Veronique Goes Sailing Ch. 07


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"You're not a pansy, are you? You do like Fanny?" she asked him as she grabbed his arm and pulled him back to try again.

I asked Aaron, "What is it?"

He laughed and replied, "A rubber fanny. You can see the shape of one on end. Some guys use them to masturbate with."

I looked, and sure enough, there was a perfect caste of a women's private parts, moulded in one end. Poor Owen could not get it under his chin, he tried to use his hands, but Valerie held them, "No hands allowed. I'll get something that will make it easier."

 She stepped back to the credenza and pulled out two six-inch rubber cocks. They looked just like real penises. They had veins running down the sides, and a big ball bag, with a rubber suction cap under it. One was black, the other pinky flesh-coloured. These naturally got some very ribald comments.

Looking around the group, I saw that Owen was not the only one looking embarrassed. Ethan, Sacha, and Bailey were also looking awkward, Bailey, primarily because of her brothers being there.

 Then Valerie upped the ante and showed off her acting skills. She dramatically pulled out a bottle of lube, smeared it over the rubber cock, and made a great show of sliding it in and out of the rubber fanny. Then ramming it home, she got Owen to try again.

Now it became even funnier; he got his chin tucked under hers, squeezed tight to get a hold of it, and the penis popped out and hit the floor. I took note of the fact that when it came to my turn, I needed to make sure to tilt my head so the thick, balls end of the cock was facing upwards.

 Tears ran down my cheeks; it was so funny, and I wasn't the only one. Owen now saw the funny side of it. He bent to pick the cock up and try again but was laughing so hard he had to stand back up and calm himself down.

When he finally got down and picked it up again, Valerie took it from him, "We're not allowed any more practice. It wouldn't be fair. Line up, everyone. Remember, if the cock pops out, insert it and try again. Both items have to be passed chin to chin."

It was the funniest thing I've ever seen, the cocks were flying everywhere at first, and the funny dirty comments had me laughing until my tummy hurt. I tucked as many of their remarks aside in the back of my mind, so I could run them past my girlfriends when I recounted this scene to them.

When Sacha tried to pass the rubber mass onto Carson, he tucked his chin under hers and then fondled her breasts. She squealed in what sounded more like delight than annoyance, and the rubber vagina and cock hit the floor. On their next try, he grabbed her arse with both hands. She tried to ignore him but lost it again when he pulled her skirt up, exposing her bare arse, and grabbed a handful of both bare cheeks. By this time, our team was well in the lead.

Slowly everyone got the hang of it, and we won our first game, only by the narrowest of margins in the end, but we won. The winner's sash was handed over, and we hung it around Bailey's neck as we judged she had been the most proficient in our team.

Valerie said we would have a fifteen-minute break before the next game.

"Go do toilets and refresh your drinks," she called as she headed for their bathroom and yelled back for the guys to go outside.

I was right by their bedroom, so I stood at the door, waiting for Valerie to come out. Sacha joined me, then Bailey came over and asked me if there was another toilet as she was busting, "I think there is one downstairs."


She turned and hurriedly walked across the lounge. Sally was in the kitchen speaking with Ethan, and seeing Sacha and me waiting, she turned and followed Bailey down the stairs.

When I exited the bedroom, a worried-looking Bailey rushed over to me, "I've just come out of the toilet downstairs and seen Sally and Ethan doing it on the bed downstairs. Should I go and tell Rex?"

"No, come show me!" I picked the camera up and let her lead the way downstairs. Halfway down, the sound of Sally in full voice hit us. Just like at lunchtime, she was voicing her encouragement rather loudly. They hadn't even bothered to close the bedroom door. With Bailey giggling nervously beside me, I snapped photos of them going at it like rabbits.

Sally looked over and saw us but didn't bat an eyelid. She just gave us the thumbs up and carried on. Bailey took off upstairs, embarrassed, I guess, at getting caught watching. I thought, 'What the hell' and moved into the room, snapping shots when I saw a good angle.

As I backed out of the room, Ethan must have sensed my presence as he spun around. I snapped a shot of his startled expression. He tried to get off Sally, but she held him tight, so I escaped out the door and went upstairs.

Valerie was at the top of the stairs, "I was just coming down to get you; where is Sally?"

I winked at her and said she was on the bed with Ethan. Valerie raised her eyebrows, giving me the 'she's a bloody worry' look. She then shouted down the stairs for Sally to hurry up as we were ready to start the next game.

