Veronica's New Fuck Machine

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Veronica gets a fuck machine with full-service installation.
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I'm dressed casually in trackies and a thin t-shirt this warm morning and I'm nursing my second cup of coffee when the intercom from the gate rings. I wonder who can be there, so I walk to it, activate the conversation and see on my screen a young, muscular woman carrying a large flat package.

"Hello, who is it?" I ask.

"Delivery from Pacific Pleasures."

"Sorry, who?"

"You placed an order for, uh, a Titanium Plus machine."

My memory snaps to attention. "Ah, the fuck machine!"

"Oh yes, come in." I hit the button to unlock the gate. I see her disappear from the intercom screen and I open the front door, watching the attractive, fit woman effortlessly carry the bulky package across my lawn. As she gets near, I say, "Aren't you, uh, oh, no you couldn't be."

The woman cackles and says, "No, I wasn't on Australian Ninja Warriors. I get that a lot. I do admit that by appearance I could be her daughter." We both giggle at the mistaken identity.

After stepping inside, the woman says, "Where to with this?"

I start to point to my pleasure room, but then ask, "How heavy is that, and can it be easily stored in a bedroom?"

"It's actually not all that heavy, and yes, it collapses very compactly. You ordered the new Titanium Plus, which really is made from titanium, so it's strong but light and the new design is very easy to handle."

"Okay then, this way. I'm Veronica."

"Hi, I'm Felicity."

I lead the way to my bedroom. I am glad that I have made my bed. "So, you'll use it on your bed?" she asks.

"Uh, yes, I guess so, for now."

"Okay, we'll set it up there, but I'll show you how to configure it for anywhere." I smile and sit on the bottom corner of the bed. She sets the box down on the floor, sits by it and rips it open. She pulls out the machine's components and assembles them.

"The new design is pretty easy to use, but with all the amazing new features, I need to take you through them so you can get the most out of the machine."

I wonder what can be complicated. The fuck machines I have seen cam girls use look simple, but I accept the statement.

Felicity sets the machine at the foot of the bed. She plugs the power lead into the machine and then looks around. "Where's the nearest outlet? Ah, over here?"

"Yes, that's fine."

She plugs it into the wall and the machine gives a few whirring noises. She then opens a small box, gets out the remote control and puts in batteries. "It uses AAAs, so make sure you have a few on hand, not that they get used up that quickly." I nod.

She picks up a piece of paper. "I'll go through several items on the checklist before you get undressed." I'm a little taken aback at her mention of undressing, but I then remember that I have asked for the deluxe installation service after all.

"You can do everything with the remote, but you can also use your phone, tablet or laptop to control the machine. Would you like me to set up those options?"

I always like multiple options, so I bring one of each of those over from my desk. She says, "The machine can connect via Bluetooth, or you can use a USB cable. I'll set all machines up for Bluetooth and also give you connecting cables. Please unlock the devices." I unlock each and hand them over.

"Now watch me as I do this, so you know I'm not messing with the devices. I will download and install the app on each, so you can use them as remote control devices. Then you can choose which device you'd like to use.

"The laptop is the easiest to use for advanced programming. I find a tablet easiest when using it alone, especially in face-down positions. Phone is handy when controlling someone else." I hadn't considered using it on someone else, or vice-versa, but I smile when I think of the possibility.

Felicity sets each device up in turn, then says, "We'll do everything using the supplied remote to teach you. The functions are identical on the other devices, although they have a slightly different appearance." She looks at her checklist.

"Oh, let me download the User Guide and the Advanced Programming Guide onto your laptop for later." She taps away. "What folder would you like them in?"

"'Downloads' is fine for now. I'll move them later."

"No worries." She downloads the PDF guides and makes sure they are readable.

I am impressed by the obvious expertise and experience of the young woman. She examines the USB sockets of each of my devices and selects the appropriate cables, taking the devices and cables back to my desk. She then picks up the remote control and smiles. "Okay, it's booted up. It does take a minute or two when you first turn it on."

"Now there are two sets of feet for the machine. Since we're on carpet now, we'll use these, with the teeth on the bottom." She demonstrates how to insert and remove the feet. "Might you use this on a hard floor?"

"Uh, yes possibly," I say.

"Okay, then for there, you use these suction cup feet." She holds up a plastic bag with those. "You don't want the machine to slip on the floor, or it won't work properly.

