Voyage of Discovery


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Once the initial discomfort faded I realised that being ass fucked could be quite enjoyable. It was not something I would do for preference, but now that I knew what to expect, neither was it something I would balk at if I was horny enough, and I had definitely been horny enough to try anything. The slickness of Steve's cock cream was soothing to my strained butthole, and as his flaccid tool slipped out I reflected that I was discovering dimensions to myself I had never imagined. Not only did the newly liberated Kate enjoy acting and being treated like a slut, but even the slight pain of being butt fucked had excited me.

I returned to my cabin to clean up before heading for the lounge to listen to Paul and the group. As I stepped out of the shower I studied my body with a new appreciation, trying to see myself from a male viewpoint. Maybe it was my imagination, but my nipples seemed more prominent, and my pussy seemed more pouting and inviting than I remembered. What was more, I couldn't recall ever noticing the way my clit peeped out so teasingly. I picked up my panties then changed my mind. The freedom and overall sense of naughtiness of going braless made me feel more woman than I had imagined, so how much more exciting it would be not wearing panties. Slipping a dress over my nude body I took the lift to the lounge.

There was no sign of my fuck buddies or Connie and her 'puppy dogs', so I ordered a drink and sat at a vacant table. Acutely conscious of my naked pussy, I scanned the other people in the lounge, particularly the men, amusing myself by picturing their expressions if I dared to lift my skirt. I knew I was becoming obsessed with sex, but after so long without it I figured I owed myself some freedom. Sitting alone as I was I drew quite a few looks, and I began to wonder how I would react if I was approached. In my mind's eye I imagined some anonymous hunk taking me somewhere quiet, and sucking my tits as he drove his hard cock into my willing slit.

My erotic daydream was shattered when I was joined by Paul and his fellow musicians. This was the first time I had spoken to any of them, and playfully mocking her parents' sense of humour, Jane introduced her fellow band members as her brothers Wayne and Shane. She went on to explain that although not identical the brothers were fraternal twins. In sharp contrast to her powerful singing voice, Jane was softly spoken and seemed content to take a back seat to her more garrulous brothers. Pulling up a chair she squeezed in beside me, and as we chatted I could feel the warmth of her thigh against mine. Trying not to be too obvious in case my interest might be misunderstood, I studied her out of the corner of my eye. Her hair was short and almost black, framing an animated and fairly attractive face with full lips. Underneath her fringed western style shirt her breasts appeared firm, and although a little smaller than my own they were far from mannish.

After a few minutes I excused myself to visit the ladies' room, and Jane grabbed my arm. "Hang on, I'll go with you." As we were washing up in the restroom she looked me up and down. "You know I can't picture you being married to someone like Paul. He strikes me as a bit strange. Definitely different."

"Some women might see that as a challenge." I shrugged.

She shook her head. "Not me. I'm not his type. I'm not sure you are for that matter." With a mischievous grin she put out a hand and cupped my breast for an instant. "You're more my type than his." Giggling at the shocked look on my face, she squeezed my other boob and left the washroom.

I couldn't bring myself to admit to her that she was right, that no woman was his type, so I headed back to our table with my breasts tingling from her touch. The guys were on stage waiting for her, and I studied her as she joined them. It was difficult to tell for sure because she was wearing a flared skirt, but it seemed to me either her bottom was overly generous or she had wide hips. Whatever the case may be, she certainly swayed in a way that would catch the eyes of most men, so why should she be interested in women? I didn't know whether I should be flattered or shocked. Since Karl had first thrust his cock into me I had been determined to explore my new found sexuality, but women weren't even remotely a part of my plans. Now I was beginning to wonder.

A couple of minutes after the music started again, Connie and her two friends joined me at the table, and I found my eyes drawn to her massive tits in fascination. What would it be like to feel those huge nipples boring into my palms? How would it feel to have the lips of another woman teasing my own hard buds? And maybe more? I tried to shake off the thought and concentrate on the music, but every time I looked towards the stage I couldn't escape the feeling that Jane was watching me. Growing increasingly uncomfortable with the way my mind was working, I went for a walk to the pool deck to clear my head. It didn't prove to be such a good idea, because everywhere I looked were reminders of what I was trying hard not to think about. Eventually I gave up and returned to the cabin, where I stretched out on the narrow bunk and tried to nap. Every time I closed my eyes I saw bulging swimming trunks, bouncing breasts and enticing camel toes, and sighing in resignation I left the cabin and wandered aimlessly around the ship until dinner was served.

