Virtual Reality: Dragon Quest III


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She lay back as I kissed down from her breasts toward her mound. The sounds of the storm drowned out her gasps of anticipation, but couldn't hide the desire in her eyes. I kissed the patch of closely cropped dark hair above her sex once while letting my breath play over her, and then slipped my tongue into her folds.

I let out an amused moan, tasting her abundant bittersweet wetness. My lips and tongue danced over her, causing her body to undulate beneath me. She laid her hands on my shoulders and moaned in ecstasy as I stoked her fires higher.

"I need you inside me," she suddenly gasped, lifting my head to look into her eyes.

I shrugged off my boxers completely, and then moved into position between her widely parted legs. Her fingers insistently tugged on my hips as soon as she could reach me, her eyes begging for me to be inside her. I sank into her saturated depths with a groaning sigh.

Annette moaned and licked her lips as I stroked my cock inside her. She reached down to trace slow circles over her clit, her breathing steadily growing quicker. She was squeezing me so tight that I knew I wasn't going to last long.

I slowed down, trying to hold on until she reached her peak. I thought I wasn't going to make it, until she increased the pace of her fingers and her back arched beneath me. A warbling scream of release bubbled from her lips, and I felt a rush of warmth over my thrusting shaft from the increased flow of her juices.

Her velvety soft walls caressed me, pushing me to the edge. Annette's eyes suddenly popped open and she gasped, "Not inside me!"

With a growl, I pulled from her wet heat. Almost immediately, I pulsed and sent thick ropes of semen arching over her belly and breasts. I reached down and stroked my slick shaft, spurting my seed over her body twice more. She moaned and shuddered, caressing her sex with one hand, and swirling her fingers through my cum with the other. I held my cock in a tight grip as it continued to ooze. I closed my eyes and gasped as my orgasm played out.

When my eyes popped open, I saw Annette bringing my cream to her lips to taste it with satisfied moans. Between licks she said, "I'm sorry. I forgot to cast my spell to make sure it was safe for you to come inside me. Mmm, it tastes good though."

"Gods you felt so good. You're so wet," I groaned. I fell down to the bed next to her, my legs feeling a little wobbly.

"You felt good too," Annette agreed in languid tones. She continued to swirl her fingers through my cream, bringing it to her lips to taste.

We relaxed for a few minutes, and then I heard Annette whispering words of magic. She finished the spell, and looked over at me with a smile. "I should have just let you stay inside me." She reached over to trace her fingers over my softened cock and added, "I have another spell. Maybe you could do it for me now?"

The hungry look in her eyes actually brought a twitch to my member, but I knew I still wouldn't be able to get hard for a while without help. "Go ahead and cast your spell," I whispered into her ear, and then suckled her earlobe.

She gasped and arched her back, pulling me into a kiss. As soon as we broke from the kiss, she spoke the words of her spell. Blood rushed into my flaccid manhood, rapidly swelling it once more. Annette helped it along by wrapping her lips around me and sucking her own juices from the shaft.

When I reached full erection, Annette lay back and said, "Please take me. I want to feel your cum inside me."

I needed no further encouragement, and between her legs without delay.


I managed to get back to my cabin that night on wobbling knees. While Cheryl and Rebecca emerging from the same room in the morning wouldn't look too bad, me coming out of Annette's might be something entirely different.

Annette had apparently been serious when she said that the other women would want details, because I saw them speaking together on deck that morning after breakfast. They looked in my direction and smiled quite often. I'm sure Rebecca and Cheryl recounted their night as well, and I'd have liked to have sat in on that conversation.

The rest of the ocean journey was uneventful, save for a few moments when my Repel spell ran out, and I almost didn't cast it again quickly enough. We reached the port north of Samanao the next afternoon. Lady Roma sent word that the ship had made port, and carriages soon arrived to transport us to her home. The carriages were every bit as opulent as her ship, and the journey was a pleasant one.

A noble of the Kingdom, Lady Roma had a castle a few miles from town. As with everything else she owned, the place was magnificent. She led us inside, where we met with the Captain of her guard in his own little war room.

"Donnal is the one who suggested that I seek adventurers to rescue my sister. He feared his men were not properly trained for such a mission, and I worried for Emelia's innocence," Lady Roma explained once we sat down. She then nodded to a servant nearby, who brought over a framed canvas and held it up.

