Visiting Aunt Alexandria


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At the time though, there in the front seat of the jeep, I was oblivious, focused on exploring her sex with my fingers, the moist folds, the secret button... until she gasped, arching her back, and craning her neck to kiss me greedily. "What about you?"

"Oh, I'll finish in about 12 seconds in the shower."

"No. Now. Here. I want to watch you finish what I interrupted yesterday morning."

She sat up, unbuttoning her top, skirt hiked fully up to give me a view that was utterly pornographic. I hiked my tshirt up, slid my shorts down to my knees, and went to work. I was already hard, and with my eyes locked on her exposed erect nipples, her visibly wet cunt, in the mall parking lot at 5pm, I exploded with very little effort. She bent over my lap, sighing happily, and licked the ejaculate off of my fingers, my belly, my thighs. Kissed me with the taste of me on her lips and we parted to make our separate ways home.

The following morning was the Friday before the Fourth of July. She had the day off while the ogre would get the following Monday off. Lucky us. When I came into the kitchen her phone rang, and it quickly became apparent that it was Kathy the Bitch, Paul's sister, my unloved aunt. She had a much nicer house, three boys, and a pool, and she was notoriously long-winded on the phone. Lexy gave me a bright smile, then made a shooting herself in the head gesture, and settled in for a long tedious call, elbows on the breakfast bar, leaning forward. This position had two highly desirable effects: One, it made her robe gape open in front, and her cleavage, damp from the shower, was nicely displayed. Two, it thrust her delicious butt out, her robe riding up high on the backs of her thighs. I walked around her openly ogling her from all sides. She tracked me with her eyes, while making monosyllabic responses to show Kathy that she was listening. Ultimately, I settled on pressing in behind her, silently nuzzling her neck. I reached around and got a nice handful of breast, and I worked the robe off of her shoulder so that her top was held in place only by the tie around her waist. Her nipples were fully erect as soon as I started in on her neck, and my pulling on them was really making her squirm in tortured silence. I stopped for a moment to fetch my camera, and walked around taking pictures from all angles. Then I resumed my assault on her from the rear. Once more I pressed into her, my fully erect state now achingly apparent. Reaching down I slid my hands on the bare skin of her thighs, sliding upward, bringing the hem of the robe up until it too was wrapped around the tie at her waist. This was a particularly lovely scene-her damp hair hanging in tendrils around her face and neck, the robe covering nothing more than the top of her hips. I forced her feet apart and then backed off to capture it all in digital perpetuity. I noticed one thing immediately as I zoomed in for a close up of her sex, she had SHAVED this morning. I set the camera on the barstool next to her, left it on in video mode and leaned in to lick that freshly washed and shaved rosebud. She gasped audibly, covering it with Kathy by saying she had just seen a mouse run across the kitchen floor. Later, she told me that it was the first time that someone had eaten her asshole and she almost reached orgasm on the spot, her ass now writhing in the air, in invitation. I stood up, stepped out of my gym shorts and began wetting the head on her lips, sliding it fore and aft until it was good and lubed...then a quick plunge as I mounted her from behind. Another audible gasp and as I began to fuck her in earnest, and heard her stammer to Kathy that she had go and get that mouse. There was one more burst of verbiage from Kathy, which finally explained the reason for the call: Kathy and her hapless husband Brian both had to go off to work, " but the kids were going to be home alone and why don't you and Claude go over and hang out poolside with them..."

All that for what could have been said in a text...Lexy shut down her phone and then began to forcefully buck back against my thrusts, bracing herself on the counter with her left forearm, reaching down to rub vigorously with her right. Now we were both panting and she was moaning: "Oh fuck me. Ohhhhhh FUCK me! OHHH FUCK ME!" and I felt her clamp and freeze but I could not stop and continued to pound into her until I too climaxed.

"Oh. God. That might have been the hottest ever." Then chuckling.

"Hot illicit monkey sex while on the phone with the original frigid ball-busting bitch. God that is priceless. I really hope I get to tell her that one day. 'Oh, that mouse in the kitchen? Yeah that was your 18 year old nephew tossing my salad-very hot, let me tell you, a first for me-then the second was when he started pounded into my dripping cunt from behind. Because, beeyatch, that is how we roll here in THIS house.'"

I was too wrung out to be very responsive, and as I softened and fell out, a copious quantity of my discharge dripped down her thigh. I reached for the camera, turned off video mode, and took some stills as she arranged herself on the bar, on her back, legs gaping, draped off of the end, clean and fresh and glistening pink, her chest flushed, a crazed light in her eyes.

"Eat me. Eat me out. Suck all of that spunk out of my cunt and make me cum again!" Taking a few more stills, I did as directed. Kissing her open-mouthed afterward, transferring my sperm once more into her greedy mouth, we staggered off to the couch for our first post-coital nap.

