Vixxen & Sam Ch. 02: Investors


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Fuck Bill, fuck his infatuation with Vixxen. She wanted a taste of this ebony beauty for herself.

Throughout the week that Vixxen and Sam were in New York, Nichole spent a lot of time with Vixxen. As her attraction to Vixxen grew stronger, Nichole started drinking with Vixxen and taking her to more places where she could see her naked, trying to get closer to her.

Nichole sat very close to Vixxen in the sauna, using any excuse to touch Vixxen. Her arm, her hip, anything she could gently caress. Vixxen did not miss the contact, and enjoying women herself did not push her away. In fact, picking up on Nichole's attraction, and considering the young woman to be quite beautiful, she started teasing Nichole.

It became a sort of game between them, both knowing what was going on, but letting it remain unspoken. Vixxen took off her shoe and run her toes up Nichole's calf under the table, and from her response, she thought Nichole might have achieved an orgasm just from her touch.

The playfulness did not go much farther at first, however, Vixxen did continue to tease Nichole. She recognized the desire in Nichole's eyes from many years of teasing bored housewives when she was an exotic dancer.

Vixxen made no effort to hide her body in the sauna, in the changing room for the pool or the gym, or in Bill and Nicholes penthouse hot tub. She knew Nichole was starting to have a thing for her and thought no harm could come from leading her along a little bit.

That afternoon Vixxen and Nichole were relaxing in Nichole's hot tub, Nichole took off her bikini, telling Vixxen that she found it more relaxing naked.

Vixxen was enjoying the little game she was playing with Nichole and played along, as she loved being naked. Vixxen stripped out of her one piece, and then sat next to Nichole in their large hot tub. Nichole really was quite beautiful.

The two of them were sipping on champagne and enjoying each other's company when Nichole started to rub her foot on Vixxen's toned calf muscle under the water. Vixxen and Sam had not fooled around for a few weeks, and Nichole was very attractive, and Vixxen's body betrayed her intentions to just tease her young friend.

Vixxen closed her eyes at the touch of the young woman's toes on her calf, it felt amazing. She felt Nichole very close to her, and without thinking started to touch her breasts as she felt Nichole's hand on her inner thigh, low by her knee.

Nichole gently squeezed Vixxen's inner thigh, and then Vixxen felt Nichole's lips on her cheek. She turned to look at her young friend and was met with a deep kiss on the lips, with Nichole's tongue entering her mouth. Vixxen met Nichole's tongue with her own and returned the kiss.

For a what seemed like a long time the two women shared a deep kiss, broken only when Vixxen felt Nichole's fingers touching her nipple, gently pinching one of them.

Vixxen opened her eyes to see Nichole smiling, looking at her large breasts. "Your boobs are amazing Vixxen," Nichole said in admiration. "They really are quite tasty looking." Nichole leaned down and started sucking on one of Vixxen's breasts, and soon Vixxen spread her legs wide as she felt Nichole's other hand moving down her leg towards her pussy.

Soon Vixxen had two of Nichole's fingers inside of her pussy, and Nichole was still sucking hard on her breasts. "You aren't really into men are you Nichole?" Vixxen asked, noticing that Nichole's eyes were closed tightly, she was enjoying Vixxen's breasts more than most men she had ever met.

"In general no," Nichole replied, looking up at Vixxen with a look of want and lust. "Women look so much better," Nichole said, pulling her fingers out of Vixxen and placing them in her mouth. "We also taste better," She said with a wide smile, licking her lips.

Nichole laid Vixxen down just outside the hot tub with her legs spread wide and admired her beautiful pussy, before leaning down and tasting it. Nichole was so excited at first that she forgot about Vixxen's pleasure and just drove her tongue as deeply as she could, wanting to take in the taste and smell of the beautiful black woman.

Nichole soon realized this and began working her tongue on the inner wall of Vixxen's pussy while nibbling on her clitoris. She kept this going while fingering Vixxen, and also while playing with one of Vixxen's large boobs.

Vixxen's pussy really was something, and Nichole went at it quite passionately. Vixxen lifted her midsection as she orgasmed, and Nichole kept at it, trying to take every drop of her new lover's juices into her mouth.

Vixxen admired Nichole's long blonde hair, stroking it as the beautiful young woman ate her out.

Finally, Vixxen relaxed, and Nichole rose up over her and kissed her on the lips, sharing the taste of Vixxen's pussy with her. "Well I guess I do taste good," Vixxen said with a smile. The two of them laid like that for a few minutes, before they got up, and Nichole took Vixxen to her bedroom.

