Victims And Volunteers Ch. 02


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"Mm, good coffee," Mike finally said.

"Fuck!" Julie said, getting to her feet.

"What? What's wrong?" Mike asked, putting his mug on the coaster.

"This isn't how it's supposed to go!" Julie snapped.

Even as she snapped in anger, this still was not the Julie of old. She wasn't lashing out at him. She was frustrated, but she wasn't taking it out on him.

"How's it supposed to go?" Mike asked.

"God damn it, Mike!" Julie said, tears springing to her eyes.

She looked at him.

"Damn it! I, I mean, for like the last six months! I'm supposed to tear my clothes off! And you're supposed to take one look at me and grab me and fuck my brains out! I mean, shit! I lost a whole bunch of weight and everything," Julie said, frustrated.

"You do look good," Mike agreed.

"And then, afterward, God Mike! You're supposed to tell me you're sorry you ran out on us but it's all right because I forgive you," Julie said, tears forming in her eyes and spilling over.

"I, Julie, I am sorry I ran..." Mike admitted, getting to his feet.

"You didn't run out!" she snapped and slapped him on his chest as hard as she could. "I drove you away! You didn't do this to me; I did!""

God damn it!" she screamed, frustrated.

"Shh!" Mike hissed harshly. "There are two girls sleeping!"

"Fuck! I love you! God, I love you so much!" Julie sobbed. "I been dreaming and dreaming of how I was going to get you back and ..."

"You love me?" Mike asked, anger creeping into his voice. "Since when?"

"Since I grew up," she snapped back.

"It's a little too..." he said.

"It's a little too little a little too late," she sobbed. "I know, I know."

Mike drained his coffee and walked to the door.

"I'll give you whatever you want," she said quietly.

"What?" he asked.

"You want a divorce? Fine, get one. I won't fight it," she said weakly and flopped down on the couch.

"You want a divorce?" he challenged.

"No," she said softly, shaking her head. "But, if you do, I won't fight it. I won't bother you for alimony or child support."

"I'll get back to you on that," he said.

"I mean, you want your name taken off their birth certificates; you got that D.N.A. test thing done," Julie listlessly continued.

"I said 'I'll get back to you on that,'" Mike said and opened the door.

"I guess its useless begging you to stay, huh?" Julie asked, looking away from him.

"Stay and do what? Argue some more?" Mike asked harshly.

"No. I don't want to argue with you," she sobbed, swiping her hand across her eyes. "I was kind of hoping we could; oh fuck, who am I kidding?"

She got to her feet and walked toward the bathroom.

"I was hoping we'd make love and you'd be so 'wow, that was great!' and never ever be able to leave me ever again, but I'm just being my old manipulating self all over again and just go, all right, just fucking go," she sobbed out and slammed the bathroom door shut.

She urinated, flushed, then dropped shorts and top to the floor and pulled on her 'granny' panties and soft camisole top. She brushed her teeth, quickly cleaned the make up off her face, and then left the bathroom.

It wasn't even seven thirty, so the sun was still quite bright as she readied her bed. Sunlight or not; she was tired.

Just as she flung back her blanket and prepared to slide into bed, the telephone rang. She looked and did not recognize the telephone number, but shrugged and picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" she asked.

"I hate how we finished that," Mike's voice said.

"I'm not all that thrilled about it either," she admitted.

"I uh, I'd kind of like for us to sit down and..." he said.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm still in the parking lot," he said.

"Come on up," she said. "Want some more coffee?"

"No, not really," he said.

She debated on whether or not she should run and change her clothes and decided against it.

A moment later, a soft knock sounded. She checked the peephole and found it dark. She smiled; that was an old trick of his; putting his thumb over the peephole.

"Hey," she said, flinging the door open.

"Oh, damn, I'm sorry; you were already in bed?" he said.

"Yeah," she smiled, and pulled him toward the bed. "Perfect timing."


"Look, just because we..." Mike said as Julie sank her mouth down his cock.

"Shh," she said, pulling his cock out of her mouth with a 'pop.' "I know, but God damn it, I'm tired of my dildo, all right?"

"Fine," he smiled and then moaned as she licked his cock from base to tip, then licked back down to the base again.

She bathed his balls with her tongue, sucked each one into her mouth, and then swiped her tongue back up to the tip of his cock. She tried to sharpen her tongue to a point and tried to force the point into his piss hole.

"Damn!" he moaned again as she gripped his cock and began to jack him into her mouth.

