: "Ohhh, baby blue underwear! How exotic, Slick Johnnie Sutton."

He stood not knowing what to do and she hooted. He realized instantly exactly what she'd done. She'd pressed the 'engage' button again and had him, in her sights, totally naked. She looked him up and down and said, after a bit, in a soft voice, the raillery having already gone out of the situation and having been replaced by a passion that was building between them: "Turn, John; turn for me."

He did and she muttered: "Wonderful! Just wonderful!"

She took the glasses off and laid them aside and took him by the hand then, saying softly:"'into my parlor, said the spider to the fly'." She led him to the stairs that led up to her bedroom. As they moved up the stairs, she said to him: "John, as you probably can guess, I don't do this often or very easily but I'm sure going to do it now!"

They were on the landing, when she said that and he gathered her into his arms for a kiss. During the kiss, which was an opened mouth kiss with tongues and lips active, they were simply clinging to each other.

"Won't need the glasses to see 'veni, vidi, vici'," she said.

"Good for me!" he said. Then, after a few seconds of thinking, he said: "Good for us!"

"Yes," she answered, "Good for us!"

They went to the bedroom then and proceeded to undress each other, laying their clothes aside, so that the next embrace and kiss was a naked one, with John's erection trapped between them, pressing against her stomach.

"He's getting familiar with 'veni, vidi, vici'!" she said into his ear.

"Yes, I thank the Lord for the fortuitous accident that has led to this," John said.

"Oh," she moaned into his ear, "Do you? Do you really, John? I mean I don't mind at all if this is a 'once' kind of thing; I want it but do you really think that?"

"Yes, I do," he said, "And I don't want it to be a 'once' kind of thing at all!"

"What do you want?" she whispered to him.

"Just this!" he said, kissing her, and petting a breast at the same time, reaching for a nipple during the kiss.

"Put your arms up in the air," he said softly and she kind of giggled and did what he'd told her to do. He began with her breasts and worked his way to her arms, up and down her arms, a kiss in each armpit, and then to her stomach, kissing each word of 'veni, vidi, vici' and then it was down and up one thigh and repeat that with the other thigh, ending with his hands on her butt cheeks and his mouth covering her pubic mound.

She was flexing her hips and pushing herself against his working mouth; it was also causing her to moan loudly.

"Won't last, John!" she said desperately. "Come to me, please, please, please!"

He was up then and they landed on the bed, with him on top of her, and her legs spread wide apart for him.

Her orgasm crashed into her just a few seconds before he also came. The sound and the motion of it was furious and they were loud. They ended clinging to each other, while she kissed his shoulder.

"Didn't even know that passion like that was possible!" she whispered.

"No," he agreed, "What a discovery!"

They lay there, entwined for a good long time. They both were aware, after a few moments of his erection growing again.

"See what you do to me!" he said.

She giggled and took him in her hand, playing with him. She kept it up until he was panting and then, with a quick movement, she had her head on his stomach and his erection in her mouth. He came loudly shortly after that.

She looked up at him, licking him clean and only grinned at him.

They lay for a while and she asked: "What are your plans?


They stayed in the bedroom and he talked about the plans. He told her that modifying the design of the glasses would be an easy thing, to produce a model that didn't have the power that the first ones had and would be useful for detecting hidden weapons.

"I need to apply for a patent," he went on, "And will probably get to that, I believe, easily."

She nodded.

"What I need is some start up money, and then I can produce the prototypes for the Lieutenant and it should be good from there," he finished. "I mean, I can ask my Uncle Brad and Dad for that but for this, my project, I'd rather have the startup money in hand and then talk to them about production and distribution. They know about such things."

She thought a moment, and said: "How much money do you need for start up?"

"Well, that's the thing," he explained, "I can put my hands on about $20,000 and might need another $30,000 or $40,000. That'll get me past the work and the materials for the prototypes and hopefully then it'll be ready to fly, and I can go to Dad and Uncle Brad with the idea already a firm reality."

"I can give you $20,000," she said softly.

He smiled at her and said: "I really think it'll be a great investment; if it bombs, I promise to pay you back; on my honor!"

She kissed him then.

They spent some time, after that talking about another investor and finally he had a great idea. He had the Lieutenant's card, that he'd given him and called him, asking if they could meet to talk. He explained that he wanted to talk about the glasses and the Lieutenant said 'yes'.

Both he and Julia went to meet the Lieutenant at a coffee shop. He introduced Julia as his partner and they sat and had a long talk with the Lieutenant. The upshot of the conversation was the agreement, on the part of the three of them to back the venture. They were all excited about it.

John produced the prototypes during the month, and the patent ended up being no problem at all. He took the prototypes to the Lieutenant, who used them with a few of the detectives and they were a great help and a total success.

It was after that, that they worked on the start up of production of the glasses. He turned, at that point to his Uncle and his Dad, explaining to them that he wanted to be able to raise the seed money himself, and so get it started.

The five of them came to an agreement and went into production. The venture, especially with the experience of John's Dad and Uncle Herb, was a success. After the first six months of production and promotion, John's glasses were a reality and the marketing was going very, very well.

There was another meeting, after that six month period of the three initial investors. They met at a coffee shop, with John going to pick up Julia first for the meeting.

He went to her door and she hauled him in an kissed him.

"Hey, stranger!" she said softly.

"Busy lately, so busy!" he said.

"I know but you're here now!" she said to him, renewing the kiss.

He swept his hands down her back then, during the kiss and let them come to rest on her butt cheeks, squeezing. She giggled and wiggled her butt for him.

"Siren!" he said to her softly.

"Yep, 'veni, vidi, vici'!" she declared into his lips. "But, hey, we'd better get going, if we're going to meet the lieutenant on time.

They met him at the designed coffee spot, with hand shakes all around.

"I don't have too much time," he said.

"I just wanted to bring the two of you up to date on how we're doing," he said.

John went on then to explain to them the worth of the company and how their investments had increased phenomenally. Both Julia, who squealed and kissed John, and the lieutenant were agog with the news of their new found wealth and totally pleased.

It was during that time period, shortly after the meeting of the three of them, that John asked Julia to marry him.

"I'm so sorry to have been so reclusive," he said to her, after asking her. He reached out a hand then and wiped a tear from her eye, from her cheek.

"Oh, yes," she said, right away, "Of course I'll marry you! You're my Johnnie, Slick Johnnie Sutton! And I'm wealthy!"

They, for a time, decided to live in the rectory but made plans over the next six months to move into John's large home. Julia made arrangements with the parish and the move was accomplished.