Virgin Gigolo Ch. 09


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Martha's shock was evident upon seeing me, her mouth gaping, and her eyes wide open. She just stepped aside, unable to speak at seeing the two of us together.

"Mom, this is Danny, my new boyfriend. We've been living together and seeing each other for a while now," she said as she sat down on the sofa pulling me down beside her.

Martha did a creditable job, trying not to show her mental turmoil, although the color almost immediately drained from her face. She glanced at me, perhaps trying to discern what I had told Robin, and then her eyes went back to Robin.

"I need you to know," I said, reaching over and taking Robin's hand, glancing at her momentarily before looking back at Martha, "that Robin knows who Brent is and what kind of work Brent does," I said referring to my Brent persona in the third person, "and that Brent has... some... customers," I continued after the pause while I searched for a word, "that do not and never will know him as Danny." I paused a moment, "And a very few that do."

Martha's head nodded slowly, trying to decide what she was thinking. "Uhm... Mom," Robin started, "I uhmm..." she paused and glanced at me. "I didn't think it would be this hard to say..."

I nodded at her and took over. "What Robin is saying, is that she has the same type of job that I do, and just as I go by Brent when I'm working, she goes by Tiffany when she is working."

Martha had somewhat managed to hide her initial shock of seeing the two of us together when we'd walked in, but now her mouth fell open. "You're a...." She didn't finish the sentence.

"I prefer escort," Robin said in answer to her mother's unstated "prostitute."

"I see." I'm not sure what was going through Martha's mind at this revelation, her facial expressions changed several times. "But you have sex...."

"Sometimes. If they want to pay. Sometimes they just want a pretty girl to show off. Either way, they pay quite well for my company." I knew this was true, although it seldom happened. Most evenings when "Tiffany" went to work, she wouldn't come home until the morning.

"And you're happy doing this?"

Robin nodded. "I am. This job pays quite well, and I'm going to be retired and traveling the world by the time I'm 30."

We had never discussed this, but in a flash -- I realized that she was right. With the money we were making and both of us with sound investments, we should both be easily able to retire before 30 if we wanted. We just sat there, none of us saying anything, while Martha evaluated all that she'd been told. "Oh my God," she said, shaking her head. "Are you going to tell your father?"

"We're going to tell him that Danny and I are living together, but that's all," Robin said, "Unless you would like us to tell him how you like Danny's cock up your ass." She smiled sweetly at her mother, and I realized this was tit for tat. If Martha wanted her husband to know their daughter was selling her body for sex, then she was going to tell him that his wife was also buying sex and getting fucked in the ass -- by me. "And that's OK," Robin added a moment later. "Danny and I are OK with our relationship, and except that we have a relationship with you, we wouldn't have told you this. We're talking to anyone that knows us both, but as Danny indicated, you're contributing to his retirement funds..." she paused, looked at me, and squeezed my hand, "our retirement funds, and I'm OK with that."

The sound of the garage door opening indicated her father had arrived. "Hey! This is a surprise!" he said when he walked in. "Hi honey, what brings you over?" Standing, Robin stepped forward and put her arms around her father in a hello hug.

"Daddy? Danny's my new boyfriend. We've been seeing each other for a while now, and we're moving in together."

"Well, I'll be," he said, turning his face to look at Martha. Turning back toward me, his face dropped into a frown, his eyebrows lowering to give himself quite a stern look. "She made one mistake, and I made one mistake. You ever so much as raise a hand to my daughter, and I'll kill you." He glowered for another moment and then broke into a smile, and stuck out his hand. I reached out to grip his hand and when I did, he pulled me closer. "I'm serious. Mistreat her and it will be the last thing you ever do." This was said in a very quiet whisper. I doubt that Martha or Robin could hear it.

"Yes sir."


"Melissa's got a party for us," Robin said after hanging up the phone.

"Oh yeah? Both of us?" I questioned, wondering if it was fake police or a standing 69 or a sex exhibition or something else.

"More like me, but she thinks you should escort me."

"Bodyguard?" She nodded. "She thinks a maybe." I'd learned to trust Melissa's judgment.

"What's the story?"