"Now," she whispered. "You want to come in my mouth? Or, you want to shoot it all over my face? Huh? You want to squirt all that nasty stuff all over me? Make me look like a big old slut? That what you want, huh?"

"Mouth," Mike groaned, dangerously close. "Let me shoot it in your mouth."

The few times Julie had ever put her mouth on his cock, she had never brought him to completion, had never let him shoot in her mouth. Usually, she would suck him for two or three head bobs, and then demand that he lick her pussy to orgasm.

"Oh, good," Julie said and redoubled her efforts to get his semen.

He didn't last long and she swallowed all he had to offer.

"Now," she whispered, stroking his cock. "You want my pussy? Or how about my ass? Huh? You always wanted to do my ass, remember? Want to do my ass, Mike?"

"Yeah," he groaned.

"Okay," she smiled and slid open a drawer on her end table.

She handed him a tube of lubricant.

"Why don't you..." she said and twisted around so that her ass was facing him.

He squeezed out a generous dollop onto his finger then brought it to her puckered anus.

"Ooh!" she softly moaned as he ran the tip of his finger around her rosebud.

He slowly pushed his finger in and she cooed appreciatively.

"Get a little more up there," she encouraged.

When he was fucking three fingers in and out of her rectum, she took the tube of lubricant and began to grease up his throbbing cock. She squealed when he suddenly tensed and ejaculated all over her hand, his belly and thighs.

"Damn! I'm sorry!" he gasped.

"About what?" she laughed.

"About, about," he stammered.

"Oh, I don't think you're done," she smiled over her shoulder at him and waggled his cock in her hand. "See? He's still happy to see me."

He got to his knees and pressed the head of his cock to her anus.

"Slow, Baby, go slow," Julie warned as he pushed the tip of his cock in.


"Hey, um, just because we..." Mike started to say again.

"I know," Julie said, lifelessly. "Doesn't change anything. I'm still just a stupid slut; why the fuck would you want to be around me, huh?"

"I never said..." Mike protested.

"Mike, come on; I know what I am. Your uncle Frank said it best; I'm just a whore," Julie said and rolled away from him.

"Look I..." Mike tried to say.

"Listen, I told you, whatever you want is fine with me, okay?" Julie said.

"Hey," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You want a divorce, fine, just get me the papers and I'll sign them," Julie said, voice flat.

"Look, I'm not sure..." Mike said.

"Want to say that the girls aren't yours? Fine," Julie said, pushing his hand off of her shoulder. "It'll be hard on them, I'm sure, but I'll tell them the truth when their old enough to understand. Mom was a stupid, self-centered slut and drove your Daddy away."

"I really wish you'd stop calling yourself..." Mike said.

"Why?" Julie said. "It's the truth. I'm just a whore, I'm nothing but a stupid cunt; God! I'm just a fucking hole to throw a load of come into."

"Listen, I'll um, I'll call you, okay?" Mike said, climbing out of the bed.

"Fine. Whatever," Julie said.

Mike dressed.

"Mike?" he heard her ask, just as he opened the door.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Thank you," Julie said. "You have no idea, how good it felt to feel you inside of me. To have your arms around me. Even if it was just... It felt really, thank you."

"Thank you too," he said. "It felt great; to finally make love with the girl I've been in love with forever."

"Listen, even though you left your number; it popped up on my Caller ID, listen, don't worry," Julie said, not raising her head off of her pillow. "I'm not going to start calling you."

He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing.

"But if you want to, you call," Julie said, barely a whisper.


Mike drove to his mother's house.

He did not turn on the radio; normally, when he was alone, he couldn't stand the silence and had to have the radio on, blaring his heavy metal music. The music fueled his anger, and drowned out his thoughts.

But he did not turn on his stereo.

His mother pointedly sniffed the air when he walked in.

"Smells like you've been in a whore house," she shrilled.

"And you know how a whore house smells?" he asked, not in the mood for her shrill accusations, her shrill denouncements of Julie, or of her children.

"Well, Julie looked good today, didn't she?" Sylvia continued, sneering hatefully. "I wonder how long after we left she got falling down drunk."

Mike went to his room, got out his duffel bags and began packing for a two week shift.

"Thought you didn't leave until Tuesday," Sylvia asked.

"Different rig," Mike lied.

"Wish you'd get out of that business; it's so dangerous," Sylvia said.

"Hey, Mom, pays the bills, huh?" Mike snapped.

"Yeah but..." Sylvia whined.

"And God knows you're not going to get off your fat ass and go get a job," Mike muttered as he zipped the first bag shut.

