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I leaned forward and kissed her so passionately as a man would the woman he loved. "I want you, I won't deny that, but this is not right." She whimpered.

I still held her close. She trembled in my arms and I knew she would not face this alone. "Jana, I will help you through this." I whispered, "Come, I will take you home and help you gather your things. We will find you someplace safe for tonight."

She nodded. I drove her home and was surprised to see how close she lived near the church. Her husband, Raymond was there. I walked with her inside, and he faced me angry. He demanded to know how I knew his wife.

She faced this man, this one that broke her heart and said I was her only true friend. He ordered me to leave. I refused. Jana, then asked me to go. She had to deal with her husband. I was hesitant, but I complied with her wishes. I looked at him and I said, "God sees all." Then I left.

Chapter 6


Savin was reluctant but he left. I faced Raymond. Nothing he could say to me would hurt me worse than seeing him with her.

"I told you not to go back to that church and you bring him to my house." Raymond stated moving towards me menacingly.

I looked him in the eyes. My pain and humiliation was raw. "How long Raymond? How long have you been sleeping around?" I ask. He laughed.

"Please, I should be asking you how long. Are you fucking him?" He demanded.

I stepped forward, no longer afraid. He advanced, then I said the words. "Just because you're screwing Brenda Morse does not mean I'm fucking somebody else too. I kept my vows."

"What did you just say to me?" He demanded, grabbing my neck. I grasped his hands with mine but refused to be intimidated anymore. He no longer had power over me. Seeing your husband screw another woman and pledge his love for her is freeing in a way.

"Let go of me Raymond. I will press charges." I meant it and he backed down.

"Yes, I'm with Brenda. We've been together for years. She's more of a woman than you'll ever be." He taunted. "You just figured it out. Damn, you're slow. Our son turns three next week. We're hoping to have a daughter. I've been waiting for this and now I'll just say it. I'm divorcing you. I want you and your stuff out of my house. Brenda has already started planning on how to make this place a home. She loves this house. We've fucked in every room. After having her, I could never touch a disgusting pig like you. You can go live in hell. I don't care, just get the fuck out." He actually shoved me. I fell. He looked at me sprawled on the floor. "I'm going to see my woman and son. Pack your belongings and be gone when I get back. "

I cried. I had nowhere. Then I thought of Savin. He said I could call him at any time. I called and he came. He held me as I cried, then he helped me pack and I walked out of that house with no intention of ever returning. He took me to his apartment. As we drove, he called one of the men in his church. Immediately, they started searching for places for me to stay. One of the women from his church met us at his apartment and offered to let me stay with her. I wanted to refuse, but I realized I could not stay with Savin. It just wasn't right. I went home with Sister Mary. She showed me to her guest room and pretty much gave me privacy. Soon, she knocked and told me she'd made me a sandwich. I came out and ate. She watched me but said nothing. I waited. I was so used to people giving me unsolicited advice. Mary took a deep breath. "You're better off without him. If he really loved you, then he would never have looked at someone else."

I opened my mouth to defend Raymond, but I realized that she was right. I just looked at her. "Father Savin is a great man. He's been here for over a year and all kinds of girls have thrown themselves at him. He never responded until the day you walked in. He likes you. I like you too, Jana. You are not alone, believe me. You have friends here." I sobbed softly as Mary hugged me. She was so much older and wiser than I was. Here I was thirty-six and on my own for the first time in my life.

For some reason, I checked my phone and realized Shawna had called several times. I couldn't talk to her right now, but I sent a message that I was fine and with friends. That night, I slept in Mary's guest room. I wasn't worried, afraid, just hurt.

Weeks went past, and then months. I received calls from Pastor Parish, Mother Parish and several members of the church. I was told that divorce was not allowed in the holiness church unless adultery occurred. The pastor wanted me to come see him. Mother Parish wanted to pray for me. It seemed that new church led me down the wrong path.

I was amazed that even now, I was still the villain in this story. Raymond filed for divorce as Brenda planned a small ceremony for them. He listed the reason as irreconcilable differences, but we both knew the truth. We split our savings, and property fifty-fifty, except the house. It was a family home and his grandfather had a clause saying it stayed in the family.

