Vivian the Verdant


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It was like being back in college. I went to bed horny out of my mind and woke up like a sex-starved kitten. I went through two sets of batteries before noon. By the afternoon I was contemplating breaking my vow and letting Aurelia film me getting fucked just so I could scratch that itch.

But I remained firm. For three very long days I kept to my own schedule, giving my son some space and time to process everything that had happened. Mornings, noons, and evenings were just one long wet dream and I had no shortage of material. Joshua fucked every hole and crevice in my body, showering me in gallons of cum. He took me out on dates, fingering me while I drove, and pumping my ass full of cum in the restaurant bathroom.

But on the fourth day, I just couldn't take it anymore. I sat down in front of my laptop and started to write.

All afternoon, the bedroom was filled with a cacophony of clickety-clacks, interspersed by comforting buzzing.

"Jooooshua," I called out several hours later, hearing the downstairs door open. I hastily threw a bathrobe on and opened the door. "Do you know where my thumb drive went?"

There was silence from downstairs.

"Joshua?" I called out.

"Uh, I think it's still in the TV. Hold on, I'll bring it up to you."

"Thank you, sweetie."

It was an admirable effort but the walls in our house weren't that thick. He very quietly came up the stairs and made a diversion to his own room. Only after that did he knock on my office.

"Come in!"

"Here it is, looks like it must have slipped out and fell behind the TV," he lied.

"No wonder I couldn't find it. I swear I must have turned the whole house upside down looking for it. I really need it to send Aurelia some pictures."

"You could have just emailed them to her."

"Shoot, I totally forgot about that. You're right, that would be much easier than delivering them in person. Can you remind me how that works again?"

I sat down at my table, opened the lid of my laptop, and beckoned Joshua over.

"I'll show you by uploading my cock to your cunt, you filthy"—

No, stop it! Focus.

It was hard, with him standing right next to me. The bathrobe wasn't particularly well-fitting and I was completely naked beneath. Plenty of cleavage for him to ogle. I pressed the button to start the mail program.

"The files are on your laptop?" Joshua asked, leaning down to look at the screen. His ass looked ready to bite.

"Yes, on the desktop. V-one and V-two."

"Ok. All you have to do is click"—he selected the two files using the trackpad—"and drag them over to the email..."

The moment he released the button and the image attached to the e-mail, his words faltered. His jaw dropped.

Inside of the email window was a large preview of the picture he had just attached. I knew it well because I had taken it myself just a few hours earlier. It was me, naked, sitting on the bathroom countertop with my legs spread. It was only from the belly-button down to my knees but I had no doubt that he recognized me.

My pubic hair was shaved into a very well defined "V" and my pussy was just out of the angle, pressing against the cool marble. It wasn't visible in the picture but there was a sizable puddle where my labia pressed against the surface.

"Oh my god!" Joshua gasped, straightened up, and whirled around fast enough to break the sound barrier.

"Whoops," I giggled. "Sorry about that."

Even from the back of his head, I could tell by his ears that he was blushing.

"You could have warned me!"

"I didn't know it would do that," I lied. "Did you like the design?"

"The what?"

"The design. Take a look," I said, coaxing him.

He turned around, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Don't be a baby," I scolded him. "I'm sure it's nothing you haven't already seen at your age. Now take a closer look and tell me what you think."

"W-what I think?" he stammered.

"About the design, yes."

Joshua peeked out of one eye. I pointed at the screen and drew the V into the air.

"See? I made it into a V for Vivian the Verdant."

"You're going to show THAT on the camera?" he asked.

But it was already too late. He wasn't looking away from the image anymore. He opened his other eye and stared at my pubic area with utter fascination.

"It's in the script," I said matter-of-factly.

I picked up the sheaf of stapled paper and held it between him and the monitor. He startled and shook himself, focusing on the script. He reached out with a trembling hand.

"Great, I'll go get my copy," I said and got up.

The other copy I printed out was very conveniently in my bedroom. I left the office, telling him I'd be right back. Part of me felt guilty for doing that to him. I knew that I was putting on a lot of pressure on him and it wouldn't be easy for him because I had been dealing with the same thing for quite a while.

Upon my return, Joshua leaned against the bookshelf, as far away from the laptop as possible. His face was buried in the script but to my great amusement, he held it upside down. The picture on the laptop was gone, showing just the inbox.