"Now I'll tell you about the attachments." She opens another box and out spill several dildo-like attachments. "We've gone with all glass now. Plastic is porous, and we had rare cases of bacterial infections, so we've just decided to avoid that. Glass is smoother anyway, but you know that."

I smile, very well knowing it.

"Wow, you ordered the whole size range - fascinating," she says, not pursuing any line of questioning in that regard, much to my relief.

"Because of the strong mechanical thrusting, it's best to start smaller than you would usually use. May I look at the largest toy that you insert?"

I point to my bedside table and say, "Middle drawer." She walks over and opens it.

"What a great pleasure chest! Wow, what beautiful nipple clamps. Oh, sorry." She rummages through and finds the huge strap-on. "Oh, my, this is so thick."

She brings it over and sits on the floor with the other attachments. "Now the largest of ours is a little thinner than this, and you could probably use it when you are used to it, but let's go two sizes smaller for now. Work up to the larger sizes once you're used to the machine."

She selects an attachment and says, "Watch, it's easy. Push it gently on and rotate it around clockwise until it stops, then push hard and rotate more until you feel a solid click." She demonstrates and I nod. "Push and rotate anti-clockwise to remove.

"There are clicks every 90 degrees. For this attachment, it doesn't matter, because it's basically a cylinder." She picks up another attachment. "But for this one, with a G-spot bump, you want to have the bump pointing up if using the machine on your back, or down if you are using it face down.

"Now for cleaning, we recommend rinsing with warm water, spraying with sex toy cleaner, and rinsing again. I assume you have cleaner but I'll give you a bottle. I always clean before and after use."

She removes the attachment, finds the bottle of cleaner and goes to the bathroom. I hear the sink run, and then she comes back out and fits the attachment again. She has also brought a thick towel, which she spreads at the foot of the bed, the end hanging over the edge.

"I hope you don't mind that I grabbed this. It's highly recommended to avoid staining your bedspread." I smile in acknowledgment of her wisdom.

Felicity looks over her checklist and says, "Okay, we're ready to do the initial adjustment. Get ready."

I look puzzled and say nothing.

"Uh, you need to take off your pants and knickers."

"Oh. I see. Yes, of course."

"Don't be shy, I've seen it all."

I stand and peel off my trackies and knickers in one motion and toss them onto a chair.

"Now position yourself on the towel, with legs comfortably dangling over the edge." I do that, blushing a little at exposing my pussy to the woman, but I understand that it's necessary for the adjustment.

"Let me put several cushions under your back, so you can lie back but still be able to look at what I'm doing." I relax into the cushions.

She says, "Look at this big green button on the machine." She pushes it and raises the height of the attachment to pussy level. "That releases the level, for roughly setting the height and later for collapsing it for storage."

She then lifts and moves the machine to place the tip of the attachment close to my pussy lips. "You just need to get the tip close, to begin with. We'll do fine adjustments using the remote. Okay, we need to get you lubed. I recommend that you always use lube even if you think you're wet enough."

She finds a bottle of lubricant, squirts a generous dollop onto her fingers and clinically spreads it over my lips before spreading my lips with the other hand and wiping it inside, penetrating my opening a little. I feel strange; I had half-expected this to be exciting, but I feel more like I'm at the doctor's.

She quickly runs to the bathroom to rinse and dry her hand. When she comes back, she lies on the bed next to me and holds the remote. "I'll guide you through the process now. Watch what I do.

"Your first lesson is setting the four base adjustments: height, angle, maximum depth and minimum depth. Let's start by getting it in you. I'll press 'Mode', then 'Adjustment'. Now you can see the four items, right?" I nod.

Felicity spends the next several minutes showing me how to set the initial configuration. We work through the adjustment process until I say, "Feels good now."

"Great. Hit 'Save'. By default, it saves to a setting configuration number. Later, you can give the configuration a name, but we won't worry about that now. That's in the Advanced Programming Guide."

"Whew, I'm tired already, and we haven't even used it."

"No, but as I said, from now on, all you have to do is select a configuration, hit 'Start', and then scoot yourself until it's at the maximum depth you want, and then hit 'Start' again.

"For different positions, like on your knees, you need to make another configuration for that."

"Is that all?"

"Oh no, I have to show you the usage modes. Hit 'Mode' and 'Use' to get to the main usage menu. The modes, as you can see, are 'Steady', 'Random Depth', 'Random Speed', 'Random Depth & Speed', 'Jerk Out' and 'Custom'."