"I'm to be a birthday present for an 18-year-old virgin." I nodded, evaluating all the things that we'd been involved with together over the last year. Robin regularly went out on dates, usually at night. I regularly visited my customers, usually during the day. Occasionally we'd be hired together to entertain at some kind of party. Apparently, there is a network of swingers, as we had provided opening entertainment at three or four different swingers parties -- almost always with an invitation to stay and join the party if we wished. We never did. Although our sex in public was with others, our personal sexual activities didn't include others.

We'd performed our fake police/stripper gig at multiple parties, where it could be either of us that was the center of attention, but usually for those it was me and a bride-to-be, me and a divorcee, or similar.

"Who's buying?"


"Oh my," I said, immediately concluding that an 18-year-old having a night with an escort being bought by a Daddy said that this kid must be a spoiled brat. I shook my head, wondering why such a kid wasn't out flashing his fire-engine red sports car around the school picking up chicks that liked that kind of thing.

"Big party?" I asked, realizing that if Melissa thought she needed a bodyguard/escort, there were almost certainly to be more 18-year-old boys around who would think that since the cow had been bought, they should get the milk for free. Ergo: me, the bouncer, me the bodyguard.

"That's part of what's weird. They said it will be a really small party, and they want me in my cheerleader outfit."

Requesting Robin to wear her cheerleader outfit wasn't too unusual. I knew many times Robin had been requested to show up in a cheerleader outfit for bachelor parties and the like. It wasn't the actual cheerleading outfit she'd worn in high school; she hadn't been able to remove the school insignia without it showing, so she'd had an unmarked replica made by Martha in just the same colors. Also, unlike in high school, she would often wear this outfit without a bra, and depending on whom she was entertaining, sometimes without panties. Either way, in her cheerleading outfit, she came across even hotter than normal. I noted as we were leaving that, this time, she wore underwear.

The home wasn't extravagant, just a normal middle-class home, although I noticed that it could use a paint job. Mostly just a bit of peeling woodwork, signs that some TLC was in order. Surprisingly, there was no sign of a big party going on; no street lined with cars, no extravagant decorations or music; and no screams and shouts of teens getting out of control. I looked again at the address on the text message. "It says this is it." Robin nodded in agreement. I parked on the street and we got out.

"Somethings weird," Robin whispered as she rang the doorbell, obviously feeling something was off just as I did.

Within seconds, the door swung open, and a very pleasant mom-aged woman greeted us by name. "Tiffany? Brent? Come on in, I was expecting you," she said, standing aside to allow us to enter. "I'm Sandy, and we're all in the dining room." She turned and led the way around the corner and into the adjacent room. A birthday cake was on the table, slices already cut and missing, with messy dessert plates around the table.

"Hey everybody, these are Rick's friends from school, Tiffany and Brent. This is his sister, Mary," she said introducing us to what was probably a fifteen-year-old girl. "And this is his cousin, Margaret," she said about a red-headed girl who was probably a bit older than Mary. "And this is Rick's dad and my husband, Wally," she said as the man at the table stood and stepped up to us.

"Glad to meet you," Wally said, offering his hand to Robin first, and then turning to me. "We're so glad you agreed to come over and stay with Ricky for a bit while we're out. We're taking the girls to see Top Gun Maverick. It starts here in about..." he looked down at his watch, "an hour and a half, and the movie is a little over two hours... so we'll be gone at least four hours."

I realized that Wally had been setting the stage, not for us, but for the younger sister and cousin, both of whom had no clue that we were there for Rick to have sex with Tiffany. Rick, who supposedly we didn't need to be introduced to, was the young man sitting at the end of the table in the motorized wheelchair.

"Here, let me show you Rick's room, in case he needs to go to bed," Sandy said specifically to me and led me down the hall. Tiffany grabbed a chair and sat down next to Rick making some kind of statement as if they were old friends. I followed Sandy down the hall.

I realized all the little things that I'd seen but hadn't thought anything of, as we'd come in. There was a long ramp to the porch from the driveway that appeared to be fairly new. The front door had been changed from the original tract home door somewhat recently also - it now had just a slight threshold and went directly into the same level. Now, as we went down the hall, I found a bathroom to our left with another remodeled door, making the entire bath wheelchair accessible, and a bedroom to the right.

"What is it?" I asked simply when we were out of earshot of the dining room and the younger girls.

