Virgin, Slave, Nanny, Lover Pt. 05

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Aneu has a date, and takes her sisters to a pet play weekend.
9.3k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/13/2022
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Part 5


This is a slow-burn Master/slave love story. If you are looking for lots of sex, please keep searching. I was inspired to write it by MrSmith27 referring to Slave Romances written by Hilary Rodham. Like all good love stories, they do, after many travails, live happily ever after.

Parts of this story are non-consensual. Everyone engaged in sexual activity is over 18. You can't write about a nanny without writing about children, so the adults in this story work together to protect the children's innocence.

Many thanks to Carl Bradford, MrSmith27, and ZZChromosome for their editorial help. Any remaining problems are entirely mine.

Please note, I use UK English spelling and vocabulary.



I was so caught up in stroking myself while fantasising about my oh-so-desirable slave girl going down on me that I only just managed to stop and cover up when she unexpectedly knocked and came in without waiting. She was still wearing one of the oversized shirts I insisted she'd worn in case the kids needed her in the night. She knelt at the side of my bed.

"Master, I'm not used to sleeping alone. May I snuggle with you?"

Diana had told me sternly that I wasn't to bother her until she was ready; I'd mentally prepared myself for weeks of sexual frustration, but here she was. Did "snuggle" just mean snuggle, or did it mean more? I desperately needed to cum and didn't think I could sleep until I had, but based on Diana's rules, I couldn't and wouldn't ask her to do that yet. On the other hand, I knew she needed me to be friendly so she could open up.

I lifted the covers, "Yes, if you just mean snuggle, Rocio. But I warn you, I'm going to be restless and have trouble falling asleep tonight." Rocio looked puzzled, "I don't understand. You went to bed very early. Diana told me you don't normally go to bed before 11:30 pm."

She reached out and touched my groin; she coyly asked, "Is that because of me?" I told her it was entirely because of her. "Then, I think I know what the sleep problem is. Diana warned me you would find it hard," she giggled at her own joke, "having me here and not being able to get sexual relief." Her face momentarily tightened into a look she didn't want me to see before she schooled her expression. Her next sentence was formulaic and without feeling, "Master, please let me take care of that so you can sleep."

"Rocio, come and sit next to me and let's talk; I should have had this conversation with you as soon as the girls were in bed. You are my children's nanny. I don't want them to see you as a slave, and I don't want them thinking of you as a slave. That is why you must always be clothed, even at night. I promised Diana I would not treat you like a slave either. So, please take off your collar."

I only resumed after she'd removed it, "By law, you must wear your collar when you leave the house, but in the house, I don't want to see it. I want to create a normal loving home for the children. I have to protect their innocence just as much as I intend to protect yours. Innocent children their age should not be having to deal with topics like slavery."

"Second, never call me Master in the house or when the kids are around. I can't create a normal home for our family when you are calling me Master. I want there to be no hint of your enslavement in this house. So, please call me Alan, OK?"

She looked relieved, "Only if you are sure," she paused, "Alan."

"Third, this is going to be your home for the next three years. I want these years to be happy ones for all of us. I need you to be truly happy as much as that it possible in your legal situation so the children feel it's a happy home. That means I will treat you at all times as if you were a free citizen. If you really are feeling lonely and insecure, then, of course, you may snuggle, but I'm going to the bathroom to deal with my 'sleep problem'."

I kissed her forehead innocently just as I would with my daughters, and headed to the bathroom to take care of business. I was so wired up from having her in my bedroom that it took no time at all to empty my balls. I ejaculated so hard it made a mess across the toilet rim and floor, which I had to wipe down.

I headed back to see her lying on her side with her head propped up on one elbow, watching me; my old shirt looked unexpectedly sexy on her; I didn't think she knew just how wickedly seductive she looked. I shook my head. Ye gods, this was going to be hard.

I climbed back into bed, and she snuggled up as the little spoon. She was asleep in minutes, so she must have felt safe. I still had trouble sleeping as I held her recumbent form in my arms and smelt the fragrance of her hair nestled tight against me. It didn't take long before I was rock hard again, and there was nothing I could do about it. I must have watched her for an hour before sleep finally took me.



