Veronique Goes Sailing Ch. 06


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Ryker looked at me and asked if I was sure he wanted to go on, "It's pretty spicy!"

I nodded to him, "I want to know everything."


"Well, he pulled her thong down her legs and gave her a resounding slap on the bum. It was a hell of a lot harder than I would have smacked her.

"She had a very nice bum; in fact, I had been secretly admiring her figure during our tour of the house. She gave a yelp, wiggled her bum around and let out an eager groan. He gave her a few more and asked me to take over while he got some of her toys."

Again, Ryker asked me if he was being too specific. "No, keep going. What did you do?"

"Well, I gave her a couple of smacks and watched her fanny get wetter with every stroke I delivered. Then she pleaded with me to fuck her; she was very vocal and graphic, probably much more than Sally today. So I did what the lady requested, dropping my trousers and taking her from behind.

"Her husband returned with a little gold butt plug and handed it to me. He was telling me that she liked all her holes filled. He moved to the window, reached under her and tore the front of what I thought was a costly dress right down to her waist. He slipped her arms out of the sleeves, undid her bra and dropped it on the floor."

I looked at him to see if he was making this up, to tease me.

"I'm not bullshitting you; seriously, he tore it off, and she loved it. He put her nipple clamps on, sat on the windowsill and offered her his cock for a blowjob. I rammed the butt plug in her bum and went to town. I came far too soon, and he swapped places, telling me to get her to clean her mess from my willie, and bragged that she loved cleaning up her mess. Sure enough, she took to my willie like she hadn't eaten for a month.

"He didn't come in her but pulled out when he started coming and shot his load over her face and mouth. She stood up then and clung to me for dear life, telling me I was wonderful and all sorts of other embarrassing stuff. Husband just left us there and went to the bathroom to tidy himself up."

My mind flew back to the lunchtime session with Aaron and Rex and how I had clung to Aaron afterwards, needing his understanding of what I had done. But I didn't let on about this to Ryker.

"Have you seen her since?" I asked.

"Yes, twice, and she wants a lot more. We have won the contract to design and manage the holiday retreat they are having built, and we have already picked up another lucrative job from one of their circle of friends."

"Tell me about the other two times."

"We need to get going, so very quickly. The second time I saw them was again at their home, and a lot more intense. She likes being submissive and loves to be bound and humiliated, quite extreme stuff, really."

What about the third time? Ryker looked at his watch and sighed, "At the end of the second session, her husband left us alone for a bit again, and she asked me if I could get some more guys to do her, as she had always fantasised about being gang banged, so I mentioned I might be able to get a friend of mine that she might like."

"Did you take Aaron around?!" I erupted. I immediately regretted my reaction but felt a burst of jealous betrayal that I couldn't contain.

"No! Good lord, Aaron would not be into what this woman wants. He won't even smack a girl's bum. This woman is into some seriously heavy degrading acts."

The relief that washed over me must have been apparent because Ryker gave me a knowing smile. I wanted to wipe that off his face and tell him that Aaron had promised to smack my arse tonight for going with Valerie. But I bit my tongue and nodded for him to carry on.

"I have an acquaintance, Pete, who owns and manages a building company we often use. I know he regularly cheats on his wife, and he owes me some favours for all the work I have put his way. I thought I might score a lot more brownie points if I let him in on this. So once I had talked to Pete, I rang Bruce. He was over the moon when I told him I had a guy but said he didn't want neighbours seeing men visiting and then leaving a couple of hours later. He mentioned that a couple of nosey neighbours had already asked who I was and what I was doing there the two previous times.

"So we arranged to meet Pete at my house. That was when I decided to build the dungeon. I had been thinking about building one for years. Their wanting to meet at my place jolted me into action. My family home has a large games room with a pool table in the basement, and I have excavated behind that, put in some substantial steel beams, lined it and put old jailhouse bars behind what looks to be a normal door. Pete has built a lot of equipment that he and I are installing."