"This is my sister Emelia," our employer revealed.

"I can see why you were worried," Rebecca admitted. "She's a beautiful young woman."

So could I. The painting depicted a blonde woman in her twenties, in the full, perfect blossom of womanhood.

Donnal spoke next. "We tracked the kidnappers to their lair, a series of caverns to the west. My men are simply not trained for that sort of close quarters fighting on terrain not our own. We are trained to defend, not attack. We have met some of the kidnappers' demands, stalling for time by saying that the others will require longer to meet. We know Emelia is alive, because we demand evidence of such each time we meet with them."

The guardsman stood and folded his hands behind him. "It is my belief that a small group of adventurers can appeal to the twisted nobility of these men, if and when the possibility of a stealthy rescue is thwarted. Kandar's various henchmen have ever been vulnerable to personal challenges."

"Kandar? You mean his men didn't all give it up when he got his ass handed to him?" I asked.

"Most did, and either left their lairs or started their own bands. Without the expertise of Kandar's network, most of them have been imprisoned. Some few, such as these, still maintain their loyalty. I believe they will be doubly off-balance because most of you are women."

I snorted and said, "Meaning they'll be more interested in capturing them to rape them, rather than kill them. A little crass, don't you think?"

"Only if you think you are not up to the task," Donnal said and raised his eyebrows.

Cheryl chuckled. "I see where you're coming from there Captain. We're up to the task, and you're right about Kandar's thugs. I've ran afoul of them before and they start thinking with their dicks the moment they see a skirt." She turned to Lady Roma and apologized, "Sorry about that."

"No apology is necessary. I find your candor refreshing," our employer said with a dismissive gesture and a smile.

Rebecca tapped her hand on the table and said, "Show us where they are, and tell us what you know about what we'll be up against." Turning to the Lady of the castle, she added, "We'll bring your sister home safe."

"I will be going with you," Lady Roma announced.

"Absolutely not," Donnal countered. "It is my duty to protect you, and I will not allow this. If necessary, I will contact the King to attain orders to such effect."

"What if she waited nearby out of sight with a large armed escort?" Annette suggested.

"I suppose I could accept that," Donnal said in reserved tones.

Roma sighed and said, "Very well, I will accept that as well. I simply wish to see my sister safe as quickly as possible."

"Very well. Here is a map showing the position of the caves," Donnal said, and our education about the area began.


"Them are the caves," the young shepherd said. "There's only one way in there. I used to play there when I was a boy, and I'd have found any other way out."

"They haven't been there long enough to make any big changes, even with magic," Rebecca declared.

Donnal gave the young man a coin, and bade him to leave for his own safety.

Cheryl tapped a parchment in her hand. "So with Johan's map of the caves, we know what we're looking at inside. Let's see if we can figure out how they would set up in there."

We quickly determined that the leader of the band would likely take the largest chamber at the rear as his own, imprisoning Emelia in a smaller adjoining chamber accessible only through his. Two smaller open areas near the entrance would probably be where the other men made their home. Without a doubt, they would post sentries in the entrance cavern. Long narrow passages connected the chambers of the cave.

"You say you've observed some of the men leaving at regular intervals?" Cheryl asked Donnal.

"Yes. They venture out to attain supplies. We were told that if these men did not return within a certain amount of time each day they would be assumed dead or captured, and Emelia would be killed. Our guess from observing different groups leaving is that there are a dozen men within. They leave in groups of four."

"That leaves only eight inside -- maybe nine if their leader hides in there all the time," I speculated.

"So we wait to go in until they're gone, to give us better odds," Rebecca added.

"Have any invisibility herbs?" I asked.

Rebecca smiled slyly and produced a small silk pouch. "Yes, I do."

Cheryl guessed, "Sneak in invisible and have Rebecca cast sleep on the sentry before he knows we're there?"

I smiled. "Yep. That makes our odds even better."

"It might work on the others deeper inside as well, if we can keep things quiet," Annette suggested.

"I can find little to argue with this plan," Donnal agreed.

"Let's go put our little friends to sleep then," I said with a wicked smile.