The next day, Aneu got an invite to Diana's office for a meeting. She and Dani had ten days left before flying back to Tulsa to start the new semester. She arrived worrying she'd done something wrong.

"Come in, Aneu, and please close the door and sit down."

"Aneu, we have been impressed with your first internship and are considering you for a career fast track after you graduate. If you agree with the requirements, you will spend every vacation in a different department. It would also mean you need to learn to manage slaves effectively."

"The first step is to pass the Federal slave handling exam. Legally, we should have done that immediately after you became Dani's co-owner. I've signed you up for the one-day course the day after tomorrow, and I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours."

"The second step is going to be hard for you. Because Dani and Rocio are your sisters, you've fallen into the bad habit of also treating other office slaves as friends; we need to break that habit quickly before it becomes set. Excessive familiarity with office slaves inevitably leads to serious problems and exposes the slaves to severe punishment."

"If you want to be fast-tracked, you must agree to take Dani and Rocio to Haut Dog Farm near Lake Placid this coming weekend. It is a pet-play farm, and you will be required to keep your sisters as pets for the duration of your stay."

Aneu looked stunned, "Sorry, I must have misheard. You want me to do WHAT to the two people I love most in this world?"

"I know you love them both dearly but remember they are slaves. As I said, you will keep them as your pets for the weekend. The farm provides the choice of having female slaves be ponies, cats, or foxes for the weekend. You don't have to decide which until you get there, but I recommend researching pet play so you are better informed when you arrive. I'll send some useful links for you to read."

"The staff will explain the options and what activities each animal does. Dani and Rocio will be kept in the slave kennels during that introduction. When you choose which kind of pet you want them to be, they'll be taken from the kennels and transformed before being brought to your accommodation. During the day, they will have animal-appropriate activities while you get to enjoy excellent food, be pampered in their spa, and learn to water ski or wakeboard on East Lake."

"Diana, no!" Aneu interjected. "You can't ask me to do this to my own sisters. It risks destroying my relationship with them. If I have to treat my own sisters as my slaves, they will never relate to me the same way again. You are asking me to give up the one thing I care most about in life."

"Aneu, this is really important. You need to understand how helpless Rocio and Dani are at all times as slaves with no human rights and vulnerable to any free citizen if the owner or owner's representative doesn't protect them. I'm forcing Rocio and Dani to be even more helpless only so you can understand and learn to take care of slaves, protect them, and discipline them for their own safety. What better way is there to learn to protect and manage slaves than being asked to shepherd the two people who mean the most to you? Think about it, please."

She grudgingly accepted, but the blazing fire in her eyes told me just how unhappy she was.

"I think you are also missing what is happening to Dani. She has discovered that she enjoys being submissive in the bedroom and has been having lots of slutty fantasies from watching the Slave Channel on TV. I'm pretty sure she will take the opportunity to explore the slutty side of her fantasies while she has the chance to do so in a safe place with no consequences. I'm explicitly ordering you to let her do it."

After that exchange, I refused to give her any additional guidance because I wanted her to figure things out for herself.

"Last thing, tomorrow you need to meet with legal, they will notarize a full power of attorney to make you effectively Rocio's co-owner from Friday to Monday, so you have the full authority to protect her."

The next night, I invited Rocio over for dinner so I could talk to the three girls together in private. Alan told me that he was using Rocio going out as an excuse to take the girls to Denny's All-Day Breakfast. His girls were obsessed with having breakfast for dinner, and kids ate free on Tuesday nights. I still hadn't told Alan what I'd planned, and I was dreading his reaction.

Over dinner, I told Rocio and Dani that I was sending the three of them to Haut Dog Farm for a weekend of pet play. They were appalled to discover they would be their middle sister's helpless pets for a weekend while she enjoyed a luxury spa and fine dining. My decision to make them pets brought home to Dani, yet again, the painful difference between a FINO slave and a free citizen. She literally had no choice but to be obedient until the semester started.

I emphasised that I had limited the pet play to only two days because of my concern for the sisters' relationship. I asked them to think of it as helping Aneu with her career and also encouraged them to try to enjoy their time as pets despite the humiliation.

After some prompting, they had, at least, both grudgingly agreed that they would do their best not to let whatever decisions Aneu made that weekend come between them afterwards as sisters, and they would do their best to help her with her career.