I asked if I could see it. Ryker raised his eyebrows and asked me if I was getting interested in a bit of BDSM.

"No! Hell no! I can't think of anything worse than being hurt or humiliated. But I wouldn't mind taking Aaron down there when he upsets me." I gave Ryker a wicked smile with my reply.

Ryker laughed with me, "You are welcome to use it whenever. Back to the third time I met them. As we need to go.

"His wife, I'll call her Jill, had told me they had a close circle of friends, and she knew of two wives that may want to use my services."

"Good Lord! Are you going to turn this into a business?"

"Hell no, it's purely for fun and will never be more than once a month, and only with people with much more to lose than I have. I've also made it plain to Bruce that there is a limit on how far anything can go at my place. I want no asphyxiation stuff. That's when there is trouble, someone dies, and the shit hits the fan."

"God, it sounds terrible. Why would anyone want to do all that?"

"You have no idea the 'high' that women, and men for that matter, get from BDSM. Jill must have come three times the first time at their house. But when Bruce and I tied her up and got rough the second time, she must have come about eight times. And when Pete was there last time, she had to have had a dozen orgasms."

"Come on. We must go. I have to get the Lobster Thermidor started."

He started the van, and we drove up over the hill. We had only gone a hundred yards, and another question popped into my head, "Why did you not try it on with me when we were gathering peaches? I would have probably let you. Aaron says it was out of respect for him."

"Ah! I was bloody tempted. Let me tell you a theory of mine. Love is like fire; it can burn brightly, smoulder, and go out. At its extreme, it is an explosion, instantaneous combustion that is gone in a flash. Bright hot flames burn for a short time but then always go out. But some fires can burn and smoulder for years. There are peat fires that have burned for hundreds of years; did you know that?" Ryker said, raising his eyebrows at me.

"So yes, my regard for Aaron was a reason, but my big concern was that If I had taken you in Peachgrove Bay, it would have been like the most fantastic bright flame, then burned for a while before going out and leaving you despising me. That's what's happened with pretty much all the young women I have ever been with and why I feel safe with married women. I admire you and really fancy pushing you down on the seat right now, but I am not going to ruin a relationship with you just for a quick bonk."

I blushed at his admission, "So you're looking for a 'peat fire' with married couples? That does not sound like a very intelligent pursuit."

He roared with laughter, "Nique, you are a gem. I think it will be you and Aaron that burn like peat. Have you told him you love him yet? He loves you, you know. I've never seen him so besotted with a woman before."

Again, I felt my cheeks burn red, "I have, just this morning, and he said he loved me the other night, but it confused me. I feel I'm too young and have seen and know nothing of the world. I don't think I should get tied down yet, but I think I do love him."

"My advice is to grab him; you'll never get a better match. Yes, you're young, but age should have nothing to do with love. Besides, you have learned today that Aaron will never stop you from tasting some forbidden fruit if you think you missed out. You certainly won't find that trait in many men."

We pulled up outside the house and parked alongside Rex's car, bringing me back to the present and what we would go inside and prepare for.

"So do you hope that Sacha will be your peat fire, or will you bend her over the table and try to survive the explosion?"

"I don't think I will ever find love, so no peat fire, sadly. But Sacha is special to me. I have thought about her a lot these last two months. Now there is something I have hardly admitted to myself; not quite sure why I told you that."

"Well, all I can say is that you will not find any love with Sasha by bending her over a table and fucking her in front of the gang."

"You're probably right, but she is the most repressed woman I have ever met. I want to snap her out of it, and setting her up with her fantasy might be the trigger."

I didn't think so, but I shut my mouth; what did I know about all this sex stuff?


The preparations for dinner were nearly complete. I had the task of making an entree of small Paua fritters. I got Aaron to help me shell and clean them, then used an old-fashioned mincer to grind them into a chunky puree which I added to a thin batter and fried in coconut oil. They were to be served on a tiny salad of lettuce, cucumber and feta cheese with a good dollop of tartar sauce.