The day my divorce was final, my daughter came home. She met Savin and even though she suspected there was more than just friendship there, she kept her thoughts private. She helped me move and settle in. On her last night, we talked. She went to visit her father and his new bride. Brenda treated her cordially, and her father felt she was too much like me. She didn't stay over there long. "Mom, you don't need him. He's my Dad and a part of me loves him. But you deserve to be truly happy. Just so you know, Father Savin is cute." She winked. I choked on the tea I was drinking.

She laughed, and went to bed because she was driving out early the next morning. Savin stopped by early before she left. He hugged her and said a prayer of protection. She hugged him back and soon, she drove off. I invited him in to join me for breakfast.

We talked. All of a sudden he became so serious. "I must share something with you." He said.

I froze. "Come, sit." He took a deep breath. "You've been honest with me about your marriage, but I have not told you of my past." He stood and walked over to the window. I moved to stand behind him. "Her name Is Karuna. I had just joined seminary when she came in to confession one day. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on. I listened to her confession and each time she returned, I fell harder and harder." He paused. "She is the only woman I've ever been with. Until I met you, I would spy on women, but none ever captivated me so. Our affair lasted for two years when her husband grew suspicious. He started having her followed, so we had to be discreet. Our last night together was magical. I knew I would never see her again, but she wanted to make love one more time. I was young, but that is no excuse for what I did." He paused.

"What did you do, Sav?" I asked. All types of things flowed through my mind.

He closed his eyes, "I wanted her to have my child, so the last time we made love that night, I refused to wear a condom. I wanted to leave a part of me with her so she'd never forget me. Our night ended when her husband arrived at the door of the room we shared. I snuck out and hid in the garden. For hours, I hid beneath the bushes. Finally, they left and I was able to sneak back to seminary. Bishop knew what I'd been up to and wanted to expel me immediately, but God intervened perhaps and I was reassigned to a small country in Africa. I never saw her again. I don't know if a child was conceived. Even if a child was born, unless her husband claimed it, it was probably given away. I am a coward, because after I left, I never went back. I've asked my family about what is going on at home, but I've never asked about Karuna specifically."

I was stunned. "So, you may have a child and you have no clue. How old is this baby?"

"He or she would be in their teens now. They'd be fifteen to be exact." Savin answered.

I stood and took his hands in mine and kissed them. "Can you call and simply ask someone?" I whispered.

He looked startled. Then he smiled. It was then that I began to fall harder and deeper in love with him than ever before.

After that morning, we ate breakfast together often. I moved into my own small apartment. Savin stopped by. "Hi, come in" I greeted, so happy to see him. Over the last next few months, he was my rock through everything I went through. He even endured visits from members of my original church. Raymond even insinuated that he was the reason our marriage deteriorated. He held his own.

Pastor Parish had no real opinion of him, but Mother Parish did and logged a complaint with the diocese. It didn't matter. Savin and I spent most of our free time together. He was my best friend. And in all of that time, he never crossed the line with me. However, deep down, I still lusted after him.

One night after a particularly moving sermon, I waited in his office. He came in and for a moment it was just the two of us. Something in his eyes told me tonight was different. I stood waiting for something. Savin crossed the floor and he kissed me. It was not a sweet chaste kiss that I could dismiss. This kiss stoked a fire deep inside of me that I tried to deny. My body melded into him, as his arms encircled my waist pulling me in even closer. Voices; we heard voices approaching and he pulled away. The heat in his eyes left no doubt in my mind that my desires were not one sided. I licked my lips, and he moaned. Mary and her husband, Joel entered.

Savin stepped away at this point and I sat. My body was wet and shivering. Joel was talking about something and Mary chattered as well. Savin smiled and nodded, but I could not speak. This was not over, and I was not sitting and waiting for him any longer. Soon we left with Mary pulling me aside. "You're good for him, but be careful." She whispered.

Savin drove me home. We parked. I wanted him to come in, but he was a minister. However, he'd visited me many times before, why was today different.

"Come on in, I'll make a sandwich for us." I offered.

"No, I'll eat at home. Go on, I'll see you tonight." Savin answered.