Once again there was no sign of any of the usual gang in the main lounge, and after about an hour I began to feel restless. Picking up my handbag I went on deck and stood leaning against the rail watching the sunset.

"It's beautiful isn't it? The sky is so clear away from the pollution." I turned, startled, and saw that Jane had come out and was standing a couple of feet away watching me.

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, I love sunsets. No matter how many you see there are never two the same."

She moved a little closer, not quite touching, and we stood in silence for several minutes as the sun sank lower. As darkness closed in she spoke quietly. "I think you liked it." It was a statement, although there was a hint of a question, and even though I knew what she was referring to, I didn't know how to answer so I said nothing. After a brief silence she turned to look at me, and this time it was a direct question. "You did like it, didn't you?" I still couldn't trust myself to reply, but I made no move to stop her cupping my breast. Her palm rubbed lightly across my nipple, and I drew in a deep breath as she lifted my chin and kissed me. It was a gentle exploratory kiss, with none of the urgent hunger shown by the guys, and although I told myself I didn't want to I felt myself responding. Her probing tongue tasted sweet, and I shivered with pleasure as her hand delved under my shirt and caressed my bare skin. Again, it was nothing like the demanding insistent groping of the men. Her hand was as soft as oiled silk, and her fingers were plucking at my nipples in rhythm with my thumping heartbeat.

The warmth of her kisses radiated to my loins, and she suddenly broke away and took my hands. "Shall we go to my cabin?" I knew what she wanted, and I wasn't sure that I wanted the same, but my curiosity was greater than my uncertainty, so I allowed her to guide me to the lift. As we waited I grew apprehensive. She knew I wasn't wearing a bra, which was nothing unusual these days, but if it got that far how would she react when she discovered I wasn't wearing panties? Would she think I had left them off for a man, or would she think I had been waiting for her to make a move? I doubted that she would accept the truth that I simply preferred the freedom and the excitement that the freedom brought.

I stood fidgeting nervously in the lift as the doors closed, and Jane smiled and turned me to face her. "It'll be OK, you'll see."

I wanted to feel her hands on my breasts again, reassuring me with gentle caresses, but I was too afraid to move. Even more so I wanted to put my hands on her breasts, but the same fear held me back. Suddenly afraid that things were moving too fast for me to control, I hesitated when the lift doors opened, but she gently but insistently urged me towards her cabin. When she opened the door and ushered me inside I realised it was far from tourist class like the cabin I shared with Paul two decks below. It was about half as big again as ours and was dominated by a large single bed. Still wearing the same reassuring smile she reached out, and I stood mutely as she unfastened my shirt and slipped it down my arms before revealing her own firm orbs. Taking both of my hands she stroked my palms across her hard brown nipples before pressing our breasts together and kissing me again.

Now that the ice had been broken I stepped back and took her nipple between my lips, exploring the soft female suppleness. I felt her fumbling with the fastening of my skirt, and as it fell in a circle around my feet she gave a grin of delight and dropped her own garment. "I thought I was the only girl who likes feeling the breeze on her pussy." She pulled me down onto the bed and guided my fingers to her equally naked, equally bald slit.

'If this is what my pussy feels like to others.' I thought as I probed her silky wetness, 'It's no wonder men are so keen to have a feel. And some types of women apparently.' Jane moaned and adjusted her position to suck my tits and thrust against my fingers. As her orgasm started she quickly moved above me, knees astride my head, and pushed her tongue between my lower lips and on to my clit. This was something that hadn't occurred to me might happen, and I jerked in surprise, causing her tongue to slide along the length of my slit and send arrows of fire to every cell of my being. Unable to resist, I opened her sex wide and applied my tongue, delighting in the delicate soft texture of her tender pink inner folds, and the hard bud of her clit.