"ALS. Lou Gehrig's disease," she answered without hesitation, knowing exactly what I was asking. "His grandfather had it late in life, Ricky got it when he was 15. It's been almost 3 years already; they told us for a case like his, 4 years is a long time."

I didn't say anything for a moment, and she didn't either.

"Is there anything special we need to know?"

"The wheelchair stays right here," she said, pointing to a vacant floor location. "She'll need your help to get him in bed, he's not going to be any help with that."

"Got it. Anything else?" I asked, kicking myself for my prejudging that Rick was a spoiled rich kid.

"He's a virgin. I don't think he's ever even seen a naked girl, and he'll never have another chance to have sex; he'll never have another chance to be a man." Turning, she stepped up to me and put her arms around my neck. "Thank you." She had tears in her eyes but quickly wiped them away. Putting on a stoic face, she stepped out of the room. "Here's the fee," she said, picking up an envelope on the cabinet shelf in the hallway, and turned to hand it to me.

"That's fine, right there," I said, putting it back where it was, "We'll get that on the way out."

Almost immediately when I returned, Wally said, "OK, let's go, girls! We don't want to miss this! This is supposed to be even better than Top Gun!" Within seconds they were out the door, leaving the three of us alone, with Sandy whispering that she'd call before they were headed home, "Just to make sure the coast was clear."

Tiffany truly was a pro. Obviously, Rick was a bit uptight, knowing that his parents had hired an escort to entertain him for his birthday. It had to be strange for him to know that his Mom and Dad had hired a cheerleader to have sex with him for the first, and perhaps only, time in his life, but Tiffany almost immediately set him at ease. Putting on her biggest flirt, the same flirt that had earned her the nickname of BJ in high school, soon had him loosened up a bit. "So, Ricky, I hear you've got a thing for us cheerleaders..." she asked, turning, and sitting in his lap, putting an arm around his shoulder. "What do you like better, our butts or our boobs?"

"Uhhm..." he stammered, "I don't uhm... know..." I could tell his speech was slurred.

"No better time to find out than now," she whispered, leaning down, nuzzling up against his cheek. Reaching down she picked up his hand and moved it to her breast, but his arm fell away as soon as she let go.

"I can't hold my arm," he said, but I had to smile to myself as his other hand slid from the arm of his wheelchair onto her bottom.

"Hmm," Robin hummed, her bottom twitching in his lap, "It feels like something works on its own. Anything you need help with, you just tell us, but what do you say we go into your bedroom and just get a bit more comfortable?"

"I'd like that." His hand went back to the wheelchair control, and it immediately began moving backward and turning.

"Oh, can't say as I've ever gotten a ride to the bedroom before," Robin giggled, making no effort to help or move his other hand from her bottom.

I helped to move Rick to his bed and then helped to undress him. Once he was naked, I moved to a chair in the corner of the room. Rick had very little muscle tone, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with his erection. He wasn't circumcised, and almost immediately he had a full boner, glans totally popped out of the foreskin.

"You've never gotten to take a girls bra off, have you?" Robin giggled and asked after she'd lifted and pulled her cheerleader form-fitting shirt off. The skimpy bra that she had on barely contained her breasts. "This one is a front clasp," she told him, again lifting his hand to her breasts, and positioning it between them. "Try two hands," she said, and he was able to move his better arm to join his first, which she was holding in place. "That's it, just push it together a bit and it will pull free." I watched her hunch her shoulders together just a bit and suddenly the clasp popped open. "Oh, you naughty boy, look what you've done to me," she teased, moving his hands to cover her now-exposed breasts. "Look how hard my nipples have gotten. They don't normally get that hard unless someone is sucking on them. That probably means they need that. What do you think, Rick? Want to suck on my nipples?"

I just watched as my girlfriend took care of this man who would probably never again have a woman in his bed. Leaning forward, Robin fed her nipples to his mouth one at a time.

"What's your name?" I heard him ask moments later.

"I'm Tiffany," she said quietly.

"No, your real name."

My ears perked up. Although he'd been talking very quietly, and not necessarily distinctly, I heard this perfectly. There was no answer from Robin for a moment, apparently evaluating whether she would share her real name or not, and then she did.

"I'm Robin."

"Hi Robin. I wanna fug you now." This was quite distinct.

"Why Rick, are you trying to get into my panties?"