I froze. I was confused. The kiss we shared in his office said one thing, and now he was treating me like a pariah. Smiling, I thanked him and reached for my door. He grabbed my hand.

"I remember your scent. I still have those panties. I sniff them every night and each time I come thinking of you. I won't pretend anymore, and if I come inside, I won't restrain myself." He whispered.

I looked him straight in the eye. "Like I said, Savin. Come inside."

He swallowed and we both climbed out of his car.

We entered my small apartment, and I asked him to sit. Today was the day, I'd waited for this man for months and this time, I would have him. I went to my closet. I removed my bra and panty and just wore a skimpy translucent dress. It was very short on the hemline as well as neckline. If I bent it showed my ass from behind and boobs from the front. But I wore a lace over coat over my dress. The coat was unbuttoned.

When I walked out of my bedroom, my message would be clear. I prayed I wasn't making a mistake. I called out and told him to make himself a tea, I'd be right out. He answered and my pussy dripped. I needed him, and I was sure after the kiss we shared, he felt the same.

He was in the refrigerator with his back to me when I entered and cleared my throat. He turned and dropped the pitcher of tea.

"I'm so sorry. Let me clean this up." He stammered.

"Wait, I'll get it." I answered, and I cleaned the spill.

His eyes were on my body. When I was done, I stood and he spoke, as he pulled me into his arms. "Jana, you are the most beautiful, delicate flower. I have dreamed of you like this." My thighs were drenched.

I unbuttoned my lace coverlet. He stopped me. "Baby," I whispered, "I need." I was sitting cross legged. I opened and spread my legs apart. My dress was so short that my freshly shaved cunt was visible to Savin. I closed my thighs and opened them again. I felt my cunt throbbing and wet begin to pulsate with need. If he touched me now, I'd come on his fingers.

Savin swallowed, still fighting his desires,. "Savin, please." He leaned down and kissed me, pressing my body into the back of the sofa. His starched black shirt scrapping my nipples, I knew he could feel the peaks through his shirt.

Pulling him to my sofa, I lay back urging him to join me in this moment. I was on fire and only Savin could extinguish the flames.

He stopped, and ever so slowly began undressing. I'd only imagined what he looked like without clothes but I was in for a surprise. His brown skin was smooth with only a small tattoo on his right pectoral. His stomach was flat, muscular.

"Savin, I need" I whimpered.

"Let me love you, Jana. Just for once, let me indulge." I lay back and he did. Savin was a masterful lover, he did not leave any part of me unexplored. I moaned, cried and begged him for completion. All I needed was him inside of me.

He paused, "I must say I'm not very big, just average. I mean your husband may have..." I kissed him. No more words were needed. Savin entered my heat and I almost came from the feel of him. Slowly he rocked deep inside of me. I've never experienced anything so moving, so powerful.

He stopped, "Look at me Jana. Open your eyes. I want you to remember whose loving you now. I want you to know whose giving you pleasure. I need you to know to whom you belong. Cum for me." He whispered, and I shattered. My body exploded in a kaleidoscope of feeling. I trembled as he too came apart in my arms.

Chapter 7


I woke sated, happy holding the most magnificent creature in my arms. She slept and I noticed that my phone lit up. Checking it, I missed several calls. Realizing the time, I knew I'd missed services tonight. There was nothing I could do about that now.

Jana awoke, "Sav, you stayed?" She seemed surprised. "My place is at your side." I explained. She smiled and honestly if I did not love her already, at that moment I would have fallen hard.

"Hold me." She whispered, and I was happy to oblige. As I held her, I wanted her again. However, I knew we'd made love for quite a while and quite vigorously as well. She may need to rest.

I kissed her and sure enough, I was ready. Jana sighed, "Sav, let me take care of you." Pushing me onto my back, my lady love explored every inch of my frame. She found scars from a childhood injury, and gently kissed each one. Stroking my cock, she asked if I tasted sweet or spicy. "Never mind. I'll find out." and see took me in her mouth. I was amazed. No one had tasted me since Karuna. I would not erupt like a school boy. I would not blast off suddenly like a rocket, but my lady had other ideas.

"Sav, I love you." She moaned between kisses. I was so close and she knew.