Guided by her greater experience I mimicked each move she made, as she brought me closer and closer to my peak. Her musky scent and the salty-sweetness of her juices made me eager for more and I lapped furiously, silently begging her to pour her cum into my waiting mouth. The explosion when it came was everything I hoped it would be. My entire body went into a spasm in an unbelievably intense orgasm, and my mouth was flooded by Jane's outpouring of creamy ladycum. When the first flush of passion ebbed we collapsed into a giggling girly heap of tangled arms and legs. I don't remember how many times we made love, but it was not until the small hours of the morning that I fell wearily into my own bunk.

It took me a while to go to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking of what had happened. I was a little shocked at how easily I had entered into a lesbian relationship, although in truth I couldn't think of myself as a true lesbian because I enjoyed a cock too much to give up regular fucking. Nonetheless the softness of feminine curves and the taste of cunt juice definitely appealed to me, so I was in no hurry to give that up either. Nor was I willing to forgo the pleasure having my cunt licked by someone who instinctively knew the best way to do it. I would always prefer a good hard poking, but there would be times when soft tits a wet pussy and an educated tongue would be just what I needed.

There was no doubt I was in a state of eager anticipation of the rest of the cruise, with visions of spending my afternoons being joyfully plundered by hard vibrant cocks, and in the evenings surrendering to softly sensuous feminine curves.

The only blemish on my otherwise perfect holiday came at the start of the third week. I had been beside the pool as usual, and after more than an hour in the hot sun I began feeling thirsty. Neither of the guys was there to buy me a cold drink, so I decided to return to the cabin for my purse. Stepping from the lift I noticed the linen trolley outside our cabin, with no sign of the attendant. I didn't give it much of a thought as I moved past it and opened the door, but what I saw left me speechless with outrage. Kneeling beside my bunk and leaning forward so her upper body was hidden by the end of the bunk was a strange woman. Her skirt was pulled up to her hips, and the cabin attendant was kneeling behind her savagely ramming his cock in and out. I was about to explode and bawl them out for daring to use a passenger cabin for clandestine sex, when a voice gasped five words that burned into my brain. "Fuck yes! Harder Tony, harder." I was too stunned to do more than stare as I recognised the voice I had lived with for five years. As much as I hated to believe it, I could not deny the facts. The person I thought was a woman begging to be brutally fucked was my husband Paul, wearing one of my dresses. Pure blind rage and humiliation took away my capacity to speak, and I spun around and fled.

I was unable to face Paul, so I skipped lunch and dinner, snacking instead on a sandwich from the coffee shop. When I was sure he would be in the main lounge in the evening, I sought the solitude of our cabin to try to sort out my thoughts and feelings. After about an hour had passed there was a soft tapping on the door. I remained motionless, hoping whoever it was would go away, but a few seconds later Jane's voice came to me through the locked door. "I know you are in there Kate. Please let me in, I need to talk to you."

Reluctantly I turned the latch, and when she saw my tear streaked face she wrapped me in her arms. "Oh baby, what's the matter?"

Unable to hold it in any longer, I clung to her and sobbed out what I had seen. To my surprise she didn't seem the least bit shocked. "I don't see why you're so surprised. Surely you knew he was gay? It was pretty obvious. I knew it as soon as I met him. That was what I meant when I said he was different. How could you be married to him for so long and not know?"

I shook my head. "It didn't occur to me. We grew up together and to me he was just Paul. To be honest I've never really understood what gay meant. Neither of us had ever been with anyone else so what we had was normal to us. I knew he didn't like to make love to me, and that he has never been comfortable around women, but I thought it was just a phobia. You know, the way some people are afraid of spiders and stuff. I thought if I could persuade him to get help he would grow out of it. But what I saw him doing was disgusting."

"What was so disgusting about it?" she asked calmly. "He's gay, and that's all there is to it." She lifted her skirt before continuing. "Realistically, what is so different between your husband sucking a cock and his wife licking this?"

I shook my head. "He wasn't sucking a cock, he had one up his bum."

She laughed without humour. "Now you're splitting hairs. You can guarantee if he likes it up his ass he likes it down his throat. That's just the way it is. The two go together. To be fair, you enjoy having your mouth on a wet cunt so why should you object to him enjoying his mouth on a hard cock?"

