Virgin, Slave, Nanny, Lover Pt. 03

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Rocio's sister, Dani, becomes a FINO slave.
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Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/13/2022
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This is a slow-burn Master/slave love story. If you are looking for lots of sex, please keep searching. I was inspired to write it by MrSmith27 referring to Slave Romances written by Hilary Rodham. Like all good love stories, the path of true love never runs straight. And, like all good love stories, they do, after many travails, live happily ever after.

Parts of this story are non-consensual. Everyone engaged in sexual activity is over 18.

Many thanks to Carl Bradford, MrSmith27, and ZZChromosome for their editorial help. Any remaining problems are entirely mine.



The next morning, I woke to the feel and sight of my beautiful innocent lamb still curled up around my body. I didn't want to disturb that angelic expression, so I lightly trailed my fingertips over the side of her body. She squirmed and nestled in deeper without waking. Giving this lamb to my brother to be deflowered would be one of the hardest things I'd ever done.

"Thank you, Mistress."

I realised she'd woken, "What for, sweetie?"

Had I really just called my slave 'Sweetie'? Sheesh, I was slipping.

"For my first ever orgasm, I can't tell you how much I needed that. I'm looking forward to you teaching me how to take care of my Mistress's needs."

She sighed and nestled in even more closely. I realised with a shock that this was the first time in her life that she had permission to stop being a good girl and do what felt good.

After breakfast, we agreed by phone that both girls would fly back with us to Boston.

Daniela would fly back to be indentured as my FINO for 4 years. She would most likely work with me in the HR department as a slave intern. We would also have to discuss her major when she starts college in the fall.

Aneu would fly back for a formal job interview before signing papers for a commercial scholarship. There would be no bodily collateral involved - she could walk away at any point without penalty since any company that does sensitive government work only wants employees that want to be there. For that reason, the ET slaves who work on sensitive projects are treated exceptionally well and are grateful for it.

I was considering flying Rocio back in a dog crate in the baggage compartment of the G700 for the three-hour flight to make it clear she was a slave, and Aneu and Dani weren't. But Dani would also be a slave in a few days. Did I want them both naked in the luggage compartment for every flight if I flew them back to Tulsa for Christmas? I needed to think more about what message I wanted to send to the three girls.

Aneu also told me that her family called Daniela 'Dani' in private, and she'd like it if I did too.

Since the three sisters would be staying with me for the rest of the summer vacation, I told them I would stay one more day to give them time to pack. Their family didn't have two large suitcases for them to use, so I took them both shopping for cases and other sundries.

The three girls were ecstatic that they would all be together for the rest of the vacation when 48 hours earlier, Rocio had thought she wouldn't see her sisters for three years. Since their parents wouldn't see the girls for the rest of the summer, I took the whole family, including Rocio's paternal grandmother, out to dinner at a restaurant.

I was now even more confused by my own behaviour. I felt I was treating Rocio as my girlfriend more than as my slave, and I liked that feeling. I also felt that Rocio's grandmother was wiser than she let on and saw more than I wanted of my turmoil. This was a disaster in the making.


When we returned to the hotel for our last night here, my pussy was seriously overdue for some tender loving care. The only orgasms I'd had since leaving Boston were from my trusty vibrator, which was emotionally lacking. I ordered Rocio to undress me and was pleased when she took as much care as she had the previous night.

"Get on the bed, lie on your back with a pillow vertically underneath your head."

I knelt astride her, and while she gazed up at my open trimmed vulva, I gave her an impromptu anatomy lesson on a woman's body: the labia majora and minora; I told her how the labia minora engorge and become puffy with arousal. I showed her where the urethra came out. I pointed out how my clitoris was currently occluded by its hood but that it would shyly emerge to be easier to stimulate as I got aroused.

"I need my first orgasm quickly, so I will ride your face hard, and all you have to do is lick whichever part is in front of your mouth. I'll warn you before I come as it can get quite wet, and you need to be prepared to swallow any fluids."

"Yes, Mistress. I understand."

I held my labia open and hovered over her innocent mouth, "Lick me."