I fought my climax. When I realized my fighting was futile I warned her. "Jana, you must stop. I can hold back no longer."

She then used her tongue, massaging my vein pushing me closer and closer. Then in an unexpected move, she cupped my scrotum. With a shout, I filled her greedy mouth. To my amazement, she swallowed every drop of my essence. I lay before her breathless and in awe.

"Savin, will our being together cause problems for you. I wasn't thinking, but as a priest you weren't supposed to..." She started to say. I gently placed my finger over her lips to stop the words.

"I love you. I have loved you it seems forever. There is nothing wrong in loving each other." I sighed. "I will report to the diocese. I will tell them I have found my wife. They will decide to accept this or not. It matters not to me, because you are the one I've prayed for."

Jana looked pensive and I needed to reassure her. Kissing her gently, I once again assured her of my love.

"I must go." I whispered. "I missed services last night and I must check in." I explained.

Jana nodded, "What time is it?" She asked taking time to check her watch.

It was a little after midnight. I moved to dress, and she touched me. "Will you stay until morning?"

I froze. I was already at her house at an ungodly hour. What difference did a few more hours make? I removed my clothes and rejoined my lover in bed.

We slept, and I held her close. A few hours later, I rose and kissed her. I explained that I must go. The last thing we needed was for me to be seen leaving her home early. She stood from the bed, the sheet that covered her falling, and walked over to me, and kissed me. "OK, love. Call me, alright." She whispered.

Something snapped inside of me. Her kiss was so chaste, and her words so filled with longing that I had to let her know this was not a one-time thing. Lifting her, I kissed her passionately. My cock hardened and I knew there was no time to assuage my need.

"Jana, never doubt my love for you. This changes everything." I held her close, her breast crushed against me. I cupped her ample behind and squeezed, then I kissed her once more. "I'll pick you up for lunch. Think of me, sweetness." Then I left.

I arrived back at my apartment, hoping no one would notice how late I returned. My prayer went unanswered. The moment, I turned my lock, Joel and Mary came outside.

"Father Savin, we were worried. You didn't come to church. We called and you didn't answer. Are you OK?" Mary asked, checking my forehead for fever.

"Mary, I'm fine. I'm not ill. I apologize for my absence..." I must have given something away, for she gasped.

Joel laughed, "Are you alright?" He asked laughing.

Mary looked shocked. "Mary, I love her. It's going to be OK." I explained.

She smiled, "You're a church leader, you know people will talk." She stated.

Joel spoke, "What he does in his private time is his business. Besides, everyone loves Jana. We've all been praying for them to get together." Mary laughed and hugged me.

I sighed. "I'm calling Bishop Clive and confessing. I won't give her up, but I will follow his counsel."

Joel and Mary nodded, and soon we parted ways. I showered and dressed for the day. I had a call to make before checking into Techno Corp. I called and spoke with the head member of the diocese for this area. He listened. Then he asked if I loved this woman more than I loved God.

"I am a priest, and God is my first love," I explained, "and Jesus taught that a man should never touch a woman, yet he also said it is better to marry rather than burn with passion. I have been faithful in my walk and until I met her have I never wavered."

He was silent. "You, my son, are a good and honorable man. I will inform the others. Go with God."

Savin sighed, "Do you need me to step down as leader of the church?" He asked.

His leader sighed, "You must marry her as soon as you can. Sin is sin, and although God is forgiving, you don't want to become a reprobate." He smiled, "Go, you have our blessing."

Savin was shocked. He thought it would be much more difficult. He thanked his elder and hang up. Bishop was right; he had to marry this woman. God had chosen her to be his. He wanted to call, but he had just left her. He dressed and headed to his small office. He was consulting with a new company this week, and wanted to meet with them personally before assigning a team.

Later that day, I called Jana. Hearing her voice gave me a smile that not even the worse news could destroy.

"Love, I missed you. I will see you at lunch." I whispered after chatting for a few minutes. Soon lunch time came around, and I met her at her office. Her friend Shawna and a few other people joined us for lunch. We were very careful not to draw attention to our new relationship. At the end of our lunch, Shawna teased up a bit. But I did not leave that office without tasting her lips before I left.