Victory Comes To Those Who Wait


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It took just a few minutes to see the form of our daughter growing in her womb. Both families were so overjoyed with this addition that would be joining us in about seven months, give or take, that nobody cared, girl or boy, as long as it was healthy.

There wasn't hardly anything that stopped our very active sex life, as my wife barely showed until she entered her seventh month.

It seemed as if being pregnant made her perpetually horny. I, of course, was more than up to the task at hand. Everything was on the menu, with the one thing she would never agree to. And that was fine with me, as the rest was a gourmet meal. The one time my highly excited manhood touch her panty covered behind, she whispered, "not in this liftime, Buster!"

When she did start to show a bit larger, we had to get a bit more creative in our positioning. We actually kept having sex until about a week before Deborah Susan Lubitzkie arrived. Her face was identical to mommy, but she had my curly hair.

When we returned to our house, the next afternoon, everyone was there, just to see the new granddaughter. My grandparents just couldn't stop grinning. With each of them sitting on our sofa, they held their first great-grandchild. My granddad couldn't stop smiling at her and talking to her in Hebrew. When I told him she didn't understand him, he just smiled and told us she loved the tone of his voice.

It didn't take us long to find our routine. I managed to perform at work on a minimum of sleep. I was just so happy being a daddy, I had this perpetual grin.

At Deborah's three month mark, we made the conscious decision to add to our family. Linda was now tutoring from our home, and this was as much her decision as mine. More hers, actually.

From the moment we decided to enlarge our family, we just couldn't get enough of each other. Every waking hour, we would be in bed, fucking. In the living room, if the situation warranted it, and if Deborah was sleeping.

After just a couple of months, she knew we had succeeded in our quest. We couldn't get to the doctor fast enough. It took just a few swipes of the ultrasound wand to see our newest addition. Our second daughter.

Would this be our limit? As Sean Connery once said, Never Say Never.

Back to my court case.

Two days after the preliminary hearing, my boss called me into his office.

"Sit down, Jacob, we need to amend our charges against Mason and the Trumble brothers."

"New evidence?"

"Three more victims have come forward. The three, with their lawyers and families will be here, tomorrow."

"I can't wait. But I'm still treating this without my personal bias."


Good morning to you all. This is to make sure you are all aware of three more allegations against all three of your clients.

Yes, we were made aware, yesterday, afternoon.

I'm seeking the termination of bail, requesting all three be held in jail until trial.

Isn't that a bit excessive?

Not by a long shot, I'm thinking of the safety of all their potential victims.

We'd like separate trials, with the Trumble brothers being tried by themselves.

I looked at Mr. Dewey, Mason's lawyer, who was about to blow a gasket.

You two pieces of shit better not say a fucking word, Mason shouted.

I think we need to have all this on the record, at trial.

With that, I got up and started to leave.

Howe quietly told me I needed to hear both Trumble boys, on their own.

With that, Dewey grabbed his client by her wrist and started to leave.

Just then the door opened and two Seattle detectives entered and rearrested Lauren Mason, leading her away in handcuffs. As they were leaving, they told the brothers they would be taken into custody after our talk.

The crux of this discussion was that Lauren Mason convinced these two morons to do nearly anything she asked. Their lawyers wanted some sort of a deal in trade for testifying against Miss Mason, and pleading guilty to some of the charges.

I told them both that I would take all this to my boss and would get back to their lawyers within two weeks.

Back to our lives.

Linda and I couldn't have been happier with our second daughter coming within seven months, or less. By then Debbie would be walking and would take a little less attention from both of us.

All during this time, we discussed the matter of would we want a third child. I kept telling Linda it was up to her, as I was fairly certain I wasn't going to be carrying any future children.

We did learn that both our families left that decision to us. We were very fortunate that neither family tried to influence our decision.

With our sex life slowing down as we neared the birth of our second daughter, we still kept our fires burning, with our very talented oral techniques.

We could both enjoy each others mouths and tongues to keep us satisfied as her belly grew. Debbie would put her little head on mommy's tummy and grin. I guess she could feel her little sister kicking, or just moving around.

Soon, we were back in the delivery room, meeting Sandra Lee for the first time. She looked so much like her older sister is was scary. There wouldn't ever be any question they were sisters. With only thirteen months separating them, they might even pass as twins.

The next day, getting settled in our home, everyone was gushing over our newest addition. Nobody forgot to make sure Deborah was right there, receiving as much attention as her new, little sister.

After a week off, I was back at work, trying to stay awake. The afternoons were the worse, when even a strong cup of coffee wasn't doing the trick.

Each evening when I'd return home, Deborah couldn't wait to jump in daddy's arms, telling me everything about her little sister. With Linda getting her alone time with me, we just basked in the glory of our daughters.

With me being promoted in my office, and Linda's tutoring business thriving, we did sit down to discuss child number three.

Yes, we both were well aware that number three might be daughter number three, and we wound up being OK with that.

With our sex life picking up steam, with us being very creative with our two little ones, we made the most of the times when both girls were sound asleep.

We definatly still had the passion we started out married life with, if not more. We found out, though, we had to be a bit more creative.

We both could still rock each other's world, while acting like lovestruck teens.

I could even surprise us both, with a minimum of sleep, by keep going after a fantastic fucking, recovering for a second round, and still make it to court in time for any trial.

With Sandy turning six months, Linda stopped her pills, and we were well on our way to child number three. We took full advantage of any time we had a quiet house.

