Victoria's Secret


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Oh my, doesn't time fly when a girl's enjoying herself!

Keeping up with "Standard Hev Practice" we'd left the lights on. I admired Vic anew as she stood and tossed me a sandwich. It was salmon and cucumber in a triangular box which was playing its part in destroying the environment.

And I'm not joking about the effect of waste plastic. Visit any beach anywhere, never mind ones in Cornwall or Florida, try visiting any remote Pacific island and see the shit that gets washed up on the otherwise pure sand.

Sorry; rant over.

Anyway, my salmon and cucumber was delicious and the pinot Vic salvaged from Hev's kitchen washed it down nicely.

Trouble was she'd fetched two bottles, not just one.

But by then I was mellow. And by then I was still well below my recommended daily unit intake of alcohol.

I hoped.

'Hev's house is amazing,' I said expansively. 'How did she find a place like this?'

'She was born here,' said Vic.


'Not here in this bed, but here in this house. Hasn't she told you?'

'Well . . . No; no she hasn't.'

Vic emptied the first wine bottle and used a fair bit of the second to top our glasses.

'You've seen the sign,' she resumed, 'the one for Hunters Farm without an apostrophe?'

'Yes, of course I have.'

'That's not Heather's personal number plate. That's what this place is. Six generations of Hunters farmed this land. Heather is the entire seventh generation.'

'I thought she used to live in the Old Tannery.'

'That was later. Her dad had to sell the farm when she was about twelve: incompatible pressure from banks and supermarkets, in his own words. So he sold out to house builders.'

My brain wouldn't compute. 'How come she's back here now?'

'Her dad may have earned his living off the land but he's a very clever man. He knew a good deal when he saw it. He held out for millions and used what he got wisely. He sent Heather off to one of the very best schools and gave her the sort of education she deserved. And the house builders were morons. They kept screwing up on site and fell years behind schedule.'

'And,' I prompted.

Vic poured us more wine.

'The farmhouse was on the supposedly least valued land. It was earmarked Building Phase Eight or what have you. They never even bothered knocking it down.'

I scowled at that. 'Didn't anything ever get built?'

'Yeah, there's an estate just behind all those trees we passed before turning in here. I think they have finished Phase Two and are on with Phase Three or Four. But the trees keep them out of sight, out of mind.'

'What's it been?' I asked, aware that Hev was a lot older than twelve. 'Twenty-odd years and they are only halfway done?'

'It's been stupidity, greed and the Credit Crunch,' said Vic, laughing. 'Obviously the directors only admit to the Credit Crunch . . .'

'So Hev somehow bought Phase Eight back,' said I, jumping to the conclusion and admiring Hev more than ever.

'Course she did,' said Vic. 'With the first really big bonus we were paid. The builders sold it to her for peanuts and she spent the rest renovating it. Took her five years or more, but she did a good job.'

'She certainly did,' I said as Vic poured us yet more vino.

Chapter Ten

Taking from Vic was as good as giving, and I do not say so lightly. Her A-level Cunnilingus grade had to have been even better than Hev's. Maybe hers had more than just one star.

Okay, Exaggeration is my middle name but at least I'm consistent. And on this occasion I am also telling the truth.

Watch my lips.

No, even better, watch Vic's lips.

Not that I could during that particular treat, lights still on or nay. Whether I looked up in the mirror or directly at her, all I could see was the top of her head, bob-bob-bobbing along.

On my back, being eaten by the hungriest mouth I'd ever been privileged to know, I shrieked and I wailed.

And I probably equalled her world record for cums. God but she was good!

Then she strapped on one of Hev's nine inchers and fucked me long and hard.

Well, she didn't do "hard". Truth is she fucked me softly, gently and tenderly and kept going for a blissful eternity. I must have had multiple orgasms in twenty different positions. Or maybe it was more like a thousand.


'Out of practice,' I mocked somewhere in the small hours, somewhere near the happiest I'd ever been.

It was still dark outside. Even the mind-of-their-own birds hadn't chirped in yet. Even the guard geese were silent on their pond.