I moved over to stand by Aaron and explained what Bailey and I had just witnessed. Then, I looked around for Bailey and saw she was talking with Rex. I hoped she hadn't said anything to him, but from what Aaron had told me, I knew that Rex had done the same thing to Sally at previous parties.

Aaron nudged me to look over at Carson. As I turned my head, Carson looked away.

"He's got the hots for you," said Aaron, "his eyes are following you all the time."

"He's got the hots for every woman here, but he is funny," I replied.

"Do you fancy him?" Aaron asked.

I looked at Aaron, concerned, "No, don't ask me to go with him."

"I don't want you to sleep with anyone else, but I don't own you, so it is up to you, always."

"No! This morning was a one-off. I'm embarrassed I did that with Rex. I don't want to do that again," I said, "anyway, Carson is too obvious. His lascivious looks would turn any woman off."

Sally appeared at the top of the stairs, looking pretty hot and bothered, but after the game of pass the fanny, so were plenty of others. Ethan came in through the ranch slider, and I realised he had left by the apartment door and walked up the side of the house. No one seemed to notice, and he moved to stand by Sacha. She just gave him a look of disdain. He took the hint and moved to stand by Rex.

But Sacha came over to stand beside me and asked, "Has Ethan been downstairs with Sally?"

I just nodded at her. What could I say? It was way too obvious, and I wouldn't lie to her. To divert her from what I thought may turn into her accosting him, I asked, "What do you do, work-wise?"

She turned to me, not concentrating, "I'm a chemical engineer and still do twenty hours a week for my old company online, but over here, I help out as a Teacher's Aid a few hours a week." 

Then she stunned me with, "I'm happy he has found Sally. I've been treating him quite badly the last few months." And she wandered off, back to stand by Ryker.

Valerie called us all into our lines to explain the next game. Tony had laid out two half-inch thick ropes across the lounge. I saw that they were old halyard cords rescued from a yacht. She explained that these were to be threaded through the legs of the boy's shorts or pants, then up and out at the waist. Then for the women, it would be passed in at the waistband or top, down and out under the hem.

I had seen this game played at a tennis club function only a few months before, so I knew what it was all about. In haste to get the rope through, it got pulled tight and lifted the girl's skirt and the drew guy's shorts down. The difference tonight was that a Barbie Doll was attached to the start of the ropes, and a Ken Doll was attached to the ends.

I knew this would be funny, so I pushed Aaron ahead of me, so I could start first, get finished and get the camera clicking.

Valerie shouted, 'Go', and I dropped Barbie down my cleavage, making sure I missed the little bra, sucked in to get it past the belt around my waist, and started pulling the rope down to the floor as fast as possible. I did not hand Barbie to Aaron until well over half the cord was pulled through. Aaron fed it up the leg of his shorts, and everyone started hooting and whistling about where he was putting Barbie. The funniest comments were from Carson. He seemed to have a funny ribald comment for every situation.

In my haste, the muslin wrap-around dress had opened wide at the top, exposing the scant bra struggling to contain my boobs. I didn't care. I was much more worried about everyone seeing my proud mound, sitting bare and exposed between the cords of my crotchless knickers. I held the two flaps of the hem tightly and hastily pulled the remaining rope through.

I looked over to see how Ryker was going and was pleased to see I had beaten him by a mile. He had only gotten a small amount of rope through his baggy pants and was trying to help Sacha. They were quickly in trouble, as once Sacha got the cord in the top of her long skirt and dropped it to the floor, Carson grabbed it and started feeding the rope up his woollen Satyr pants. Sacha's skirt pulled down over her hips. She squealed, caught the waistband then rushed to pull the cord through.

 Ryker was so intent on helping her that the rope tightened, and down came his baggy pants. The noise and jeers from those not actively involved yet were deafening. But the best was yet to come.

Carson was having trouble feeding Barbie up his Satyr Jodhpurs, they were too tight, and he put on a great show of oooh's and aaah's as if Barbie was giving him a blow job. 

Then the mischievous little bugger saw what had happened to Ryker, put his foot on the rope and jerked it to the floor. Sacha's skirt followed. She was naked from the waist down. I took photos of her, then zoomed in and got some good shots of her startled face. It showed shock, panic, and other emotions I could not define. As soon as her skirt hit the floor, Carson reached over and pulled the waistband of her top up under her chin.