We discarded all the old wives tales my grandmothers would tell on how to ensure either a boy or girl. Both grandmothers were very superstitious.

When Debbie was turning two, and Sandy at ten months, we were indeed going to have our third, and LAST child.

Going with Linda to her doctor to make sure, we learned I was batting 1,000. Yep, we were having our third daughter. We were just as excited as we were with the first two, and couldn't wait to tell both families.

Letting the Harrisons know another girl was on the way led to their tongue in cheek comment that they hoped we had more girls names to choose from. When we assured them that wasn't a problem, we were off to tell my family. Nancy did leave us with the parting statement, that just maybe we should quit while we're ahead.

My family was equally thrilled, with grandpa mumbling something about how expensive three weddings would be.

"You know, Yakov (my Hebrew name) you could try again," he said with a sly grin that I took as his joke. "You do know why the Orthodox have many children, don't you? To replace the six million killed in the Holocaust."

"Yes, I'm aware, but three is our absolute limit, no matter what."

During this pregnancy, we did keep some semblance of a sex life, but you have to remember, we had two little ones to contend with, so anytime they were both sound asleep, we took full advantage, and made sure we still remembered how to rock each other's world.

About a month before our due date, an annual event took place in my department. It was a trivia contest between the criminal side and the civil side. This was also used as a fund raiser for a worthy charity. This year we all decided to subject would be rock and roll, the first decade.

Unbeknownst to the civil division and most of our criminal side, this was right in my wheelhouse. My grandfather learned most of his English from listening to early rock and roll music.

Going into the final question, we were tied, and our moderator started to give us the final question.

"Tell us at least three famous musicians that helped The Champs record their 1958 smash hit, Tequila?"



Standing up, I started.

"One of the backup guitar players was Glen Campbell. Two other studio musicians were Jim Seals and Dash Crofts."

"For bonus points, how did The Champs get their name?"

"The lead saxophone player, Chuck Reo, born Danny Flores, worked for Gene Autry, and we all know Autry's horse was named Champion."

Wow, my volumes of old rock and roll trivia let our side won for the first time in four years.

Getting back home, we took two steps inside our house and were just going to say goodnight to Linda's parents, when she went into labor.

My in-laws told us they'd stay, and we were off and running. Getting prepped, we just barely made it into the delivery room, and thirty-five minutes later, Lesley Ann Lubitzkie made her appearance.

A little under six pounds and eighteen inches on the dot. Yes, she was classed as a preemie, but she showed the entire delivery room she had a great working set of lungs.

After placing her in mommy's arms for just a few minutes, Lesley was placed in an incubator right next to Linda's bed. We both couldn't take our eyes off our little miracle.

The next morning, mommy got to hold and nurse her, and I got to hold her in my arms. Both our older girls came in with Linda's parents, and all said the same thing. They all remarked how small she was, but also, how alert she was.

Linda got to go home that afternoon, but Lesley said a few more days, to be on the safe side.

We were told on the third morning how well she was drinking all the milk Linda was leaving, and that one more day, and she would finally be coming home.

With our family all at our very busy home, we tried getting into our routine.

We did let both older girls know that their little sister needed as much rest as possible, and they both helped out, immensely.

Each checkup we took her to, she was progressing beyond our wildest imagination. And growing like a weed.

At ten weeks, and the chance of baby number four off the table, we slowly got back into our sex routine.

We now had three little ones, but the two older girls were very good sleepers.

It didn't take long for us to return to everything we had been doing before Lesley came into our lives.

With our exercising, both in and out of bed, Linda was back to her pre-baby weight in no time.

After six years of marriage, and three darling daughters, our love for each other was as strong as ever. Even my grandfather got used to holding one at a time on his lap and singing to each one. All my grandmother would say, is she couldn't wait to teach them how to cook and bake all her family recipes.

We all started going to Friday night services at our Synagogue, and a Sunday service every once in a while with my in-laws.

Overcoming our rocky start, we not only were more in love than ever, we were each other's best friend.

My wife never returned to classroom teaching, but did more and more tutoring, which she truly enjoyed.

I was once asked if I would ever run for Prosecuting Attorney, and my quick answer was, not a chance. I'm a lawyer, not a politician.

As a post script, those three who attacked Linda were all given sentences of eight to twenty-five years.

As this title says, Victory comes to those who wait.

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Diecast1Diecast1almost 2 years ago

Love the story. It was great. AAAAAA++++++

fritz51fritz51about 2 years ago

I want to acknowledge something that is often lost when commenting. The clever titles and inclusion of humorous characters and situations. In this case, the reference to "The Three Stooges."

“Charles Cheetum, Henry Howe, and Donald Dewey, for the defense, your honor” of course gets rearranged to: Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe.

I laughed my ass off, thanks.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Legio_Patria_Nostra: Or should I say Clarence Darrow, thanks for your valued legal opinion. I'll be sure to consult you, and only you if I write another FICTIONAL story involving legal issues. OK?

AnotherChapterAnotherChapterabout 2 years ago

This really didn’t flow together very well in my estimation. The issue with the three defendants was lost in all the baby making, and there is no way in your world or anyone else’s that he would be allowed to prosecute with the overhang of the attack on his own wife. That was too cute to be any sort of realism. There just didn’t seem to be a coherent plot here to follow, just bits and pieces of a disjointed story. ***

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