Aaron and Tony had cooked the three crayfish in a massive pot on the barbecue, and Ryker was to make a second entree of Lobster Thermidor, something I was really looking forward to, as I had never tried it.

Valerie and Sally were cooking the main; they had basted the six snappers in a mix of herbs and oil, then put them in the oven to bake. They had also prepared vegetables from both of their gardens. Then, finally, there was an apple and blackberry pie, which would be served with ice cream.

At 6:15, Ryker left in the van to get Sasha, Ethan, and the guys from the boat. We all slumped down in the chairs except for Rex; he was at the credenza, sorting out the bottles that Ryker and I had brought ashore, plus some I had seen him bring in, then he lined up a bunch of tall-stemmed glasses and started to make up a bunch of Champagne cocktails.

Fifteen minutes later, as Rex was dishing out the cocktails, Ryker opened the ranch slider and stood to the side, letting our five guests enter. I knew Bailey from the yacht rescue that morning, so the other woman that entered had to be Sacha, and the guy holding her arm had to be Ethan.

I was taken immediately by Sacha's likeness to Valerie. She was the same height, build and colouring, except for her hair, which was blond. But whereas Valerie walking down Queen Street would have men glancing her way and turning after she had gone past, Sacha would have men and women stopping dead in their tracks to look at her.

I wondered if she was a model. But I discarded this thought, as she looked nervous and was dressed very modestly. She wore a blouse and baggy dress trousers that did not emphasise her figure. Also, a model would look more confident in front of people. I also wondered if she was nervous because of Rex being there and maybe meeting Ryker again.

Sally was the first to leap up and welcome them. She threw her arms around Sacha and kissed her on both cheeks, then repeated the hug and kissed Ethan.

Tony and Rex walked over, welcomed them and handed them their Champagne cocktails, followed closely by Valerie.

Aaron and I got up to say our hellos. But I held him back, watching everyone's reactions. I noted that although Valerie smiled and welcomed Sacha, there was hesitation. I surmised she was a bit jealous of her even after what she said about wanting Ryker to meet another woman. Then Rex leaned in to kiss Sacha; she went stiff and held her arm across her chest as he tried to hug her. Rex was correct in his assumption that he had burned his bridges there.

Ryker guided her over to Aaron and me, "These are my best friends, Veronique and Aaron."

I stepped forward, put my arms out, hugged her, and whispered in her ear, "My best friend is called Sasha. It's really nice to meet you. Ryker has a high opinion of you."

"I've heard all about Aaron, but Ryker has not mentioned you," Sacha replied, giving Ryker a questioning look.

Ryker responded, "I've only known Nique a few days but found out in our therapy session this afternoon she already has me sussed, so be careful how much you say to her." He was grinning at me and winked.

"Oh! Are you a doctor?" Sacha asked.

"No, he's having us both on. I'm just a laboratory technician."

Ryker reached to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "She works in a hospital, and all the senior management is trying to persuade her to go to med school and become a doctor. But I believe she should be doing papers in psychology. She has me sussed out and has given me her opinions on my problems. Something few people have dared do, let alone get me to listen to them."

Valerie came by, interjected and told us not to be so serious, "Drink up and let's party. After dinner, we are all going to dress up and play games."

That was news to me; I wondered if the costumes would be the same or if I would be someone new this time. I sipped on my Champagne cocktail; it was unbelievably tasty, "Where did the Champagne come from?" I asked Aaron.

"Rex was given it by a grateful client he was working for. It's Mumm and about $60.00 a bottle; he says he has been saving it for a special occasion. I don't know what the other bottle is."

"It's Archers Peach liquor, Ryker and I brought it and some other bottles from the yacht," I replied.

"Oh! Then this is a Bellini that we are drinking. I haven't had one of these for ages. In better circles, they would be deriding the fact we are ruining a glass of good champagne," he reminisced.