(Sylvia claimed to be disabled; she said she suffered from horrendous migraines. No doctor, however, would declare her disabled, no doctor would sign any waivers for her, so she could collect no benefits.)

He packed his toiletries into the second bag, gave his mother a kiss, and left the house.

Eagan Industries was more than happy to send Mike to a land rig just outside of Odessa, Texas. Mike was more than happy to accept a three week gig.

Work kept his mind off of his wife and daughters. He didn't wear his wedding ring; very few wore any metal jewelry on an oil rig. But he had noticed that she still wore her wedding and engagement rings.

Work kept his mind off of them; he had successfully shoved them out of his thoughts for nearly six months, only thinking of them when he was not busy welding.

When he wasn't working, he did think of them. He was glad he had gone to Andrea's birthday party, glad he had spent the ninety three dollars on the little bicycle for her. The look of wonder on her little face was still imprinted in his mind's eye.

Kasie, laughing, running, playing. When he'd left six months earlier, she was very nearly a vegetable, unable to feed herself, barely able to function.

And Julie. The last time he'd seen her, in the lobby of the DeGarde Inn, she'd been a fat, bloated, scowling, bitter woman.

The woman he'd seen at Andrea's party had been just as beautiful as the eighteen year old Prom Queen. But her personality had been immensely more mature than the eighteen year old Prom Queen.

"Ready to go home and wash your socks?" Dan, a grizzled roughneck asked, interrupting Mike's thoughts.

"Huh?" Mike asked, looking up from the country fried steak he was shoveling in his mouth.

"Shoving off tomorrow, right? That little pussy from Pilot says you're married to one hot little momma," Don said, chewing with his mouth open.

"Yeah, Julie," Mike agreed.

"Got any naked pictures of her?" Don asked.

"Nope," Mike admitted.

"Want to buy some?" Don asked and cackled merrily with laughter.

"What? When I can get them off the Internet for free?" Mike shook his head.

Don's comment had bothered Mike; he had no idea how many men had enjoyed Julie's charms, if there were any pictures or videos of his wife floating around. But he knew Don; knew the type of crowd that worked the oil field. The moment they knew something bothered a person, they'd ride that person and ride that person until he had no choice but either strike out violently (thus losing their job and any chance of getting on another rig) or quit (again, ruining their chances of getting on another rig). So, he shot back with a jibe of his own.


Julie entered the data, made sure all entries were correct, then saved it and uploaded the file, then searched for and opened another file.

Elizabeth had told her, "The more work you do, the more money you make. It's as simple as that."

So Julie did as much as she possibly could. Having been an agent-in-training, even if it had been only a few weeks, helped her understand what information went whereon the various forms that Young Insurance used, so she was able to process them a little quicker than an untrained Data Entry clerk would.

Just as she completed another file, she heard Andrea and Isabella stirring and knew that Kasie would be soon to follow, so she saved the file, uploaded it, and shut everything down.

"Miss Julie?" Isabella asked, padding into the living room.

"Yes?" Julie smiled.

"Andrea says she doesn't want oatmeal; she wants pancakes," Isabella declared.

"And why did Andrea send you to tell me that?" Julie smiled, spotting Andrea peeking into the living room.

"I don't know," Isabella lied unconvincingly.

"Well, tell Andrea that today is her lucky day; we're having corn meal pancakes for breakfast. The oatmeal's for lunch, okay?" Julie said and got to her feet.

She laughed as she heard Andrea say "Awe!"

There was a knock at the door.

"Oh, I that's my mommy," Isabella said and moved to open the door.

"Isabella!" Julie said harshly. "You don't know that that's your mommy!"

Julie peered through the peephole and stepped back, mouth open in surprise.

"Nope, it's not your mommy," she said.

Mike had almost put his thumb over the peephole, then thought, "God, Mike, grow up. That shit wasn't cute when you were a kid, still not cute today."

"Hey!" Julie said, swinging the door open. "What are you doing here?"

"Got a week off to wash my socks," Mike said, entering the apartment.

"Daddy!" Andrea called out.

"Hey Sweetheart!" Mike smiled, picking his daughter up for a fierce hug.

"Oh, okay, I've got a load of whites running right now, but as soon as they're finished," Julie said.

"Its oil field code for sex," Mike whispered in her ear.

"Oh!" Julie said then smiled widely. "So, you planning on staying long?"

"Well, got a lot of socks," Mike agreed and put Andrea down.

"We're having corn meal pancakes; you want some, Daddy?" Andrea bubbled excitedly.

"Sure!" Mike agreed.

"Give me a hand?" Julie asked, closing the door.

