Venus Conception Pt. 01 Tina

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Tina Version Of Her Affair.
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Venus Conception Part 1 TINA VERSION

Please read Venus conception 0 John's version to understand my story

Some of you have read our story, Part 0 and that was from John's point of view. Remember we are from Europe and have a very different approach to sex and faithfulness from the one most Americans share. Yesterday, a few years after this first story, long after we went back to normal, we had, John and I, a long conversation on where we were, what we wanted for the future and how we remembered the past. It was a wonderful late evening, sitting on our terrace sipping wine and talking as we were not only a married couple with two kids but also and most importantly, the best of friends.

John plainly told me that my growing sexuality, our good communication, our trust and mutual respect pleased him totally and that he truly loved the sexually free wife I had become a bit more every day. In his view, domination and possession of the other have strictly no meaning and can even be extremely destructive for love. Slavery under any form is not his cup-of-tea, nor mine. He added that my lovers made him anxious, every time I had had one, to conquer me again and probably was an important factor in avoiding any complacent behavior so frequent among sated couples.

I was fascinated as, so far, I had mostly thought of his liking for my lovers as some slightly deviant taste, bordering bi-sexuality and not at all as a reasonable logical way of thinking. But of course, John, as a naval engineer, is quite open, bright and ready for any new approach to solve or even preempt a problem. He could be inventing new concepts easily whether in his work or in his private life.

At any rate, as we were discussing our future, he asked me if I had always been totally truthful with him and I could only answer that I never lied but might have omitted some details, small or large, which could in the not-so-distant past have hurt him. Of course, he asked me to be more specific and I mentioned this first affair I had a few years ago with Bill on a yacht in Rhode Island. And, what about it?

So, I related this whole story from my side with more details and adding part of the tryst that out of discretion and for his-own protection I had kept hidden to this day. Call it being prude, fear to be blunt, or just fear of hurting his ego in those days.

You might have read his account of this weekend of sailing and how he found out the very first night on this boat that I had made love to Bill under the blanket on the front deck. And how he found out as I came back to our cabin with my lover's semen literally dripping out of my pussy into my panty. He made me suck him immediately and did not blend his fluids with my lover's. I was shocked in the literal sense, expecting anger, hate or whatever but immediately realized that he was open to sharing me, forgiving and probably even excited as I knew from friends that he had had at least one affair with a married girl friend of ours, this German woman he told you about in his account.

Now, encouraged by John, I would like to tell you my own view and what my thoughts were on that first day on the boat.

It all started with a bit of playing with Bill and I was glad I could show my dear husband that if he could find a lover (his German girlfriend), I was not myself incapable of turning the head of a man as good looking as Bill!

So, it was just a little game of tease and mild flirt in front of John, nothing that could lead to anything but a show of my sensual capacity.

As John told you, Bill was in my back helping me to steer the ship and I was really trying hard to keep the sailboat on a straight course while he was telling me how well I was doing for a first time. The breeze, the flattering thought of guiding an imposing hull through the ocean, the very presence of this gentle yet very muscular man in my back, all this led to an extremely relaxing and yet exciting mood in which I was bathing. As my anxiety to keep the boat on a straight line receded, another unexpected feeling crept down my body.

The boat was plowing through the small waves and our bodies were slowly swaying back and forth. Was I backing into him or was he just balancing his weight?

At any rate I could feel the soft and still discrete pressure of his groin at times pressing against my very thinly covered ass, his muscular arms brushing the sides of my tiny breasts when he was correcting my reactions on the wheel.

I was slowly aware of a growing sexual excitation. My tits were clearly hard, goose pimples could be seen on my body, and unknown to anyone but me, moisture was forming in my crotch. Women know about this!