As planned, we made our way over to Aunt Kathy's house, in the early afternoon. We were greeted by the twins, my cousins, who were a whopping 10 days older than me... They were actually, OK, and though not close, we were friendly, if not friends. It was immediately apparent that they too adored Aunt Lexy, being the anti-thesis of their control freak mom. And hot besides. I felt a momentary pang of jealousy, when she kissed them on the lips, gave them big hugs, and commented on some positive personal aspect of each.

"Oh, Tom, once you lose those braces, you are going to have to fend the ladies off with a stick..." that sort of thing. The jealousy passed quickly though, because, I HAD her, and they adored many of the same things about her that I did, so the afternoon turned into a strange sort bonding event, a competition where each of us tried to impress her, and she, large heart soul that she was, showered us all with her love. I realized something that afternoon, and that there is always enough love to go around, if you have a happy heart...

She cajoled James, the oldest by 12 minutes, into making a pitcher of margaritas, while she went off to change into her suit. We made our way out to the pool, and when she emerged wearing the new speedo, all of three of us stopped talking, jaw-dropped silence.

"What is wrong with you, guys? Never seen an old lady in a one piece...What does a chick have to do around here to get a drink? Hmmm, James?"

Emboldened James retorted, "Dad says, ya gotta kiss the cook, so that goes for the bartender, too."

"Seems like a sound rule, pucker up babycakes."

She approached him, wrapped her arms around him and gave him a nice long kiss on the lips.

"Now about that drink..."

We got cans of soda, she had her salted glass, and we made our way to the pool. She climbed onto the floaty chair, took a pull on her drink, pronounced it yummy, and then summoned Tom, "The Younger," to apply her sunblock. There was an instant clamor of "Ahhhh, no, I wanna do it" which she resolved thusly:

"OK, fine, twins each get a leg, Claude gets the top, and don't miss anything or I will burn, and I won't be happy!" So, I got her top half, possibly my favorite parts of her, and carefully worked the lotion right up to the very edge, and slightly under the edge of her suit. Each of the other two boys was taking the same care, and the same pleasure in applying lotion to the very limits of propriety...

She finished her drink, set the glass on the edge of the pool and slid off into the pool. We played marco polo, each of us taking every opportunity to brush, rub, and grab Lexy. After perhaps 15 minutes, she got out of the pool, dangling her legs in the water and leaned back on her elbows. We all clocked it immediately. When wet her suit was transparent. The dark areolas of her breasts were clearly defined. The suit molded itself to her freshly shaven sex, making her appear even more naked than nude. When we were all staring at her exposed body, and she realized the full power she held over us, her nipples became completely erect, practically poking holes in her new, linerless suit...

Languidly she rolled onto her tummy, and draped herself along the edge of the pool, one arm in the water.

"Tommy, will you come and do my back"

With trembling hands Tom applied the lotion everywhere. We all watched in amazement, as he rubbed it into the very tops of her thighs, the exposed sides of her breasts, her back, her legs. He took his time, was thorough, and she was wallowing in bliss. As the suit dried, our young erections subsided and we resumed our play, though now taking every opportunity to splash her at pool's edge.

It was the week after the Fourth that I witnessed two disturbing events. They were disconcerting both for the direct content, and equally for the ugly truths that I learned about myself.

Once again we had gone out to dinner and had driven separately. Pizza Hut this time. Lexy was casually dressed in a mid thigh skirt, strappy high- heeled sandals, and a tight low cut top with one of those built in bralets. She looked just a few notches this side of slutty, and as usual, I couldn't keep my hands off of her once we got in the jeep. My obsession with touching her caused what came next.

Out of deference to me, she had quite given up on underwear, and her skirt hiked up high on her bare thighs as she had climbed in. She had had a few glasses of Chardonnay, maybe one more than was prudent, but was, by no means drunk. However, as we headed home, my reaching over and playing "stroke the pussy," caused her to swerve. That was all it took. Immediately, the interior of the jeep was strobed in the blue and red of a cop behind us.

"Oh Fuck," she said, reaching across me to extract the car's registration from the glove box.

The cop approached on my side and I opened up the jeep's door to accommodate him. Totally ignoring me, his eyes raked Alexandria's exposed thighs, her full breasts straining within the confines of her top, and he began to give her the third degree. She answered deferentially, "Yes officer, no officer," but it was obvious that he was not going to let us go with just a lecture.

"Ma'am, step out of the jeep, and come around here to the curb."

"Stand on the curb-just the curb-and bend over and touch your toes."