"Umyess," he answered, "butt I neeed help." His words were slurring together more than they had before. Wordlessly, Robin rolled off the bed, stood up, and dropped her skirt and panties before climbing back onto the bed, now naked, and climbed onto Rick.

Robin rose above him, resting her clit and pussy against his cock, sliding up and down a bit. "Are you ready for this?" she whispered, and whether he answered and I couldn't hear or he didn't answer and I just couldn't tell, she reached down and held his cock upright and slid it inside her.

It was a gentle fuck. She wasn't trying to get him off fast, but rather to delay his orgasm as long as possible with long slow strokes. Reaching for his good hand, she drew it to her pussy, guiding his fingers into place. "That's my clit. Rub it gently, OK?" He did, and a moment later she purred, "uhmmm, that's nice."

When he said "I wanna tase yer pussy," I understood his words perfectly.

"You want to taste my pussy?" she repeated. "Do you want me to sit on your mouth?"


Robin rose to reposition herself above Rick's mouth letting his cock flop to his belly as she did. His one hand and arm, which he had fairly good control of, reached up and stroked her leg and hip and bottom. His other arm, which was pretty much useless, just remained on the bed. "Oh... that's nice," I heard Robin whisper. "Yeah, right there... use your tongue on my clit... it's ok, just rub as well as you can. Your tongue is doing good. Can you suck on it a little bit? Oh yeah, that's really nice." I saw her rise a bit more. "Right there now... that's my vagina... try and put your tongue in me... umm, yeah that's nice too..." I couldn't tell exactly what was happening but had the distinct impression that he really wasn't doing much for her.

I had, almost from the beginning in my dealings with customers, realized that being a successful sex worker was essentially being a good con. Sure, with me, I could fill a condom and my customers knew I came. But it was never about me; it was always about them. It was about making sure my customers came, making them feel that I was enjoying pleasuring them. And I always did.

Robin had confessed to me in our bedroom talk that she didn't often orgasm with a customer, but made sure they thought she had. Now watching her riding Ricky's face, directing his tongue to where it would tantalize her, I could tell that he wasn't going to successfully accomplish that, but I was sure that she would make him think he had.

"OK..." she whispered, pulling back and sliding down further, replacing her clit against his mouth, "now you can make me cum. Use your tongue, suck on my clit, just like before... Oh yeah... you're good at that... that's so nice..." and so on. She kept on like this for several minutes, and whether she sensed she was overloading him or was just completing the con, she suddenly squeezed her legs together and lifted away from his face. "Oh my God, Ricky, that was so good," she lied. I did not doubt that she'd just faked an orgasm, but I also knew he had no way to tell the difference.

Repositioning her legs, she moved her body back down his until they were aligned. Once again, she reached between her legs to guide him into place. This time, rather than the long slow movements of the first time, she was working on getting him to cum. It didn't take long, and this over-excited teenager came in my girlfriend's pussy.

Robin didn't move off him after he came, continuing to slowly rock her pussy up and down, at least until his cock shriveled enough to fall out. She found a tissue on the bedside stand and held it to her pussy before reaching for another and wiping his cock. Turning, she stepped to the door, glancing at me with a quick smile as she did -- the only acknowledgment that I was even there that she'd given since she started on him.

Moments later she was back, climbing back onto the bed with Rick, still ignoring me. "That was really nice," she said, lying down beside him and cuddling, her hand stroking up and down his chest. "How's your mouth doing? Think you can suck on my nipples again? If you can do that, I'll suck your cock and we can do it again?"

"Ah'd like that," he answered.

"I would too. Have you ever had your cock sucked?"

"No. I've never don anythang before."

"I like to suck cock. You boys are all such pushovers. I can get you to do anything when I've got your cock in my mouth." Her hand reached down and gripped him momentarily before she rose and positioned her tit at his mouth once again. "Umm, that's nice," she crooned a moment or two later before moving to position her other nipple at his mouth.

It wasn't long before she just rose up and turned, reaching for his semi-limp cock and took him into her mouth. He groaned at the onset, his head rolling back as she pleasured him with her mouth. I could see his cock enlarging and stiffening to her caresses. When he was totally hard, she pulled back and asked him if he wanted her to suck him off or to fuck again. "Again..." he answered.