I looked over to Sacha and Ethan; I saw that he had already finished his and that Sacha looked like she was enjoying hers, as her glass was more than half empty.

Everyone was mingling and conversing; I noted that Rex and Tony were talking to Bailey. Valerie was talking to the two boys from the boat (Owen and Carlson). Sally had bailed up Ethan and seemed very interested in him. I hadn't seen Ryker talk with Sacha, but it looked like one of his problems, Ethan, was being sorted of its own accord.

Just then, Valerie called out and asked Aaron and Ryker to come to help her lift the baked fish from the oven and take the food to the table.

Sacha moved over to talk with me. "So how come you are travelling with Ryker?"

The tone of her voice and body language gave me the impression that she was jealous of my involvement with Ryker. This intrigued me, as I had hardly seen her acknowledge Ryker. And in every other interaction I had watched, she held back, and her greeting hugs, with the men especially, were almost at arm's length and her hips a least a foot from the person's hips that she was embracing. Yet she was showing all the signs of being possessive of Ryker, and this from a supposedly happily married frigid woman. It did not compute.

I answered her question, "I came on this trip with an arsehole of a guy, who I found out was married. Ryker and Aaron kicked him off the boat on the first day, packing him on a plane back to the city."

Her whole demeanour towards me softened instantly. "Had you known the guy for long?" she asked.

"About four months, I can't believe I didn't suss him out, but I never had a clue. He was really the first guy I have been out with and the first I had had proper sex with."

"I've had guys like that hitting on me all my life. The nice guys are all taken or too scared to talk to me. And the crude men seem to think I am fair game," she complained.

For the next few minutes, she elaborated on her feelings about men and, in answer to my questions, some things about her upbringing. It all backed up what Ryker had told me, that she came from a very religious family and that her mother had instilled a rigid set of standards that Sacha had been expected to follow. I quickly came to the conclusion that Ryker was right; the woman standing next to me was very sexually repressed and needed help.

I noticed that every time I even used the word sex in a sentence, no matter how innocently, she tightened up and looked uncomfortable.

"I notice you shy away from Rex. Is he one of those that hit on you?"

Sacha looked at me as if I must be clairvoyant. "Yes, he's been a pain over the last few months. He and Ethan get on really well and do a lot of work together. And Ethan has changed since he's known Rex; he tries to get me to wear sexy things and has been pushing me to try all sorts of kinky positions."

She squirmed around uncomfortably as she admitted this to me. I saw the guys helping Valerie but knew they would call us to the table any minute, so I only had a couple of minutes to fuel her imagination and help Ryker.

"What about Ryker? Does he hit on you?"

"Yes! Well, not really. He has been quite nice. But he says I need to try new things, you know, sexy things. That is not me. I could never ever do the things he says. He gets me very embarrassed."

"Well, you have done better than me. I tried to get him to... you know, give me some attention, and he refused me point-blank. Everyone seems to think he sleeps around, but I find that he is very fussy. So you are very privileged that he pays you the attention that way."

"I hear that he turns women down because he's with Valerie. Everyone on the island knows about them."

"That's funny because Valerie told me this afternoon their affair was over years ago. She wishes he would find another woman and start a new life. But their children make it difficult for her to just kick him out."

I realised that I had just made Valerie's mistake and let drop that both children were Ryker's, but Sacha didn't seem to be aware of my faux pas; she was too busy looking over at Ryker, and her face showed a puzzled expression like she was seeing him in a new light.

I smiled to myself as Valerie called us to the table for dinner; Sacha was definitely interested in Ryker.

To be continued...

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WoodencavWoodencav3 months ago

Hmm!!! Going to get interesting! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

Such a twisted tale we weave

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit2460111 months ago

Absolutely loving this series. I’m sure some are grousing that there was no actual sex in this installment. So what? We got valuable exposition and the stage is set for a baccanalia!

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