When Tori did come for Isabella, she did try to persuade Andrea and Kasie to come with her, so that Julie and Mike could have some privacy but both girls were adamant; they wanted to be with their daddy. So, Mike spent the day with the girls.

The only work Julie was able to get done that day was when Mike took the girls to McDonald's for lunch, and to see his mother.


Again, he bathed his two girls, helped them with their prayers, read two fairy tales to them, then kissed them both good-night. He found Julie, sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

"Last time I was here," Mike said, sitting down on the sofa, next to Julie. "You kept saying 'if you want a divorce...'"

"I'll give it to you. I mean, if that's what you really want," Julie agreed.

"But you never did say what YOU want," Mike said, lightly stroking her face with a finger.

Julie looked at him for a long moment, and then kissed him softly.

"I, what I want?" she asked.

"Yeah, Julie, what do you want?" Mike asked.

"I guess I want a divorce," Julie said.

"Wait, what?" Mike asked, surprised.

"Mike, our whole marriage was terrible," Julie said. "God, why you would even want to go back to that; I mean, really."

"But, but..." Mike stuttered.

"Mike, let's just end it," Julie said, clasping his hands in hers. "End that horrible marriage, then we can get married again, but this time for real."

"Huh?" Mike said, still reeling from her declaration that she wanted a divorce.

"Get married, for real this time," Julie said, getting excited by the idea. "And since I won't be all passed out drunk, I'll remember what we did on our wedding night."

"So, that's what you want, huh?" Mike said, starting to smile. "Want us to go ahead with all the expense of getting a divorce, just so we can get married again?"

Julie stood up and started to shimmy out of her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked.

"Making it worth your while," she smiled.

"You can wash your socks just about anywhere," she said, slowly turning to face away from him.

"But," she said, sliding her thong down her legs.

She peered at him over her shoulder.

"I got the best washing machine around, you hear?" she said and turned back around and showed him that her shaved pussy was drooling her excitement.

"Julie Chamblee, will you divorce me?" Mike asked, pulling his tee shirt over his head.

"I thought you'd never ask," Julie knelt and began to untie his work boots.

The End.


Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure. I post them here for your enjoyment.

Thank you for reading it.

And, yes, I know there are one or two of you out there screaming at your computer screens that Mike is a pussy, a wimp for taking the cheating bitch back. There are one or two of you screaming that he should just burn the bitch.

Well, he did. He did burn the bitch. The bitch has been thoroughly consumed by the flames of what he did to her in the first installment of this story.

What emerged from the ashes of the old Julie is a girl that Mike has loved for years, and the new Julie loves him too.

So, yeah, he could have burned her, divorced her, divorced the two daughters, left her to survive as a whore. Oooorrrr....he could let the past be the past and have a beautiful and sexy wife that loves him.

(Anthony Carrecci and Frank Carrecci are characters from the 'Flowers In The Heart' series and '2cd Choice.' Lucy is a character from '2cd Choice.'

Julie Vogel is a character from the 'Yearbook 2005' series. Marnie Vogel is a character from the 'Yearbook 2005' series and 'Pudgy.' Mike Chamblee is a character from the 'Yearbook 2005' and Inferno' series. Jack Vogel is a character from the 'Yearbook 2005' series and '2cd Choice.'

Marco Juarez is a character from '2cd Choice.'

Kaitlin Monroe is a character from the 'Yearbook 2005' and 'The Broussard Sisters' series.)

Again, thank you for reading my stories.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She pulled herself out of the bog. The deserves a shot at happiness.


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Your description and definition of addiction is the most accurate that I have ever heard. And you did it in three words.

Victims and Volunteers.

I missed this story when it was first published. Glad I finally stumbled across it. Excellent.

Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Uncle Frank was a first rate asshole. Reconciliation was really compressed at the end. Also in real life, most times Julie and her two daughters end up dead or at least thr kids orphaned. The last 1.5 pages is meeting Mike again and the 3.5 pages are about Frank using her and her being friends with Toru with some anecdotes abou her daughters and her getting a new job. Doesn't that seem imbalanced for a reconciliation? Still have trouble getting past Mike abandoning his two daughters with their messed up mother in the first chapter. Sure he wasn't the sperm donor but still ws morally grotesque.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Again you paint these, what seems to be, ugly, despicable characters and make them shine by the end of the story! As mentioned by other commentators, you are one of the best authors on this site and one of your best stories, I believe, is Tuff As Nails. It's one of my goto reads when I can't find much to read! This story is, probably, not as good but not far off. 5*


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