I did not push back savagely against Bill nor did anything to make him feel that I did not appreciate his proximity. I think that at one point I extended my arms on the wheel thus backing up my body just a bit and pressing my butt against his shorts. Once more, this was just a tease and as a woman, I was pleased to notice that his breath just stopped for a couple of seconds. If any woman reads me, you all know how pleasant this little game can be. We cannot say or show that we want sex, but we certainly love to wear short dresses or bras that make our breasts and ass look even better...

Meanwhile, John, my husband was at times looking at me and I certainly did watch his reactions to what was also a tease to him. He did not seem to mind and even grinned when he seemed to tell me that I was learning fast.

Bill did not move but one of his arms left the wheel and his hand came on the outer part of my left thigh on the opposite side of John. He did not caress me but the mere presence of his fingers on my bare skin made me shiver. I was about to politely ask him to stop when I had this image of John touching Claudia, his German girlfriend he had made love to a few months ago or even later. I was not seeking a revenge but probably wished to show my husband that if he could have an affair...

My body rather than my mind decided that I should just let things go and let him gently play with me. I bent down and parted my legs to look at the compass and this time my ass came in full contact with his own thin nylon shorts. I pretended it was unintentional, but I kept the position long enough (a few seconds) to notice the hard presence of something separated only by two thin layers of clothing from my ass. As I resumed my standing position, I looked at John, but he did not seem to have noticed my move. Was he dumb or maybe he just did not care at this point.

So, Bill and I kept silently pressing our bodies against one another and I did not any longer try to hide my acceptance of his protuberance against my back.

As we came closer to our next mooring, our captain came to replace us, and I went to sit next to John while Bill joined his companions to take the sails in.

After dropping the anchor off the coast, I admired Bill who took a splendid dive from the deck. His body was spectacular, tall, slender, with perfect abs and an ass like the ones you see on the Greek marble gods in the museums. I went down the ladder and John followed me before swimming towards the island. I remained near the boat as the water was a bit chilly and Bill came next to me and as he told me how much he had liked these moments earlier, I splashed him with water, and we soon were fighting like kids. I threatened him with pulling down his swimming trunk and put a hand on his waist as if to start doing it.

His only answer was to grab the side of the bottom part of my bikini and pull it down. I almost screamed but thought better and tried to pull down his own shorts. They barely moved but as he turned, my hand came in contact with his front and, laughing, I squeezed his erection. He said nothing but his own hand moved to my crotch and pressed my delicate pussy through my bathing suit. It was as an electric shock and, all fun put aside, I had this intense desire to touch and be touched. How in seconds can an attitude change!

I squeezed him more and without saying a word, his hand pushed the waist of my bathing suit down letting his fingers come in direct contact with my half-shaved pussy. This time it was no longer something we could pretend to be a little game: We clearly wanted one another, and this newly born carnal passion was not going to disappear in a second. How long were we caressing one another? Maybe a minute when we saw John swimming back towards us. I smiled at Bill, readjusted my bathing suit, and went up on deck. Maybe due to his probably obvious erection, he remained in the cool water a bit longer.

At lunch, I sat down next to Bill, and we made sure nothing except a bit of nude thigh touching under the table, was visible.

During the afternoon, while our Captain and most of the crew went for a siesta, I "skippered" the ship once more with Bill helping me again although I had now a pretty good idea of the reactions of the boat to my now very steady movements on the wheel.

It however gave me even more of an opportunity to enjoy the contact of his cock against my back. I had before lunch changed into another bikini, this one pink with a rather thin line at the crotch. I do not even think I had planned anything like another groping sequence but, connected to Bill who had just a speedo on, it was truly hot! I still remember looking at his tanned arms with this blond hair and realizing we had more in common than just our slender looks.

I wanted to show him that I was not a shy little girl so that when I pressed my back against him, I moved my ass slowly against his rigid cock. Fortunately, the boat was asleep, and no one was looking at us. So, I must have done everything that was possible within the constraints of some decency to show Bill that I really liked what he had to offer...