When the group of kidnappers left for supplies a short while later, we checked our armor and weapons, used the invisibility herbs, and hurried toward the entrance of the cave. Trying to move when you can't see your companions -- or even your own body -- is a bit tricky, but we managed it without mishap. When we neared the cavern entrance, I could just see two sentries lounging inside, throwing dice.

I heard Rebecca chanting, and smiled when the two men slumped over asleep. Our invisibility ran out as we rushed forward. Pausing in the entrance chamber, we heard no sounds of alarm.

"Tie them up," Cheryl whispered in my ear. She then turned to pass the word to Annette as well. She and Rebecca stood ready to defend us if anyone attacked while Annette and I were distracted. Once we bound and gagged the two foul-smelling men, Cheryl and I dragged them over behind an outcropping of stone and hid them there.

"So far so good," Rebecca whispered when we leaned in close to confer.

"We got two for one here, so that leaves only six or seven inside if our information is right," Cheryl agreed.

"If something isn't broke, don't fix it. Invisibility and the sleep spell again?" I asked.

Everyone nodded, and Rebecca distributed the herbs. I found it a little easier to maneuver this time, but it was still a bit disconcerting. The most difficult part was keeping my armor from scraping along the narrow tunnel walls. I didn't like it when I saw the tunnel open into a dimly lit cavern ahead, because the tunnel didn't widen at all. The entrance was just as narrow as the tunnel, and that meant that Rebecca would have to be up front by herself to cast her spell.

I couldn't see much in the room, but I heard Rebecca's soft chanting a moment later. When the chanting ended, I heard her hiss, "Got them."

I smiled when I walked through the entrance to see six men fast asleep. Three lay on beds, and three were slumped over a table. Beer dripped off the table from overturned mugs.

Cheryl's invisible hands tapped me on the shoulder, and I walked toward one of the men in bed with my rope. When I reached for him, I encountered something soft before I could reach him. I figured out it was Annette's breast when she whispered, "This is hardly the time for that, no matter how good it feels."

I stifled a chuckle and moved to one of the other beds. It was a lot easier to tie them up when I could see what I was doing a short while later. I noticed Rebecca watching the tunnel we had entered the room from, while Cheryl stood near a makeshift door along another wall of the room.

Once we finished tying up the three in the beds, I dragged the other three men over to the beds as well. We could have tied them to their chairs, but that would have made a lot of racket if they woke up and started struggling. This way, they'd only thump as they fell out of the bed, at worst.

After taking care of all six men, we met in the center of the room again. "Talk about your luck. We shouldn't have anything to worry about except the leader now," Cheryl chuckled quietly.

"Unless there are more of them than everyone thought," Rebecca warned.

"We'll just have to be careful and hope they're right. If they are, this could be the easiest money we've ever earned," Annette whispered.

"One more time," Rebecca said as she passed out the invisibility herbs.

The next chamber we passed proved to be empty, probably because the ceiling had collapsed at some point to fill the room with boulders and rubble. I could see light ahead, and knew we were getting close to the large chamber where we expected to find the leader of the kidnappers.

This tunnel widened near the opening of the chamber, giving us room to stand side by side. The scruffy leader of the kidnappers scowled as he wrote on a piece of parchment on a table before him.

Rebecca once again whispered her sleep spell. She didn't get a chance to finish it, however. The man looked up with wide eyes, and grabbed a staff at his side. He pointed it toward the doorway, and Rebecca ceased her chant to shout, "Down!"

We all dived into the room, ducking just in time to avoid the blast of fire from the man's staff. His eyes darted back and forth, searching for us. I knew our invisibility wasn't going to last long, and there was the added problem of Emelia sitting bound to a chair within the room.

I started forward, hearing other footsteps off to one side. I had to bite off a curse and dive to the side when my opponent aimed his staff in my direction again and discharged it. He tracked the sound of my fall, and I had to roll out of the way of a second blast.

Cheryl fared no better, having to duck almost as soon as my roll came to a halt. Worse still, our invisibility wore off. Now we all four stood revealed to him.

Cheryl and I started forward again, depending upon our magical armor to take the brunt of the magical fire. When he blasted me again, my hope proved founded, but it was only cover for his true attack.