There was silence, partly I guessed, as the guys took in her perfect hourglass body and that she had no panties on. I'm also sure they were impressed by her near-perfect set of tits. The girls were silent as well, shocked and waiting to see what she did. I'm sure most of them would have slapped his face.

But Sacha made no such move. Instead, she turned away from everyone and bent to pull the skirt up, which exposed even more of her to us all. And Ryker, having just retrieved his pants, turned to help her, and his pants hit the floor again.

They finally got themselves sorted. Not an easy feat, as Carson was still intent on pulling the rope down. But finally, the team got through to Carson that he needed to get the rope moving, as our team were now at least two people in front.

I saw that Ethan, who was on our team, had fallen over. He was lying on the floor clutching his pirate pants tight as Rex flicked the rope, trying to whip them down. Ethan had to be getting quite drunk, as he had been knocking back the drinks, and Tony had a habit of making them quite strong.

I looked back to Carson. He had finally had to unzip the woollen Satyr shorts, to get Barbie through and was now in a similar plight to Ethan, trying to hold his shorts closed and not expose himself. Valerie was copying Rex and flicking the cord. And when she succeeded, and Carson's shorts dropped to his knees, he pranced around, waggling his impressive cock at Valerie. What a sight; he looked just like a real mischievous little Satyr ready to stir up trouble.

Ryker came over, took the camera from me, and whispered, "Sacha's period has started. Have you got some pads or Tampons? Can you take her to the bathroom and sort her out?"

Sacha was hiding behind him. I didn't want to miss anything, but Ryker indicated he would take photos and guided Sacha to my side. I grabbed her hand and led her into our bedroom. I pulled a pad from my bag and led her into the bathroom. I wet a flannel, then went to lift her dress, but she fought me, embarrassment and shame written across her face.


"Don't be silly. I'm not bothered by a little blood. I might be training as a doctor soon."

Sacha relaxed slightly and let me lift her dress. There was no blood, just a clear fluid oozing from her fanny. When I saw the milky white streaks, I immediately knew she had become aroused at being exposed.

"How did you feel when this happened?"

"All tingly and weird. I thought I was going to faint."

"Have you ever felt like this before?" I asked.

"Not really, no!"

"You have had a tiny orgasm and gotten wet, maybe even squirted?" 

I was astounded. Sacha had climaxed and squirted from just being exposed. How remarkable.

At that moment, Ryker called from our bedroom, "Can I come in, Nique? Is Sacha all right?"

Yes, I called out, as Sacha yelled at the same time, No! 

But I overrode her and called him to join us again, telling him all was okay. I winked at Ryker as he entered and told him what had happened. He wrapped his arms around her and told her how wonderful she was and how happy he was for her. So I went into Valerie's room, picked out a pair of her panties, put a pad in them, and took them back to Sacha. I would have used my panties, but I doubted mine would fit her.

When we returned to the lounge, It was noticeable how many of the gang looked worse for wear. And yet there were three or four at the credenza, waiting for Rex and Tony to make them drinks.

I went over to Aaron and asked who won, "We did by a mile." he replied, "I saw Ryker taking photos, so you can look at those later and see what happened. It was as funny as a fart; it went to pieces after you left. By the way, what was wrong with Sacha? Ryker was looking quite worried?"

I started to tell him what Sacha had just experienced when Valerie called us all together for one last game. Everyone eagerly formed back into two lines. All semblance of hesitation or awkwardness was long gone. I'd never been in a situation like this. The air felt charged with electricity, anticipation and stupid happy grins on everyone's faces as they awaited what was to be the next event.

Valerie brought two empty Kellogg's serial boxes out, laid them between us and explained, "You have to bend down and pick these up with your teeth, then stand up straight and then down again to place the box back on the floor, the box has to be left standing up, and I'm putting these in to make it more interesting."


She held up the rubber cocks, then stood them upright on the cartons, "The last one left will be the winner, and this is for double points." She looked over to her team and told them they could still win, even though they were two games to one down.

Carson moved opposite me; It didn't need a brain surgeon to work out that he was positioning himself to look up my dress. So when Valerie yelled 'Go,' I turned away at forty-five degrees to deny him, sat down on my heels with knees wide apart, and dipped my head to grab the carton.

 I didn't give a dam what the others may see. It seemed to me everyone had seen everything of everyone anyway. But as I stood up, I caught Owen staring between my legs, looking decidedly uncomfortable and embarrassed. The difference between the two brothers struck me. They were like chalk and cheese. Owen was about five-ten, strikingly handsome but very self-conscious and serious. Whereas Carson was about five-eight, the 'shortest man in the room' but outgoing and ideally suited to the mischievous, cheeky Satyr he was dressed up as.