She licked me very tentatively at first, unsure what she was doing, unsure whether to feel guilty and probably unsure of the taste. She gradually gained confidence until I moaned and lowered myself closer to her mouth. I started to rock backwards and forward, slowly over her mouth.

She quickly understood what I was doing and modified her licking to be in time with my movements. I felt we had started working together quickly. For an innocent virgin, she had an intuitive grasp of what my body needed. I was delighted.

I clutched the headboard to give myself leverage and started to ride into her face harder. Ye gods, I can't believe how much I loved feeling this young girl between my thighs. Between her innocent face looking up at me and the sensitive lapping of a virginal tongue. I was rapidly in heaven. Still holding one hand on the headboard, I reached down with another hand. To finger my own clit.

As my arousal grew, I started lifting and falling on her face as I rocked backwards and forwards, rotating my clit over her mouth and back to my pussy with my grinding hips. It didn't take long as the heat built between my thighs. I barely had time to warn the poor girl before I came hard over her face.


Last night my owner had brought me to orgasm without thought of her own needs. I knew tonight that I had to return the favour and please her. There was so much I didn't know. Inside I was still struggling, with half of me feeling dirty and sinful and half excited that the impediments of a strict upbringing were being removed, and I could explore what it meant to be me - well, within the confines that my owner permitted. It seemed like she would permit a lot if I worked hard to be obedient.

My parents had given me a clear understanding of the difference between being obedient (a choice) and being submissive (a frame of mind). My parents wanted me to be obedient from my inner strength, not from submissiveness. I could choose to be a good slave as that is the kind of person they raised me to be.

These thoughts became moot as my owner knelt astride me, and I found myself staring up into another woman's private parts for the first time in my life. To my amazement, she took the time to give me an impromptu anatomy lesson, which was more than my mother or the nuns had ever done.

She ordered me to lick her. Again, part of me was excited to be trying something new, something adult; part of me was disgusted. I licked her tentatively, dreading what it might taste like. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought. It was like slightly salty saliva. I can manage this, I thought.

Once I gained confidence, she started riding my face like I was a horse on a cross-country trail (I had once ridden a horse at my uncle's farm in Uruguay, but I remember the motion clearly. I almost giggled at the thought of her saying "Giddy-up' to me.)

She was gripping the headboard, rocking and rubbing her lady bits against me; sorry, her 'vulva' against me. I was unprepared for the small gush of warm fluid when she came. She'd warned me that a slave must be prepared and swallow it all, but I couldn't catch it all, and some ran down the side of my head to make a wet spot on the pillow. I was pretty sure the damp pillow was now mine.

She sat on my belly for a while, then turned around and shuffled back so I could lick her again. This time she leaned forward and started playing with my modest breasts. As I licked her and she caressed my increasingly sensitive nipples, she ordered me to reach down and play with my clit.

She watched me and gave instructions on technique. At one point, she was on the verge of coming and lifted up enough that I couldn't reach to stop her orgasm. She waited until I was on edge before lowering herself and riding my face hard, so we came simultaneously. Knowing she was having an orgasm as my second-ever orgasm tore through me was one of the most intense things ever.

As we snuggled afterwards (I was so glad she was a snuggler too), I realised that orgasming together like that had created a bond in me - an inner deeper sense that she was my owner and substitute mother, and I belonged entirely to her and, in some ways, I would be her substitute daughter as well.



I finally decided how the girls would travel back. I didn't want them crated in the luggage compartment every time we flew three hours back and forth to Tulsa for the start and end of each semester, but I did want to make the difference between slaves and free citizens clearer than I had been doing. I had become lax.

"Dani, before you sign a FINO contract rather than a commercial scholarship, I want to be sure you understand what life will be like as a slave. So, if you want to finance your degree as a FINO, I want you and Rocio to fly back naked in dog crates.

Being shipped to your new owner in a dog crate is a ritual that starts many slaves' experience of their new life. Some people even refer to it as 'Poodle Express'. I don't want to fly you commercially since Aneu and I are flying back in the G700, and I want all three of you to arrive at the same time. The two of you will fly as cargo in the G700. This is non-negotiable.