I felt my head fill with fog and my eyelids getting heavy. Dimly I noticed Cheryl stumbling, and heard the sound of two bodies slumping to the floor behind me. Cheryl fell to her knees, and so did I. I fought the magical sleep, but I still ended up on the floor. I kept fighting and kept my eyes open, though I could do little more.

Cheryl managed to stand. "You'll have to do better than that. Come on, bad boy. Why don't you face me like a man? I'm only a girl, after all."

I felt the fog lifting from my head, and thought, Score one for insomnia. My arm and shield blocked the leader of the kidnappers from seeing my eyes, so I played possum while my head fully cleared.

Our adversary blasted Cheryl again, but she shrugged it off and brandished her weapon. "I told you, dickless, you're going to have to do better than that."

The wizard realized he was in trouble, and Cheryl's taunts didn't distract him from his easy way out. I saw the glance toward Emelia, and whispered the words of the Zap spell. Cheryl's continued stream of insults kept the wizard's attention, covering up the words of my spell.

"Is that a robe or a dress?" Cheryl sneered, stalking toward the wizard.

I finished my spell just as our adversary dived toward his captive. Lightning reached from my outstretched hand, halting the wizard in his tracks and spinning him around.

I stumbled to my feet as the wizard fell to his knees, twitching from the electrical assault. I glanced back to see Rebecca and Annette rousing. Cheryl leapt forward, kicking the twitching wizard out of the way and stood protectively in front of his frightened captive.

I saw the man reach for his staff, and summoned up my wits to move forward. He had ceased twitching and turned toward Cheryl. "The fire of my staff will burn her, if not you," he growled.

He noticed me just in time, as I brought my sword down toward him. Bringing his staff overhead, he blocked the strike. The blade rang as if it had hit a steel rod. I fought the shock running through my arms and brought my sword back to strike again. He discharged the staff toward Cheryl and Emelia, just missing them, and immediately swung the weapon at me.

I'd glanced toward the two women when the fire burst from his staff, and I just barely got my weapon in line. Despite defeating most of the force of his blow, it still rang against my codpiece with alarming strength.

That pissed me off.

I feigned a stroke from the right, causing him to bring his staff up to parry. When he did, I stepped forward into my false swing -- and kicked him square in the balls.

His staff fell to the floor with a clatter from his nerveless fingers. His mouth opened wide, but nothing more than a croak emerged. A tear rolled down his cheek just as he collapsed to the ground, clutching his family jewels.

I put my sword against the back of his neck. "Don't move. Don't even twitch. You're fast, but are you fast enough?" I dropped my voice into a Clint Eastwood impression. "So the question is -- do you feel lucky, punk?"

His only answer was a tight squeak of pain.

Cheryl put the edge of her sword to work on Emelia's bonds, while our two companions stood and moved toward us. A bleary-eyed Annette fumbled in her satchel for another length of rope.

Cheryl cut the last rope binding Emelia to her chair and told Annette, "I'll do that. You get Emelia out of here."

Annette nodded and helped the beautiful blonde girl to stand. When Emelia stumbled, Rebecca moved quickly to steady her. Already at work jerking the wizard's hands from his throbbing crotch around behind him, Cheryl said, "Help her, Becca. We've got this."

Cheryl quickly tied the man's hands, and I removed my sword tip from his neck once she finished. Cheryl rolled him over and he haltingly grunted, "This isn't the end of this."

"No?" Cheryl responded with a cheery smile -- and kicked him in the sack again.

"Let's let the soldiers clean this place out."

"Good idea," Cheryl laughed. "They aren't going anywhere."

The man on the floor choked and sobbed pitifully, unable even to grasp his aching balls this time.


The returning group of four bandits met with a rude surprise, in the form of Donnal's heavily armed troupe of well-trained warriors. Needless to say, they surrendered rather quickly. With the entire group of kidnappers now in custody, we returned to the castle.

Lady Roma offered us four enormous rooms, all attached to a central common room, for as long as we wished to stay. We all agreed that we certainly wouldn't pass up the chance to live in luxury for a while, but for tonight, we planned to celebrate.

The ride to town in Lady Roma's carriage didn't take long, and we soon found a fine inn with even better booze. We took two adjoining rooms, and then selected a table in the common room to toast our victory.