Aneu had never been on a date; sure, she'd gone to restaurants and movie theatres with guys, but it was always as 'just friends,' or at least that's how she saw them. On Wednesday, Diana came home to see her sitting glumly while browsing Boston restaurants on TripAdvisor.

"You need help?" she asked.

"I don't know what to wear, and I don't know where to take him. I'm afraid of screwing up; I'm afraid he won't find what I'm wearing attractive, or he won't like the restaurant. And the date is tomorrow night."

Diana knew that if she wanted this to work, and she did, she'd have to mentor Aneu; she was an extraordinary young woman but naïve. In contrast, Nils had a lot of experience with women, maybe too much experience for his age. He'd laughingly boasted that he was the owner of a dangerous cock. One of his conquests had told me that he called his cock 'Captain Jack,' from Billy Joel's song: Captain Jack will get you high tonight, and he'd laughed. He was the definition of the word 'cocky.'

"For starters, take him to somewhere quintessentially Boston like Legal Sea Foods or somewhere European, like French Quarter or Mistral, which you can walk to, or Aquitaine, which you can drive to. I'm not going out so you can take the Bentayga and my driver. Nils hasn't been in the Bentayga; he might like being chauffeured to a restaurant."

Diana then took Aneu to the mall in Natick and bought her a new outfit. Something that was demure but showed off every curve to perfection.

On Thursday night, she picked Nils up in the Bentayga at 6:45 and drove to Aquitaine. She felt an illicit thrill as he held her hand while they talked. He was struggling to look away from the soft curve of her breasts; she didn't know whether to be complimented or annoyed. At least he desired her, she thought.

After a meal where they split a bottle of Médoc and talked about everything under the sun: their favourite music, concerts, food, books, and movies, she had the driver drop them at the south side of Boston Common so they could enjoy the warm summer evening.

Nils held her hand again, and she felt the same illicit thrill as he escorted her back to Diana's front door. She wanted to kiss him, but he hadn't made a move. Could she initiate it? After all, she'd invited him on the date, not the other way around, she thought.

As he lingered on the doorstep, she gave up waiting. She placed one hand on his cheek, put her other hand behind his neck, and pulled him into a breathless kiss. All his restraint disappeared in an instant. Now he had permission and kissed her back like a long-lost lover. For the first time in her life, she felt the joy of another tongue in her mouth and the wonderful sensation of their tongues playing against each other.

She savoured his taste, which was still mixed with the Pistachio crème brûlée they'd shared for dessert. His was a taste she had acquired in a blinding instant as her long-dormant hormones pulsed to life. She had waited nearly 20 years for her first kiss, and it was more than she could have dreamed, so much more as the passion with which he was kissing her back came through in spades.

She moaned volubly when he quivered the tip of his tongue under her lip and sucked her lip into his mouth. She pulled the back of his neck closer and moaned again into his waiting mouth. She felt her nipples become ultrasensitive against the tight braless top she was wearing; they must be sticking out like headlights, she thought. Her pussy clenched and flooded in an unfamiliar reaction no man had ever elicited from her.

If this was what love felt like, she wanted more. She wanted a lot more. He groaned at the sensuality of her tenderness as she broke their kiss to kiss his neck, kiss the erogenous zone behind his ears, and kiss his half-lidded eyes.

"Come inside," she whispered breathily into his ear as she nibbled his earlobe.

"I want to, but I can't. Diana told me that she expected me to act like a perfect gentleman tonight and made it crystal clear there would be consequences if I didn't. The good thing is that she said if the date went well, she would try to arrange either a business trip or a family visit to Malmö around the New Year's holiday. If we keep emailing and video chatting, we should know each other much better by then to know how fast we want to take the relationship."

Aneu broke the embrace and looked hopefully at him, "You want a relationship with me?"

"Oh, Aneu, if only you knew. I've met too many girls who play games with men while their heads are empty of anything that matters. Now that I've met you, I know why my past relationships failed: they were shallow and didn't have the kind of deep connection that I feel with you."