 I had beaten Carson easily. My ballet training and the sports I had played made me more supple and well-balanced. So he and Sally were out first round, which was no surprise, as she had knocked back a lot of wine.

Valerie then pulled out some scissors and cut the cartons down by two inches. Suddenly the game made sense, and this was going to get challenging. We all bent and attempted to pick the cereal cartons up again. This time our team lost. Aaron was pitched against Ethan, and although Ethan was getting drunk, Aaron was too big to reach the floor.


Owen fell also. I wondered if he had done it on purpose as he sat up, supposedly innocently, in front of me. But I wouldn't let him put me off. Let him look. I knew I could win this, my competitive streak overriding any modesty I may have had remaining. But it got more challenging. Valerie cut only an inch from the boxes this time, which exposed the rubber dildos, I got my carton up and then back to the floor, but Rex, Sacha, and Ryker were out. Carson, the little bugger, had squatted down by his brother and gave me a wink and a cheeky grin.

I wouldn't let him put me off, though. When another inch was cut from the cartons, we lost Tony, which left just three girls, Valerie, Bailey and myself. Another inch cut away had the dildos unstable and threatening to fall out. Sure enough, Bailey lost hers, and Carson yelled out, "Bailey's lost the cock from her box," bringing guffaws of laughter from everyone.

Just Valerie and I, another inch cutaway, more guys squatting opposite to watch our legs part; even Aaron had joined them the bastard.

But I wasn't going to be denied. I'd noticed that the cocks had a vacuum cup on the bottom, so when everyone was laughing at Bailey for losing hers, I licked the underside and stuck it to the base of the box. I hoped it would hold, and it seemed to have stuck tight as the cardboard was waxed.

"Go!" Tony yelled out. Down I went onto my haunches, face only six inches from the floor. I slipped my mouth over the head of the rubber cock, bit hard, and lifted. It held, and I stood up straight, then dropped to my haunches again to place the carton back on the floor.

The howls of protest were drowned out by encouraging comments from my team and, I think, most of the guys on the other team. So I showed off for them, making moaning and sucking noises. I worked my lips up and down the rubber shaft a few times. This final action quelled all protests, and they declared me the winner. So, with much pomp and drunken ceremony, I was awarded the Gold Sash.


Aaron was so happy; he lifted me off the floor and banged my head on the ceiling. And then, rubbing my head, he carried me over to the couch and collapsed onto it. We laughed and held each other tight, happy with our team's win.

"That was quite a practised stroke you were performing on the dildo. Looked like you have done it many times before?"


"Oh, dozens of guys. At my bible group at every Saturday night's dance, they'd line up waiting their turn," I replied, noting that he had a sneaky sideways look at me to make sure I was joking.

Tony put some music on; he had mixed some of his favourite songs on a few CDs. Rex and Bailey were the first on the floor, followed by Sally and Ethan. Aaron pulled me to my feet and danced me over by the others. Ryker followed with Sacha, and last up were Valerie and Owen. Carson looked slightly dejected and went over to sit in the window seat while Tony was walking around tidying up.

After two songs, Carson came over and tried to butt in on Aaron and me. I saw that Aaron was about to tell him to bugger off, So I got in first, "Carson, you're a lot of fun, but go ask Sally or Bailey. I'm not interested and don't want you lifting the back of my skirt, thanks."

He turned away and went over and asked Valerie. It looked like she was also about to turn him down, but Owen let go of her and moved away before Valerie could decline or accept. As soon as the song stopped, she thanked Carson and returned to Owen. Poor Carson; he had to be feeling like the odd one out.

To be continued...

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Rapierwit24601Rapierwit2460111 months ago

Love what you’re done so far, but as soon as I saw this was a two-pager I thought, “Nope. This won’t be the full party. Can’t possibly be.”

Proved right again!

It’s odd to have a chapter break in the midst of a “scene”. Can’t really understand your purpose or why you thought this would work better than publishing the entire incident.

DaddyWarBucksDaddyWarBucks11 months ago

So good to be reading The continued exploits of your three MCs. You do such a good job of developing them, that I feel I know them. Doesn't hurt that you craft some great sex scenes. More, More, More

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

all the moving parts in this saga...

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