You read the following with John's first account. I read it before he decided to submit it and agreed to all he had to say. Nonetheless, I also believe that he missed most of my feelings during these few days. What had started as a relatively innocent tease grew rapidly into an amazing torrid affair.

I will not go into too many details on my every thought I had during the day but just say that progressively I had a need, an urge, an unsustainable desire to kiss and eventually grope and be touched by Bill.

When the opportunity arose during the night to spend a few more moments in his company while he was singing and playing the guitar, I did not hesitate and let John go down alone to our tiny cabin. I did not have any plan, but my eyes must have told him how thankful I was to let me have a few moments to dream under the stars.

It was late and as his watch was to last for three hours, his companions soon left and went down under to get a few hours of sleep. Were they just considering from my or his looks that we wished to be alone? I will never know. However, under the shiny stars, in this incredible silence of the sea only disturbed by the subtle noise of the wavelets dying on the hull.

We were seated close to one another, Bill having put his guitar back in its bag, when his hand took mine and pulled me towards him. I was ready and within seconds, our lips met, and we started kissing like kids. Not a word had been said but he knew that I was as keen as he to pursue what we had started during the day.

As I said earlier, the teasing game had ended, and we were or at least I was the victim of my own play. My whole body was, if not on fire, at least very, very anxious to touch his muscles, caress his hair, kiss his lips, exchange our tongues, and yes, feel his body with my hands.

For dinner, I had as John had mentioned put a wide short, a T shirt and no bra. Bill had no difficulty in finding my tender spots starting with my breasts that I have rather small (no bragging there!) but very firm. My tits which, as for many blondes, are rather long were not like daggers but quite stiff by the time his fingers were expertly caressing them. He took his time, did not rush and I had that distinct impression that he must be a very good lover.

At that point, I had no intention of going much further or at least did not want to think about it. I was just basking in the delights of my awakened sensuality. I thought we would just mess around, kiss, get excited under the stars and most likely do nothing besides a bit of flirt.

You know that sexual excitation is a growing feeling and that once it has reached a certain level, for both men and women, it is hard, almost impossible to just stop. I did not want to reason at that point, and this is how I explain what happened next. From my breasts, he went down to my waist and reached my crotch. He paused for a while just to get me used to his hand on my still clothed pussy. I could have been shocked; I should have realized that this was now going further than it should, but the excitation was there, and I was curious to feel his cock in my hand again.

Besides, where I might have just left Bill panting a few months ago, before I learned of my husband's affair, now I had less concern about my own morality. And maybe I had to repay him part of what he had done to my ego. Besides, he had not seemed to show any displeasure or jealousy during the day when I was teasing Bill. And most women will agree with me that these pheromones have a lot of influence on our minds.

So, it went on and as he slowly moved his hand on my crotch, I parted my legs slightly as if to tell him to go ahead. My fever was growing, a need to touch him and I placed my hand on his own shorts, immediately sensing his hard-on and his firmer grasp of my crotch between his fingers.

I was the one who opened not his fly but the buckle of his belt. He let a deep moan and as I fumbled a few seconds with the mechanism, he moved his rear forward and half lied in front of me. I opened the retaining button when the belt was loose and slowly engaged my hand and arm down his pants. It did not travel more than an inch before I felt his rigid pole, warm and already slightly wet under my fingers. There, as earlier in the water, I was touching his cock and doing it before he has a chance to finger my own pussy.

Some of you may think that I am a bitch, a slut, but I will answer that I am rather a defender of women's rights. When I say that we have equal rights, I also think that we have equal opportunities and tasks. Why should the inceptor of any idea, work, or for that matter sexual first step be the man? And why would you criticize me as you are willingly and probably pleasurably reading this?

Bill had his eyes closed while I gently manipulated his organ with my fingers, very careful not to scratch him with my nails. I had his penis between my thumb and fingers and immediately realized that Bill was strongly equipped, not that I had not had a first feel during the swim, but it was a lot more impressive now. Was it the warmth of his shorts versus the chill of the ocean water? Maybe.