As we checked out of the hotel, the concierge discreetly handed me a package from the slave processing gift shop. Rocio was already naked, cuffed, and leashed, as required by Oklahoma State law. When we got inside the private jet terminal at TUL, I turned to Dani.

"Strip, slut."

A wave of conflicting emotions washed across her face rapidly: fear, excitement, embarrassment.

"Yes, Mistress," she stammered.

She shucked her clothes, and Aneu gathered them into a hold-all. She hesitated when she got to her bra, swallowed hard, and removed it. Aneu giggled at her discomfort. She slipped a finger inside each side of her pink boy-short panties and stopped. She was struggling with the reality of being slave-naked in a place where a dozen adults were walking around. She looked at me with pleading eyes, just as Rocio had done in the restaurant.

"Dani, look at me. It is either you accept what it means to be a FINO slave who may be naked during school vacations, or you take a commercial scholarship like your sister. Your choice but decide now."

She gulped and looked at both her sisters' faces. She must have seen something that gave her courage because her panties came off without further hesitation. She stood in the Present position without being told.

I handed the package I'd received to Aneu. She took the contents and ordered her younger sister, "Collar!" Dani dropped to one knee and held her hair back as they had been taught in High School slave yoga.

Having locked a leather training collar on Dani, Aneu ordered, "Back-hands" and cuffed her sister. There were two gags in the package; Aneu strapped one into each of her sisters' mouths.

Finally, Aneu leashed Dani as Dani's face oscillated rapidly between excitement and terror. I led Rocio by her leash, and Aneu led Dani as we walked out onto the tarmac to my jet. Waiting on the pad were two large dog crates. To my surprise, the pilot was standing next to them.

"Ma'am, we have a problem. Climate control in the baggage compartment is on the fritz, and, as Captain, I cannot permit livestock to be transported that way. May I suggest that, since it is a short journey, your livestock's crates are placed on the bed in the master cabin and the door shut for the duration of the flight? Your suitcases will be safe in the hold."

Dani shuddered at being referred to as livestock. This was precisely the lesson I wanted her to understand before she signed the indenture.

The girls were all struck dumb when they entered the G700. Their family worked hard to make ends meet, so walking into a $75 million business jet with another $20 million in upgrades (mostly to add a master bedroom, harden its communication system, and add an external ECM pod) was entering a world they had barely seen on TV.

With the two gagged and restrained sisters safely stashed in crates in the master bedroom, Aneu and I settled down to enjoy Lebanese mezze for lunch with a bottle of Chateau Musar Rouge, my favourite Lebanese wine. Over lunch, I had my first real conversation with Aneu with no one around to influence her answers. I found it enlightening, to say the least, and made a mental note to watch her internship carefully as she might be a candidate for fast-tracking into management.



After landing at BOS, we taxied to the private jet terminal where my beloved Bentley Bentayga in British Racing Green was waiting. There was also an F350; this one had a cap over the bed rather than the bed being open to the elements. As we deplaned, the chauffeur opened the car's rear door for Aneu and me. My bodyguard had his BMW motorbike parked at the terminal.

Two wranglers got out of the F350, carried the crated girls out one at a time, and wheeled them into the terminal. The wranglers extricated the girls and removed their gags.

"Do either of you girls need to pee?"

They both did. After they'd peed and been given a bottle of water each, the girls were put back in their crates, but they were not gagged or cuffed this time. The wranglers slid the crates into the back of the truck.

This would be the only time I made them travel this way, but they needed their expectations of slavery to adjust to reality. When we boarded the plane, Aneu had struggled with what she saw as needless cruelty on my part, both in making her sisters travel in crates while she was in luxury and in making her be the one to collar and cuff her Dani.

It took a long discussion before she understood the kindness in what I was doing. It was not just in making sure Dani understood what it meant to be a FINO before she sold four years of her life, but also, I needed the sisters to understand what it would mean that only one of the three was a free citizen while they were slaves required to be obedient to the free sister. Clearly, this would be a huge struggle for Aneu.