"I j-just remembered that I have a lot of work left for school that's due soon and I really need to do it can we do this some other time?" he stammered, trembling.

"Sure," I said and shrugged.

As soon as Joshua was out of the room, curiosity drove me onward. I sat down at the laptop and looked to see what happened.

To my great disappointment, the window with the picture was just minimized. Aurelia's address was still typed at the top. I let out a sigh of frustration. Had I been wrong about all of this? Did he not think me as attractive and I was the worst mother in the world for throwing myself at him?

Gloomily, I checked the Sent folder just to make sure. The last entry was from five days ago. I've never felt shittier in my entire life. It was time to wind down everything. Perhaps see a psychiatrist to help fix me. Cry a lot.

I was in the process of closing the laptop screen when I saw the icon for the trash bin. I folded it open again and clicked on it. My heart skipped several beats.

The most recent entry was from three minutes ago. An email to Joshua. I clicked on it and saw my gorgeous naked body attached as a picture.

Hope rebounded and with hope came lust. Fortunately my bathrobe gave me convenient access and I dragged a finger up my labia, enjoying the tingling welcome.

He had attached both V1.jpg and V2.jpg. I opened the second attachment. It was a mirror selfie of myself, posing with one fist on my hip, looking heroic — or as much as I could manage while being completely naked. My hips were slightly turned, flashing the side of my ass but hiding everything else. Except for the breasts, of course. Nice and plump.

I hoped it would drive him mad to be so close to seeing my pussy but so far away. Mad enough to eventually fuck me.

*** 8 ***

"Wow, this is like being in a real movie," Clara said.

All of us were gathered in the magnificent, hardwood covered ballroom. Joshua's grandma was dressed up elegantly in an evening gown, standing next to her equally well-dressed husband. I had no idea how Aurelia managed it but the hall was packed with extras. I recognized the bartender woman from the last shoot and Brandyn, one of Joshua's old friends from high school.

"Everyone in position!" Aurelia called out, waving her hand commandingly.

I was wearing a modified version of my Vivian the Verdant costume. The dress was green, though much longer, feathering out at the bottom and my hair was done up in a bun. Joshua wore a magnificent tux that made him easily look ten years older. Just looking at him made my knees weak.

We stood opposite each other and he moved in close. His hand laid on my waist and his other hand intertwined with mine. His firm body pressed up against me, reminding me that I was wearing nothing underneath my dress except for a flimsy pair of cotton panties.

Music appeared out of nowhere. A slow, classical piece.

"Ready?" Aurelia called out, getting the camera ready. "Three. Two. One... Action!"

And off we were. Joshua was leading, pulling me closer to Aurelia. He must have practiced his steps for hours to be that confident.

"I finally caught you, Mr. Handsome," I said once we were close to the camera.

"You? Catch me?" Joshua chuckled. "My dear lady, you should check which net it is that you prey upon."

"By now, all your guards will be fast asleep."

"Guards? You think I need guards to defeat you, Vivian?"

"You sound awfully cocky for a man who's about to spend the rest of his life in prison."

"And you sound awfully sure that I don't know about your secret," he said and grinned.

"My secret?" I gasped.

Joshua moved in. His lips pressed against mine. It melted my heart and jellied my legs. Trying to act like I was taken off guard was the easiest thing in the world.

But it didn't stop there. Joshua broke contact to plant a sloppy, wet kiss on my neck. He let go of my hand to grab my shoulder and spin me around. Facing the camera. The other dancing couples slowed down to gawk at what was happening.

"That's right, you wanton harlot," Joshua whispered in my ear.

He grabbed the bustline of the dress with both hands and tore at it. With a loud rrrritch, the fabric came apart. People gasped. That part hadn't been in the script.

Everyone's eyes were on me as Joshua ripped my beautiful green dress in half. My breasts spilled out. My heart raced. Aurelia stood right in front of me, getting everything on tape.

There was a sharp twang when Joshua just tore off my flimsy panties. Everyone was able to see my dyed-green pubic hair in the shape of a V.

"Holy shit," Brandyn called out.

"Cut! Cut, cut, cut!" Clara yelled in a high-pitched voice.

Joshua enveloped me in his arms and slipped two fingers inside my wet pussy. He kissed me on the neck again.

"I told you I knew your secret, Mom," he whispered.