By the way I'd at last got the link. Doc and Bashful were two of Snow White's entourage, weren't they? No doubt the rest were Grumpy, Sleepy and so on.

Not that I could see any of them ever being Happy . . .

'I am out of practice,' said Vic. 'At least I am with new partners. My husband frowns on me having new partners.'

'Fuck,' said I, suddenly contrite. 'You have a husband! I didn't realize we were cheating.'

'We aren't,' she said with certainty.

I wasn't so convinced. 'Are you sure about that?'

'I'm surer than sure. I have a night or two at Heather's every month. He knows what we get up to and looks after the kids. It's as simple as that.'

'Kids,' I echoed. 'You have kids?'

Vic grinned. 'Please tell me you never noticed.'

In truth I hadn't. To the best of my knowledge I hadn't ever had sex with a woman who had given birth. There again, I'd never asked and I'm not a gynaecologist.

What were the signs, anyway: stretch-marks and a less-than-tight vagina?

Nothing applicable to Vic, if that was the case.

'I told my husband I had an emergency appointment at Hunters Farm,' Vic went on. 'He knows that's code for a night of unbridled passion and doesn't mind.'

'I'm still a new partner,' I said softly, as softly a she'd just taken me. 'Would he mind about that?'

'Probably, but who's going to tell?'

Her hand took mine and led it to the dildo she'd left strapped in place. When I obligingly started to masturbate it she reached out and returned the favour via my pussy. Didn't she just! Lying side by side we were able to watch our reflections.

And watching was a turn-on in itself. Vic was still wearing her glasses and was still getting more beautiful every time I looked.

I chortled. Vic's glasses were important to her. They'd been knocked off a few times, in moments of extra intensity. She'd always waited for the moment to pass then fumbled them back on.

A complex woman, I concluded, as well as an incredibly attractive one.

'Yes, yes, yes, she sighed, 'you're doing it just right.'

That was a relief. As well as jerking her like I'd jerk a guy I was deliberately adding little twists and turns, hoping to generate friction you-know where. I was glad my efforts were being appreciated.

'Yes, yes, yes,' she sighed again.

Kids, I thought, studying the shape of her. No way!

'This is fun, she purred. 'But it could take me a while.'

'Go on, speak for yourself,' I replied a tad breathlessly.

'Let's talk while we're at it.'

'Like phone sex, you mean?'

'No, I mean like two women who want to connect.'

Connect? How much more connected could we possibly be?

Unable to deny her, staring into her eyes in the mirror, I nodded.

'Okay by me,' I said, not sure if it really was.

'Right then; you get to go first. Tell me what you want out of life.'

Fuck! What had I got me into!!

'I want the freedom to travel,' I said limply, 'and the freedom to live my life as I see fit.'

'Sounds good,' said Vic, 'at one time I wanted the freedom to marry Heather. She fobbed me off on her neighbour, though. Hence the family I'm now in charge of.'

'Your husband was Hev's neighbour?'

'He was her neighbour and occasional lover. Heather had her eye on one of my other girlfriends and suggested that we wife-swapped for a weekend.'

I was only moderately shocked. I'd played that game myself. Not that I wanted to remember all of the ins and outs right then.

'So the swap became sort of permanent?' I asked.

'Yes. We swapped a second weekend and kept on swapping. Then suddenly I was seeing more and more of him and all my girlfriends had vanished. All of them apart from Heather.'

'Would you really have married her?'

'Yes I would have, in a flash. But that's gone now, because of the kids. Nowadays I'm limited to Heather one or two nights a month; nobody else comes into the picture. What about you?'

'I consider myself free to play the field.'

'I didn't mean that. I meant have you ever loved anyone enough to consider marrying her?'

I retreated like a losing army: fast and without a lot of forethought.

'I'm only in love with travelling,' I said.

Vic's reflection smiled at me and I realized our hands were still deftly working away. And I also realized I was much closer to peaking than she was.

Not that I was about to complain.

Opening my legs even wider I allowed her unlimited access. And by unlimited I mean totally, absolutely unlimited. She felt me everywhere . . . simply, absolutely everywhere. Three more minutes and I screamed as I came.