The F350 followed us in convoy to my Brownstone, located one block north of Boston Common. Once we arrived, the two girls were allowed to crawl out of their crates in the back of the F350 and given kimonos to cover up before exiting the back of the truck for the short walk to the house. Public slave nudity is viewed quite negatively in Liberal New England.

Aneu and Dani each selected a bedroom on the third floor. Rocio moved into the bedroom next to mine. The previous occupants used it as a nursery with a connecting door between the rooms. I gave the girls two days to settle in. My chauffeur was available to drive them, and my bodyguard would act as a tour guide while they followed the freedom trail and visited the Boston Aquarium.



As Omar Khayyam said, 'The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, moves on.' - the day arrived for Daniela to sign a FINO contract. Unknown to Dani, I had taken Aneu aside and asked her about Dani's fantasies of being a slave.

Rocio had been unaware that Dani went to a friend's house to watch slave dramas on Telemundo-X, a channel their parents had strictly forbidden them from watching. Aneu had known and snickered at Dani's secret fascination with slavery. After discussing it with the lawyer and slave psychologist, I based my plan for the day on what Aneu said Dani needed, a plan that involved the G700 making a quick return trip.

I asked Rocio if she wanted to be present for Dani's processing since she was legally required to be naked in the centre. She said she wouldn't miss it for anything as Dani was becoming her slave-sister.

We arrived at Concord slave processing centre at the busiest time of day. As the girls exited the Bentayga, I ordered Rocio to strip, and Aneu ordered Dani to strip. Dani looked at me in puzzlement.

"Get used to it, slave; you chose this," was Aneu's curt reply, followed by a very naughty smirk at her baby sister. Aneu was going to enjoy this day far too much. She ordered Dani to "Collar." Dani dropped to her knees with one hand tilting her head back to allow the collar to be attached easily. Aneu fixed a green grading collar around her neck, which, in most circumstances, would limit her sexual interactions to oral only.

When the two girls had stripped, Aneu ordered backhands. She zip-tied both girls' wrists before leading them by their leashes into the reception area. Diana went to the concierge desk and told the receptionist that we had an appointment to see the lawyer and the slave psychologist to sign a FINO contract. The receptionist beckoned a male slave wrangler to lead us all to the lawyer's office. Aneu ordered both girls to kneel facing the desk.

The slave psychologist ordered Dani to her feet and reviewed the FINO contract with her making sure that she understood everything that was required of her; she would be a slave during all the vacations for the next four years but would be a free citizen during the semesters in Tulsa and any mandatory summer schools.

Her service as a slave would start when the jet got to the private jet terminal in Boston-Logan at the end of the semester and would last until she got to the private jet terminal in Tulsa at the start of the new semester. That way, she could keep Aneu company on the plane as a free citizen.

During the school vacations, Daniela would be required to live under slave discipline, and she should expect to be sexually available to any free citizen but only with the explicit permission of either Diana or Aneu as her co-owners.

Dani looked at Diana sharply, "Mistress, co-owners?"

"Yes, Dani, I must travel with my job, and I need to ensure you are kept safe while I'm away. My lawyer said making Aneu your co-owner would solve that issue neatly, and we think your sisterly bond is enough to keep you safe since you would be very vulnerable without an owner present."

In return, I promised to pay all her school fees and board and lodging until she completed her degree. After her freshman year, Daniela would be required to agree with Diana about the most suitable major. During the school vacations, Daniela would also be required to work as an intern in the HR department at Alan's company. The final stipulation was that Daniela may be required to take a year out of her school schedule to work for Diana before resuming her academic studies.


After the contract had been signed by the slave psychologist and Diana and Daniela, and me, the lawyer said that Daniela was now officially a slave and under slave discipline. Diana announced she was leaving for the rest of the day, and I was in charge. Dani thought she would simply go home at this point, but I had a lot more planned.

"Slave Dani, show the lawyer your appreciation in the traditional way with a slave kiss. I know that you know what that means from watching Telemundo-X."

Dani clenched her thighs as fear and anticipation melded into a hot wet mess coiling deep in her belly. She moved in front of the lawyer and stammered, "Master, pl .., please, may I..., I take care of your cock?"