"Wow, now I know why you provide the setup service."

"Let's start with 'Steady'. Hit that. This will use full strokes between the minimum and maximum depths. Now you see 'Slower', 'Faster', 'Start' and 'Stop', but 'Stop' is greyed out because it's not running."

"Can I hit 'Start'?"

"Yes. Start with a slow speed, then you can increase as you wish."

"Okay, here goes." I hit 'Start' and the machine springs into life, slowly fucking me. "Mmmm feels nice."

"Increase the speed gradually."

I hit 'Faster' and moan softly. I hit it several times until it is at maximum speed. "Oh, fuck," I cry.

She smiles. "Yes, it's fucking you all right. Hit 'Stop' now and I'll show you something else."

I hit 'Stop' and the machine stops where it was.

Felicity says, "Let's train the 'Hold' and 'Stop' voice commands to recognise your voice. Hit 'Mode' then 'Voice Command' then 'Stop'. Watch for 'Speak now' then shout 'Stop!'"

I do that. She says, "Repeat for 'Hold'."

I tap buttons and shout 'Hold'.

"They should have taken. Let's test them. Go back to the usage menu and select..."

I interrupt her, saying, "I think I got it, let me try." I find the main usage menu and say, "I think I'll try 'Jerk Out'."

"That's one of my favourites," she says with a smile. "Start it up, play a while, then shout 'Hold'."

I try that mode, feeling the machine jerk out after slowly filling me. It is an unusual sensation, but after several strokes, it becomes quite exciting. She whispers in my ear, "Yell 'Hold' now." I do so and the machine suddenly stops then slowly moves halfway inside me and holds still there.

She says, "The 'Hold' command is for when you want to pause, like when you've just cum and you don't want any more fucking but still want to feel it inside you. You can adjust the hold depth to your liking. Okay, hit 'Start' again."

The machine resumes its odd pushing and then jerking out. She whispers, "Yell 'Stop' now."

I shout, "Stop!" and then gasp as the machine quickly pulls out completely.

Felicity tells me, "That's a safety measure if it's all too much. The 'Stop' voice command does what you just noticed. It pulls completely out of you and stops. The reason I whispered to you is that the machine responds to anyone programmed. So if you are using this with someone, either of you can hold or stop by voice if you've programmed her voice."

"Yeah, I guess that could be useful. Wow, so many wonderful options."

"Yes. Let me show you another attachment that works well with the 'Jerk Out' mode. Oh, I didn't mention that you have a 'Deep' option in that mode, where the machine stays deep in you on each stroke for a selected time or a random time. That adds to the experience."

"Look at this cone-shaped attachment, narrow at the tip and much wider at the base. When it's deep inside, your pussy swallows it and clamps onto the wide base. A quick jerk out is quite stimulating."

"Ooo, let me try that one."

"Okay." She lubes the cone after cleaning it in the bathroom and attaches it.

"How do I start it from being totally out?"

"The machine knows that it's out, so when you start a mode from there, it will move in very slowly, giving you a chance to make sure it hits the target."

"Okay, here goes." I hit 'Jerk Out' then 'Start' and it hones in, slowly filling me, widening my pussy on the way in. It stops. "What do I do now?"

"The machine knows it's been out of you, so when you hit 'Start' the first time, it moves to the maximum depth and holds. Wiggle around and make sure it's the right depth and angle, then hit 'Start' again."

I hit 'Start', and I gasp when it jerks out, then slowly pushes in again.

"Nice, isn't it? You can increase the speed if you want. Then for a real thrill, use the random 'Deep' option."

I do those and my pussy is stimulated in a way it has never been before. I start moaning. The unpredictable deep hold has me holding my breath when it is deeply filling my pussy, then groaning when it jerks out.

Felicity smiles, knowing that I have surrendered to my new titanium friend. After a few minutes, I am gurgling and finally, my pussy gives up and I cum hard and scream, my juice flooding around the cone.

She yells 'Hold', and the machine pushes halfway inside of me and holds. I pant and moan as my pussy pulses around the cone. As I am settling, she cleans up the boxes and plastic rubbish and takes them outside the front door before returning. She looks at me collapsed on the bed and says, "Well, I believe we have a satisfied customer."

"Hell, yes!"