Six minutes and I was screaming even louder.

Maybe half an hour after that so was she.


When it finally came to me, it came gradually. We'd stopped mauling each other and had dozed off a while. Now I was awake again, cuddling Vic in a friendly rather than lustful way. The birds began singing at seven, as per always. They'd been doing so for years, according to Hev.

How many years had she been here in her palatial farmhouse? Vic had said she bought it during the Credit Crunch and taken five years in restoring it. Say five years from 2008. That would see it finished for 2013. So five years living here, then.

Pleased with my maths as I was, I frowned. Something was puzzling me. Something Vic had said earlier, before we started to "connect".

Perhaps reading my thoughts, she turned in my embrace and rubbed her nose on mine.

'Vic,' I began tentatively, 'did you say Hev bought this place when "we" got "our" first real bonus?'

'That's right,' she said.

'So you work at WYB too.' I framed that as a statement, not a question.

'Of course I do. I've been there forever.'

'And you work with Hev?'

'Yes, in a way. In a way I work with everyone in the Bank, nationwide.'

Something Hev had said came back to me then. Something about déjà vu and hooking up with one of the female bosses . . .

'You didn't happen to first meet her in a high-powered meeting, by any chance?'

'As it happens I did.' Vic chuckled. 'The attraction was somewhat mutual. We met up later that same day and ended up in her penthouse suite. I'm sure you can guess the rest.'

I could guess all right, and not just about the bedtime antics. Vic was obviously short for Victoria. And there was only one boss at WYB called Victoria: the almost mythical banking legend, Victoria Hanson.

Omigod, I'd just spent the night fucking with the CEO!

'I was wondering when you'd realize,' she said, smiling that smile. 'Heather reckoned you'd twig almost straight away, because of my name. She wanted me to call myself "Gina" or "Sophia" but I wasn't having that. I only ever lie by omission.'

My mouth flapped speechlessly. As you might have noticed, I can usually find something to say in most situations, but that one had me beat.

Was it a sackable offence to fuck the CEO?

Or was it a sackable offence to not fuck the CEO when she unmistakably wanted it?

Unaware of the correct etiquette, I simply stared at her.

'Heather says you're not the blackmailing kind,' Ms Hanson continued. 'She says that you have no interest in promotions or extended contracts. In other words you practice the safest sex.'

She was chuckling and smiling and stroking my tits.

'My motto used to be "Don't screw with the crew",' she told me. 'Heather used to say I should get it tattooed in an intimate place, to act as a reminder, just in case. Not that it would have stopped her, naturally.'

I carried on staring.

'I meant it about lies,' she said. 'I have no secrets from Heather but there are things I don't tell my husband. A girl has to keep something to herself, doesn't she?'

Leaving my tits her hand slid lower.

'Say something,' she prompted.

'You are beautiful,' I said. 'I loved every second of being with you and your secret is safe with me. I'll never tell anyone.'

'You can tell Heather. She'll want to hear it from both sides, so to speak.'

I gasped as two fingers entered me, softly, gently and tenderly (that goes without saying).

'I'll only have good things to tell her,' I murmured.

'Then let's go for one more good thing before sharing a shower.'

Chapter Eleven

It is now Thursday afternoon and, after a particularly hectic morning, I'm going through my inbox. Hev's first email consisted of a string of question marks and a couple of smileys. I haven't replied yet because there's a more recent one I've yet to open.

The one currently on my screen is from Victoria Hanson. It's copied in to my weasel-like boss and thanks me for my input on "Ms Hunter's Project". Apparently my efforts have been "sterling" and I will always be welcome at the Bank at any time, and on "a contract length that suits you".

Taking the message at face value it is good news. I have usually found work after travelling easily enough, but it's nice to have a guarantee. And, by copying my boss, she has effectively sent him an order: Take Kat on when she asks for as long as she asks.

Can't see him having the balls to pretend he doesn't understand that.

It's also considerate of Vic to commit herself in writing: considerate and a bit daring. Anyone who knew about last night could put a very different slant on her words.

"Ms Hunter's Project" indeed! She wasn't just referring to my programming contribution; she was referring to Hev's mission to fill my Wednesday nights with sex, sex, sex.