I knew what she said was reasonable, but I was in no mood to be rational. We weren't just talking about any man, we were talking about my husband. Paul had betrayed me and that was all that concerned me. And to make matters worse he had betrayed me with another man. He didn't want to fuck his wife, but apparently he was more than willing to butt fuck a guy, probably in my bunk. Well two could play that game. He had hurt me and so I wanted to hurt him. Jane's skirt was still raised, and I pushed her onto her back and fastened my mouth over her bald cunt. She gasped with surprise, but as I probed with my tongue her gasp turned to a sigh, and she pulled my head tight into her crotch. It didn't take long to make her cum, and after I finished lapping up her fluids, I looked at her. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I pleaded. "I couldn't bear to sleep here after what happened."

She nodded. "OK, just for tonight, but you have to face him sooner or later." We only made love once more that evening, and I lay awake long into the night thinking about what she had said. She had been perfectly right of course. Considering the way I had been acting like a bitch in heat, I had no right to judge Paul for following his own urges, no matter what they were. I finally fell into an exhausted sleep, and was woken by Jane's mouth on my nipples and her fingers pushing into my pussy. My body responded instantly, and I moved quickly into a sixty nine. We licked and tongue fucked each other for almost an hour until our clits could take no more, and then we showered before she virtually frog marched me to my cabin. Pushing me through the door, she looked at Paul. "You two need to talk - now." She slammed the door as she left, and Paul looked at me questioningly.

"What was that all about, and where were you all day yesterday and last night?"

I didn't know how to start, so I took a deep breath and plunged ahead. "I was with Jane last night. I stayed with her because I couldn't bear to be near you after what I saw you doing with the attendant yesterday morning."

At least he had the decency to look embarrassed. "Listen Kate, I can explain...."

"Explain what?" I snapped. "How you came to be wearing my clothes and had a cock up your ass? I suppose you're going to tell me it just happened? That it was unintentional. That it was an accident and you didn't mean it to happen?"

He shook his head. "No, I can't say that."

In the face of his honesty I couldn't stay angry, or even resentful. And I sat beside him and took his hand. "How long has it been going on between you?"

"Just over a week. He comes here every morning after you go to the pool."

"I see. Why didn't you tell me you were gay instead of hiding it for all these years? Instead of letting me believe you just had a phobia about girls?"

He shook his head again. "It wasn't like that. I couldn't tell you because I hadn't realised it myself. Last week when I turned in early after a few drinks I bumped into Tony on the way back here. We chatted for a while then he started stroking my crotch and I couldn't help myself."

"OK, I'm trying hard to understand, but there are some things I need to know. You might not want to tell me but I really do need to know, OK?" For the first time he met my eyes as he nodded. "Do you suck his cock? Does he suck yours? Do you fuck him the way he fucks you? Do you like it when he sucks you? Do you ask him to do it? Do you like it when your cock is in his ass? Do you really want to do that too? Do you get excited at the thought?"

He nodded at each of my questions, and despite myself I found I was becoming aroused. "If we switch off the light could you pretend I'm him and let me suck your cock? Could you pretend I'm him and fuck my ass?"

For long moments he didn't reply, just sat with his eyes closed, and my eyes moved to his crotch, looking for signs of life. I could see he was thinking, and I put my hand on his thigh and tried to deepen my voice. "Come on Paul, show Tony that big wonderful cock." He froze when I reached for his zipper, then sighed and leaned back. I rubbed his crotch firmly, then took his semi flaccid tool out, squeezing it tightly the way I thought a man would do it. After what seemed an eternity it began to stiffen, and for the first time ever I was able to look at my husband's rigid cock. I slipped my hand along his shaft to gently cup his testicles, and leaned forward and took him into my mouth.

My hopes were raised as I sucked and licked his hard prick, but after a couple of minutes it started to shrink, and Paul pushed me away gently. "I'm sorry Kate, it's just not working. I honestly thought it would for a moment, but it just doesn't do it for me. Maybe if I'd had a few drinks it wouldn't feel so different." The last was said almost jokingly, and I laughed in return. I wasn't too disappointed with my failed attempt to give him a blow job, because I hadn't really expected to succeed, but at least we had reached a sort of truce, an understanding.