The two of them fucked each other for the next two hours or so, enjoying each other's bodies and orgasming numerous times. Vixxen had not had this sort of orgasmic experience with a woman in quite a long time, and she had missed it quite badly.

Later Vixxen's cell phone buzzed, and she picked it up, her boyfriend Sam was calling her. She looked at the phone, and then down between her legs, at Nichole, who was again eating her pussy. "Hey baby," Vixxen answered.

"We are finished early today babe," Sam replied, "I hope to be packed up and back in the hotel in an hour." Vixxen smiled, this treat with Nichole, and an actual evening with Sam? Hell yeah.

Nichole started to play with Vixxen's clitoris as she spoke to Sam on the phone, trying to draw a response. Vixxen's breathing changed, but she was able to keep her composure, trying not to let Sam know that another woman was pleasuring her. They had not agreed to anything like this. But fuck she needed it, and a lot more of it.

Vixxen pulled herself away from Nichole and got up, seeing what a mess she was in the mirror. "I have to get going babe," Vixxen said to her young friend. "This really was fun though, I needed it."

"Can't you stay a bit longer?" Nichole asked sweetly, "One more time?"

Vixxen walked over to the bed and leaned over, giving Nichole a warm kiss. "Maybe we will do this again, I don't know." She then walked back over to the mirror and tried to make something out of her hair. "I love the guy I am with, I don't know if he would be cool with this."

Vixxen thought Sam might be ok, but she wanted to be careful here. She didn't want to do anything to mess up a good relationship.

Vixxen got dressed and hurried to get back to the hotel to meet Sam when he got out of work, beating him to the room by a good five minutes.

Sam was happy as he opened the door, he looked very happy, more so than normal for a fairly reserved guy.

Sam shared that things were going well and that they would be able to go back home the next afternoon. "We have it, baby," Sam told Vixxen. "Bill's company is writing up a service and support contract for five years. This takes us to a whole new level babe!"

Vixxen could see the joy on her boyfriend's face, this was the realization of a dream he had when they first started dating when he was an IT support technician and consultant. All of the long hours, the time he had sacrificed with Vixxen, all of the money she made from her job as a stripper and poured into their business.

"Awesome baby!" Vixxen replied, giving Sam a big hug. "I knew you could do it." Vixxen kissed Sam deeply and smothered him in a tight hug. Vixxen hoped for some sex, but Sam broke the hug, gave her a kiss and went to take a shower and clean up. The two of them then went out to celebrate, with Sam drinking a lot more than normal.

Vixxen almost carried Sam back to the room and went to bed wanting again. What she wanted was her boyfriend, but her body remembered Nichole. She undressed and laid down next to her boyfriend, but it was Nichole who was on her mind as she closed her eyes.

She remembered Nichole's scent, her taste, seeing her long blonde hair laying on her body as they had sex. The feel of Nichole's lips on her breasts, the taste of her lips and the wonderful feel of Nicholes tongue in her mouth.

Vixxen was getting worked up thinking about Nichole, remembering how wonderful her soft skin felt to the touch. How amazing her beautiful young body looked next to hers in bed.

Vixxen had her hands on her body as she remembered sex with her young friend. She felt guilt at having had sex with another woman behind Sam's back, but in her state of arousal, it wasn't that big a worry right then.

Vixxen masturbated to climax, and laid in bed and enjoyed the moment, rather than cleaning up. She cleaned her fingers off with her lips, as she often did, enjoying her own taste, and tried to get some sleep, but did not sleep well at all.

As she finally drifted off to an uneasy sleep, Vixxen was again conflicted with her sexuality. She loved Sam, she truly did. She enjoyed men quite a lot, but she was reminded of how much she loved being with women.

She had been very lucky to have found true love with a couple of beautiful women in her younger life and had wondered at times if she wasn't just bisexual. What if she was actually gay? What would that even mean?

She had this on her mind as she fell asleep, and it was still there as she woke. Feeling conflicted about her sexuality was not new to Vixxen, but it was never something she was going to get used to.

Vixxen was awake late and woke up early thinking about Nichole. She really needed for Sam to get back at it with sex soon, she needed more action than this, a lot more. It was not going to work with him if all he did was work and sleep.

Bill and Nichole had Vixxen and Sam over for lunch prior to their flight home the next day to celebrate, and it was an entirely different sort of odd than Vixxen would have thought when they first arrived.