He shoved the two fingers that had been inside my cunt into my mouth, making me eat my own juices while he unzipped his pants.

"Stop it! Oh Joshua darling, you have to stop this!" Clara begged.

"I'm the king of this city!" he roared as he shoved his cock inside me.

"Hell yeah, fuck her," Brandyn called out.

Joshua didn't need anyone's permission to take what's rightfully his. His hips slammed into the back of my thighs, causing me to stumble forward. I would have fallen if it wasn't for his iron grip on my biceps. He thrust into me again, nearly lifting me off the ground.

"Oh, God yes, fuck me, you villain," I moaned.

"Villain? Are you ok?" Will asked.

I gasped awake. There were a lot of people there but none of them were dressed up and everything was dark. Except for the giant screen in front of me. It was a raunchy sex-scene between Everard, the hard-boiled detective, and Ms. Jillian, his client. My heart was pounding.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Did you fall asleep?" Will asked, concerned.

"Sorry, not feeling well. I'll be right back," I said, grabbing my purse and getting up.

There were a lot of complaints as I pushed past half a dozen people to get to the aisle. I followed the light strips to the exit, stepping into the deserted movie theater hallway. The bathrooms were on the right.

I locked myself into a stall and took a deep breath. It had been the most realistic fantasy yet. I rubbed my neck where Joshua had kissed. My panties were soaked. My fingers trembled while digging my phone out.

All of this had to end. I couldn't take it anymore.

I pushed down my jeans, pulled up my t-shirt, and sat down on the edge of the seat. Selfie mode on. Phone held low between my legs, shooting upward. I stuck out my tongue and snapped a picture.

It wasn't the most glamorous setting but it didn't matter. Everything I wanted was on the screen. My dripping wet pussy, slightly out of focus. My breasts. Me, sticking out my tongue in a sufficiently sassy manner. Everything, framed by my thighs.

Before I had a chance to recover from my temporary insanity, I emailed it to Joshua's address.

Subject: I can't believe you mailed those pictures to yourself behind my back...

Body: ... if you wanted me to send you nudes like this one, all you had to do was ask.

The email icon spun around, slowed down, stopped, faded. It was done.

Oh God, it was done. The air in the bathroom was stale. I hurriedly dressed again, splashed some water on my face and stalked out of there. I turned the corner and slammed into something hard. Will.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I don't want to be with you. You're nice and everything but I don't want you."

"Are you... breaking up with me?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Goodbye, William," I said confidently.

Leaving him standing there like a deer in the headlights, I raced for the exit. The cool, fresh June air was wonderful. I sucked in a deep lungful and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was really alive.

*** 9 ***

Everything in the house was dead quiet. Not the normal kind of quiet but as if someone had set up a speaker system and cranked it up to negative eleven, actively sucking up all of the noise. No lights were on but Joshua's car was parked outside, so I knew he had to be there.

Something drew me toward the living room. I set down my purse on the kitchen counter and headed onward. There he was. Joshua. In the dark living room, sitting on the couch. His feet were pulled up and his head buried between his needs. Soft sobbing emanated from him.

My heart nearly broke. I sat down next to him, placed my arm around his shoulder, and pulled him in.

"I-I-I f-fucked up," he sobbed.

"Shhh, it's okay," I said in a soothing voice and kissed the top of his head.

"No, it's not! I didn't mean to do it, I promise!"

"It's not your fault," I said.

"Yes, it is! Oh God, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm such a pathetic loser."

"It's obvious. You were thinking about how hot I am, nothing wrong with that. I think it's very flattering that you think of me that way."

Joshua swallowed and raised his head. His eyes were read and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"I am so proud of the strong, handsome man you have become, Joshua. Every time I look at you, all I can think about is how beautiful you are. Nothing in the world makes me happier to know that you think about me that way, too."

"What?" he repeated, dumbfounded.

"Do you really think I would have shown you that movie and send you that picture if I didn't want you to see it?" I asked.

"But..." he said and faltered, looking at me.

I looked into his breathtakingly sweet brown eyes, smiled, and nodded.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

Instead of an answer, I leaned in and kissed him. My lips touched his and it felt like electricity coursing through my entire body. Fireworks were going off inside of me. It was happening, it was finally happening.

He didn't react at first, letting me nibble on his bottom lip, begging for an answer. When he finally did, it was hesitant. Little more than a smooch. No tongue, just lips.