I was there, slowly stroking him when he opened his eyes, looked around and told me we should move from the cockpit to the deck. My hand left the warmth of his shorts and we both raised to our feet.

You may remember that John heard us walking on deck and that at first, we had a rather hot session of kissing and touching that led us to a very pleasant mutual masturbation. But then, both of us were on a no return voyage and at the same time getting a bit cold as his and my shorts were lying on the deck, not to mention our shirts that were open to the humid air of the sea.

Bill went back to the cockpit and drew a large blanket from one of the lockers and when he was back, he gave me his hand and invited me to go to the front of the boat on the sundeck.

John, my husband saw this and now, years later, I still wonder why at this point I did not decide to return to my cabin and eventually make love to John as a mare in heat. I can only tell you that I was then no longer on a brain reasoning mode but on a vagina induced logic.

We were within seconds, my shorts in hand, my breasts barely covered under a thick blanket and comfortably installed on the cushions of the wide sundeck. Bill was now pulling down at my panties which I kicked off. I did not resist but helped him and just kept my top on. Soon, he had discarded his underwear and shirt and I could under the blanket feel his warm body under my hands.

He immediately resumed his kissing and I remember that this first kiss in the nude was another shock as it dawned on me that I was now really making love to someone other than my husband.

In a way, that fact excited me even more: The first time, the forbidden pleasure, the site under the stars, the presence of my husband so close and yet so far, I was at a loss to distinguish which of these facts excited me more.

I clearly remember that this time Bill was the one who took the initiative. He had stimulated my clitoris with his fingers for a while and trying to suppress any noise I had an orgasm that was not the one of my life but which certainly induced my whole body and mind to want more.

Bill had lit a fire that could only be put down with more kissing, touching, rubbing, pressing, licking, and...

I do not know why but I was the one who asked him to "love me". I had for a few seconds a thought about protection, but I did not want to break the magic of the instant. Besides, John and I did not have any and Bill could not go and fetch them in the crew quarters, should he have any, without some explanation to his mates. And in these days, within reasonably normal people who did not indulge into homosexuality or use drugs, the chances of anything serious like aids or hepatitis were extremely slim. But and there was a great "BUT"

I was not on the pill...

Many women in my case know that situation: The question arises and in ninety percent of the cases our mind or should I say our "Nature always wins" brain will put forward all the arguments as: I might not be fertile now, I could always have an abortion, the morning after pill exists, he will pull out, I will rinse his sperm out afterwards, ...

So, I was not different, and my blood was boiling, endorphins were flooding throughout my body, when he simply parted my legs, came on top of me and started to rub the slick, thick, oily tip of his cock on my lips and up on my clit. Strangely he did not rush things and, holding his swollen organ in his fingers he was like painting my very sensitive clitoris with his glans. I was at times shuddering, basking in a perfect pleasure that was as intoxicating as any drug.

At one moment, I can still picture me shaking like a leaf under a sweet wind, my hand in his hair, my mind focused on his body and his exquisite caress. The sensations of touch were enhanced by the foggy impression of violating not only my most intimate body, but my conception of marriage and the barriers imposed by society.

He was slightly on the side, preventing with an elbow firmly planted in the cushions that his weight presses too hard on my lungs. It was comfortable and could have lasted for hours. He was so patient, caressing my engorged clitoris with his pre cum covered glans, again and again and again, awaiting my second impending orgasm, intentionally or not, making me reach an even higher plateau, sending my lust to new heights, giving me this indomitable urge to feel him inside.

Our eyes were locked despite the semi darkness, and he was like pleading for me to ask him to go ahead. And this communion between not only our bodies but our feelings triggered my second climax of the night. Pure primal pleasure was washing over me, an ecstatic haze of lust was blurring my vision and my instincts took over to solely focus on his rigid shaft which I took between my fingers. I think I said something about my need to have him in me and with grace, he very slowly pushed his organ between my lips.