At lunch, Bill and Sam were deep into a technical conversation that Vixxen could barely follow. Vixxen and Nichole were having a superficial conversation, and for much of lunch, Nichole had her foot on Vixxen's calf under the table.

This beautiful young blonde was working hard on Vixxen. She now understood what her older husband had gone on at length about. Vixxen was an amazing woman, and like her husband, Nichole now just wanted to find a way to have more of her.

Soon Vixxen and Sam departed, with Nichole embracing Vixxen and giving her a peck on the lips while having one hand on the top of her ass. Nichole and Vixxen exchanged their phone contact information, and finally, Vixxen and Sam headed to the airport to fly back to Taxes.

Bill had them driven there by a car service, and as the limo drove away, he gave his young wife a knowing smile. "Enjoy your time with Vixxen?" He asked Nichole.

"I had more fun than I thought I would," Nichole answered. "She is actually pretty nice."

"Pretty nice in bed you mean, don't you?" Bill answered Nichole's face went blank.

"Fuck me," Nichole thought, as she searched for words to use to answer her husband.

As his young wife looked at him, Bill saw how frightened she was, he knew he could throw her out with what he knew and give her nothing. "Not just yet," Bill thought to himself.

"You thought I wouldn't know?" Bill asked with an evil grin. "Of course I know, I have video footage of every inch of my apartment, I made quite a sex tape of the two of you cavorting around my penthouse."

He was savoring this moment, he wasn't going to throw her out over this, at least not yet, but he was enjoying the little bit of terror that she felt over this. It was always important to keep a woman in her place, his father had brought him up the right way on how you keep women in line.

"Bill," Nichole finally answered. "I didn't mean for it to happen."

"I know Nichole," Bill laughed. "But I needed a way in with Vixxen, and I now have it with you."

Nichole gave him a horrified look, what did he have in mind?

"I know Vixxen doesn't want to be around me," Bill continued, as he went back inside of his apartment with his young wife. "But I hoped that she would get close to you, that you could be a close enough friend to get her more involved in my business with her boyfriend."

Nichole was confused, she had no idea what her husband had in mind here. She knew he was a devious man, however, and knew he would do things like this just for the laughs.

"I have been keeping her husband very busy of late." Bill continued as the elevator opened to their private floor entrance. "All day, every day, I have people texting him and emailing him day and night, I knew there was no way he was handling business in the bedroom."

"What do you want Bill?" Nichole asked. "What about us?"

Bill laughed at his young wife, how naive. "Us? I am more than fifty years older than you Nichole," Bill said to Nichole with a sneer. "We were never going to last very long. You were in it for the money, I was in it to have you on my arm and on my dick, we both will get what we wanted."

Bill then spent the rest of the afternoon explaining what he had in mind. He offered to ignore the video evidence of Nichole's infidelity, and even double the money that the prenuptial agreement guaranteed her, in exchange for her helping Bill to get involved with Vixxen in a more long-lasting sexual manner.

He was going to send Nichole to Texas when someone needed to visit for business, or at least make sure she was always along for the ride. He was going to make sure that the dollar signs that Vixxen's boyfriend Sam saw in front of him were sufficiently large, and that the workload was sufficiently impossible as to keep Sam working at a pace that would harm his relationship with Vixxen.

He further suggested that when he had Vixxen close to Nichole, even as lovers if Nichole wanted, that he would arrange for women to seduce Sam in a way in which Vixxen would surely find out, ruining their relationship, and driving her to himself.

"What an asshole," Nichole thought as she listened. A week ago she would not have minded, but she now knew Vixxen was a genuinely kind person. The money was tempting, it was why she had ever bothered with Bill in the first place, and she knew that if she said no he would use the video he had to divorce her and leave her broke.

But Nichole enjoyed more than just sex with Vixxen, her new ebony lover was much more than just a striking beauty. She was enjoyable to talk to, funny, caring in a way Nichole had not seen, and one of the most beautiful women that Nichole could remember ever having seen.

Nichole wasn't sure she could be ok with causing harm to Vixxen. Forget about the money, she knew she would never see Vixxen again if she ended up with Bill. And she knew that Bill was a legitimately bad person. He would want Vixxen for her body. He would probably be able to charm her into a relationship, but he would then only want to fuck her, then he would share Vixxen with his friends and colleagues, as he had Nichole.

"What do you think Nichole?" Bill asked his young wife. "More money than you could have imagined? The freedom to live how you want, with who you want?" Bill smiled, there was that evil grin again. "I know you like women more than men."