She did as instructed, standing in front of the jeep, bathed in the harsh glare of the headlights, bending fully from the waist, her skirt riding up to expose just a glimpse of her sex, her top gaping open to display her ample cleavage. He walked all around her, clearly getting off on the power he had over this beauty.

"Ok. Place your hands on top of the Jeep, while I check you for weapons." I heard the snap of him donning latex gloves, and his voice was audibly strained now, as he gripped her arm and guided her over to my open door. He stepped directly behind her, and encircling both of her wrists with his hands, he placed her hands on top of the roll bar. In this position, her chest was heaving perhaps a foot away from my face. He forcefully used his foot to spread her legs, and pressing hard against her from behind, he began to pat her down, sliding his hands down her bare arms, breathing against the back of her neck, then on until he was openly cupping her breasts, right in front of me, quickly giving the nipples a tweak, leeringly saying that a lot of you carry a gun in your bra, but it doesn't seem like you even have a bra. Then across her taut belly, the pale blue gloves contrasting with the bright red of her top, working his hands down over her hips. There he stopped, and changed tactics, hunkering down, and starting again at her widespread feet, up her bare legs, then up to her short skirt. His left hand grabbed her ass, a handful of it, and with his right, he reached under her skirt, between her legs, and ran his gloved hands over her hairless, now sopping lips.

Throughout this spectacle, I was horrified to find that I was paralyzed to intervene, and at the same time was painfully aroused.

She was sobbing now, at the manhandling and the groping, but panting with arousal as well. For I learned then that part of her LIKED it rough and forceful, the sensation of being under the power of another...

He had been muttering dark threats throughout this ordeal, that if she resisted he could have her license, and she would lose her job.

After recognizing that she was pantiless, something seemed to snap in him. Quickly he fumbled out his handcuffs, and cuffed her hands to the rollbar. He staggered back to his patrol car, reached in to kill his lights and to get some items from inside the car. He hurried back and handed me a video camera.

He rasped, addressing me for the first time, "Film me fucking this bitch."

And, God save me, I did.

He yanked her top down to expose her tits, and hiked her skirt all the way up.

He had also gotten his nightstick, which he placed across her throat, choking her. With his other hand he unzipped, and wet as she was, was inside her in a moment. It didn't last long, no more than a minute, him slamming up into her, from behind, choking her with the nightstick, pulling her head back by the hair. Her breasts were flopping, and she was making moaning, choking noises. He came with a roar, planted deep inside her, and releasing his various holds on her, twisted her head around to kiss her hard on the lips, biting her and leaving a purple bruise. He gave her nipples one last vicious squeeze, then un-cuffed her, claimed the camera from me, and scurried back to his patrol car. He peeled out moments later.

She collapsed into the car, across my lap. She could barely talk, her throat and lips bruised.

"Did that just happen," she croaked?

She crawled in, and sat up on my lap, her back to me.

"I am going to need you to do something for me. Oh, good you ARE hard. That's it, come to momma, uhhh, yes, I need your cock in me...that fucker didn't even give me time to finish...uhhh, no manners...I think it speaks to a breakdown in our society (she was almost breaking, hysteria climbing within her)...uhhh, yes, that's my boy, fill me up. Do you feel his cum? I am all sloppy aren't I. Oh, my clit. Yes, YES!"

I could feel the vibration of her rubbing, and knew we were both very close. I reached up and began to maul her breasts, and I too pulled hard on her hair, pulling her down onto me, impaling her. That bit of violence sent her over the edge.

"FUCK ME!" she screamed. And we both came, hard.

Semen, mine and his, streamed down over me, and I was revolted by myself. Exhilarated by witnessing a rape, a flagrant abuse of power...And I got off on it.

"I am so sorry, I..."

"Don't. Just don't"

And the trip home passed in our first, painfully uncomfortable silence.

Twenty minutes later we were back at the house. She reapplied her lipstick, hoping to hide the bitemark on her lips, and straightened herself as best she could. There was little I could do for my part-I had a lap full of cum.

For a rarity, Paul was not inside, astride his throne, but was waiting in the dark on the porch, ambushing her. For the second time in an hour, I was completely ignored.

"What the FUCK took you so long? You stop and fuck your boyfriend, using my nephew for cover? Huh? Answer me you whore! He opened the front door, and her poor battered throat, the purple bruise on her neck, the stretched neckline of her blouse were all thrown into stark illumination.

"Holy shit! I was RIGHT. You fucking bitch. Who is he? That fucking spick that always gives you free shit at the nursery? Or that old wop at the pharmacy? I've SEEN how those fuckers look at you. He stopped just short of slapping her, but he forcefully pulled her half up onto the porch and flicked on the porch light.

"Stop, you're hurting me."