"You have many options to try. That's why the Titanium Plus is the best. I'll just show you where one is. I put in my favourite custom program. It's under 'Mode', 'Use', 'Custom' and it's called 'Felicity1', strangely enough." She taps those as I watch.

"I'll have to try it," I say.

"Just don't forget to yell 'Stop' before you pass out!" she says with a giggle.

I feel the cone still inside me. I say 'Stop' and the machine withdraws. I stagger to my feet. She unfastens the attachment and takes the two used ones to the sink, leaving the bottle of cleaner by the sink. She then returns and shows me how to collapse the machine.

"Try carrying it by the handle on the side," she suggests.

"Oh wow, it is amazingly light. I can carry this easily. Well, thank you, Felicity, your service was top-notch."

"My pleasure, Veronica, and yours too with your new Titanium Plus. Now don't do what I did my first day with one and use it non-stop. I ruined my pussy for a week."

I show her out and decide to have lunch and then try out several options on my new toy. Despite her warning, I use it for a couple of hours, having it hold still inside me for minutes between orgasms before trying a different mode.

After resting and blissing out for several minutes, the last mode I try is 'Felicity1'. I am very stimulated after several orgasms, but I really want to try it.

I hit 'Start', and the machine starts fucking me very slowly and steadily. I think that this is a bit boring, but then it starts fucking faster at random intervals before returning to slow speed, even stopping for a few seconds every now and then.

The fucking becomes more random, in speed, depth and pattern. Then it pulls almost all the way out and fucks me rapidly a centimetre or two per stroke, stimulating my G spot. Then it plunges deep and does the fast short strokes in there. "Oh, fuck," I yell.

It repeats that cycle several times, shallow and deep, and then it stops, holding still deep in me. I am panting. My pussy clenches and releases, wanting more, but the machine remains still. Still panting, I groan and push onto the attachment.

Suddenly, the machine quickly pulls out almost all the way. I gasp. Then it resumes the slow, steady fucking. This time it's not boring. My pussy is on fire and is dripping onto my towel again. It gradually increases in speed but fucks steadily.

I am moaning continuously, being driven toward my next climax.

The machine now goes wild, fucking me hard and fast for a few seconds. I scream. Then it slows again and I moan, "Oh, noooo, fuck meeee." The machine ignores my plea and relentlessly plunges slowly.

After a minute, it goes random again. This time it doesn't relent. It drives me mad, as I never know what speed or depth or pattern will come next. My pussy is quivering. My head rolls back with my eyes closed. Groans fill the room. My body shakes.

I feel my orgasm approaching, and the machine seems to sense that, as it stops being random and fucks me hard and fast with long strokes. "Ahhhhhhh," I scream, over and over with each exhalation. Then I cum, yelling, "Oh, fuckkkkkk, yesssss!"

My body is pinned to the bed, helplessly pounded. I cum again and again, with an intensity I've never experienced. My mind escapes my body and watches and hears this shrieking woman being madly fucked.

I'm about to black out, and I remember Felicity's warning. I collect a breath and yell 'Stop' at the top of my lungs. The machine dutifully snaps out and I collapse. I am panting madly and my heart is beating wildly.

The next thing I know, I feel chilled with my legs over the edge of the bed. It is getting dark and a cool breeze wafts through the window. I must have fallen asleep for hours.

My legs complain and I groan as I struggle out of bed to close the window. I blurt, "Ouch!" as my pussy cries about the brutal treatment I have given it. Well, Felicity did warn me.

I go to the bathroom, carrying the attachments that I have used. I pee and rinse my hands and clean the toys with the cleaner that Felicity has thoughtfully left me. I then pack all of the attachments into their classy satin bag and find a place for the bag in a dresser drawer.

I collapse the machine and slide it under the bed. Very neat! What a wonderful toy.

I pull the towel off the bed with its huge soaked spot and casually toss it onto the bathroom floor. The bedspread is drenched as well, but I can't be bothered to deal with it now. I crawl under the covers and melt into the bed, falling asleep quickly.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

LOVE THE STORY , need a part 2 were yes it needs a service call or 2 , to showing a young girl they joy of it

doninpantiesdoninpanties8 months ago

I would love to try that toy on my boi pussy.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow that was amazing! Very well done!

toesucker1toesucker112 months ago

Well, now I know to always get “deluxe installation service” when I order my own playthings. Perhaps Veronica will have need of a service call from Felicity in the future? Did she purchase the extended warrenty?

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine12 months ago

I want this machine.

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