"You knew?" Nichole asked. "How could you have known?"

"That you are a fucking dyke?" Bill answered with a laugh. "You think I do not check the background of anyone I date? Much less anyone I marry?"

Nichole did not like that word at all, Bill came from an older generation, but that was a very harsh way to describe her love for women.

"Listen, Nichole, I never really cared if you prefer pussy, to be honest," Bill explained. "I got what I wanted from you, and you did as you were told to with my friends, so your preference never really mattered."

"What a fucking pig," Nichole thought to herself.

"It is all or nothing Nichole," Bill said, noticing her hesitation. "Do it my way, and we divorce and you get a lot more money than you ever thought you would. Say no and we divorce and you are out on your ass tomorrow."

What choice did she have? "I will do it, Bill, I will do it however you want me to."

"Outstanding Nichole," Bill exclaimed. "You made the right choice." Nichole could not even look at him, walking over to sit at the table where they shared a meal with Vixxen and Sam just minutes before. She turned to look towards her husband, as she heard him walk up behind her.

He had his dick in his hand, Fuck.

"I think a celebration is in order, so get to celebrating Nichole. You can celebrate your upcoming freedom and wealth, I will celebrate that Vixxen's lips will soon be on my dick instead of yours." Bill knew that Nichole hated sucking dick, he had always known she was really a lesbian. It made it better for him, every time she did it.

Nichole was revolted but did as her husband wanted. When he climaxed he did so without warning, inside of her mouth. As always it was disgusting for Nichole. She would not miss this, she hoped she would never see a dick again in her life.

"Every day Nichole," Bill said to his wife with a smile, as he watched her struggle with the taste of his semen. "Consider this incentive to move things along with Vixxen quickly. You will do this for me every day that we are in the same city until Vixxen takes your place in front of me."

"God damn it," Nichole thought. Could this get worse? She knew Bill could probably make it even worse, so she decided to start working on Vixxen.

When she was away from her husband, she thought about her new lover. She didn't want anything bad for Vixxen. She could care less about Vixxen's boyfriend, but she wondered if she could win Vixxen for herself. Maybe she could get the money from her husband, and win Vixxen for herself.

Later Nichole sent a picture message to Vixxen of their balcony view, letting her know that she had fun and missed her already. Vixxen and Nichole exchanged texts over the next few days and had a couple of phone calls as well.

Vixxen thought how nice her new friend Nichole ended up being. How beautiful she was, how satisfying the sex with her was, how well the two of them connected. Vixxen still carried the feelings of confusion with her own sexuality. She wondered if she had been wrong, as the days carried on and as Sam was still too busy and too tired to fuck her, was she actually more into women than men? Would she be happier that way?

Nichole, on the other hand, thought constantly about Vixxen. She wondered how her ebony friend was dressed, what she looked like when she was sleeping, what her favorite vacation spot was.

Nichole imagined helping Vixxen with her hair, bathing with her, shaving her legs, and serving her breakfast in bed.

She thought a lot about sex with her beautiful ebony skinned friend, it was the best she could remember ever having had with anyone. She licked her lips when thinking of Vixxen's amazing ebony breasts, and her tight muscular ass. She wanted to feel the other woman's tongue in her mouth again, to taste her pussy again, to have it every day.

She wondered if she could truly love her, maybe Vixxen could love her back. What would it be like to see her naked every day? To spend a lifetime with her body intertwined with another woman that she loved? Could she be satisfied with just one lover?

Nichole wondered if Vixxen would marry a woman, and did they even allow that in Texas?

"Fuck," Nichole said, realizing how far off track she was getting, "One thing at a time." She would worry more about how her new lover might be won over when she was able to get to Texas to meet her again.

The End.

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alchemy1888alchemy1888almost 6 years ago
The shark is circling...

Poor Vixxen, she has no idea what danger she is in with that asshole Bill! And Nicole is hot, but will she really throw Vixxen under the bus? I hope not! MMmmm the girl on girl sex was deliciously written!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Nice change of pace-

Fewer men involved in the story, at least in the sex is a welcome change to what I normally see here.

VixxTheLoverVixxTheLoverover 6 years agoAuthor

You are of course correct. For the purposes of this story, as in her and her husband’s appearance in the prior story; she was never looking for love, just for money and comfort.

At her young age she is written to believe that there will always be time for love later :)

jenorma2012jenorma2012over 6 years ago
nicely written

However as everyone knows money can't but you love, it can make you happy for a time but it will never last Nicole should have realized that before she got married to a guy like that

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