"I've learnt the hard way that sex without a soul connection is ultimately lonely; Milan Kundera called it the unbearable lightness of being. So, even though I'm heading to Sweden tomorrow, date me. Be my girlfriend. I want us to be a couple. I promise it won't be long until New Year when I will kiss you under the mistletoe."

"Yes, Nils, definitely yes. I want that too."

Their last kiss lingered long and slow as they committed the sensations of each other's body to memories that had to last them until New Year.



I got home late, still furious over Diana telling me my kids were losing their nanny for the weekend as Rocio was being sent to Haut Dog Farm with her sisters for a weekend of pet play. That meant strangers would use her oral skills and sodomise her while Diana was forcing me to be good. No, not forcing, I'd quickly fallen for Rocio, and I, too, wanted to protect her innocence. Now, it seemed, I needed to protect her from Diana.

I couldn't understand what game Diana was playing. We'd had a huge blowout fight when I'd demanded Aneu take other office slaves for the weekend, instead of her own sisters, whom Diana herself had vowed to protect. I just didn't understand.

Rocio came down from putting the girls to bed and saw me stewing, clearly upset, and already on my second stiff G&T.

She knelt in front of me like a good slave girl, except that she was still dressed in a tight white tee and jeans. My kids tended to wander down without warning, looking for a glass of milk or a snack or wanting another hug. They'd even barge into my bedroom without waiting for a response to their knock. I had to lock the door if I needed privacy. Because of that, I required her to be clothed at all times 'just in case.'

"What's the matter, Alan? Why are you upset? Have I done something to upset you?"

"What? No, Rocio, no. I'm furious Diana is sending you to the pet play weekend."

"I'm not thrilled about it either," her voice wavered, and she got tears in her eyes before schooling herself, "I know it means strangers will be using me. To be honest, I'm dreading it, but she owns me, and I have no choice but to be obedient. Alan, I know men are likely to use my oral skills, but I've never done that with you."

"I'm very happy living here with you and the kids. I'll hate losing my oral virginity to someone who doesn't care about me. It will feel wrong. Please, Alan, come to bed and let me go to the weekend knowing a man who cares for me took my oral virginity and not some random stranger unless the fact those men will be using me means you are no longer interested in me?"

"Oh, Rocio, no, I'm upset at Diana and won't hold it against you. I'm also upset that she's forcing you to be naked and available to strangers. But I promised Diana ..."

I didn't get any more words out before she put a finger on my lips to stop me, grabbed my hand, and led me to the bedroom. She quickly shucked her clothes. I couldn't help but stare as she did so; she was a sight I instantly knew I would never tire of. She was my idea of female perfection: every curve was perfectly proportioned and placed perfectly.

Her legs remained slender until her tight petite derrière curved out and up to the small of her back. The soft curve of her waist drew the eye to her perfectly flat belly and to the fact her shoulders were the same width as her hips. The light brown complexion of her Latina skin contrasted nicely against the sarcoline skin of my Nordic heritage.

Her modest breasts gave me an insane unstoppable urge to cup them and suck them. They were high on her chest with perfectly centred areolae which were just covered by her tresses of long brunette hair. Her brown eyes were the deepest darkest clear pools - when I looked in her eyes, I feared I could fall in and never stop falling till the day I died. She was everything I'd ever wanted packaged into one extraordinary young woman.

She kissed me eagerly before undressing me and pulling me onto the bed. We continued to kiss and cuddle tenderly. The growing desperation of her kisses and tightness with which she held me conveyed only too well just how much she was dreading the pet play weekend.

"Alan, as I said on Monday, I've only ever sucked a dildo and never touched a real cock. So please guide me and tell me how I can better please you if you don't like what I'm doing."

"Rocio, right now, just having my cock in the warm comfort of your mouth will be bliss. Literally, anything you do will be wonderful." She snorted and said Diana had told her how much men love having their cock in a girl's mouth (as long as you avoid touching it with your teeth, she'd warned).

She wrapped her hand around the base of my cock and licked all around my glans before taking me in her mouth and pumping my shaft with her hand. I groaned and put my hands lightly on the back of her head. Then, after bobbing on my glans a few times, she tried to push my cock down her throat. The practice with Diana's dildo must have paid off, as she got me fully buried in her throat, her nose pressing against the top of my groin.