Here goes, I'm opening Ms Hunter's follow up email right now.

Hmmm. I don't know what to make of that apart from she's obviously spoken with Vic. Hopefully not via speakerphone. Here, read it for yourself:

"A glowing report from a girl who really does know what she's talking about. I knew you could do it. Congrats and well done.

"And I owe you big-time. Fri night in the PS at six followed by curry in the S and then I'm all yours. You can do anything you want. Or I'll do anything you want. Or whatever you say, in any direction at all.

"And bring extra clothes cos we're seeing the weekend thru.

"Co-incidentally, V wants more. She has logistical problems and will need to use HF but let's say she is hot to trot. She suggests next Weds. You, me and V makes three.

"Are you up for it? Go on, I dare you.

"What do you say? Shall we play?"

Shit, my weasel boss is waving me into his office. He must want to bask in the reflected glory of Vic's praise.

Or maybe someone saw us together last night in the PS.

I'm waving two fingers back at him the polite way . . . indicating a couple of minutes while wanting him to eff off.

Two minutes to make the biggest decision of my life.

On first sight there's no decision to be made. I'm guaranteed a night of sex anyway, so I can just say no and feast on Hev. But now I come to think about it I'd like more from V too. V is very more-ish. And Hev's right about the logistics; she's allowed Hunters Farm but nowhere else so, as she only tells lies by omission, it will have to be there.

Her and Hev with me being conveniently omitted in theory but not in practice.

So Wednesday night makes sense. Assuming V can swing it with Hubby. Once or twice a month and suddenly twice in a week; presumably she has precedent for that.

Concern is this: I'm a strong woman who likes to be in control. Yes, I'm strong but not a patch on any real alpha female. And Hev and V are as alpha as any females I'm ever likely to meet.

That's correct: V too. She may be feminine and loving, but she has that spark in her. I saw it as we progressed from one sex act to another, and just look who and what she is out of bed.

A woman does not get where she is by demurely bashing lashes.

She had tough in her as well as fire and determination. It's easy to imagine her and Hev head-to-head, fighting over who gets to fuck me first. Or over who gets to . . .

Well, I'm not sure what they'd want to do to me, exactly. Purely co-incidentally, I have never done a threesome. Think about it: two ravenous alphas and little, innocent me. The prospect is almost as scary as it is thrilling.

Fuck, this is the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Usually it's just Fiji or New Zealand so I toss a coin.

Maybe that's what I should do now: toss a coin.

But I want to be with V again, and the sooner the better.

Watching her hump into me matched watching Hev. They are equally magnificent in every way.

Thirty seconds to go. Weasel is looking my way, wondering what's keeping me.

So what's it gonna be girl? I can't wait all afternoon, not with that pillock beckoning me.

What's it gonna be girl, Yes . . . or . . . no?

Hmmm . . . Where's that coin?

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Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

Fabulous, as always. I'm speechless and in awe of your impressive writing style, constant cool humour and gorgeous sex scenes. So excited to have another Vic's secret to go straight on to right now!

LimeyLadyLimeyLadyabout 6 years agoAuthor
Feedback for jenorma2012

Hi Jenorma. I was beginning to wonder where you were, beginning to worry about you.

Thanks as always for your comments. I personally like Vic although her "Mamma" is something else. I haven't really explored Mamma's possibilities yet but trust me, I will. But not in the next instalment though. That is now three-quarters finished and will be submitted soon.

jenorma2012jenorma2012about 6 years ago

Another great hev story, and i really liked vic in this can't wait for more of the adventure of Hev

LimeyLadyLimeyLadyabout 6 years agoAuthor
Feedback for Anonymous

Thank you for your comments. Hev and Kat are still getting it together. More will follow very soon.

LimeyLadyLimeyLadyabout 6 years agoAuthor
Feedback for Anonymous SB

Thank you for your comments. I must admit I like writing as Kat; her being a bit of a villain (hopefully one with a sense of humour) adds to the experience. And, living in the same part of the world as Hev, it seemed only natural to get them together.

More will follow soon.

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