"Oh, I'm hurting you? You tear my heart out, make a fool of me in my own neighborhood, and I'm hurting YOU?"

"Fuck you Alexandria, you high and mighty bitch. It looks like someone used you hard tonight. Well, guess what? I´m gonna get my weekly right now. Right fucking now, with the neighbors right there, and my fucking nephew right there, I'm going to fuck you bloody, right on this porch, as he was ranting, he yanked down on her top so that once more her breasts were exposed, and this time her arms pinioned to her sides. He pushed her stumbling to fall on her face, without her arms to catch her, she landed hard, sobbing in her earnest now. In one swift motion he unzipped, and mounted her, forcefully driving into her. He was sobbing now too, slapping her ass hard, again pulling up on her hair repeating : "Your cunt is all wet. You are dripping another man's cum..." He came even sooner than the cop had, and as he did I roused myself from my torpor and brained him with his prized yard gnome.

Time stopped as I watched him collapse, bleeding profusely from the cut on the back of his head, jagged shards of ceramic raining down on Lexy's back. I kicked him off the porch, and too little, too late, scooped up my lover and carried her into the house. Kicking the door closed behind, I carried her into the shower, undressed her and let the warm water do what it would. She was shivering violently, in shock from the dual assault, and probably from my belated defense as well. I adjusted the water temperature, and allowed her to slide down the wall, so that she was sitting on the floor, the warmth streaming over her.

I ran into the kitchen opened a can of coke, dumped it in a mug, and placed it in the microwave.

I gently guided her out of the shower, dried her and wrapped her in her warmest fluffy robe. I propped her up in bed, a quilt up to her chin and forced her to drink some of the hot sweet concoction...

Her shivering subsided, but she would not look me in the eyes.

Gently I asked, "Do you want the light on or off'"

"On," she mumbled and rolled onto her side, her back to me with a terrible finality.

I glided out of the room, checking all of the doors to ensure that Paul stayed outside.

I spent the longest night of my life, earplugs in to try and block out the night's horrors, Paul's banging on the door, then the police, who had been called by the neighbor, Tom who had seen and heard it all, as he enjoyed his customary cigar in the garden in the dark...Tom saved us both. It was on the strength of his testimony that allowed a no contest divorce verdict, that cleared me, of wrongdoing. The local paper loved it, painting me as a hero, when in fact none of it would have happened had I been able to keep my hands to myself. I left that next day, and that was the last I saw of my Aunt Alexandria.

Unsurprisingly, that two week period marked me in a myriad of profound ways. I learned that the press usually gets it wrong... Actions have consequences... You can be on top of the world and moments later a wheel comes off and you lose everything...People, even, ogres that are as easy to caricature as Uncle Paul, have feelings. They hurt just as much as anyone, but may not have the vocabulary to express anything other than rage.

And that people bleed a lot when you hit them with a hideous piece of yard ceramic from that fuckin' spic down at the nursery...

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Lonewolf081960Lonewolf081960almost 4 years ago
Good story up to the two rapes.

This story started out good but then the wheels fell off towards the end when Alexandria is raped by a cop then by her own husband. Sorry but this story is in the wrong catagory, this should be in nonconcent/reluctant catagory. This could have been a good story but the author seems to have had a brain cramp towards the end. I think the author didn't know how to finish what was a good story so they killed thier own story with a stupid ending. I gave it a "2" for the good start.

rightbankrightbankover 11 years ago
wish you hadn't

why did you take it into the darkness of rape and abuse?

you created a caring, thoughtful woman who was neglected and unappreciated by her drunken oaf of a husband. who found comfort and appreciation in the heart (and arms) of someone who actually cared for her. but, instead of making a relationship to enjoy, you had to take into the darkness of rape and abuse. sad waste of an opportunity for love and happiness.

viejoguillermoviejoguillermoover 11 years ago
My favorite story by Alexandria

This is my favorite story by Alexandria. for it's storyline, for the love of her nephew and also for the bastard husband that is one you love to hate. Also for some other reasons not to be mentioned. I hope the list of stories by Alexandria keeps growing.

toJohnny7toJohnny7almost 12 years ago
Wish I had a nice Aunt like you.

Enjoyed your story and your tits. Thanks for sharing. Would like to see more of you and your work. The "in 5 years" sound great.

kuellarkuellaralmost 12 years ago
Wonderful story!

Despite the darker turn the story takes - which I must say caught me by surprise - this was beautifully written and refreshingly believable. The characters aren't just horny cardboard cutouts (well, some of them aren't), and they show actual progression through the story. I like that you're not shying away from showing the consequences of their actions, and the effects these consequences have on them.

I'd love to read what happens at the 5-year reunion :) Thanks for the story, and keep up the great writing!

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