But it was a kiss between mother and son. Nothing could have felt better.

"Wow," Joshua sighed when I let go. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open.

"I've been dreaming about this for years."

"You have?"

"Yes. Some days I can't think about anything else."

"I... I've had some fantasies about you."

"Do you want to make those fantasies reality?"

"You mean—"

"Yes. Everything. Just you and me."

"Are you serious?"

To show him just how serious I was, I pulled up my t-shirt. I knew that I should have been taking it slower. This wasn't something to just rush. It wasn't even like we were dating. But I had known him for a very long time. And I hadn't been laid in a very long time, either.

My bra came loose with a snap. Joshua's eyes went wide. I sat up on my knees, unbuttoned my jeans, and pushed them and my panties down. I fell on my back, raised my legs into the air, and pushed them off completely.

It was wild to sit in front of him naked. The light from the kitchen illuminated the room enough to let him see everything. Well, almost everything. My legs were folded to the side but he seemed to be busy enough with the rest to not need more. Yet.

I leaned in again to kiss him. A short kiss on the lips to leave him longing for more, a peck on the cheek, a nibble on the ear.

"I want you to fuck me, Joshie," I whispered to him.

I let myself fall backward onto the couch and very slowly parted my leg. Joshua's kept getting wider and wider with every inch. There was a hunger in those eyes.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked.

Joshua didn't bother with his top, he went straight for his belt. I lost count of how many times I had fantasized about his cock. I knew he was well-endowed from our most recent vacation at the beach, so I wasn't surprised to see his fully erect, six-inch cock sprout out of his waist.

I was, however, surprised at how thick it was. Bigger than my vibrator. Uncut and unkempt, with a wild nest of pubes cradling his balls.

He waddled closer with his pants around his knees. His hand touched my knee. Goosebumps arose on my thigh.

"Wait," I said.


I placed my thumb and forefinger around my right nipple and pinched as hard as I could.

"Ow," I yelped.

"Why did you do that?"

"I just needed to know that this isn't a fantasy," I said, hooked my ankles around his thighs, and pulled him in.

Joshua's cock slid inside me and it was perfect, as if it had been made for my pussy. Bigger than what I was used to but it was a welcome change. I've had longer, but before him, no man had ever been able to fill me in that way.

Half a second after he entered me, the realization hit me. My son was fucking me. His bulbous head was pushing its way inside me. My own son!

"Oh God," I gasped.

"Should I stop?" he asked, freezing.

"No, no, keep going. This is wonderful. Amazing," I breathed.

His pubes tickled my sensitive flesh. All of the bumps and veins on his shaft rippled against my vagina. My toes tingled. The weight of his body pressed me deeper into the couch, his thighs pushed on my cheeks.

"Oh God, yes," I sighed.

He thrust very slowly as if he was afraid of hurting me. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. My body was no longer under my own control.

It seemed to last for an eternity. Just him, slowly thrusting in and out of me. I wanted it to go on forever.

Except it didn't. I felt him slowing down and pulling away from me. I pulled him back in using my feet.

"Wait, Mom, I—"

Then I felt it, too. His cock went rigid and started to throb. I laughed in exhilaration as he pumped his seed inside me.

"I'm sorry," he finished.

"Don't be."

"I don't usually finish that fast."

"It's okay, Joshie," I laughed. "Really. You are wonderful and I love you."

He pulled away again and I let him go. His cock pulled out of my with a slurping sound and I suddenly felt empty. Semen trickled out of me, tickling as rolled over my sphincter.

Joshua knelt there, breathing heavy. His magnificent cock was more flaccid now, slick with wetness.

"Holy shit," he muttered.

"You can say that again."

He looked down at my pussy, dripping with his cum. He looked at his own cock. Back at me.

"You're my mom," he blurted out.

"I know."

"I can't believe I..."

"Did you not want to?" I asked and the haze of euphoria started to evaporate.

"Yes... no, I mean, I don't know," he said and pulled up his pants.

"I wanted it and I'm glad it happened," I said firmly.

"I... need to think," he muttered and stood up.

"Joshua?" I called after him.

Without looking back at me, Joshua left. I listened to his footsteps retreating, going up the stairs, and his door close. Tears welled up in my eyes and the air suddenly felt cold.